Hilaire Belloc
He was one of the most prolific writers in England during the early twentieth century. He is most notable for his Roman Catholic faith, which had an impact on most of his writing.
Hilaire Belloc - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In "The Old and New Enemies of the Catholic Church" he writes:
LINK: Hilaire Belloc
First, the observation that not much has changed since the times where this man lived.
But population boom in Islam makes "material superiority" of Christians less effective in controlling Islam.
On the other hand, Christianity is a disntegrated block no matter of the Vatican. By the way Islam is also a disintegrated block.
Despite media-hype and constant push in trying to mix religion with politics, the world has overcome religious fault-lines in modern times. How shitty todays situation might look, it is in comparison to past times not shitty. Who does not believe should read history and compare situation of today to the situation in past. Read about Christian and Muslim pirates on world-seas, taxes for secure travel to worship-places and off course the obvious, constant direct war in the name of monotheistic cult sometimes in east direction sometimes in west-direction.
Today there is no conflict-orientated block-building on grounds of religion. Israel-Arab issue is also no block-buolding on grounds of religion, it is the issue of some Arabic states and Israel.
Here we can recall on Hilaire Belloc in this way, that Israel (if through own capabilities or sponsored does not matter) had the "material/technological" advantage over these states.
Military genius on the battlefield, bravery and maybe luck do alöso count, but decisive is technological superiority.
As Israel is in no way capable of upkeeping its technological level with own capabilities, it will continue to be a drain on the budgets of its sponsors and a financial liability.
Israel is an economy of the size 205 Billion $.
Economy of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In no fucking way it is able to operate 299 F-16 through own capabilities:
Israeli Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I do not want to question Israelian achievements on different aspects of science or whatever, but this own achievements happen under the conditions that its Military aparatus is no barrier for economical development/sustainability.
Without various sponsors of Israel its upkeeping of its Military aparatus would make it bankrupt. It would have to make a decision either to let 299 F-16 fly through the skies or build Universities/Highways. Both are not possible.
The world functions to specific data, this data for Israel is 70 Billion $ in yearly state budget.
Economy of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The specific data of Israel puts it in th same league as Romania for example.
As the world is dynamic and various Middle-Eastern countries are growth-regions it is not possible for Israel to upkeep its technological superiority, despite its financial backing of sponsors. Would the world be Disneyland the Gulf capital would be potent to buy into Israelian assets on a controlling stakehold.
This topic is in the "Religion" forum so I speak of the jewish state. The jewish state by simple facts is actual of no relevance. It is of relevance as long some Christian states want it to be of relevance. To this day no Muslim country was able to break this cycle of putting something irrelevant into relevance. This you can also answer with Hilaire Belloc, as no Muslim country has the "technological advantage" over these countries which put Israel into relevance, even pittier most of the Arab regimes are the dogs of "you-know-whom-i-talking-about".
Jews and Muslims can co-exist, this co-existing was practized when Muslim "able-to-control-its-territory-and-the-peripherie" Empires existed. Maybe you now realize where I am pointing at, and here you can also recall Hilaire Belloc, the Muslims do not really controll the Muslim geography. This control ceased to exist with the Ottoman Empire.
Since then either the Brits, French or USA with Israel made the agenda of the classical Muslim geography.
With the coming redeployment of USA from this area the Muslims once again will be in the position to controll this area. USA succeeded the Brits, and noone will succeed the USA.
Since the creation of Islam the period starting with the Brits and French was an annomaly, meaning foreign-domination of the Muslim controlled area and its periphery.
There is no reason to assume this annomaly will, like an unbreakable law exist forever.
With the Iraq-Invasion, USA triggered regional dynamics which not solely but contributed to the actual situation that the USA will redeploy out of the Middle East to a non-relevant Power besides an oil-flow controlling power. USA will redeploy into the spehere of China, and Good-Luck with your new adventures.
Maybe these sentences will not prove themself right within the next 2-3 years, but it will become reality within the next 10 years. I am no Nostradamus, just putting geo-political inescapabilities into setences. That's it, the Asian continent, particularly the Pacific Region will rival the "Western World". This is also back-to-the-roots as in history the Asian continent before European ascendance in the middle ages was always the dominat continent, maybe with exception of the Roman Empire.
So the Western Superpower as the Fire-Man walks to where it burns. And in the east is a big dragon with a big pocket lighter to burn different strategy papers for domination lying on Washington wrting desks projected for this century.
Every $ spent in the Middle East is one $ less for power projection in the Pacific, whilst the rivaling force from year to year spents more on its designs in the Pacific.
I hope, i could logically explain you my thoughts on this issue.
Sometimes in the past i also tried to explain why Israel's countdown for US support has been started. With rising focus on East Asia Israel becomes of decreasing importance. Israel has no capabilities to assist the USA in its adventures in the Pacific. A non-existant navy, a 205 Billion $ economy totally dependent on outside sponsors.
The USA will be assisted by "blue-navy" capabilty NATO-Allies and US Allies in the Pacific like South-Korea and Japan. The US tax-payers money will be pumped into South-Korea and other allies rather then Israel. Lobbies and other bitches in your country wil not hinder this restructuring of money transfer.
