Wealth Tax: Yeah! Why do Warren Buffett and Bill gates need so much money in their Trust?

Where, some private industry is allowed to exist, the ones the State allows, so long as they are only working to advance the goals the State wants
Have you noticed how that seems to be working better for the Chinese than "free market" capitalism is working here?

How about the command economy in the US during WWII compared to today's Wall Street directed economy?
It works well for the Chinese elite, not the average Chinese person, or anyone attempting to build a large business without major connections.

If you don't like the American system's corruption, the last place you should admire is China, because it's basically what would happen here if we took corporatism even further but had a dictator controlling everything at the top.

Now, Taiwan is pretty free market and a lot less corrupt.
Right! Why don't we tax millionaires to working class status, Komrade?!
Why don't we tax millionaires according to how they earn their money? Is there some reason why those parasites who earn millions by strangling the productive economy and consumers in endless coils of debt should not be taxed into extinction?

America’s Path To A FIRE Economy
Right! Why don't we tax millionaires to working class status, Komrade?!
Why don't we tax millionaires according to how they earn their money? Is there some reason why those parasites who earn millions by strangling the productive economy and consumers in endless coils of debt should not be taxed into extinction?

America’s Path To A FIRE Economy
They suck the wealth that rightfully belongs to the Proletariat! We need Socialist Progressive Leaders to right this abortion!!
How is it contrived? If they are defrauding people, we should nail them for it. If people are voluntarily giving them their money - it's none of our fucking business.
How do consumers voluntarily give their money when they are dealing with contracts of deliberately dense legalese so convoluted that even law school professors are unable to understand it?
... capitalism is zero-sum in the sense that the wealth of one individual is not the wealth of another.

Ahh... so when you say zero-sum, you don't mean anything at all like what the rest of us mean when we say "zero-sum". Most people think of it as a system where the wealth of one person can't go up without diminishing the wealth of another. Your conception is different. Unless I'm misunderstanding, you're saying it's zero-sum because wealth is privately owned.
How is it contrived? If they are defrauding people, we should nail them for it. If people are voluntarily giving them their money - it's none of our fucking business.
How do consumers voluntarily give their money when they are dealing with contracts of deliberately dense legalese so convoluted that even law school professors are unable to understand it?

Being deceived by misleading and deceptive contracts is never voluntary. It's fraud.
It's not a question of what anyone "deserves".

It's a question of useful allocation of resources. Billionaires, unless they are defrauding people or stealing, are allocated vasts somes of wealth because they are good at allocating it effectively
How would you rate Jeff Bezos's effectiveness at distributing Amazon revenues to his 1.2 million employees? How many new Amazon millionaires would be created if Jeff distributed 90% of his net worth to those who produce it?
We give them lots of money because they do smart things with it, things that society wants and needs. Otherwise society would not assign them so much wealth.
Do you think the billionaires on Wall Street do "smart things" with the money they allocate? When the Federal Reserve actually buys junk bonds, does this effectively kill the pricing mechanism of Wall Street?

From last April"

The Fed Is Killing the Two Main Functions of Wall Street: Price Discovery and Prudent Capital Allocation

"On Thursday, knowing that a three-day Easter weekend was coming and the attention of the public would be elsewhere, the Federal Reserve announced that it would allow two of its emergency lending programs to begin buying junk bonds.

"Those are bonds with less than an investment-grade credit rating, meaning they have a greater likelihood of defaulting.

"The Fed is not simply accepting junk bonds as collateral for loans, it will actually be buying junk bonds — potentially hundreds of billions of dollars of them."
What you want to do is intervene and "correct" society's allocation of wealth via force. That's immoral and impractical.
I want to use democratic means to force government to allocate wealth in ways that don't produce a few vast fortunes while leaving millions in poverty. Billionaires have used government to obtain the laws and institutions that made their exploitation legal, and I would use government to remedy the inequities.
It's not a question of what anyone "deserves".

It's a question of useful allocation of resources. Billionaires, unless they are defrauding people or stealing, are allocated vasts somes of wealth because they are good at allocating it effectively
How would you rate Jeff Bezos's effectiveness at distributing Amazon revenues to his 1.2 million employees? How many new Amazon millionaires would be created if Jeff distributed 90% of his net worth to those who produce it?
Does Amazon have a profit sharing program ?? And if so, does it drop below management levels ??? Most companies have incentives and profit sharing that usually stops at management levels, and by this it really is an incentive to work employees that are barely above the poverty lines, otherwise by using all sorts of tactics that are incentivised through management perks to be used in order to keep the machine pumping strong with less labor cost.
What you want to do is intervene and "correct" society's allocation of wealth via force. That's immoral and impractical.
I want to use democratic means to force government to allocate wealth in ways that don't produce a few vast fortunes while leaving millions in poverty. Billionaires have used government to obtain the laws and institutions that made their exploitation legal, and I would use government to remedy the inequities.
Using government to do these things (unless can truly trust the government in which we can't), has turned out to be a failure in most of the modern day business dealings of the past and present. To depend on government hasn't worked either.
What you want to do is intervene and "correct" society's allocation of wealth via force. That's immoral and impractical.
I want to use democratic means to force government to allocate wealth in ways that don't produce a few vast fortunes while leaving millions in poverty.

That's an abuse of government. People should be free to trade however they want. Forcing the majority's will on them with democracy is just bullying.

Billionaires have used government to obtain the laws and institutions that made their exploitation legal, and I would use government to remedy the inequities.

What the fuck does that mean? I mean, besides the empty socialist buzzword of "exploitation" - what are they doing that should be illegal?
We give them lots of money because they do smart things with it, things that society wants and needs. Otherwise society would not assign them so much wealth.
Do you think the billionaires on Wall Street do "smart things" with the money they allocate?

It's not up to me. It's what everyone else thinks, ie the market, that matters. They seem to think he's doing something right.

When the Federal Reserve actually buys junk bonds, does this effectively kill the pricing mechanism of Wall Street?

The Federal Reserve screws up all kinds of things.
By the people. Indeed. People who represent society based on rules. The demofks aren’t a government to enforce their rules. Yet, you think they are. Fk that junior
Is Trump an example of "people who represent society based on rules" or a corrupt crony capitalist who cut out the politicians?
Fk it does. It’s based on the job, the employer and what the employer will pay. Government got nothing to do with any of that.
When employers exploited child labor to maximize profits, was government wrong to outlaw child labor?

You think exactly like all conservatives; anything the rich decide to do is perfectly acceptable. IOW. you think like a slave.
Completely incorrect. Certainly under Capitalism, we have owners, and employees, but under Capitalism, there are no barriers to become an owner. An employee can become an owner, they can own their own property, and the fruits of their labor.
That's true since there is no legal prohibition preventing a worker from becoming an owner or shareholder. Ethical inhibitions from becoming rich by exploiting the labor of others present other problems.
No one's labor is exploited.

Every employee enters an employment contract by choice for an agreed upon wage.

If an employee is dissatisfied with the arrangement between him and his employer he can terminate that agreement at any time.

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