Viewers More Interested In "Curious George" Than Jan 6th Hearings

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
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Americans know a kangaroo investigation when they see one and they realize that this is just a Democratic distraction from runaway inflation. How convenient that they scheduled these kangaroo hearings during prime time, just before the midterms, while even the heads of the investigation have already said that they will not refer Trump for any criminal charges. Sham hearings or no, you can't stop Americans from buying gas and going to the grocery store. This is bad when cartoons get better ratings than their kangaroo hearings.
Nice diversion

Especially since seven networks are airing the hearings and you look at just one
You have to be a brain dead moron to not see how this theater by the Dems are a total farce.
The latest (and lamest) gambit by the blob supporters is to highlight that the ratings for a congressional hearing are not that high as compared to entertainment television. mean entertainment is more popular than congressional hearings? Incredible. Next thing you'll discover is that people don't like going to the dentist or like being audited by the IRS.
Nice diversion

Especially since seven networks are airing the hearings and you look at just one
Nobody cares about your Shit Show Clown Show and the Filthy Lying pieces of Shit running it, and the Lying Assholes like you promoting it.

Same bullshit as Russian Collusion, another lie you swallowed and promoted like you were at a hotdog eating contest which I imagine for you is not much of a challenge to shove as many wieners down your throat as you can.

Same Shit Channel, Different Shit Show.

Rinse Lather Repeat.
The latest (and lamest) gambit by the blob supporters is to highlight that the ratings for a congressional hearing are not that high as compared to entertainment television. mean entertainment is more popular than congressional hearings? Incredible. Next thing you'll discover is that people don't like going to the dentist or like being audited by the IRS.
why not? that's what they wanted. Didn't even cut the paper.
Nice diversion

Especially since seven networks are airing the hearings and you look at just one
So you think the others did better? LOL. Nobody cares but progbots

ABC News, a former president of which produced Thursday’s show trial, drew 4.8 million viewers. NBC and CBS each pulled just more than three million. The legacy networks, then, pulled about 11 million viewers combined Thursday night. According to AdWeek’s latest analysis of weekly television news ratings for the week of May 30, the broadcast networks’ evening programs collectively averaged nearly 18 million viewers, 7 million more than tuned into Thursday night’s Democrat programming.

So you think the others did better? LOL. Nobody cares but progbots

ABC News, a former president of which produced Thursday’s show trial, drew 4.8 million viewers. NBC and CBS each pulled just more than three million. The legacy networks, then, pulled about 11 million viewers combined Thursday night. According to AdWeek’s latest analysis of weekly television news ratings for the week of May 30, the broadcast networks’ evening programs collectively averaged nearly 18 million viewers, 7 million more than tuned into Thursday night’s Democrat programming.


How many watched the four BENGHAZI hearings?
How many watched the Hillary email hearings?

Point being you don’t conduct hearings for the ratings

How many watched the four BENGHAZI hearings?
How many watched the Hillary email hearings?

Point being you don’t conduct hearings for the ratings
No, they conduct them for the low IQ idiots who think they actually mean something other than Kabuki Theatre distractions for the sheeple who can't think on their own.
If you are watching, you can include yourself in there
No, they conduct them for the low IQ idiots who think they actually mean something other than Kabuki Theatre distractions for the sheeple who can't think on their own.
If you are watching, you can include yourself in there

The hearings are providing valuable testimony from those who were actively involved

The fact that Republicans find them distasteful because they put them in a poor light does nothing to diminish the importance of the hearings
The hearings are providing valuable testimony from those who were actively involved

The fact that Republicans find them distasteful because they put them in a poor light does nothing to diminish the importance of the hearings
Like I said, Kabuki Theatre for the low IQ types that believe any BS MSM tells them.
Wake up dude
The low IQ types believe the election was stolen

Why? Because Trump told them so

DT didn't have to tell us anything once the Dems regular cheating didn't cover the spread so they had to do it in the open.
If you're going to cheat, don't make it so obvious. Even MSM couldn't cover it up adequately.

Diaper dude is about as legit as man made climate change. They are both jokes for the low IQs

The latest (and lamest) gambit by the blob supporters is to highlight that the ratings for a congressional hearing are not that high as compared to entertainment television. mean entertainment is more popular than congressional hearings? Incredible. Next thing you'll discover is that people don't like going to the dentist or like being audited by the IRS.
A parallel cable TV system would tell us reality and truth. All programming would be conservative Democrat to conservative Republican. Except for one station with a few Prog Socialists.
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