Strategy thinkers like George Friedmann from Stratfor even puts other countries of $-recipients onto the table, like Poland as an US-sponsored containing force against Russia.
So the outlook for Israel is not really bright, in the end everything in money distribution is obliged to controlling supervision by simple comparison of effectiveness to costs.
You won't tell me USA is going to finance an Israelian Navy so that Israel will keep its importance for the USA through the evolving century.
Also i think the hyped religious confrontation or "clash of civilizations", what you want to call it, may be short-lived in this media-world with the Communists rising giving a new exploitable issue for media, distracting focus from current non-threat full-beards flickering over TV's to other issues of focus.
No matter how Terrorism is a shitty thing and needs to be fought, preferentially in coordination without state boundaries, Terrorism is only an existential threat to flyweight countries.
Talked too much again, just let me focus on geo-politics again.
You would surely agree with me that e.g. Germany is a major power.
In theoretical thinking you just compare specific datas of different countries like GDP, budget, Army-Size and so on.
But i believe country-specific datas can only be of significance when connected to the geographical factor.
Let me explain: Germany withou doubt is far superior then Iran in any data. But who has more influence and power in Middle-East, Germany or Iran?
Iran might be inferior to Germany, but Iran with its whole capabilities is on-ground in the Middle-East. It would need germany to switch to war-economy to build-up a presence far distant from home anywhere equaling the Iranian capabilities on-ground in the Middle East.
Why do i mention this geographical example? Because the continents are not of equal importance to the World dynamics. Someone dominateing the Middle-East is more important for the World dynamics then someone who controlls Europe. Europe is somehow, maybe preferentially, a self-contained continent not really of importance to the world besides economical factor. No matter how potent the heavyweights of Europe might be they always will have limited hardcore power-projection into other areas, if they not switch to war-economy. That's the simple law of A to B distance. This A to B distance law off course applies also to Iran, but its distance to regions of Importance for World Dynamics is short.
Germany can dominate Austria or Luxemburg, that will never have an impact like Iran controlling Iraq.
I hope you agree with me, that the importance of geography is important, very important in conjunction with other power-specifying datas like economy and army.
will continue, just saving not that a browser-crash will ruin my blablah.
He was one of the most prolific writers in England during the early twentieth century. He is most notable for his Roman Catholic faith, which had an impact on most of his writing.
Hilaire Belloc - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In "The Old and New Enemies of the Catholic Church" he writes:
LINK: Hilaire Belloc
In my own youth the decaying power of Islam (for it was still decaying) in the Near East was a strong menace to the peace of Europe. Those old people of whom I speak had grandparents in whose times Islam was still able to menace the West. The Turks besieged Vienna and nearly took it, less than a century before the American Declaration of Independence. Islam was then our superior, especially in military art. There is no reason why its recent inferiority in mechanical construction, whether military or civilian, should continue indefinitely. Even a slight accession of material power would make the further control of Islam by an alien culture difficult. A little more and there will cease that which our time has taken for granted, the physical domination of Islam by the disintegrated Christendom we know.
First, the observation that not much has changed since the times where this man lived.
But population boom in Islam makes "material superiority" of Christians less effective in controlling Islam.
On the other hand, Christianity is a disntegrated block no matter of the Vatican. By the way Islam is also a disintegrated block.
Despite media-hype and constant push in trying to mix religion with politics, the world has overcome religious fault-lines in modern times. How shitty todays situation might look, it is in comparison to past times not shitty. Who does not believe should read history and compare situation of today to the situation in past. Read about Christian and Muslim pirates on world-seas, taxes for secure travel to worship-places and off course the obvious, constant direct war in the name of monotheistic cult sometimes in east direction sometimes in west-direction.
Today there is no conflict-orientated block-building on grounds of religion. Israel-Arab issue is also no block-buolding on grounds of religion, it is the issue of some Arabic states and Israel.
Here we can recall on Hilaire Belloc in this way, that Israel (if through own capabilities or sponsored does not matter) had the "material/technological" advantage over these states.
Military genius on the battlefield, bravery and maybe luck do alöso count, but decisive is technological superiority.
As Israel is in no way capable of upkeeping its technological level with own capabilities, it will continue to be a drain on the budgets of its sponsors and a financial liability.
Israel is an economy of the size 205 Billion $.
Economy of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In no fucking way it is able to operate 299 F-16 through own capabilities:
Israeli Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I do not want to question Israelian achievements on different aspects of science or whatever, but this own achievements happen under the conditions that its Military aparatus is no barrier for economical development/sustainability.
Without various sponsors of Israel its upkeeping of its Military aparatus would make it bankrupt. It would have to make a decision either to let 299 F-16 fly through the skies or build Universities/Highways. Both are not possible.
The world functions to specific data, this data for Israel is 70 Billion $ in yearly state budget.
Economy of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The specific data of Israel puts it in th same league as Romania for example.
As the world is dynamic and various Middle-Eastern countries are growth-regions it is not possible for Israel to upkeep its technological superiority, despite its financial backing of sponsors. Would the world be Disneyland the Gulf capital would be potent to buy into Israelian assets on a controlling stakehold.
