Week 11; Empty Seats Indicate Many Fans still Have not Forgiven NFL for Kneeling Fiasco

If they think there are empty seats now, just wait and see what happens if anyone signs Kaepernick.


Or maybe there might be more fans as people attend to boo Kaepernick.

If Kaepernick cranks his anti-Americanism to new levels- like giving a Black Power salute during the anthem like Carlos and Smith did during the Olympics?

Or if Kaepernick craps on the flag during the anthem to show his hatred for the Deplorables?

Or if Kaepernick insists on the microphone after the anthem so he can sing "La Internacionale" for the fans?

Then people might attend just to boo the QB.

What has he done that is anti-American?
He made NFL fans think of something other than football. Sacrilege!
He broke the matrix.

Does that mean he should have been dancing and smiling.

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