US Post Office Lost 3.8 BBBBBillion Last Year, Now They Are Ready For Healthcare

lol @ all the threats.

I'm 6'4" and 225 but 35 and with a completely torn ACL my private insurance company doesn't want to pay for surgery on because my knee isn't displaced by enough millimeters yet. Something about not being worth it to them.
To my opinions

Social Security is NOT the ideal retirement plan.

Your insurance company sells you life insurance at whatever rate makes them money. Their actuaries know how likely you are to die. Yet everyone is encouraged to take out a policy for the benefit of their families even though they're money pits by capitalistic definition.

Social Security is a similar safety net. If you become disabled early or are like the majority of Americans and don't plan well enough for retirement or if something goes wrong with your investments (and investments do go wrong), then social security is there for you.

Poor financial planning is human nature. Look at all the folks making payments on credit cards and automobiles. Think they'll magically become financial geniuses in their old age?

Social Security gives them some freedom if they don't have any kids to take care of them or gives their kids some financial incentive to take them in.

We are unfortunately a kinder gentler nation. One that can't bear to see millions of old ppl begging on the street corners broke because they lived longer than their savings can bear.
Chris is a FAT pimply kid....


I'm 6'2" 195 lbs and I play basketball three days a week.

And I can kick your ass. dont know jack about me Chris.....i may be your worst nightmare if we ever met...and if your only 195 lbs you had better hope you dont meet someone who is 6'2 and goes around 220....cause you would get your scrawny ass kicked......:lol:

Quit talking shit Harry. You're 100 years old. LOL.

I just wanted to say that we should privatize the post office so you have to pay $5 to mail a letter. FOR PROFIT!

Post office is the perfect example of something that the government should run. If put into private hands, they'd jack up the prices so the CEO could make a bonus.

PS. My VP brother finally admitted this weekend that all the exec's at all the corporations the last 8 years ONLY cared about their bonus'. They all ran their companies into the ground and didn't care because they were still making a lot of money.

But, he was saying that GM is screwed because now the exec's don't make a lot there because the US government owns it, so no one good will go work there now.

But aren't those "superstars" the ones that ran it into the ground in the first place?

I think we can find great young talent in the VP pool that would like their chance at being President or CEO. They might make more at another company, but maybe the people we find were overlooked for CEO at those other companies and they want to prove they are good. Or maybe they lost their job and will take anything, just like many of us are doing now.

He's using the same argument that the AIG exec's used. Only they can fix the mess they created and if we don't give them their bonus', they'll go elsewhere.

I say go.

Anyways, if you want the post office to be profitable, that can be arrainged. Somethings we need to mail things, so they can charge a fortune for it, or charge for delivering your mail. Would you like that?
Chris is a FAT pimply kid....


I'm 6'2" 195 lbs and I play basketball three days a week.

And I can kick your ass. dont know jack about me Chris.....i may be your worst nightmare if we ever met...and if your only 195 lbs you had better hope you dont meet someone who is 6'2 and goes around 220....cause you would get your scrawny ass kicked......:lol:

6'2 / 220 is me.

I was 6'2 / 190 before I got married, but my wife's a very good cook.

I'm 6'2" 195 lbs and I play basketball three days a week.

And I can kick your ass. dont know jack about me Chris.....i may be your worst nightmare if we ever met...and if your only 195 lbs you had better hope you dont meet someone who is 6'2 and goes around 220....cause you would get your scrawny ass kicked......:lol:

Quit talking shit Harry. You're 100 years old. LOL.

I just wanted to say that we should privatize the post office so you have to pay $5 to mail a letter. FOR PROFIT!

Post office is the perfect example of something that the government should run. If put into private hands, they'd jack up the prices so the CEO could make a bonus.

PS. My VP brother finally admitted this weekend that all the exec's at all the corporations the last 8 years ONLY cared about their bonus'. They all ran their companies into the ground and didn't care because they were still making a lot of money.