This topic is in the "Religion" forum so I speak of the jewish state. The jewish state by simple facts is actual of no relevance. It is of relevance as long some Christian states want it to be of relevance. To this day no Muslim country was able to break this cycle of putting something irrelevant into relevance. This you can also answer with Hilaire Belloc, as no Muslim country has the "technological advantage" over these countries which put Israel into relevance, even pittier most of the Arab regimes are the dogs of "you-know-whom-i-talking-about".
Jews and Muslims can co-exist, this co-existing was practized when Muslim "able-to-control-its-territory-and-the-peripherie" Empires existed. Maybe you now realize where I am pointing at, and here you can also recall Hilaire Belloc, the Muslims do not really controll the Muslim geography. This control ceased to exist with the Ottoman Empire.
Since then either the Brits, French or USA with Israel made the agenda of the classical Muslim geography.
With the coming redeployment of USA from this area the Muslims once again will be in the position to controll this area. USA succeeded the Brits, and noone will succeed the USA.
Since the creation of Islam the period starting with the Brits and French was an annomaly, meaning foreign-domination of the Muslim controlled area and its periphery.
There is no reason to assume this annomaly will, like an unbreakable law exist forever.
With the Iraq-Invasion, USA triggered regional dynamics which not solely but contributed to the actual situation that the USA will redeploy out of the Middle East to a non-relevant Power besides an oil-flow controlling power. USA will redeploy into the spehere of China, and Good-Luck with your new adventures.
Maybe these sentences will not prove themself right within the next 2-3 years, but it will become reality within the next 10 years. I am no Nostradamus, just putting geo-political inescapabilities into setences. That's it, the Asian continent, particularly the Pacific Region will rival the "Western World". This is also back-to-the-roots as in history the Asian continent before European ascendance in the middle ages was always the dominat continent, maybe with exception of the Roman Empire.
So the Western Superpower as the Fire-Man walks to where it burns. And in the east is a big dragon with a big pocket lighter to burn different strategy papers for domination lying on Washington wrting desks projected for this century.
Every $ spent in the Middle East is one $ less for power projection in the Pacific, whilst the rivaling force from year to year spents more on its designs in the Pacific.
I hope, i could logically explain you my thoughts on this issue.
Sometimes in the past i also tried to explain why Israel's countdown for US support has been started. With rising focus on East Asia Israel becomes of decreasing importance. Israel has no capabilities to assist the USA in its adventures in the Pacific. A non-existant navy, a 205 Billion $ economy totally dependent on outside sponsors.
The USA will be assisted by "blue-navy" capabilty NATO-Allies and US Allies in the Pacific like South-Korea and Japan. The US tax-payers money will be pumped into South-Korea and other allies rather then Israel. Lobbies and other bitches in your country wil not hinder this restructuring of money transfer.
Strategy thinkers like George Friedmann from Stratfor even puts other countries of $-recipients onto the table, like Poland as an US-sponsored containing force against Russia.
So the outlook for Israel is not really bright, in the end everything in money distribution is obliged to controlling supervision by simple comparison of effectiveness to costs.
You won't tell me USA is going to finance an Israelian Navy so that Israel will keep its importance for the USA through the evolving century.

Also i think the hyped religious confrontation or "clash of civilizations", what you want to call it, may be short-lived in this media-world with the Communists rising giving a new exploitable issue for media, distracting focus from current non-threat full-beards flickering over TV's to other issues of focus.
No matter how Terrorism is a shitty thing and needs to be fought, preferentially in coordination without state boundaries, Terrorism is only an existential threat to flyweight countries.
Talked too much again, just let me focus on geo-politics again.
You would surely agree with me that e.g. Germany is a major power.
In theoretical thinking you just compare specific datas of different countries like GDP, budget, Army-Size and so on.
But i believe country-specific datas can only be of significance when connected to the geographical factor.
Let me explain: Germany withou doubt is far superior then Iran in any data. But who has more influence and power in Middle-East, Germany or Iran?
Iran might be inferior to Germany, but Iran with its whole capabilities is on-ground in the Middle-East. It would need germany to switch to war-economy to build-up a presence far distant from home anywhere equaling the Iranian capabilities on-ground in the Middle East.
Why do i mention this geographical example? Because the continents are not of equal importance to the World dynamics. Someone dominateing the Middle-East is more important for the World dynamics then someone who controlls Europe. Europe is somehow, maybe preferentially, a self-contained continent not really of importance to the world besides economical factor. No matter how potent the heavyweights of Europe might be they always will have limited hardcore power-projection into other areas, if they not switch to war-economy. That's the simple law of A to B distance. This A to B distance law off course applies also to Iran, but its distance to regions of Importance for World Dynamics is short.
Germany can dominate Austria or Luxemburg, that will never have an impact like Iran controlling Iraq.
I hope you agree with me, that the importance of geography is important, very important in conjunction with other power-specifying datas like economy and army.
will continue, just saving not that a browser-crash will ruin my blablah.