What A Huge Day In America....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The Democrats finally decided now was the time to relax the masks standards......

Folks this is YUGE!!!!

Yep....Democrats created this crisis.....and now they picked this week to act like a celebration is in order.
We're finally free again!!!!!

So ignore the gas shortages.....the massive inflation....and the COVID pouring through our borders because the President Of The United States thinks that the border is closed and never does anything to address any of these horrendous problems.
Ya but, if Biden keeps fucking up we might have to have another "pandemic" again and blame Trump
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The good guys have the bad guys' goat.

The right screams about masks, finally got their way, and then scream about no masks.
I could only watch the video until that disgusting, stomach turning little faggot Lemon came on, then I had to end it. I can't listen to these demented sons a bitches. I don't see how anyone can.
It got worse. I had not watched any of it until you posted. The picture showed Maddow, so when you posted I started skipping through it wondering what Lemon was doing in what I thought was a Maddow thing. Like I said it got worse. I skipped to 4:47 and it was Dom and Cuomo. Got nothing really against CNN in general but Dom is an irritant, but far worse when he is with Cuomo. I swear sometimes I think Cuomo wants to get room with that guy. Not good by themselves, but together, unwatchable.
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Ya but, if Biden keeps fucking up we might have to have another "pandemic" again and blame Trump

My guess is we will...coming this Fall and into late Spring 2022....just watch, all this UN-masking will just be temporary. The CDC and Dr. "Flip-flop" Fauci will say it otherwise...

"Wear the mask (make that 4 masks at once), because we are experiencing another "plandemic". And we must act now...."Follow the (stupid) Science".

As if they "claim" they have been doing all along in 2019-2020.

I could only watch the video until that disgusting, stomach turning little faggot Lemon came on, then I had to end it. I can't listen to these demented sons a bitches. I don't see how anyone can.
Lemon, Maddow, Carlson, Hannity. All of them suck out loud.
If you are so petty and blatantly useless to the planet, as well as a waste of space and resources, as to whine, bitch, moan, cry, and throw a tantrum because someone wears a mask.......you need to be thrown into a woodchipper, feet first, VERY VERY SLOWLY!!!!

Obviously these "people" have no life, no clue, and no business being on this planet!!!
what they are doing is dividing again......

Those who had the vaccine and those who didn't. How will they know who has been vaccinated and who hasn't?
They are COUNTING on at least a few vocal groups to call for it.....and they will use the media to blow it out of proportion, then demand it in Congress "for your safety"
This a well calculated step....not them giving in.

Won't be long now....all they have left is to take the guns.

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The Democrats finally decided now was the time to relax the masks standards......

Folks this is YUGE!!!!

Yep....Democrats created this crisis.....and now they picked this week to act like a celebration is in order.
We're finally free again!!!!!

So ignore the gas shortages.....the massive inflation....and the COVID pouring through our borders because the President Of The United States thinks that the border is closed and never does anything to address any of these horrendous problems.

While the CDC actually made the decision. It is the action of the American public that is responsible.

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