We are MSNBC


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Bum Bum bumbum Bum bum Bah! to yuz Non Farmers
or Non Americans.Where it can be proven that some
cable outlers can allow or make room for scum to rise to the
top.Like Every weekday.What a way to start an Americans
weekday.Where those like a corrupted DA Alvin Bragg is treated
as if thankful for what he's doing in the Big Apple.
Akin to how Al Sharpton has been treated with uber kid gloves
for all his cruddy bigotry over the years.The guy was rewarded with his
own hosting Prime Time hour in 2012.Where he spent an entire
summer of Suppresion { 2012 } virtually leveling every gnarly attack
on his favorite boogeyman.His political adversary.Which I guess
is now the business plan/model for Bragg.Who if anything Deserves an
Ethics charge { violation } for being the new version of what we
had to endure from The Place to go for how Scum rises to the top.
MSNBC and Shady characters { albeit an attorney } like Michael Avenatti.
The guy who was regularly featured at MSNBC.Even calls for his running
for Presiden.Talk about Gall.Thankfully the bald-headed prick/Liar/con artist
was found out,jailed and will always be a notorious Public Figure Felon.
Plus disbarred from practicing law in both California and New York.
Two super duper Democrat Happy places to live.Not work just Live.
Talk about Life lessons.
" The most useful piece of learning for the uses of
life is to unlearn what is untrue. "
Antisthenes { Founder,Cynic School of Philosophy }
{ c. 445-365 B.C. }

Dig Daddios
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Seek therapy. :)
Because it's my fault for daring to point out abject truth.
That is the level that the United States had been putz under.
A nationwide Gaslighting Mass Hysteria Psychosis tactic.
To make virtual sheeple out of ordinary American citizens.
How dare any good American question the likes of MSNBC
and their hyper propaganda.Avanatti got real close to getting away
with his criminal fraud.If not for Good Americans willing to expose
such crap ... there is no use for Mr.Sunshine to expose.

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