...wanna do another of those 'jackass-patriot gets caught' topics? ......( this one is good)


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
OK, this guy has been in the news before. He's Guy Reffit. He's the moke who allegedly threatened his kids that he'd kill 'em if they reported his January 6th activities.

Well, this past weekend the prosecutor filed a brief arguing this 'patriot' is too dangerous and unstable to be released on bond. And they offered in their brief some of his more, ah, notable comments. Here is reportage on the brief, which is linked here: https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.226696/gov.uscourts.dcd.226696.10.0.pdf

  • " Reffitt is a member of a '3%er' militia organization known as the 'Texas Three Percenters' (TTP)."*

  • " Reffitt brought at least two firearms with him on his trip to Washington, D.C., an AR-15 rifle and a Smith & Wesson pistol."

  • "Prior to traveling to D.C., the defendant messaged about his plans, including that he intended to 'surveil the atmosphere for like minded Patriots and see if we have enough marching with heat.' The morning of January 6, 2021, Reffitt began to discuss his plans for the day, including 'do the recon and then come back for weapons hot' and sent messages about meeting at the 'rendezvous point.' These messages, along with the weapons that Reffitt carried and the gear he wore, make clear that the defendant did not come to D.C. with the intention to engage in peaceful activity."

  • Reffitt was at the front of the pack that charged U.S. Capitol Police officers, carrying his pistol and flexi-cuffs, and wearing body armor and a helmet mounted with a video camera . . . in statements Reffitt made afterward to fellow militia members and to his family, he explained that he wore the largest jacket he owned so that he could conceal the maximum amount of tactical gear underneath it . . . “We all had weapons but never filed a single round . . . We had thousands of weapons and fired no rounds yet showed numbers. The next time we will not be so cordial."
  • On January 11, 2021, while in his home with his children and another young man who is a family friend, Reffitt stated that he had to erase everything because the FBI was watching him. He then threatened to kill his children if they turned him in or cooperated with the authorities. Specifically, Reffitt told his children to 'choose a side or die.' . . . Both children promptly reported their father’s statements to their mother. When confronted by his wife later that day, instead of showing regret or disavowing what he had said, Reffitt doubled down on these same warnings to her: if the children turned him in they would be traitors – and 'traitors get shot.'

  • And guess what? I’m not done yet. I got a lot more to do. That’s the beginning . . . We took the Capital of the United States of America and we will do it again . . . This has only just begun and will not end until we The People of The Republic have won our country back . . . I have a new security business to circumvent the 2nd Amendment issue. TTP Security Services LLC. Website is under construction but business is licensed with Secretary of State, Texas DPS, and Texas Board of Private Security. We can get ammo and weapons available to law enforcement. We have an interior certified training officer. Join us and lets take back our country. The fight has only just begun." .
I post the above not to pick on poor Guy Reffit, he's got plenty of people mad at him without me adding to the mix. Instead, I post this to give a perspective ....a soda-straw view ....of one more example of the RWNJ's that were instrumental in that attempted de-capitation of our government back on January 6th.

I believe as more court briefs....and trial testimony.....becomes available we will see that Reffit ain't that strange of a character (save for the kill-the-kids aspect). He fits right in with the fatboy MealTeam6 wannabes. Another 'Let's-pretend-toy-soldier'....with live ammunition and fantasies that are dangerous to American citizens. And our rule of law and our democracy.

I personally hope the guy gets threatened with 10+years.....and then cops a plea and squeals on a bunch of these Trumpanzee nutters.
Bag a flock of 'em.


*I put that asterisk up in that first quote in order to address my long standing curiosity about those "3-Percent" nutters.

Which is: What side of the bell-curve does that '3%' lie?
I have my suspicions.
" Reffitt is a member of a '3%er' militia organization known as the 'Texas Three Percenters'
Reffitt brought at least two firearms with him on his trip to Washington, D.C., an AR-15 rifle and a Smith & Wesson pistol."

DC is a murder shit hole.
"Prior to traveling to D.C., the defendant messaged about his plans, including that he intended to 'surveil the atmosphere for like minded Patriots and see if we have enough marching with heat.' The morning of January 6, 2021, Reffitt began to discuss his plans for the day, including 'do the recon and then come back for weapons hot' and sent messages about meeting at the 'rendezvous point.' These messages, along with the weapons that Reffitt carried and the gear he wore, make clear that the defendant did not come to D.C. with the intention to engage in peaceful activity
Let's see the messages.

