UN vows inquiry into weapons found at UN sites in Gaza

Challenger, et al,

Yes, I've seen this before and used by pro-Johadist.

The Palestinians, in fact all people, have the right of self-defense. But no one can claim the right of aggression...

They don't. They claim the right to resist occupation and oppression by any and all means at their disposal, and no people have a "right of self defence" over territory it illegally occupies.

2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, particularly armed struggle;

A RES 33 24 of 29 November 1978

It is a non-bidding General Assembly Resolution that pre-dates the 1988 Palestinian Declaration of Independence. So, even if it were applicable, its application ceased on the acquisition of Independence.

Secondly, it is applicable to non-self-governing states seeking relief from foreign domination and occupation; not a rogue state controlled by international terrorists and Jihadist. It doesn't apply to states governed by governments with a long past history of criminal behaviors.

You will notice that it is never used as a recollection in Resolutions talking about Palestine.

Most Respectfully,
Considering that the activities of Israel, in particular the denial to the Palestinian people of their right to self-determination and independence, constitute a serious and increasing threat to international peace and security,

Indignant at the continued violations of the human rights of the peoples still under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation, the continuation of the illegal occupation of Namibia and South Africa's attempts to dismember its territory, the perpetuation of the racist minority régimes in Zimbabwe and South Africa and the denial to the Palestinian people of their inalienable national rights,

3. Reaffirms the inalienable right of the peoples of Namibia and Zimbabwe, of the Palestinian people and of all peoples under alien and colonial domination to self-determination, national independence, territorial integrity, and national unity and sovereignty without external interference;

10. Strongly condemns all Governments which do not recognize the right of self-determination and independence of all peoples still under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation, notably the peoples of Africa and the Palestinian people;

12. Further condemns the expansionist activities of Israel in the Middle East, as well as the continuous bombing of civilian Arab and, in particular, Palestinian populations and the destruction of their villages and encampments, which constitutes a serious obstacles to the realization of the self-determination and independence of the Palestinian people.

A RES 33 24 of 29 November 1978

Have the Palestinians not exercised their rights to free determination and independence way back in 1988 without any hindrance from Israel. Making you
...If the Arab Palestinians want a conclusion, they must actively seek-out and negotiate a treaty. It is really that simple.
...or take the land back themselves by any means they have at their disposal.

Not under the terms of the rules of war or the UN charter. But if they employ violence then Israel is empowered to respond to such violence in a manner they see fit and with as much force as they can muster. There is no legal precedence for proportionality in war, that is a LIE spread by team Palestine to justify the terrorist attacks on Israeli children.
1st post
What Hamas does is not resistance. And no, they should not have weapons
And why is it not resistance?
Because launching rockets indiscriminatly, suicide bombs and random shooktings isn't resisting anything. It's random violence.
What's a shookting?

A typo as you well know, and it is a neo Marxist trick to call out any typo when they don't have an answer to the points raised.

So now I'm a "neo-Marxist", is that a promotion from "leftie"?

As it happens, given the "K" and "T" keys are so far apart, on my keyboared, at least, I thought it might be some anglicised Yiddish or Hebrew word.

As to answering points, I didn't see any.

And the O and K are right next to each other, or was that too much for you to understand. A leftie can also be a neo Marxist, and also a neo Nazi the distinctions are very blurred now.
As for points raised try the ones showing that terror attacks are not resistance, they are aggressive warlike methods that will be responded to with superior force. If the Palestinians want to bury 2,000 people every two weeks then let them keep attacking Israeli children.
Because they target schools, children and other places children congregate, and not the military. In the case of gaza they freely admit that they are not occupied so have no need to " resist " anything, yet they are the biggest offenders for targeting children.
They have indiscriminate weapons. They target anything, dumbass!

Disagree, they have inaccurate weapons.

They also have very accurate weapons that are used to target children, as shown by the school bus targeted by an anti tank missile.

