Washington Post Admits To False Trump Quote

Washington Post Admits to False Trump Quote

Good. I hope Trump or the GOP sues the bastards. The false quote was over what Trump said to the Georgia Secretary of State, so it may have affected the election of 2 Democratic Senators from Georgia who were elected soon after.
Dotard probably will...................and get laughed out of court................again.
Six words? “find the fraud” and “a national hero” ?
Call in the brown shirts to arrest them.
Washington Post Admits to False Trump Quote

Good. I hope Trump or the GOP sues the bastards. The false quote was over what Trump said to the Georgia Secretary of State, so it may have affected the election of 2 Democratic Senators from Georgia who were elected soon after.
Dotard probably will...................and get laughed out of court................again.
Six words? “find the fraud” and “a national hero” ?
Call in the brown shirts to arrest them.

They already confessed publicly.. The only question is damages.
The WaPo, NYT, MSNBC, CNN and other MSM outlets are a big impediment to free and fair elections in this country. The degree of bigotry in the media, big tech and the education cartel are large enough and liberally biased enough to destroy our constitutional republic.
Washington Post Admits to False Trump Quote

Good. I hope Trump or the GOP sues the bastards. The false quote was over what Trump said to the Georgia Secretary of State, so it may have affected the election of 2 Democratic Senators from Georgia who were elected soon after.
Dotard probably will...................and get laughed out of court................again.
Six words? “find the fraud” and “a national hero” ?
Call in the brown shirts to arrest them.

They already confessed publicly.. The only question is damages.

Yes, they did, unlike the RWNJ "media".

For what?
When is Trump going to pay for all his lies?
It's called fake news for a reason.

If they don't report a lie every single day their writers could be sent to the gulag by the CCP.

They must meet their anti-USA disinformation quota.

This is what happens when people vote just because they don't like someone's personality.
Now, we'll be facing danger, financial disaster, lawsuits and confusion for 4 years.
Dotard probably will...................and get laughed out of court................again.
Six words? “find the fraud” and “a national hero” ?
Call in the brown shirts to arrest them.


Didn't listen to the video - a whole 78 seconds you could have spent learning something instead of the next five years continuing to post lies and hate.
Dotard probably will...................and get laughed out of court................again.
Six words? “find the fraud” and “a national hero” ?
Call in the brown shirts to arrest them.


Didn't listen to the video - a whole 78 seconds you could have spent learning something instead of the next five years continuing to post lies and hate.
Already read the article.
Dotard probably will...................and get laughed out of court................again.
Six words? “find the fraud” and “a national hero” ?
Call in the brown shirts to arrest them.


Didn't listen to the video - a whole 78 seconds you could have spent learning something instead of the next five years continuing to post lies and hate.
Already read the article.

What article?
Dotard probably will...................and get laughed out of court................again.
Six words? “find the fraud” and “a national hero” ?
Call in the brown shirts to arrest them.


Didn't listen to the video - a whole 78 seconds you could have spent learning something instead of the next five years continuing to post lies and hate.
Already read the article.

What article?

There are several.
Duplicate Thread, merge?

Washington Post Admits to False Trump Quote
Good. I hope Trump or the GOP sues the bastards. The false quote was over what Trump said to the Georgia Secretary of State, so it may have affected the election of 2 Democratic Senators from Georgia who were elected soon after.
I wonder when Trump is going to admit he lied about election fraud. His ex-lawyer already has. Really, I don't expect him to, after all telling the truth about Trump is what makes a lawyer an ex-lawyer.
Washington Post Admits to False Trump Quote

Good. I hope Trump or the GOP sues the bastards. The false quote was over what Trump said to the Georgia Secretary of State, so it may have affected the election of 2 Democratic Senators from Georgia who were elected soon after.
Fyi. The misquote is not from the Georgia Secretary of State recording....it was from a recording with the Georgia elections investigator.

Your link is a Russian propaganda site.

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