Otherwise, this is horse shit.
OK, this guy has been in the news before. He's Guy Reffit. He's the moke who allegedly threatened his kids that he'd kill 'em if they reported his January 6th activities.

Well, this past weekend the prosecutor filed a brief arguing this 'patriot' is too dangerous and unstable to be released on bond. And they offered in their brief some of his more, ah, notable comments. Here is reportage on the brief, which is linked here: https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.226696/gov.uscourts.dcd.226696.10.0.pdf

  • " Reffitt is a member of a '3%er' militia organization known as the 'Texas Three Percenters' (TTP)."*

  • " Reffitt brought at least two firearms with him on his trip to Washington, D.C., an AR-15 rifle and a Smith & Wesson pistol."

  • "Prior to traveling to D.C., the defendant messaged about his plans, including that he intended to 'surveil the atmosphere for like minded Patriots and see if we have enough marching with heat.' The morning of January 6, 2021, Reffitt began to discuss his plans for the day, including 'do the recon and then come back for weapons hot' and sent messages about meeting at the 'rendezvous point.' These messages, along with the weapons that Reffitt carried and the gear he wore, make clear that the defendant did not come to D.C. with the intention to engage in peaceful activity."

  • Reffitt was at the front of the pack that charged U.S. Capitol Police officers, carrying his pistol and flexi-cuffs, and wearing body armor and a helmet mounted with a video camera . . . in statements Reffitt made afterward to fellow militia members and to his family, he explained that he wore the largest jacket he owned so that he could conceal the maximum amount of tactical gear underneath it . . . “We all had weapons but never filed a single round . . . We had thousands of weapons and fired no rounds yet showed numbers. The next time we will not be so cordial."
  • On January 11, 2021, while in his home with his children and another young man who is a family friend, Reffitt stated that he had to erase everything because the FBI was watching him. He then threatened to kill his children if they turned him in or cooperated with the authorities. Specifically, Reffitt told his children to 'choose a side or die.' . . . Both children promptly reported their father’s statements to their mother. When confronted by his wife later that day, instead of showing regret or disavowing what he had said, Reffitt doubled down on these same warnings to her: if the children turned him in they would be traitors – and 'traitors get shot.'

  • And guess what? I’m not done yet. I got a lot more to do. That’s the beginning . . . We took the Capital of the United States of America and we will do it again . . . This has only just begun and will not end until we The People of The Republic have won our country back . . . I have a new security business to circumvent the 2nd Amendment issue. TTP Security Services LLC. Website is under construction but business is licensed with Secretary of State, Texas DPS, and Texas Board of Private Security. We can get ammo and weapons available to law enforcement. We have an interior certified training officer. Join us and lets take back our country. The fight has only just begun." .
I post the above not to pick on poor Guy Reffit, he's got plenty of people mad at him without me adding to the mix. Instead, I post this to give a perspective ....a soda-straw view ....of one more example of the RWNJ's that were instrumental in that attempted de-capitation of our government back on January 6th.

I believe as more court briefs....and trial testimony.....becomes available we will see that Reffit ain't that strange of a character (save for the kill-the-kids aspect). He fits right in with the fatboy MealTeam6 wannabes. Another 'Let's-pretend-toy-soldier'....with live ammunition and fantasies that are dangerous to American citizens. And our rule of law and our democracy.

I personally hope the guy gets threatened with 10+years.....and then cops a plea and squeals on a bunch of these Trumpanzee nutters.
Bag a flock of 'em.


*I put that asterisk up in that first quote in order to address my long standing curiosity about those "3-Percent" nutters.

Which is: What side of the bell-curve does that '3%' lie?
I have my suspicions.
You think it is ok to stick your dick in another mans rectum right? Bet this guy never did. So you're nuts.
All I know is 5% of the people really know what they are doing, and the other 95% are fulla shit. That's my Bell Curve
OK, this guy has been in the news before. He's Guy Reffit. He's the moke who allegedly threatened his kids that he'd kill 'em if they reported his January 6th activities.