Yeah, not so much. This is what an anti-tank missile does when it hits.

Whatever hit the bus in question wasn't an anti-tank missile

Care to dispute this report then

Shaar HaNegev school bus attack - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Hamas claimed that the attack was carried out in retaliation for the killing of three of its leaders on 2-3 April[10] In the 48 hours prior to the attack, Palestinians had also fired a separate anti-tank missile at an Israeli target. Anti-tank missiles, unlike rockets and mortars, are extremely accurate, and their use requires more skill.[3]
Billo_Really, et al,

I'm not sure that I disagree entirely with this statement; with minor corrections.

An occupation is temporary. It is illegal to hold onto land seized in war. Israel does not own that land. Nor will they ever own that land. It doesn't matter how you classify the Palestinian's, it's irrelevant for an occupation to exist. What matters is, Israel has no clear title to that land.
(CORRECTION) For proper context.
  • Guided by the principles of the Charter of the United Nations affirming the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force and recalling relevant Security Council resolutions, including resolutions 242 (1967) of 22 November 1967, 252 (1968) of 21 May 1968, 338 (1973) of 22 October 1973, 465 (1980) of 1 March 1980 and 497 (1981) of 17 December 1981,
    • It is NOT "illegal to hold onto land seized in war." There is no law, convention or rule that prohibits this. What is prohibited is the annexation of territory acquired through the use of force.
      • The UN Charter of 1945, made the use of force unlawful except in
        • a) self-defence or through
        • b) the principle of collective security.
  • Reaffirming the applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt), including East Jerusalem, and other Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967,
In general, the State of Israel is not permanently claiming the Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967. It is not a land seizure effort in the context of ownership through a real estate "clear title."


In June 67, the Israel Defense Force (IDF) occupied what remained of the territory that was allocated for the Arab State, pursuant to the Partition Plan outlined in General Assembly Resolution 181(II); the remainder of the former Mandated Palestine consisting of the:
  • West Bank, including East Jerusalem, which was under Jordanian control,
  • Gaza Strip, which was under Egyptian administration.
The State of Israel became a belligerent occupation power and the civilian population, thereinafter became "protected persons." Since that time, with the exception of the Oslo Accords, the Arab Palestinians have not concluded a peace treaty with the Israelis. Thus, no final resolution has been made as to the status of Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967.

If the Arab Palestinians want a conclusion, they must actively seek-out and negotiate a treaty. It is really that simple.

Most Respectfully,
No, it has nothing to do with the Palestinian's. Resolution 242 tells Israel to get the fuck off that land! Those settlements they keep building are a clear violation of international law. The ICC has ruled as such. You cannot transfer a part of your population into an area you occupy. And Israel is not doing anything to protect the population living under their occupation.

You go look at all the past occupations to date, I doubt if any of them lasted 10 years. This one has lasted almost 50! That is fucking ridiculous!

And will you stop bringing up that bullshit resolution 181? That is a dead resolution with no enforcement provisions. Once the Security Council refused to vote on it, it became a null and void document. And you constantly bringing it up as though it has some relevancy, is bullshit!

Were does it say that then dildo, as I cant see those words in UN res 242.

What it does say is this

1. Affirms that the fulfilment of Charter principles requires the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which should include the application of both the following principles:

(i) Withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict;

(ii) Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force;

So until the Palestinians terminate all states of belligerence and negotiate secure and recognized boundaries then Israel stays as an occupying power.
...If the Arab Palestinians want a conclusion, they must actively seek-out and negotiate a treaty. It is really that simple.
...or take the land back themselves by any means they have at their disposal.

Ya know, they have tried all the means they have had at their disposal for the past 5 decades, tossing generation after generation of their kids in that fire just to satisfy the bloodlust of assholes like you. So what have they accomplished?
5th post
They don't. They claim the right to resist occupation and oppression by any and all means at their disposal, and no people have a "right of self defence" over territory it illegally occupies. 2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, particularly armed struggle;A RES 33 24 of 29 November 1978
That's what palistanians have chosen as per freedom of occupation. They'd been having some other occupation otherwise, of course.

