UN May Not Go Into Darfur Because...


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Nov 22, 2003
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UN deployment in Darfur uncertain: UN envoy

Tue Feb 28, 6:05 PM ET

UN envoy Jan Pronk cast doubt on prospects for a robust UN force in Sudan's troubled Darfur province as he warned of growing anti-UN sentiment in Khartoum fueled by fears of a "conspiracy against the Arab-Islamic world".

Pronk, the UN special representative in Sudan, also cautioned that sending a NATO-led force to protect beleaguered civilians in the western Sudanese province would be "a recipe for disaster".

He spoke of rising anti-UN feelings in Khartoum as authorities there fiercely oppose plans to replace an ineffective African Union force in Darfur by a mobile, more robust UN contingent.

Pronk told reporters that while Khartoum did not oppose the use of NATO logistical capabilities to support a Darfur operation, it was dead against deploying a NATO-led force on its soil.

A NATO-led force "would be a recipe for disaster... People would really start a Jihad (holy war) against it," he said.

"The (Khartoum) government is taking a very strong position against the transition (to the UN) and that is new," he noted. "There is fear in Khartoum that the transition will be a conspiracy, which will bring Sudan in same situation as Iraq."

"The climate in Khartoum against the UN is heating up very strongly. There are threats, warnings," Pronk said. "They speak of recolonization, invasion, imperialism, (a) conspiracy against the Arab-Islamic world."

Pronk said there was "genuine concern" in Sudan about perceived ulterior motives behind a planned Darfur operation although he conceded that this concern could be "manipulated".

He cited warnings he received from members of the Sudanese government and intelligence reports about threats from the Al-Qaeda terror network that prompted him to make security arrangements for his staff.

Pronk also cautioned that the African Union Peace and Security Council might be reconsidering its January decision in principle to replace the African Union force known as AMIS by a robust UN force as demanded by UN chief Kofi Annan.

The 7,000-strong AMIS, which was deployed in 2004, has been suffering from poor funding and inadequate resources to contain the escalating bloodshed in Sudan's western region.

"We do not know whether the African Union will reconfirm its decision (at its March 10 meeting). That is not certain any more," Pronk said.

Meanwhile two key members of the African Union, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi, Tuesday also rejected replacing the AU force in Darfur with UN peackeepers.

The two leaders "stressed the importance of the African force's presence in Darfur without any outside intervention," the Egyptian ambassador to Libya Mohammad Rafaat al-Tahtawi told reporters after talks in the Libyan town of Misrata.

The meeting came ahead of the March 10 meeting of the AU Peace and Security Council in Addis Ababa, which is expected to discuss proposals to transfer responsibility for the Darfur force to the United Nations.

The AU has said it has no funds to operate beyond March and has been considering a handover of its Darfur mission to the United Nations.

The UN Security Council in February approved contingency planning for UN peacekeepers to take over from the AU force but, despite strong pressure from Western governments, Khartoum has so far remained hostile to the deployment of UN troops there.

This weekend, President Omar al-Beshir warned Darfur would become a "graveyard" for any foreign military contingent entering the region against Khartoum's will.

The war in Darfur broke out in February 2003, when black ethnic groups launched a rebellion against Khartoum, which was brutally repressed by the Arab Islamist regime of President Omar al-Beshir.

The combined effect of the war and one of the world's worst humanitarian crises has left up to 300,000 people dead and an estimated 2.4 million displaced.
Fuck the UN, fuck Egypt, fuck these fucking fuckers who have done absolutely nothing for these poor people over the last 3 years. At least Bush has the heart and religious conviction to feed, clothe and nurse these people with generous US aid that is nevertheless wasted because many cannot recieve it because there is no security in the camps or in darfur or in the border zones.

Jesus, its times like this when I realize that when it comes down to it, America's it.

These people are dying in some of the worst possible ways imaginable. What kind of "global society" stands by and nothing as thousands of women are forced to make a horrible decision: "Do I venture outside the refugee camp to get firewood and water and risk being gangraped, or do I send my young children to get firewood and water and risk them being kidnapped and/or tortured?"
NATO AIR said:
Fuc the UN, fuc Egypt, fuc these fucing fucers who have done absolutely nothing for these poor people over the last 3 years. At least Bush has the heart and religious conviction to feed, clothe and nurse these people with generous US aid that is nevertheless wasted because many cannot recieve it because there is no security in the camps or in darfur or in the border zones.

Jesus, its times like this when I realize that when it comes down to it, America's it.

