What Could Possibly Go Wrong?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Don’t worry. They’re scientists. You can tell because they have white lab coats on.

We manufactured a virus that kills the elderly. They are a worthless drain on the collective. If a few younger deaths occur it is nothing more than collateral damage.
Reports indicate UNC <(U. of North Carolina) researchers were potentially exposed to lab-created coronaviruses in several incidents since 2015. These incidents highlight the risks even in the most secure and respected research facilities.
This is the chronology:
NC>3.7million dollars>Dr. Fauci>NIH>Wuhan Lab. The virus was a success.

The rulers on this earth know just how successful biological weapons are. They are cheap to produce in mass quantities, extremely easy to release, and deadlier than soldiers and tanks, and they lower the earth's population, which is a NWO directive.

There is a blessing attached to understanding Revelation. I believe it is knowing what is coming and preparing accordingly. The Bible says more about this time frame on earth than any other era. This is just the beginning. It is going to get much, much worse.
"And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows."

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