But, he was saying that GM is screwed because now the exec's don't make a lot there because the US government owns it, so no one good will go work there now.

But aren't those "superstars" the ones that ran it into the ground in the first place?

I think we can find great young talent in the VP pool that would like their chance at being President or CEO. They might make more at another company, but maybe the people we find were overlooked for CEO at those other companies and they want to prove they are good. Or maybe they lost their job and will take anything, just like many of us are doing now.

He's using the same argument that the AIG exec's used. Only they can fix the mess they created and if we don't give them their bonus', they'll go elsewhere.

I say go.

Anyways, if you want the post office to be profitable, that can be arrainged. Somethings we need to mail things, so they can charge a fortune for it, or charge for delivering your mail. Would you like that?

Wow. People who use a service paying for it? Instead of the people who don't? What a concept!!!!! :cuckoo:
PS. My VP brother finally admitted this weekend that all the exec's at all the corporations the last 8 years ONLY cared about their bonus'. They all ran their companies into the ground and didn't care because they were still making a lot of money.

you know Bobo.....its like that in the PO also.....the managers....and i mean ALL the managers only cared about their bonuses.....this has been a point of contention between the workers and management for years....

The private sector wants NO PART of delivering everyone's mail and going to each citizen's mail box to pick up mail, for the rural home or city home, IN North Dakota to Texas, Washington State to Florida, to Maine to Wyoming etc.... every day of the week but sunday....

No one can make money on that mandate imo....

I believe the PO lost it's chance to be profitable in the big package area with Fedex and ups, which could have subsidized the daily task of mail pick up and delivery to each individual home in America.

I'm 6'2" 195 lbs and I play basketball three days a week.

And I can kick your ass. dont know jack about me Chris.....i may be your worst nightmare if we ever met...and if your only 195 lbs you had better hope you dont meet someone who is 6'2 and goes around 220....cause you would get your scrawny ass kicked......:lol:

Quit talking shit Harry. You're 100 years old. LOL.

I just wanted to say that we should privatize the post office so you have to pay $5 to mail a letter. FOR PROFIT!

Post office is the perfect example of something that the government should run. If put into private hands, they'd jack up the prices so the CEO could make a bonus.

PS. My VP brother finally admitted this weekend that all the exec's at all the corporations the last 8 years ONLY cared about their bonus'. They all ran their companies into the ground and didn't care because they were still making a lot of money.

But, he was saying that GM is screwed because now the exec's don't make a lot there because the US government owns it, so no one good will go work there now.

But aren't those "superstars" the ones that ran it into the ground in the first place?

I think we can find great young talent in the VP pool that would like their chance at being President or CEO. They might make more at another company, but maybe the people we find were overlooked for CEO at those other companies and they want to prove they are good. Or maybe they lost their job and will take anything, just like many of us are doing now.

He's using the same argument that the AIG exec's used. Only they can fix the mess they created and if we don't give them their bonus', they'll go elsewhere.

I say go.

Anyways, if you want the post office to be profitable, that can be arrainged. Somethings we need to mail things, so they can charge a fortune for it, or charge for delivering your mail. Would you like that?

If your brother is a VP, he probably won't know that much about the management of his own company, let alone "all corporations". VP is generally not a particularly senior position.

I first became a VP in a company of 1000 people in the mid 90s, and I had no more real information about the financial outlook and management of the company than the shareholders had.

A Senior Vice President would know more. An Executive Vice President would have inside knowledge, but they generally have to sign confidentiality agreements. Either way, even an EVP would hardly have the competence to expound such a theory about corporations in general.

Being a CEO of a major corporation is an astonishingly complex job, requiring multiple skillsets, both on a professional and an interpersonal basis. They don't grow on trees.

I'm 6'2" 195 lbs and I play basketball three days a week.

And I can kick your ass. dont know jack about me Chris.....i may be your worst nightmare if we ever met...and if your only 195 lbs you had better hope you dont meet someone who is 6'2 and goes around 220....cause you would get your scrawny ass kicked......:lol:

Quit talking shit Harry. You're 100 years old. LOL.

