WAPO: Biden Regime Confirming Trump Wuhan Lab Claims.


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Trump, so right so often, just another proof of that.

“In its final days, President Donald Trump’s State Department made a series of highly controversial claims about the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in Wuhan, China, and its possible connection to the covid-19 outbreak. Now, the Biden administration has reviewed those claims, and is confirming some of the facts within them,” the piece begins.

The debate focuses on a January 15th memo and fact sheet from the State Department entitled “Activity at the WIV.” Together, they alleged the U.S. government had evidence “several researchers inside the WIV became sick in autumn 2019 . . . with symptoms consistent with both COVID-19 and common seasonal illnesses.”

What’s more, the findings emphasizes how WIV has failed to disclose the nature of its work on SARS-like coronaviruses and “has collaborated on publications and secret projects with China’s military,” despite claiming otherwise.

“After reviewing the Trump administration’s underlying evidence, none of which has been released publicly, the Biden State Department determined that some of the facts in the Jan. 15 statement are supported by either U.S. government information or public sources, a senior State Department official told me,” Rogin writes.

The Senior State Department official continued, noting “no one is disputing the information”:

“There wasn’t significant or meaningful disagreement regarding the information presented in the fact sheet. No one is disputing the information, the fact that these data points exist, the fact that they are accurate. Where there was some discomfort was that [the Trump administration] put spin on the ball.”

No consequences for China, so it won't matter. The Olympics, a free pass on the virus, stealing HK, grabbing the E.U for themselves as trading. NOW everyone understands that Trump was right about Merkel, Macron and the global socialists. Oh well, now the West climbed a massive hill with one leg tied to their scrotum while China laughs at us through the WTO, UN and WHO.

It gets worse. China is aggressively hiring talented citizens of other nations, using the same money big business funnels over there to assist them in their drive to be the best. I guarantee you that MANY Canadians are on the communist payroll now without even knowing it. From A.I, Life Sciences, quantum computing, computer science and algorithm design. I wonder how many in biological engineering?

Again, it gets even worse as America is on their own, their allies not providing the system that will maintain the best talent domestically. When you have a covert police state like Canada for instance, coupled with decades of Canada telling us "China is our friend", while citizens have to choose between $16/hr or $140k Euros a year. It's an easy decision for citizens to leave and help China in their ambitions. The U.S traditionally offered these citizens the best, now they face stiff global competition for this talent.

As one Canadian told me online, "I can't pretend to know who is what in the world, I have to look after myself and my family". So, if China is the place for him to earn his wealth, he will do so..

Indeed. Consequences galore for rewarding China while centralizing control and opportunity in Canada provides us nothing but mounting public debt and leeches.
This is a story that was first report in Jan 2018

U.S. officials warned in January 2018 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s work on “SARS-like coronaviruses in bats,” combined with “a serious shortage” of proper safety procedures, could result in human transmission and the possibility of a “future emerging coronavirus outbreak.

If Trump took it seriously he should have done something earlier instead of downplaying the virus in the early months. Saying it will be over soon with only one case. Yeah I guess he was wrong about that one.
Trump was right about many things. America was getting to be great again, so they had to get rid of him. What Trump did WRONG was not calling on martial law when the vote counting was stopped, the vids and eye witnesses reported what they experienced, and KNEW he was fixing to be replaced with a mush brain that was and is in china'a pocket. He walked away. THAT is the biggest betral of all. He left us where we are today when he could have done something about it.

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