I am still waiting for team Palestine to explain how digging a tunnel into Israel to end underneath a school and then packing the end with High Explosives to MASS MURDER all the children is seen as resistance

Care to cite a source for this allegation?

This do you

Hamas tunnels planned to target Israeli kindergartens. Oh by the way there are tunnels on the US border too. - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

As reported by the Daily Caller, “Multiple media outlets report that Hamas’s offensive tunnel network – now known to have been composed of over forty attack tunnels dug underneath Israel’s border with the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip – was set to be activated during the Jewish High Holidays (September 24th) as a mass terror attack. The attack was meant to generate as many as ten thousand casualties, men, women and particularly children and hundreds of captives. Explosives were particularly placed underneath kindergartens to make certain that these “institutions” would be the first struck, even before any thing else.”

Ah, the usual Hasbara BS. "Multiple media outlets" = lazy reporters regugitating the official line provided by the Zionist Hasbarats. Pinch of salt please.
Perhaps you could explain how Israel is relevant to the matter of UNRWA's collusion with Hamas? Thought NOT.
Laugh all you like.....I repeat my question Again......yeah Thought NOT..............anyhow Israel are and have been in discussions with Hamas for the past 18 months...........keep up to speed

You repeat your IRRELEVANT question because you're fundamentally stupid.
If you want to discuss Israel, start another thread. This subject of this one is UNRWA's complicity in Hamas crimes and evidently the subject is a very sore spot for you. I'm not surprised. Hopefully it will soon be a sore one for UNRWA and those hapless Gazans.
Care to cite a source for this allegation?

Hamas tunnels planned to target Israeli kindergartens. Oh by the way there are tunnels on the US border too. - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

As reported by the Daily Caller, “Multiple media outlets report that Hamas’s offensive tunnel network – now known to have been composed of over forty attack tunnels dug underneath Israel’s border with the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip – was set to be activated during the Jewish High Holidays (September 24th) as a mass terror attack. The attack was meant to generate as many as ten thousand casualties, men, women and particularly children and hundreds of captives. Explosives were particularly placed underneath kindergartens to make certain that these “institutions” would be the first struck, even before any thing else.”

Ah, the usual Hasbara BS. "Multiple media outlets" = lazy reporters regugitating the official line provided by the Zionist Hasbarats. Pinch of salt please.

Ah ... typical Nazi response. Having been given the corroborating evidence he demanded, the Nazi simply dismisses it as "Hasbara BS."
You can't get much lazier than that.
Challenger, et al,

Yes, I've seen this before and used by pro-Johadist.

The Palestinians, in fact all people, have the right of self-defense. But no one can claim the right of aggression...

They don't. They claim the right to resist occupation and oppression by any and all means at their disposal, and no people have a "right of self defence" over territory it illegally occupies.

2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, particularly armed struggle;

A RES 33 24 of 29 November 1978

It is a non-bidding General Assembly Resolution that pre-dates the 1988 Palestinian Declaration of Independence. So, even if it were applicable, its application ceased on the acquisition of Independence.

Secondly, it is applicable to non-self-governing states seeking relief from foreign domination and occupation; not a rogue state controlled by international terrorists and Jihadist. It doesn't apply to states governed by governments with a long past history of criminal behaviors.

You will notice that it is never used as a recollection in Resolutions talking about Palestine.