I just wanted to say that we should privatize the post office so you have to pay $5 to mail a letter. FOR PROFIT!

Post office is the perfect example of something that the government should run. If put into private hands, they'd jack up the prices so the CEO could make a bonus.

PS. My VP brother finally admitted this weekend that all the exec's at all the corporations the last 8 years ONLY cared about their bonus'. They all ran their companies into the ground and didn't care because they were still making a lot of money.

But, he was saying that GM is screwed because now the exec's don't make a lot there because the US government owns it, so no one good will go work there now.

But aren't those "superstars" the ones that ran it into the ground in the first place?

I think we can find great young talent in the VP pool that would like their chance at being President or CEO. They might make more at another company, but maybe the people we find were overlooked for CEO at those other companies and they want to prove they are good. Or maybe they lost their job and will take anything, just like many of us are doing now.

He's using the same argument that the AIG exec's used. Only they can fix the mess they created and if we don't give them their bonus', they'll go elsewhere.

I say go.

Anyways, if you want the post office to be profitable, that can be arrainged. Somethings we need to mail things, so they can charge a fortune for it, or charge for delivering your mail. Would you like that?

Bobo, I wouldn't mess with Harry, he kicked some major ass in the past, and you would still be nothing more than an appetizer to him. dont know jack about me Chris.....i may be your worst nightmare if we ever met...and if your only 195 lbs you had better hope you dont meet someone who is 6'2 and goes around 220....cause you would get your scrawny ass kicked......:lol:

Quit talking shit Harry. You're 100 years old. LOL.

I just wanted to say that we should privatize the post office so you have to pay $5 to mail a letter. FOR PROFIT!

Post office is the perfect example of something that the government should run. If put into private hands, they'd jack up the prices so the CEO could make a bonus.

PS. My VP brother finally admitted this weekend that all the exec's at all the corporations the last 8 years ONLY cared about their bonus'. They all ran their companies into the ground and didn't care because they were still making a lot of money.

But, he was saying that GM is screwed because now the exec's don't make a lot there because the US government owns it, so no one good will go work there now.

But aren't those "superstars" the ones that ran it into the ground in the first place?

I think we can find great young talent in the VP pool that would like their chance at being President or CEO. They might make more at another company, but maybe the people we find were overlooked for CEO at those other companies and they want to prove they are good. Or maybe they lost their job and will take anything, just like many of us are doing now.

He's using the same argument that the AIG exec's used. Only they can fix the mess they created and if we don't give them their bonus', they'll go elsewhere.

I say go.

Anyways, if you want the post office to be profitable, that can be arrainged. Somethings we need to mail things, so they can charge a fortune for it, or charge for delivering your mail. Would you like that?

Bobo, I wouldn't mess with Harry, he kicked some major ass in the past, and you would still be nothing more than an appetizer to him.

:meow:....<....Bobo and Chris....duking it out....which one is the bigger panzie?....its up to the observer...

The private sector wants NO PART of delivering everyone's mail and going to each citizen's mail box to pick up mail, for the rural home or city home, IN North Dakota to Texas, Washington State to Florida, to Maine to Wyoming etc.... every day of the week but sunday....

No one can make money on that mandate imo....

I believe the PO lost it's chance to be profitable in the big package area with Fedex and ups, which could have subsidized the daily task of mail pick up and delivery to each individual home in America.

That's truly amazing considering that neither entity is an agency of the federal government.

I wonder when the parasites will be demanding that the same be nationalized - I am sure that it won't be long before the marxists are demanding "big package delivery reform".


The private sector wants NO PART of delivering everyone's mail and going to each citizen's mail box to pick up mail, for the rural home or city home, IN North Dakota to Texas, Washington State to Florida, to Maine to Wyoming etc.... every day of the week but sunday....

No one can make money on that mandate imo....

I believe the PO lost it's chance to be profitable in the big package area with Fedex and ups, which could have subsidized the daily task of mail pick up and delivery to each individual home in America.

