US launches mass expulsion of Haitian migrants from Texas


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.

From the Story:

"DEL RIO, Texas (AP) — The U.S. flew Haitians camped in a Texas border town back to their homeland Sunday and tried blocking others from crossing the border from Mexico in a massive show of force that signaled the beginning of what could be one of America’s swiftest, large-scale expulsions of migrants or refugees in decades."

Is like 120 degrees there this time of the year. It's the safest, most humane thing we could have done.

Thank you Mr. President.

From the Story:

"DEL RIO, Texas (AP) — The U.S. flew Haitians camped in a Texas border town back to their homeland Sunday and tried blocking others from crossing the border from Mexico in a massive show of force that signaled the beginning of what could be one of America’s swiftest, large-scale expulsions of migrants or refugees in decades."

Is like 120 degrees there this time of the year. It's the safest, most humane thing we could have done.

Thank you Mr. President.
This is a racist move. If the invaders had been brown, it would be "c'mon in" but they are black--gotta ship 'em back. Where is the BLM/MSM outrage? SMH hypocrite.

From the Story:

"DEL RIO, Texas (AP) — The U.S. flew Haitians camped in a Texas border town back to their homeland Sunday and tried blocking others from crossing the border from Mexico in a massive show of force that signaled the beginning of what could be one of America’s swiftest, large-scale expulsions of migrants or refugees in decades."

Is like 120 degrees there this time of the year. It's the safest, most humane thing we could have done.

Thank you Mr. President.
When I first heard of the plan, I thought it was great. I figured the right wing on her would even be talking favorably, but saw no positive comments. OK, I get it. Any response Biden admin makes to any situation is automatically bad if you are on the right wing. I was not sure, myself if it would actually materialize. It did and I am glad. Speaking as an Independent, I didn't want 15,000 haitians camping under a bridge down there either, so I applaud the operation and hope to see it continue. If these people want refugee status, I see no problem with them waiting for it in their own country, even if we have to put them on planes and take them back there. It is better than keeping them here.

From the Story:

"DEL RIO, Texas (AP) — The U.S. flew Haitians camped in a Texas border town back to their homeland Sunday and tried blocking others from crossing the border from Mexico in a massive show of force that signaled the beginning of what could be one of America’s swiftest, large-scale expulsions of migrants or refugees in decades."

Is like 120 degrees there this time of the year. It's the safest, most humane thing we could have done.

Thank you Mr. President.

What's so "humane" about denying these black people from Haiti asylum when MS 13 characters from El Salvador and AlQaeda types from Afghanistan are being admitted?
Getting humans out of 120 degree heat is good. That it frustrates right wing losers like yourself is great.

Wouldn't it have been better just to ship the Haitians to San Francisco, which has a lot more moderate temperatures than Texas?
When I first heard of the plan, I thought it was great. I figured the right wing on her would even be talking favorably, but saw no positive comments. OK, I get it. Any response Biden admin makes to any situation is automatically bad if you are on the right wing. I was not sure, myself if it would actually materialize. It did and I am glad. Speaking as an Independent, I didn't want 15,000 haitians camping under a bridge down there either, so I applaud the operation and hope to see it continue. If these people want refugee status, I see no problem with them waiting for it in their own country, even if we have to put them on planes and take them back there. It is better than keeping them here.

Ship them back.

And a hundred thousand more Haitians for good measure.
White 6 No, that's not quite it. It's hard to give an "atta boy" to the retard who created a tsunami wave of immigrants coming into the country. So now he's going to send back a few thousand, ok super. That is quite literally a drop in the bucket considering they are coming in at a clip of 200 thousand per month.
I think he should have stayed with the policy and arrangement worked out under the trump administration also. I think he knows he screwed up. He wanted to go back to the arrangement, from my understanding, but it has to be and is being negotiated Mexico. Apparently Mexico has been keeping the mass of Haitians in a town or towns near southern Mexico and decided to turn them loose and point them north a few weeks ago, probably to enhance their negotiations and now here we are, so what do you do? This is a positive step for us and Mexico and Mexico is even assisting the move.
Please raise your hands if you would like to keep the 15,000 Haitians under the bridge for your political purposes. Anybody? Anybody? I Didn't think so.
It is a good move, any way you slice it. I would be in favor do doing likewise back to several other countries. I read somewhere we were spending a Billion dollars a day, staying in Afghanistan. Shipping illegal immigrants and would be unapproved refugees back to wait in their country and start their journey again is far cheaper in comparison and does not endanger Americans.
I think he should have stayed with the policy and arrangement worked out under the trump administration also. I think he knows he screwed up. He wanted to go back to the arrangement, from my understanding, but it has to be and is being negotiated Mexico. Apparently Mexico has been keeping the mass of Haitians in a town or towns near southern Mexico and decided to turn them loose and point them north a few weeks ago, probably to enhance their negotiations and now here we are, so what do you do? This is a positive step for us and Mexico and Mexico is even assisting the move.
Please raise your hands if you would like to keep the 15,000 Haitians under the bridge for your political purposes. Anybody? Anybody? I Didn't think so.
It is a good move, any way you slice it. I would be in favor do doing likewise back to several other countries. I read somewhere we were spending a Billion dollars a day, staying in Afghanistan. Shipping illegal immigrants and would be unapproved refugees back to wait in their country and start their journey again is far cheaper in comparison and does not endanger Americans.
Nice deflection for a problem that the guy you defend created--how about the wall cancellation?
Our economy depends more than ever on immigrants

Despite putting their lives on the line during the pandemic and paying their fair share of taxes, they remain locked out of the welfare assistance that served as a lifeline for so many families
Our economy depends more than ever on immigrants

Despite putting their lives on the line during the pandemic and paying their fair share of taxes, they remain locked out of the welfare assistance that served as a lifeline for so many families

The American economy needs SKILLED immigrants, those who arrive on our shores with health care or technical abilities to fulfill needs in our country. My eye doctor is an immigrant from Canada, example given.

There is no need for teeming masses to do back breaking labor. The number of those jobs is declining with technology and we have enough native born to fill what we do have.
theHawk BlACK LIVES MATTER! oh wait just Blacks from America.........oh wait just Blacks who aren't Conservative.............oh wait just Blacks who don't criticize Democrats...........
oh wait just Blacks who get shot by Police.......Sooooooooo maybe 4 or 5 BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!!
Getting humans out of 120 degree heat is good. That it frustrates right wing losers like yourself is great.

I bet this frustrates the hell out of left-wing incel losers like yourself...

haitians LOL.JPG

From the Story:

"DEL RIO, Texas (AP) — The U.S. flew Haitians camped in a Texas border town back to their homeland Sunday and tried blocking others from crossing the border from Mexico in a massive show of force that signaled the beginning of what could be one of America’s swiftest, large-scale expulsions of migrants or refugees in decades."

Is like 120 degrees there this time of the year. It's the safest, most humane thing we could have done.

Thank you Mr. President.
Biden the moron is only getting rid of them because Mexico slapped him in the face by sending them to us as an INSULT to Biden and his incompetent regime.

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