Welcome to the pushback: Texas business owner fires every vaccinated worker to avoid the Biden penalty

^^^Says the guy who cheered the shutdown and destruction of nearly every small business in America.
Hoss, nearly all? Are ya sure?

Almost 100%? Or almost complete?

Order was full? Bam, done?

The whole fucking 9-yards?

Every straw in the bale?

All 10 pins?
So he fired a bunch of employees and now he cant service his customers. What a brilliant guy! Owning the libs by running your business into the ground! What a genius!
What a dumb ass. Would not want to eat at one of his restaurants. Pretty unlikely he would be letting his patrons know, with a sign on the door "ABSOLUTELY NO VACCINATED EMPLOYEES ON STAFF HERE ** ENJOY YOUR MEAL!
The business owner has opened himself to multiple law suits. And while the employees may draw a judge who is also a trump Nazi, who will decide in favor of the employer, there will remain the legal fees the a$$hole restaurant owner must pay.

But, since the employers is a typically stupid trump Nazi, he hasn't planned that far ahead.

The business owner has opened himself to multiple law suits. And while the employees may draw a judge who is also a trump Nazi, who will decide in favor of the employer, there will remain the legal fees the a$$hole restaurant owner must pay.

But, since the employers is a typically stupid trump Nazi, he hasn't planned that far ahead.

I do not know about Texas (where this occurred) employment law. Tennessee is a right to hire/right to fire state. You are not owed continued employment once hired. He is an asshole, but there is the strong possibility that lawsuit would be fruitless, if he complied with workplace unemployment compensation laws, which may not apply to part-time workers to begin with. It is not likely 32 low paid part-time/full-time employees would be able to fund the lawsuit, or if won, would be worth the effort and at the same time, cost of defending lawsuit would be a legitimate business expense.
I suspect the restaurant workers time and money would be better served, seeking low paying jobs in the restaurant food sector elsewhere, if that is how they wish to make a living. I do not see the state of Texas or it's courts, punishing the small business owner for exercising his business plan as he sees fit in this case (catering to the anti-vax crowd of consumer, no matter the size of that market), no matter how it is perceived to outraged people in other parts of the country. It is Texas. Prove me wrong.
What a dumb ass. Would not want to eat at one of his restaurants. Pretty unlikely he would be letting his patrons know, with a sign on the door "ABSOLUTELY NO VACCINATED EMPLOYEES ON STAFF HERE ** ENJOY YOUR MEAL!
Just wear a mask. You'll be ok.
Just wear a mask. You'll be ok.
I do, wear when necessary, but take off in restaurants. I am sure there are other restaurants that care more about my health, the public's health and that of their low paid employees for me to choose from. It is certain to become a hit with the anti-vax/anti-precaution crowd and likely become a superspreader site. I would choose somewhere else, but that's just me.
I do, wear when necessary, but take off in restaurants. I am sure there are other restaurants that care more about my health, the public's health and that of their low paid employees for me to choose from. It is certain to become a hit with the anti-vax/anti-precaution crowd and likely become a superspreader site. I would choose somewhere else, but that's just me.
No matter: if you wear your mask, you're 100% safe. Right?
No matter: if you wear your mask, you're 100% safe. Right?
No, hell no. I have never been 100% safe in any dynamic system in my life and neither have you, whether you knew it or not. I was school trained. Used to write risk assessments. 100% can't exist except after the fact. I have seen 100% dead in single track vehicle accident. Stupid is hard to plan for or project as a percentage.
No, hell no. I have never been 100% safe in any dynamic system in my life and neither have you, whether you knew it or not. I was school trained. Used to write risk assessments. 100% can't exist except after the fact. I have seen 100% dead in single track vehicle accident. Stupid is hard to plan for or project as a percentage.
Oh...mask don't make you safe from the ching Chong virus?

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