That's truly amazing considering that neither entity is an agency of the federal government.

I wonder when the parasites will be demanding that the same be nationalized - I am sure that it won't be long before the marxists are demanding "big package delivery reform".


Yes C,

they are not part of the government.

I think I didn't explain what I was trying to say well enough....the post office, had an opportunity, to get on the bandwagon with overnight delivery or 2 day delivery, with drop boxes and pick ups such as Fedex and Airborne and others decades ago....and they halfheartedly got in to it, but never gave focus to it or foresaw the money to be made in it.... If they had, then there would have not been the birth of Fedex and Airborne and others that sprang up....

Basically, there was money to be had in this kind of enterprise, but they passed on it initially....IF they had not, they would have had a decent income that could have supported the part of business, daily mail delivery and pick up for every home in America which is mandated, that is highly unprofitable.

Now, a day late and a dollar short, they are scrambling....trying to come up with a way to capture part of that market...

The private sector wants NO PART of delivering everyone's mail and going to each citizen's mail box to pick up mail, for the rural home or city home, IN North Dakota to Texas, Washington State to Florida, to Maine to Wyoming etc.... every day of the week but sunday....

In 1844, he (Lysander Spooner) founded the American Letter Mail Company to contest the U.S. Post Office's monopoly on the delivery of first class mail. Postal rates in those years were notoriously high and several companies arose to challenge the government's monopoly. As he had when he confronted restrictions on entering the Massachusetts bar, Spooner vigorously defended his action with a pamphlet entitled, The Unconstitutionality of the Laws of Congress Prohibiting Private Mails. [11] Unfortunately, this time he was up against a more intransigent foe. Although Spooner's mail company was very successful, legal challenges by the government soon exhausted his financial resources and by July, 1844 his business was all but defunct without his ever having the opportunity to fully litigate his constitutional claims.

Article #1 - Introduction

The private sector wants NO PART of delivering everyone's mail and going to each citizen's mail box to pick up mail, for the rural home or city home, IN North Dakota to Texas, Washington State to Florida, to Maine to Wyoming etc.... every day of the week but sunday....

In 1844, he (Lysander Spooner) founded the American Letter Mail Company to contest the U.S. Post Office's monopoly on the delivery of first class mail. Postal rates in those years were notoriously high and several companies arose to challenge the government's monopoly. As he had when he confronted restrictions on entering the Massachusetts bar, Spooner vigorously defended his action with a pamphlet entitled, The Unconstitutionality of the Laws of Congress Prohibiting Private Mails. [11] Unfortunately, this time he was up against a more intransigent foe. Although Spooner's mail company was very successful, legal challenges by the government soon exhausted his financial resources and by July, 1844 his business was all but defunct without his ever having the opportunity to fully litigate his constitutional claims.

Article #1 - Introduction

I'm not wrong.

that was 1844, there were not 300,000,000 million people nor the 50 states and in addition to this, private mail service is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

LII: Constitution

To establish post offices and post roads;

The private sector wants NO PART of delivering everyone's mail and going to each citizen's mail box to pick up mail, for the rural home or city home, IN North Dakota to Texas, Washington State to Florida, to Maine to Wyoming etc.... every day of the week but sunday....

In 1844, he (Lysander Spooner) founded the American Letter Mail Company to contest the U.S. Post Office's monopoly on the delivery of first class mail. Postal rates in those years were notoriously high and several companies arose to challenge the government's monopoly. As he had when he confronted restrictions on entering the Massachusetts bar, Spooner vigorously defended his action with a pamphlet entitled, The Unconstitutionality of the Laws of Congress Prohibiting Private Mails. [11] Unfortunately, this time he was up against a more intransigent foe. Although Spooner's mail company was very successful, legal challenges by the government soon exhausted his financial resources and by July, 1844 his business was all but defunct without his ever having the opportunity to fully litigate his constitutional claims.

