US shares video of Russian fighter jets harassing American drones over Syria


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

Less breathless video:

The SU-35 is a sexy beast.....Aerial trolling? ;)

Honestly, I’m surprised the Russians don’t just shoot them down since we are actively siding against them in Ukraine.

There are so many conflicting forces operating in the area I’m surprised we don’t have major incidents on a regular basis.
Who really knows how often this stuff happens? I certainly don't trust our media to tell us. Now that we are sending in the long-range ATACMs and cluster munitions to Ukraine, it's just a matter of time before some Russian civilians get pureed and Vladdy has to up the ante.
Why are we still in Syria?
A couple of possibilities... we are "protecting" the oil in that area of Syria or, more likely, we are trying to forestall a full regional war between Israel and Iran. Iran has been working toward a fully functional land bridge to support their proxies in Syria and Lebanon for years and that area of Syria is the perfect road block.
Russia could be ready now to make a statement on US fomenting war in Ukraine.
The U.S. has drones and warships in places that are really pissing off other countries, like the Strait of Taiwan. We have our forces everywhere and eventually someone is going to start shooting. Supplying Ukraine is great, but we don't need to have our Navy off the coast of China, and we don't need to be in Syria, either.
We can argue if wars are justifiable, Ukraine is not. Traditionally influenced by Russia. Reports are that Russia may have troops at the NATO borders at some point if we do not use common sense. That makes for more chances of hair-trigger eruptions.
We can argue if wars are justifiable, Ukraine is not. Traditionally influenced by Russia. Reports are that Russia may have troops at the NATO borders at some point if we do not use common sense. That makes for more chances of hair-trigger eruptions.
Russia taking over Ukraine puts them on multiple NATO borders.
How do you harass an unmanned drone? Syria is open territory and the Russian pilots were probably having a good time while we sound like a bunch of whiners.

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