‘We Out Like The Taliban!’ - Charlotte in Chaos After Police Shooting


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Violent protests break out in Charlotte after police fatally shoot black man; 12 officers injured

"Charlotte, N.C., erupted into a riot Tuesday night after hundreds of people gathered to protest the fatal shooting of a black man.

According to police, officers were serving a warrant when they encountered Keith Lamont Scott in his car. Police say Scott got out of his car with a gun and was shot because he posed an immediate threat."

‘We Out Like The Taliban!’ Charlotte Citizens Riot After Police Shooting [VIDEO]

Scott's car was pulled over while police were looking for a suspect.

Scott gout out of the car....1st mistake.

Scott was holding a gun, according to officers - some claim he was holding a book....2nd mistake - nothing in your hands.

The police ordered Scott to drop the 'weapon' several times, which witnesses confirm.

Scott did NOT drop what was in his hand...3rd mistake.

Scott instead reportedly got back in the car...4th mistake

A BLACK police officer approached and shot Scott, still believing he had a gun and posed a threat after refusing to comply with orders...

This is another tragedy that did NOT have to happen.

In a time when police are being stalked and shot, ambushed and killed, when are people going to learn?!

If you are stopped by a policeman, stay in your car. DON'T get out.
DON'T get out of the car with anything in your hands.
Stay in the car.
Place your hands where they can see them.
If you have a concealed carry permit weapon in the car, let the policeman know immediately
Keep your hands where they can see them and comply with all orders.
If the policeman is harassing you, comply with all orders and file a complain later.
If you think the police acted inappropriately you have the right to peacefully protest. You do NOT have the right to damage property, to attack the police, to attack other innocents, to damage property, to loot, and / or commit arson.

Some thugs are just waiting for excuses to do these things.

And do they REALLY think doing these things and then declaring you are emulating terrorists is going to get you and your cause any sympathy? 'We out like the Taliban'?! Really. What 'you' just declared with that statement is that you are a criminal thug terrorist...that's it.
Saw a video of some incredibly ignorant black woman steeped in ebonics but quite skilled in using the various forms of motherfucker ranting and raving like a lunatic about the injustice of an innocent armed black man being shot by a black policeman. If I was black I'd be embarrassed to tears by her and her ilk in our community.
I read the article and saw that there were some people trying to calm the others down and stop the shootings. looting and burning. We have to remember that not all blacks subscribe to the dangerous acts of BLM.

If I understood correctly, the police shooter was not wearing a camera. He may pay for that!

Let's wait and see what the investigation shows. Just why was the man shot...did he have a gun?

Please...everyone... follow the orders of the police! And follow the tips of easy in the OP!
From the news conference and what the Black chief of police said, it appears to be a justified shooting. The chief not only stated that there was film footage but that there were eyewitnesses who heard the police order the man drop his weapon. It should be pointed out that the man's family were not among those eyewitnesses.
Blacks are stupid, they can't follow simple directions, they threaten cops, then when the cops defend themselves, they riot.

You blacks can have your own areas free of cops, you can destroy yourself without law and order all you want. I propose complete separation.
Blacks are stupid, they can't follow simple directions, they threaten cops, then when the cops defend themselves, they riot.

You blacks can have your own areas free of cops, you can destroy yourself without law and order all you want. I propose complete separation.
You are painting with a wide brush, there rr. I prefer to think it's BLM and that doesn't represent all blacks. Many are good people who are disgusted with them as we are.
Saw a video of some incredibly ignorant black woman steeped in ebonics but quite skilled in using the various forms of motherfucker ranting and raving like a lunatic about the injustice of an innocent armed black man being shot by a black policeman. If I was black I'd be embarrassed to tears by her and her ilk in our community.
If black people would realize that their ebonics and cursing just makes them look ignorant, racial and irrational, maybe the black community would denounce them.
Saw a video of some incredibly ignorant black woman steeped in ebonics but quite skilled in using the various forms of motherfucker ranting and raving like a lunatic about the injustice of an innocent armed black man being shot by a black policeman. If I was black I'd be embarrassed to tears by her and her ilk in our community.

I heard a relative of the dead guy shot her mouth off to kick start this riot. Lock her up. Make BLM/Soros pay all costs.

All reports I have heard say the perp had a gun........Police don't just go out and gun down normal Civilians IMVHO.
Can someone tell me why no one damaging police cars and injuring cops are being arrested? If they break the demonstration etiquette, warn them to get back on the sidewalks or put them before a stern judge. This is getting out of hand. What happened to our Nation of Laws?
Can someone tell me why no one damaging police cars and injuring cops are being arrested? If they break the demonstration etiquette, warn them to get back on the sidewalks or put them before a stern judge. This is getting out of hand. What happened to our Nation of Laws?

1. I have heard some officers say they do not want to incite more violence, are letting some of the people 'blow off steam', AND - as in Baltimore and other places - after it is all over & things have calmed down the police use cameras to identify looters and other criminals.

2. Law Enforcement and the example of such is started at the top. When 'the little people' see high ranking politicians and bureaucrats breaking the law and not getting punished they follow the example.
Can someone tell me why no one damaging police cars and injuring cops are being arrested? If they break the demonstration etiquette, warn them to get back on the sidewalks or put them before a stern judge. This is getting out of hand. What happened to our Nation of Laws?

Also - great point. A 2nd night of chaos and crime in Charlotte: A CNN reporter gets attacked, thugs are kicking in windows ON CAMERA, stores were looted...

These acts are not about protesting a black man being shot in order to bring about CHANGE. This is unleashed hatred and criminal activity. The message many want to bring about here is that blacks should be treated more humanely, more fairly, with more respect...and then people see these other thugs / criminals burning, looting, attacking - undermining that message.

What do THEY hope to accomplish through these actions...other than getting some Free Panthers stuff from looting the shop near the stadium or a new TV from Wal Mart?

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