Well, this past weekend the prosecutor filed a brief arguing this 'patriot' is too dangerous and unstable to be released on bond. And they offered in their brief some of his more, ah, notable comments. Here is reportage on the brief, which is linked here: https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.226696/gov.uscourts.dcd.226696.10.0.pdf

  • " Reffitt is a member of a '3%er' militia organization known as the 'Texas Three Percenters' (TTP)."*

  • " Reffitt brought at least two firearms with him on his trip to Washington, D.C., an AR-15 rifle and a Smith & Wesson pistol."

  • "Prior to traveling to D.C., the defendant messaged about his plans, including that he intended to 'surveil the atmosphere for like minded Patriots and see if we have enough marching with heat.' The morning of January 6, 2021, Reffitt began to discuss his plans for the day, including 'do the recon and then come back for weapons hot' and sent messages about meeting at the 'rendezvous point.' These messages, along with the weapons that Reffitt carried and the gear he wore, make clear that the defendant did not come to D.C. with the intention to engage in peaceful activity."

  • Reffitt was at the front of the pack that charged U.S. Capitol Police officers, carrying his pistol and flexi-cuffs, and wearing body armor and a helmet mounted with a video camera . . . in statements Reffitt made afterward to fellow militia members and to his family, he explained that he wore the largest jacket he owned so that he could conceal the maximum amount of tactical gear underneath it . . . “We all had weapons but never filed a single round . . . We had thousands of weapons and fired no rounds yet showed numbers. The next time we will not be so cordial."
  • On January 11, 2021, while in his home with his children and another young man who is a family friend, Reffitt stated that he had to erase everything because the FBI was watching him. He then threatened to kill his children if they turned him in or cooperated with the authorities. Specifically, Reffitt told his children to 'choose a side or die.' . . . Both children promptly reported their father’s statements to their mother. When confronted by his wife later that day, instead of showing regret or disavowing what he had said, Reffitt doubled down on these same warnings to her: if the children turned him in they would be traitors – and 'traitors get shot.'

  • And guess what? I’m not done yet. I got a lot more to do. That’s the beginning . . . We took the Capital of the United States of America and we will do it again . . . This has only just begun and will not end until we The People of The Republic have won our country back . . . I have a new security business to circumvent the 2nd Amendment issue. TTP Security Services LLC. Website is under construction but business is licensed with Secretary of State, Texas DPS, and Texas Board of Private Security. We can get ammo and weapons available to law enforcement. We have an interior certified training officer. Join us and lets take back our country. The fight has only just begun." .
I post the above not to pick on poor Guy Reffit, he's got plenty of people mad at him without me adding to the mix. Instead, I post this to give a perspective ....a soda-straw view ....of one more example of the RWNJ's that were instrumental in that attempted de-capitation of our government back on January 6th.

I believe as more court briefs....and trial testimony.....becomes available we will see that Reffit ain't that strange of a character (save for the kill-the-kids aspect). He fits right in with the fatboy MealTeam6 wannabes. Another 'Let's-pretend-toy-soldier'....with live ammunition and fantasies that are dangerous to American citizens. And our rule of law and our democracy.

I personally hope the guy gets threatened with 10+years.....and then cops a plea and squeals on a bunch of these Trumpanzee nutters.
Bag a flock of 'em.


*I put that asterisk up in that first quote in order to address my long standing curiosity about those "3-Percent" nutters.

Which is: What side of the bell-curve does that '3%' lie?
I have my suspicions.
You think it is ok to stick your dick in another mans rectum right? Bet this guy never did. So you're nuts.
Are you looking for a date?
"go fuck yourself."

That sounds like you want me to confess which '3% side' of the Bell Curve I think your avatar lies on.
Is that what you want?

But, BLF, let's not go there. I'm shy about doing that stuff. And you may think it is demeaning. And neither of us wants that.

So let's do this: How 'bout you read all of the text in the OP, and then come back and offer us your reasoned opinion on whether a suspect like poor Guy R., is the kind of citizen America should be proud of. (hint: he threatened to kill his 16yr old)
Is he the kind of citizen that these MealTeam6 Militia groups want in their ranks? (he sounds a little 'off', imo).

We would welcome reasoned discourse from you on such issues.
"go fuck yourself."

That sounds like you want me to confess which '3% side' of the Bell Curve I think your avatar lies on.
Is that what you want?