Most Respectfully,
Considering that the activities of Israel, in particular the denial to the Palestinian people of their right to self-determination and independence, constitute a serious and increasing threat to international peace and security,

Indignant at the continued violations of the human rights of the peoples still under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation, the continuation of the illegal occupation of Namibia and South Africa's attempts to dismember its territory, the perpetuation of the racist minority régimes in Zimbabwe and South Africa and the denial to the Palestinian people of their inalienable national rights,

3. Reaffirms the inalienable right of the peoples of Namibia and Zimbabwe, of the Palestinian people and of all peoples under alien and colonial domination to self-determination, national independence, territorial integrity, and national unity and sovereignty without external interference;

10. Strongly condemns all Governments which do not recognize the right of self-determination and independence of all peoples still under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation, notably the peoples of Africa and the Palestinian people;

12. Further condemns the expansionist activities of Israel in the Middle East, as well as the continuous bombing of civilian Arab and, in particular, Palestinian populations and the destruction of their villages and encampments, which constitutes a serious obstacles to the realization of the self-determination and independence of the Palestinian people.

A RES 33 24 of 29 November 1978

Have the Palestinians not exercised their rights to free determination and independence way back in 1988 without any hindrance from Israel. Making you
...If the Arab Palestinians want a conclusion, they must actively seek-out and negotiate a treaty. It is really that simple.
...or take the land back themselves by any means they have at their disposal.

Not under the terms of the rules of war or the UN charter. But if they employ violence then Israel is empowered to respond to such violence in a manner they see fit and with as much force as they can muster. There is no legal precedence for proportionality in war, that is a LIE spread by team Palestine to justify the terrorist attacks on Israeli children.

"There is no legal precedence for proportionality in war" ? What's this then? Customary IHL - Rule 14. Proportionality in Attack
Care to cite a source for this allegation?

Hamas tunnels planned to target Israeli kindergartens. Oh by the way there are tunnels on the US border too. - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

As reported by the Daily Caller, “Multiple media outlets report that Hamas’s offensive tunnel network – now known to have been composed of over forty attack tunnels dug underneath Israel’s border with the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip – was set to be activated during the Jewish High Holidays (September 24th) as a mass terror attack. The attack was meant to generate as many as ten thousand casualties, men, women and particularly children and hundreds of captives. Explosives were particularly placed underneath kindergartens to make certain that these “institutions” would be the first struck, even before any thing else.”

Ah, the usual Hasbara BS. "Multiple media outlets" = lazy reporters regugitating the official line provided by the Zionist Hasbarats. Pinch of salt please.

Ah ... typical Nazi response. Having been given the corroborating evidence he demanded, the Nazi simply dismisses it as "Hasbara BS."
You can't get much lazier than that.

So now I'm a Nazi, wonderful. Phoney thinks I'm a neo-Marxist. Since I can't be Far-Right and Far-Left at the same time, I must be a Centrist! QED. As the saying goes, "If they're coming at you from both sides, you must be doing something right" Thanks for the compliment.
10th post
Care to cite a source for this allegation?

Hamas tunnels planned to target Israeli kindergartens. Oh by the way there are tunnels on the US border too. - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

As reported by the Daily Caller, “Multiple media outlets report that Hamas’s offensive tunnel network – now known to have been composed of over forty attack tunnels dug underneath Israel’s border with the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip – was set to be activated during the Jewish High Holidays (September 24th) as a mass terror attack. The attack was meant to generate as many as ten thousand casualties, men, women and particularly children and hundreds of captives. Explosives were particularly placed underneath kindergartens to make certain that these “institutions” would be the first struck, even before any thing else.”

Ah, the usual Hasbara BS. "Multiple media outlets" = lazy reporters regugitating the official line provided by the Zionist Hasbarats. Pinch of salt please.

Ah ... typical Nazi response. Having been given the corroborating evidence he demanded, the Nazi simply dismisses it as "Hasbara BS."
You can't get much lazier than that.

So now I'm a Nazi, wonderful. Phoney thinks I'm a neo-Marxist. Since I can't be Far-Right and Far-Left at the same time, I must be a Centrist! QED. As the saying goes, "If they're coming at you from both sides, you must be doing something right" Thanks for the compliment.