Article #1 - Introduction

I'm not wrong.

that was 1844, there were not 300,000,000 million people nor the 50 states and in addition to this, private mail service is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

LII: Constitution

To establish post offices and post roads;

well no... there is no need anymore....eventually E-Mail and i heard of a device that they are working on for the home where your bills will be sent electronically as well,will finish the "letter" as we know who would want to invest in letter delivery?.......

I'm not wrong.

that was 1844, there were not 300,000,000 million people nor the 50 states and in addition to this, private mail service is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

LII: Constitution

To establish post offices and post roads;

well no... there is no need anymore....eventually E-Mail and i heard of a device that they are working on for the home where your bills will be sent electronically as well,will finish the "letter" as we know who would want to invest in letter delivery?.......

Me :D

We do nothing electronically now, not after my credit card and identity were stolen from doing the very thing you recommend!!!!

I don't disagree that snail mail is antiquated, but there are millions of people without computers, and many millions of other people that do not have broadband dsl or cable available to them in their rural areas...(ME again!) and dial up, is WORSE than snail me on this one, it is the pits.

I agree something needs to be done to cut our losses at the P.O....just uncertain what the truly feasible change is, that needs to take place....
I'm not wrong.

that was 1844, there were not 300,000,000 million people nor the 50 states and in addition to this, private mail service is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

LII: Constitution

To establish post offices and post roads;

well no... there is no need anymore....eventually E-Mail and i heard of a device that they are working on for the home where your bills will be sent electronically as well,will finish the "letter" as we know who would want to invest in letter delivery?.......

Me :D

We do nothing electronically now, not after my credit card and identity were stolen from doing the very thing you recommend!!!!

I don't disagree that snail mail is antiquated, but there are millions of people without computers, and many millions of other people that do not have broadband dsl or cable available to them in their rural areas...(ME again!) and dial up, is WORSE than snail me on this one, it is the pits.

I agree something needs to be done to cut our losses at the P.O....just uncertain what the truly feasible change is, that needs to take place....

i read in a magazine that deals with the mail industry that some guy gets on my route,that inside of 20 years.....the letter will be in the Smithsonian...electronic mail will be at a terminal in every household....just like your land based phone....more later right now i gotta go deliver the stuff....
Are we sure what the report meant. In post office terms lost means we can't FIND it. Don't suppose they just misplaced $3.8b.? :lol:

i know what you mean liberty.....every now and then we have notified people about a parcel,bring it in, put in the area were they go....and then a couple of days later one of the window clerks comes up and says they cant find the parcel.....and sure enough its gone.....WTF....eventually they find out what happened....but it does happen....
If you want them to break even, you have to let them say "Fuck You" to the Red States and allow them not to deliver to rural areas. That includes deliveries to Sarah Palins moose lodge in Podunk Falls Alaska.

The post office is a model of efficiency. Show me a private business that could cover the delivery area of the Post Office for 44 cents a letter

hey there are plenty of towns in New England where everyone has to have a post office box and pick up their own fucking mail so what's the big deal?

And it is not a model of efficiency if the post office loses billions of dollars.

is that more dimocrat math? lose a ton of dough and claim you are a model of efficiency?

If the Red State Republicans are willing to give up their subsidized deliveries then the Postal Service would have no problem turning a profit. Postal customers in urban areas pay a premium so that farmers can have deliveries made to their door

Go ahead and charge the farmer more, he will up the price on the watermelon going to the East Coast.
Me :D

We do nothing electronically now, not after my credit card and identity were stolen from doing the very thing you recommend!!!!

I don't disagree that snail mail is antiquated, but there are millions of people without computers, and many millions of other people that do not have broadband dsl or cable available to them in their rural areas...(ME again!) and dial up, is WORSE than snail me on this one, it is the pits.

I agree something needs to be done to cut our losses at the P.O....just uncertain what the truly feasible change is, that needs to take place....

you may not have much choice Care.....the writing is on the just glad i have my 30 in.....i can at least walk away if things get to pathetic....

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