But, BLF, let's not go there. I'm shy about doing that stuff. And you may think it is demeaning. And neither of us wants that.

So let's do this: How 'bout you read all of the text in the OP, and then come back and offer us your reasoned opinion on whether a suspect like poor Guy R., is the kind of citizen America should be proud of. (hint: he threatened to kill his 16yr old)
Is he the kind of citizen that these MealTeam6 Militia groups want in their ranks? (he sounds a little 'off', imo).

We would welcome reasoned discourse from you on such issues.
You do not need large letters when you say small things.
OK, this guy has been in the news before. He's Guy Reffit. He's the moke who allegedly threatened his kids that he'd kill 'em if they reported his January 6th activities.

Well, this past weekend the prosecutor filed a brief arguing this 'patriot' is too dangerous and unstable to be released on bond. And they offered in their brief some of his more, ah, notable comments. Here is reportage on the brief, which is linked here: https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.226696/gov.uscourts.dcd.226696.10.0.pdf

  • " Reffitt is a member of a '3%er' militia organization known as the 'Texas Three Percenters' (TTP)."*

  • " Reffitt brought at least two firearms with him on his trip to Washington, D.C., an AR-15 rifle and a Smith & Wesson pistol."

  • "Prior to traveling to D.C., the defendant messaged about his plans, including that he intended to 'surveil the atmosphere for like minded Patriots and see if we have enough marching with heat.' The morning of January 6, 2021, Reffitt began to discuss his plans for the day, including 'do the recon and then come back for weapons hot' and sent messages about meeting at the 'rendezvous point.' These messages, along with the weapons that Reffitt carried and the gear he wore, make clear that the defendant did not come to D.C. with the intention to engage in peaceful activity."

  • Reffitt was at the front of the pack that charged U.S. Capitol Police officers, carrying his pistol and flexi-cuffs, and wearing body armor and a helmet mounted with a video camera . . . in statements Reffitt made afterward to fellow militia members and to his family, he explained that he wore the largest jacket he owned so that he could conceal the maximum amount of tactical gear underneath it . . . “We all had weapons but never filed a single round . . . We had thousands of weapons and fired no rounds yet showed numbers. The next time we will not be so cordial."
  • On January 11, 2021, while in his home with his children and another young man who is a family friend, Reffitt stated that he had to erase everything because the FBI was watching him. He then threatened to kill his children if they turned him in or cooperated with the authorities. Specifically, Reffitt told his children to 'choose a side or die.' . . . Both children promptly reported their father’s statements to their mother. When confronted by his wife later that day, instead of showing regret or disavowing what he had said, Reffitt doubled down on these same warnings to her: if the children turned him in they would be traitors – and 'traitors get shot.'

  • And guess what? I’m not done yet. I got a lot more to do. That’s the beginning . . . We took the Capital of the United States of America and we will do it again . . . This has only just begun and will not end until we The People of The Republic have won our country back . . . I have a new security business to circumvent the 2nd Amendment issue. TTP Security Services LLC. Website is under construction but business is licensed with Secretary of State, Texas DPS, and Texas Board of Private Security. We can get ammo and weapons available to law enforcement. We have an interior certified training officer. Join us and lets take back our country. The fight has only just begun." .
I post the above not to pick on poor Guy Reffit, he's got plenty of people mad at him without me adding to the mix. Instead, I post this to give a perspective ....a soda-straw view ....of one more example of the RWNJ's that were instrumental in that attempted de-capitation of our government back on January 6th.

I believe as more court briefs....and trial testimony.....becomes available we will see that Reffit ain't that strange of a character (save for the kill-the-kids aspect). He fits right in with the fatboy MealTeam6 wannabes. Another 'Let's-pretend-toy-soldier'....with live ammunition and fantasies that are dangerous to American citizens. And our rule of law and our democracy.

I personally hope the guy gets threatened with 10+years.....and then cops a plea and squeals on a bunch of these Trumpanzee nutters.
Bag a flock of 'em.


*I put that asterisk up in that first quote in order to address my long standing curiosity about those "3-Percent" nutters.

Which is: What side of the bell-curve does that '3%' lie?
I have my suspicions.
You think it is ok to stick your dick in another mans rectum right? Bet this guy never did. So you're nuts.
Are you looking for a date?
It appears so
"go fuck yourself."

