Vanessa Trump hospitalized

Chill, it was just Jr's cocaine delivery gone wrong.

We can all disagree politically, but fuck, come on dude even the most rabid zealot for the left should agree that this sort of thing goes well beyond what is acceptable.

Why can’t we all just agree this was fucked up? Is there no humanity left in you or the others on the left?

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Of course, and who did this needs to be persecuted to the full extent of the law...but on the other hand it was harmless other than her having to go to the hospital to get checked out.

If it were your wife or daughter would you be making stupid jokes about it?

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It all just keeps coming out of the wood work i'm sure it will be pouring out on twitter


Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter
To put a Trump spin on it...

...there are very bad people in the toxic letter business,

on both sides...

Here is another spin on it:

OMG JR'S WIFE GOT HOSPITALIZED!...while in reality nothing happened to her.

You clearly can't comprehend the intent.

If someone had intent to harm they could have loaded up the envelope with something serious.

The DNC apologist continues I see.

If you dont have a sane response then just shut the fuck up.

NOTHING about this event has any connection to "DNC" except in your little squirrel brain.

Hey this had connection to the DNC.
When the catch the agent provacteur, the Secret Service will most likely find that he is a member of a reactionary Alt Right fascist group linked to the Russians.
Chill, it was just Jr's cocaine delivery gone wrong.

We can all disagree politically, but fuck, come on dude even the most rabid zealot for the left should agree that this sort of thing goes well beyond what is acceptable.

Why can’t we all just agree this was fucked up? Is there no humanity left in you or the others on the left?

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Of course, and who did this needs to be persecuted to the full extent of the law...but on the other hand it was harmless other than her having to go to the hospital to get checked out.

To put a Trump spin on it...

...there are very bad people in the toxic letter business,

on both sides...

Here is another spin on it:

OMG JR'S WIFE GOT HOSPITALIZED!...while in reality nothing happened to her.

If she died you would be laughing and making rude jokes because like a few other posters have seen you have no class.

Funny that when a conservative racist shoots people in a black church, the RWnuts can't bring themselves to say that it's rightwing domestic terrorism, but,

some unknown somebody mails a letter full of harmless powder to the Trump boy, and suddenly the entire DNC is a terrorist organization.
Here is another spin on it:

OMG JR'S WIFE GOT HOSPITALIZED!...while in reality nothing happened to her.

You clearly can't comprehend the intent.

If someone had intent to harm they could have loaded up the envelope with something serious.

The DNC apologist continues I see.

If you dont have a sane response then just shut the fuck up.

NOTHING about this event has any connection to "DNC" except in your little squirrel brain.

Hey this had connection to the DNC.



You may as well have replied with "Why yes, sir, I do in fact have a little squirrel brain and here is more proof:"
Chill, it was just Jr's cocaine delivery gone wrong.

We can all disagree politically, but fuck, come on dude even the most rabid zealot for the left should agree that this sort of thing goes well beyond what is acceptable.

Why can’t we all just agree this was fucked up? Is there no humanity left in you or the others on the left?

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Of course, and who did this needs to be persecuted to the full extent of the law...but on the other hand it was harmless other than her having to go to the hospital to get checked out.

To put a Trump spin on it...

...there are very bad people in the toxic letter business,

on both sides...

Here is another spin on it:

OMG JR'S WIFE GOT HOSPITALIZED!...while in reality nothing happened to her.
Left wing IGNORANCE on display!

Psychological Operations affect the mind real bad.. IT can cause post traumatic trauma and SOME PEOPLE NEVER RECOVER... IF you thought your life may have just ended by opening a damn letter, your whole psyche would be fucked up!.
Funny that when a conservative racist shoots people in a black church, the RWnuts can't bring themselves to say that it's rightwing domestic terrorism, but,

some unknown somebody mails a letter full of harmless powder to the Trump boy, and suddenly the entire DNC is a terrorist organization.
He's getting the death penalty, dummy. But this guy isn't getting any justice after killing an innocent woman.

Well, when I did a Google search, yes this incident did happen, but those who came into contact with the white powder were deemed to be okay, and Vanessa Trump was taken to the hospital for observation.

Police said that the substance was deemed to be non hazardous and was being taken to a lab for investigation.

Vanessa Trump, wife of Trump Jr., taken to hospital after opening envelope

Wonder if that was her weekly cocaine delivery?
If it was deemed non-hazardous, what do you think? If it was cocaine, they would have specified it was cocaine.

It's just another hate-filled talking point that people are running with.
Well, when I did a Google search, yes this incident did happen, but those who came into contact with the white powder were deemed to be okay, and Vanessa Trump was taken to the hospital for observation.

Police said that the substance was deemed to be non hazardous and was being taken to a lab for investigation.

Vanessa Trump, wife of Trump Jr., taken to hospital after opening envelope

Wonder if that was her weekly cocaine delivery?

The police deemed it non hazardous...yet it hasn't been tested by a lab.
Funny that when a conservative racist shoots people in a black church, the RWnuts can't bring themselves to say that it's rightwing domestic terrorism, but,

some unknown somebody mails a letter full of harmless powder to the Trump boy, and suddenly the entire DNC is a terrorist organization.
Those were LEFT WING NUT BAGS not conservatives..
Chill, it was just Jr's cocaine delivery gone wrong.

We can all disagree politically, but fuck, come on dude even the most rabid zealot for the left should agree that this sort of thing goes well beyond what is acceptable.

Why can’t we all just agree this was fucked up? Is there no humanity left in you or the others on the left?

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Of course, and who did this needs to be persecuted to the full extent of the law...but on the other hand it was harmless other than her having to go to the hospital to get checked out.

If it were your wife or daughter would you be making stupid jokes about it?

Oh give me a fucken break. If it was my wife I'd be pissed, but not at people who made a joke about harmless white powder.
Surprised the MSM isn't dissing Vanessa for opening her husband's mail. :10:
You clearly can't comprehend the intent.

If someone had intent to harm they could have loaded up the envelope with something serious.

The DNC apologist continues I see.

If you dont have a sane response then just shut the fuck up.

NOTHING about this event has any connection to "DNC" except in your little squirrel brain.

Hey this had connection to the DNC.



You may as well have replied with "Why yes, sir, I do in fact have a little squirrel brain and here is more proof:"

Well it does prove the point on building a big beautiful wall.
Well, when I did a Google search, yes this incident did happen, but those who came into contact with the white powder were deemed to be okay, and Vanessa Trump was taken to the hospital for observation.

Police said that the substance was deemed to be non hazardous and was being taken to a lab for investigation.

Vanessa Trump, wife of Trump Jr., taken to hospital after opening envelope

Wonder if that was her weekly cocaine delivery?

The police deemed it non hazardous...yet it hasn't been tested by a lab.

Somehow that doesnt give me the warm fuzzies.....

Man Gets $37,500 Payout After Field Drug Test Says Donut Crumbs Are Methamphetamines
If someone had intent to harm they could have loaded up the envelope with something serious.

The DNC apologist continues I see.

If you dont have a sane response then just shut the fuck up.

NOTHING about this event has any connection to "DNC" except in your little squirrel brain.

Hey this had connection to the DNC.



You may as well have replied with "Why yes, sir, I do in fact have a little squirrel brain and here is more proof:"

Well it does prove the point on building a big beautiful wall.

Retard, what WALL would that be?

They got on a plane and flew here from eastern Europe.

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