Camel crap. Phoenall and I are coming from the same perspective ... we just describe you with different terms but if pretending makes you feel good about yourself, enjoy.
BTW, Nazis aren't far-right but rather a breed of SOCIALISTS ... NATIONAL SOCIALISTS.
Because they target schools, children and other places children congregate, and not the military. In the case of gaza they freely admit that they are not occupied so have no need to " resist " anything, yet they are the biggest offenders for targeting children.
They have indiscriminate weapons. They target anything, dumbass!

Disagree, they have inaccurate weapons.

They also have very accurate weapons that are used to target children, as shown by the school bus targeted by an anti tank missile.

Yeah, not so much. This is what an anti-tank missile does when it hits.

Whatever hit the bus in question wasn't an anti-tank missile

Indeed, compare that to the bus.


This story never passes the smell test.
They don't. They claim the right to resist occupation and oppression by any and all means at their disposal, and no people have a "right of self defence" over territory it illegally occupies. 2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, particularly armed struggle;A RES 33 24 of 29 November 1978
That's what palistanians have chosen as per freedom of occupation. They'd been having some other occupation otherwise, of course.

I am still waiting for team Palestine to explain how digging a tunnel into Israel to end underneath a school and then packing the end with High Explosives to MASS MURDER all the children is seen as resistance

Care to cite a source for this allegation?

This do you

Hamas tunnels planned to target Israeli kindergartens. Oh by the way there are tunnels on the US border too. - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

As reported by the Daily Caller, “Multiple media outlets report that Hamas’s offensive tunnel network – now known to have been composed of over forty attack tunnels dug underneath Israel’s border with the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip – was set to be activated during the Jewish High Holidays (September 24th) as a mass terror attack. The attack was meant to generate as many as ten thousand casualties, men, women and particularly children and hundreds of captives. Explosives were particularly placed underneath kindergartens to make certain that these “institutions” would be the first struck, even before any thing else.”

Ah, the usual Hasbara BS. "Multiple media outlets" = lazy reporters regugitating the official line provided by the Zionist Hasbarats. Pinch of salt please.

So you are saying that everything the arab media report if facts and truth, but anything the rest of the world reports is Israeli propaganda. The facts are the Palestinians admit to doing this and you ignore their words.
Challenger, et al,

Yes, I've seen this before and used by pro-Johadist.

The Palestinians, in fact all people, have the right of self-defense. But no one can claim the right of aggression...

They don't. They claim the right to resist occupation and oppression by any and all means at their disposal, and no people have a "right of self defence" over territory it illegally occupies.

2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, particularly armed struggle;

A RES 33 24 of 29 November 1978

It is a non-bidding General Assembly Resolution that pre-dates the 1988 Palestinian Declaration of Independence. So, even if it were applicable, its application ceased on the acquisition of Independence.

Secondly, it is applicable to non-self-governing states seeking relief from foreign domination and occupation; not a rogue state controlled by international terrorists and Jihadist. It doesn't apply to states governed by governments with a long past history of criminal behaviors.

You will notice that it is never used as a recollection in Resolutions talking about Palestine.

Most Respectfully,
Considering that the activities of Israel, in particular the denial to the Palestinian people of their right to self-determination and independence, constitute a serious and increasing threat to international peace and security,

Indignant at the continued violations of the human rights of the peoples still under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation, the continuation of the illegal occupation of Namibia and South Africa's attempts to dismember its territory, the perpetuation of the racist minority régimes in Zimbabwe and South Africa and the denial to the Palestinian people of their inalienable national rights,

3. Reaffirms the inalienable right of the peoples of Namibia and Zimbabwe, of the Palestinian people and of all peoples under alien and colonial domination to self-determination, national independence, territorial integrity, and national unity and sovereignty without external interference;

10. Strongly condemns all Governments which do not recognize the right of self-determination and independence of all peoples still under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation, notably the peoples of Africa and the Palestinian people;

12. Further condemns the expansionist activities of Israel in the Middle East, as well as the continuous bombing of civilian Arab and, in particular, Palestinian populations and the destruction of their villages and encampments, which constitutes a serious obstacles to the realization of the self-determination and independence of the Palestinian people.