That sounds like you want me to confess which '3% side' of the Bell Curve I think your avatar lies on.
Is that what you want?

But, BLF, let's not go there. I'm shy about doing that stuff. And you may think it is demeaning. And neither of us wants that.

So let's do this: How 'bout you read all of the text in the OP, and then come back and offer us your reasoned opinion on whether a suspect like poor Guy R., is the kind of citizen America should be proud of. (hint: he threatened to kill his 16yr old)
Is he the kind of citizen that these MealTeam6 Militia groups want in their ranks? (he sounds a little 'off', imo).

We would welcome reasoned discourse from you on such issues.
OK, this guy has been in the news before. He's Guy Reffit. He's the moke who allegedly threatened his kids that he'd kill 'em if they reported his January 6th activities.

Well, this past weekend the prosecutor filed a brief arguing this 'patriot' is too dangerous and unstable to be released on bond. And they offered in their brief some of his more, ah, notable comments. Here is reportage on the brief, which is linked here: https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.226696/gov.uscourts.dcd.226696.10.0.pdf

  • " Reffitt is a member of a '3%er' militia organization known as the 'Texas Three Percenters' (TTP)."*

  • " Reffitt brought at least two firearms with him on his trip to Washington, D.C., an AR-15 rifle and a Smith & Wesson pistol."

  • "Prior to traveling to D.C., the defendant messaged about his plans, including that he intended to 'surveil the atmosphere for like minded Patriots and see if we have enough marching with heat.' The morning of January 6, 2021, Reffitt began to discuss his plans for the day, including 'do the recon and then come back for weapons hot' and sent messages about meeting at the 'rendezvous point.' These messages, along with the weapons that Reffitt carried and the gear he wore, make clear that the defendant did not come to D.C. with the intention to engage in peaceful activity."

  • Reffitt was at the front of the pack that charged U.S. Capitol Police officers, carrying his pistol and flexi-cuffs, and wearing body armor and a helmet mounted with a video camera . . . in statements Reffitt made afterward to fellow militia members and to his family, he explained that he wore the largest jacket he owned so that he could conceal the maximum amount of tactical gear underneath it . . . “We all had weapons but never filed a single round . . . We had thousands of weapons and fired no rounds yet showed numbers. The next time we will not be so cordial."
  • On January 11, 2021, while in his home with his children and another young man who is a family friend, Reffitt stated that he had to erase everything because the FBI was watching him. He then threatened to kill his children if they turned him in or cooperated with the authorities. Specifically, Reffitt told his children to 'choose a side or die.' . . . Both children promptly reported their father’s statements to their mother. When confronted by his wife later that day, instead of showing regret or disavowing what he had said, Reffitt doubled down on these same warnings to her: if the children turned him in they would be traitors – and 'traitors get shot.'

  • And guess what? I’m not done yet. I got a lot more to do. That’s the beginning . . . We took the Capital of the United States of America and we will do it again . . . This has only just begun and will not end until we The People of The Republic have won our country back . . . I have a new security business to circumvent the 2nd Amendment issue. TTP Security Services LLC. Website is under construction but business is licensed with Secretary of State, Texas DPS, and Texas Board of Private Security. We can get ammo and weapons available to law enforcement. We have an interior certified training officer. Join us and lets take back our country. The fight has only just begun." .
I post the above not to pick on poor Guy Reffit, he's got plenty of people mad at him without me adding to the mix. Instead, I post this to give a perspective ....a soda-straw view ....of one more example of the RWNJ's that were instrumental in that attempted de-capitation of our government back on January 6th.

I believe as more court briefs....and trial testimony.....becomes available we will see that Reffit ain't that strange of a character (save for the kill-the-kids aspect). He fits right in with the fatboy MealTeam6 wannabes. Another 'Let's-pretend-toy-soldier'....with live ammunition and fantasies that are dangerous to American citizens. And our rule of law and our democracy.

I personally hope the guy gets threatened with 10+years.....and then cops a plea and squeals on a bunch of these Trumpanzee nutters.
Bag a flock of 'em.


*I put that asterisk up in that first quote in order to address my long standing curiosity about those "3-Percent" nutters.

