Understand why Trump is going after Bush and the GOP about Iraq and the WTC

Exactly, the voters have been waiting for someone to confront the corrupt and incompetent establishment for long.
People should wake up and admit that the war against Iraq is just a "big fat mistake". A true conservative should stop lying to protect the establishment, because the only thing they are good at is coaxing you into believing that everything you had is the best you could possibly get!
Exactly, the voters have been waiting for someone to confront the corrupt and incompetent establishment for long.
People should wake up and admit that the war against Iraq is just a "big fat mistake". A true conservative should stop lying to protect the establishment, because the only thing they are good at is coaxing you into believing that everything you had is the best you could possibly get!
. The thing is this, we ain't living in the past, and the present is always fluid.... We did go into Iraq, and we did some good there, and if we would have finished the job we would all have been better off for it. The backing off the way we did left the Iraqi's vulnerable just like the South Vietnamese were left the same way. We have to stop doing this, and we have to stop letting the democrats move into this mode of not letting a good crisis go to waste. The polticizing of these events in order to trash one party by another is causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands.
...If Donald can go into a GOP stronghold and tell the facts right to the faces of the GOP elite, get booed and still come out a winner, the angry GOP base who finally understand how they have been fucked over again and again by the GOP "establishment", and win, what message is that sending to the Democratic base? I suspect many are thinking, "finally, a serious Republican candidate we can vote for. A Republican who tells the truth. How novel".

Donald Trump isn't a republican. He is an independent. And he doesn't always tell the truth. He speaks the truth often enough to fool people, but his "honesty" is like a coat he puts on and takes off.

His volatile personality may be the thing that appeals to his followers; but they aren't thinking clearly. The moment he secures power he would turn on any of them in a minute if it suited any current agenda he had at the time.
First of all, Trump is a New York Business man. When he said he had a lot of friends who died in the WTC I believe him. In fact, he could have been one of those who died. I'm sure he visited there many times.

The WTC was attacked nearly a year after Bush became president. Republicans blame Obama for things that happened even before he was sworn in. Katrina, Solyndra, Iraq, the economy among others. And Bush said his brother kept us safe. Clearly he didn't. You can't say that to someone who lost close friends. And especially not on TV to their face.

And, I'm sure Trump has access to a lot of information we don't. He said the Bush administration knew there were no WMD's when they made their claim. He may know that for a fact. If that's the case, he will never like the Bush's.

Then there is Iraq and the tens of thousands of Americans dead and maimed. And we spent trillions outright and will spend more into the future to take care of the harm we caused.

And finally and most important. Strategy. If Donald can go into a GOP stronghold and tell the facts right to the faces of the GOP elite, get booed and still come out a winner, the angry GOP base who finally understand how they have been fucked over again and again by the GOP "establishment", and win, what message is that sending to the Democratic base? I suspect many are thinking, "finally, a serious Republican candidate we can vote for. A Republican who tells the truth. How novel".

He also pointed out the fact that the Iraq War destabilized the entire Middle East. He was totally against the invasion. Hillary, Bush, Rubio, and Cruz all want to now go in and take out Assad in Syria. Assad has the backing of both Russia and Iran. They probably also have the backing of China and North Korea. Hillary, Cruz, Rubio, and Bush are hell bent on nation building again in the Middle East. They are all in for starting World War III. Hillary was instrumental in the failure in Libya and its takeover by ISIS. We have lost the Middle East. We have spent $2 Trillion dollars in Iraq alone and have absolutely nothing to show for all the lives lost and money expended. Fifteen years of absolute failure. We need to bring our folks home and leave the Middle East alone unless we are absolutely certain we will put forth the ground troops, naval ships, and aircraft necessary to defeat Assad, Putin, Iraq, and whoever else Putin throws against us. We also would need to take the fighting out of civilian hands and put it into the hands of the military with their hands untied so they will be allowed to actually win. Trump has the most common sense of anyone running on either side.
Actually, 2 trillion is lowballing. It will probably cost more than that to take care of the tens of thousands of young Americans maimed in Iraq for 50 years in the future.

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