A RES 33 24 of 29 November 1978

Have the Palestinians not exercised their rights to free determination and independence way back in 1988 without any hindrance from Israel. Making you
...If the Arab Palestinians want a conclusion, they must actively seek-out and negotiate a treaty. It is really that simple.
...or take the land back themselves by any means they have at their disposal.

Not under the terms of the rules of war or the UN charter. But if they employ violence then Israel is empowered to respond to such violence in a manner they see fit and with as much force as they can muster. There is no legal precedence for proportionality in war, that is a LIE spread by team Palestine to justify the terrorist attacks on Israeli children.

"There is no legal precedence for proportionality in war" ? What's this then? Customary IHL - Rule 14. Proportionality in Attack

DRIVEL as abiding by that would see both nations wiped out as the war would carry on until this outcome. One side has to have an advantage to bring the war to an end. It would mean we would be fighting with rocks and clubs, not non lethal weapons.
Care to cite a source for this allegation?

Hamas tunnels planned to target Israeli kindergartens. Oh by the way there are tunnels on the US border too. - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

As reported by the Daily Caller, “Multiple media outlets report that Hamas’s offensive tunnel network – now known to have been composed of over forty attack tunnels dug underneath Israel’s border with the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip – was set to be activated during the Jewish High Holidays (September 24th) as a mass terror attack. The attack was meant to generate as many as ten thousand casualties, men, women and particularly children and hundreds of captives. Explosives were particularly placed underneath kindergartens to make certain that these “institutions” would be the first struck, even before any thing else.”

Ah, the usual Hasbara BS. "Multiple media outlets" = lazy reporters regugitating the official line provided by the Zionist Hasbarats. Pinch of salt please.

Ah ... typical Nazi response. Having been given the corroborating evidence he demanded, the Nazi simply dismisses it as "Hasbara BS."
You can't get much lazier than that.

So now I'm a Nazi, wonderful. Phoney thinks I'm a neo-Marxist. Since I can't be Far-Right and Far-Left at the same time, I must be a Centrist! QED. As the saying goes, "If they're coming at you from both sides, you must be doing something right" Thanks for the compliment.

You do realise that the Nazi's were far left don't you, their full term was " The national socialist peoples workers party of Germany" sound familiar to you.
Because they target schools, children and other places children congregate, and not the military. In the case of gaza they freely admit that they are not occupied so have no need to " resist " anything, yet they are the biggest offenders for targeting children.
They have indiscriminate weapons. They target anything, dumbass!

Disagree, they have inaccurate weapons.

They also have very accurate weapons that are used to target children, as shown by the school bus targeted by an anti tank missile.

Yeah, not so much. This is what an anti-tank missile does when it hits.

Whatever hit the bus in question wasn't an anti-tank missile

Indeed, compare that to the bus.


This story never passes the smell test.

More than one type of anti tank missile
Were does it say that then dildo, as I cant see those words in UN res 242.
I highlighted it in red below, since you have the comprehension of a shrub.

What it does say is this

1. Affirms that the fulfilment of Charter principles requires the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which should include the application of both the following principles:

(i) Withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict;

(ii) Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force;

So until the Palestinians terminate all states of belligerence and negotiate secure and recognized boundaries then Israel stays as an occupying power.
The "termination of all claims or states of belligerency", is in reference to Israel, not the Palestinian's, you dumbass! The "occupation" is classified as a "belligerent occupation", meaning against the will of the population. So when the UN say's, "terminate all claims of belligerency", they're telling Israel to end the occupation.

It doesn't say anything about negotiations. Because there is nothing to negotiate. Israel needs to leave. Period. End of discussion.

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