Which is: What side of the bell-curve does that '3%' lie?
I have my suspicions.
You think it is ok to stick your dick in another mans rectum right? Bet this guy never did. So you're nuts.
All I know is 5% of the people really know what they are doing, and the other 95% are fulla shit. That's my Bell Curve
What other Bell Curves can I think of.

20% of people are the most productive in an organization while the other 80% are slacking masterbaters

20% of the people pay 80% of the lions share of the taxes here, while 80% relatively pay shit and thing their contributing....................lolol
OK, this guy has been in the news before. He's Guy Reffit. He's the moke who allegedly threatened his kids that he'd kill 'em if they reported his January 6th activities.

Well, this past weekend the prosecutor filed a brief arguing this 'patriot' is too dangerous and unstable to be released on bond. And they offered in their brief some of his more, ah, notable comments. Here is reportage on the brief, which is linked here: https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.226696/gov.uscourts.dcd.226696.10.0.pdf

  • " Reffitt is a member of a '3%er' militia organization known as the 'Texas Three Percenters' (TTP)."*

  • " Reffitt brought at least two firearms with him on his trip to Washington, D.C., an AR-15 rifle and a Smith & Wesson pistol."

  • "Prior to traveling to D.C., the defendant messaged about his plans, including that he intended to 'surveil the atmosphere for like minded Patriots and see if we have enough marching with heat.' The morning of January 6, 2021, Reffitt began to discuss his plans for the day, including 'do the recon and then come back for weapons hot' and sent messages about meeting at the 'rendezvous point.' These messages, along with the weapons that Reffitt carried and the gear he wore, make clear that the defendant did not come to D.C. with the intention to engage in peaceful activity."

  • Reffitt was at the front of the pack that charged U.S. Capitol Police officers, carrying his pistol and flexi-cuffs, and wearing body armor and a helmet mounted with a video camera . . . in statements Reffitt made afterward to fellow militia members and to his family, he explained that he wore the largest jacket he owned so that he could conceal the maximum amount of tactical gear underneath it . . . “We all had weapons but never filed a single round . . . We had thousands of weapons and fired no rounds yet showed numbers. The next time we will not be so cordial."
  • On January 11, 2021, while in his home with his children and another young man who is a family friend, Reffitt stated that he had to erase everything because the FBI was watching him. He then threatened to kill his children if they turned him in or cooperated with the authorities. Specifically, Reffitt told his children to 'choose a side or die.' . . . Both children promptly reported their father’s statements to their mother. When confronted by his wife later that day, instead of showing regret or disavowing what he had said, Reffitt doubled down on these same warnings to her: if the children turned him in they would be traitors – and 'traitors get shot.'

  • And guess what? I’m not done yet. I got a lot more to do. That’s the beginning . . . We took the Capital of the United States of America and we will do it again . . . This has only just begun and will not end until we The People of The Republic have won our country back . . . I have a new security business to circumvent the 2nd Amendment issue. TTP Security Services LLC. Website is under construction but business is licensed with Secretary of State, Texas DPS, and Texas Board of Private Security. We can get ammo and weapons available to law enforcement. We have an interior certified training officer. Join us and lets take back our country. The fight has only just begun." .
I post the above not to pick on poor Guy Reffit, he's got plenty of people mad at him without me adding to the mix. Instead, I post this to give a perspective ....a soda-straw view ....of one more example of the RWNJ's that were instrumental in that attempted de-capitation of our government back on January 6th.

I believe as more court briefs....and trial testimony.....becomes available we will see that Reffit ain't that strange of a character (save for the kill-the-kids aspect). He fits right in with the fatboy MealTeam6 wannabes. Another 'Let's-pretend-toy-soldier'....with live ammunition and fantasies that are dangerous to American citizens. And our rule of law and our democracy.

I personally hope the guy gets threatened with 10+years.....and then cops a plea and squeals on a bunch of these Trumpanzee nutters.
Bag a flock of 'em.


*I put that asterisk up in that first quote in order to address my long standing curiosity about those "3-Percent" nutters.

Which is: What side of the bell-curve does that '3%' lie?
I have my suspicions.

These guys aren't patriots.. They are thugs and bullies, not too bright and masquerading as patriots. Threatening his family is crazy.. He actually a caricature of Trump.

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