UN Security Council Unanimously Sanctions North Korea


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
and so begins the rounds ala Iraq:

UN imposes weapons sanctions on N Korea

The United Nations Security Council has voted unanimously to impose weapons-related sanctions on North Korea in response to its spate of missile tests earlier this month.

The resolution demands that North Korea suspend "all activities" on its ballistic missile programs.

It requires all UN members to prevent imports from or exports to North Korea of missiles and missile-related items, as well as materials that could be used in weapons of mass destruction.

To avert a veto from China, the resolution does not mention Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, which is used on a legally binding document.

But Security Council members say the resolution is mandatory because of the way it is worded.

China and Russia had originally proposed weaker language, but agreed to a tough resolution.

They expressed fears that Chapter 7 would lead to military action, as in Iraq.

After the vote, Japan's Foreign Affairs Vice Minister Shintaro Ito told the 15-member council its response was strong.

"The council has acted swiftly and robustly in response to the reckless and condemnable act of (North Korea) in launching the barrage of ballistic missiles," he said.

Defying international warnings, North Korea launched at least six missiles on July 5 and a seventh some 12 hours later.

A long-range Taepodong-2, which could theoretically hit the continental United States, fell into the Sea of Japan within a minute of the launch.

North Korea, a reclusive Stalinist state, has rebuffed worldwide criticism of its missile tests and resisted pressure to return to talks on winding up its nuclear arms program, but its neighbours pressed on with diplomacy to resolve the crisis.

- Reuters
the downside,links at site:

Avenging Lost Face: UN Condemns North Korean Missile Tests
Filed under:

* General

— site admin @ 2:50 pm

Via the Associated Press.

Key excerpt:

The U.N. Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution Saturday condemning North Korea’s recent missile tests and demanding that the reclusive communist nation suspend its ballistic missile program. North Korea said it “totally rejects” the resolution and will continue missile launches to bolster its self-defense.

The agreement was reached after a last-minute compromise between Japan, the United States and Britain, who wanted a tough statement, and Russia and China, who favored weaker language.

The deal culminated 10 days of difficult negotiations.

The resolution demands the Pyongyang cease its ballistic missile testing programs.

Saving face is important in every human group– face is particularly important in North Asia, in social relationships and in diplomacy. The North Korean ballistic missile tantrum cost China a bit of face. That loss of face has just been avenged.

UPDATE: North Korea rejects the sanctions. The AP quotes NoKo’s UN ambassador as saying that North Korean forces ”will go on with missile launch exercises as part of its efforts to bolster deterrent for self-defense in the future, too.”

Pyongyang did not expect a Security Council sanction. This is an embarassment– an undeniable public loss of face. Japan is absolutely central to the UN vote. Japanese politicians are openly demanding a Japanese offensive military capacity to deal with North Korea’s missiles. That demand rings very unpleasant historical gongs in Beijing and other Asian capitals.
dilloduck said:
A UN sanction is worthless. No one pays any attention to them. Time for the US to make an exit and put the final nail in the silly coffin of silly-talk.

Not if one wants at least the Brits to join us. The US is the only major power arguing the ineffectiveness of the UN.
Kathianne said:
Not if one wants at least the Brits to join us. The US is the only major power arguing the ineffectiveness of the UN.

The Brits ignore the UN with the rest of them. It is impotent and moot. If the Brits will only side with US with a UN stamp of approval they aren't worth it.

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