These people are dying in some of the worst possible ways imaginable. What kind of "global society" stands by and nothing as thousands of women are forced to make a horrible decision: "Do I venture outside the refugee camp to get firewood and water and risk being ganraed, or do I send my young children to get firewood and water and risk them being kidnapped and/or tortured?"

I knew that article was NOT going to make your day. Those are some sickos in the UN.
Kathianne said:
I knew that article was NOT going to make your day. Those are some sickos in the UN.
Sorry about the changes to NATO's spelling, nothing to be done with the school 'filters.'
NATO AIR said:
At least Bush has the heart and religious conviction to feed, clothe and nurse these people with generous US aid that is nevertheless wasted because many cannot recieve it because there is no security in the camps or in darfur or in the border zones.

But this is just one of Bush's many fine qualities. He also has the wisdom and compassion to sell our port operation to the Emirate of Dubai. What a guy.
Kathianne said:
Sorry about the changes to NATO's spelling, nothing to be done with the school 'filters.'

No prob.

This damn business has been going on for too long. We'll be watching Hotel Darfur in a few years and I'm going to scream if I have to endure a bunch of self-serving tripe from Clinton, Kerry, Annan and Bush about how "we tried to do our best".

Fuckers didn't do shit that actually mattered. Its great to feed, clothe and treat them, that just makes them more healthy human beings that are gangraped, tortured and killed when the militias tear through the camps and slaughter everything in sight.

Now we've got hundreds of thousands dead, millions displaced and an entire region about to be engulfed in conflict because our leaders are so short-sighted its not even worthy of contempt or loathing. I pity the Cat 5's who run the State Department.

At least we could be evil or ruthless about it, like Kissinger, and extract some sort of meaningful benefit. But no, we get third rate intelligence and bullshit pronouncements from a bunch of bloodthirsty dictators who routinely slaughter their populations because they know no one in the world in a position of power gives two shits.

You think Darfur's bad? Wait till the tyrants move their ethnic cleansing campaign to Eastern Sudan, where some of the most fundamentalist muslims reside, who will react with suicide bombings, ritual killings and wanton slaughter of anyone they suspect of helping the ethnic cleansing campaign waged against them.
NATO AIR said:
Wait till the tyrants move their ethnic cleansing campaign to Eastern Sudan, .

Or the United States ports.
rtwngAvngr said:
Or the United States ports.

Contrary to popular belief, this is not a religious thing. Its all about power for the tyrants in Sudan. They will shamelessly use race, religion, tribal allegiance or pure greed to get anything they want done to their enemies.
NATO AIR said:
Contrary to popular belief, this is not a religious thing. Its all about power for the tyrants in Sudan. They will shamelessly use race, religion, tribal allegiance or pure greed to get anything they want done to their enemies.

That's islam.
rtwngAvngr said:
That's islam.

Also seen everywhere from the former Soviet Union. Saddam Hussein's Iraq and the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, among other infamous examples.

Pure evil has many imitators and idealogical children.
NATO AIR said:
Also seen everywhere from the former Soviet Union. Saddam Hussein's Iraq and the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, among other infamous examples.

Pure evil has many imitators and idealogical children.

Yeah. But in darfur, Islam is the facilitator of the evil.
rtwngAvngr said:
Yeah. But in darfur, Islam is the facilitator of the evil.

It's a vehicle for the evil machinations of the government against fellow muslims.

This is as pointless a debate or exchange as one questioning whether its a genocide or not.

Its ethnic cleansing on a scale we can't imagine or understand, because we're not used to seeing a nearly defenseless population being cleansed so totally without the world acting.

Even the Tutsis in Rwanda could look to the RPF for hope. Two pathetic rebel groups in Darfur does not an RPF clone make .
NATO AIR said:
It's a vehicle for the evil machinations of the government against fellow muslims.

This is as pointless a debate or exchange as one questioning whether its a genocide or not.

Its ethnic cleansing on a scale we can't imagine or understand, because we're not used to seeing a nearly defenseless population being cleansed so totally without the world acting.

Even the Tutsis in Rwanda could look to the RPF for hope. Two pathetic rebel groups in Darfur does not an RPF clone make .

Christians too right? They're killing chrisitians in darfur, right?

Yeah. I was wondering why you brought it up.

So i guess your totally on board with islamist apology these days?
rtwngAvngr said:
Christians too right? They're killing chrisitians in darfur, right?

Yeah. I was wondering why you brought it up.

So i guess your totally on board with islamist apology these days?

As far as I know from being emeshed with Darfur facts over the last two years of pained and pointless activism, there are very few Christians, if any, in Darfur.

Many Christians were slaughtered by the government forces and their militias (often Islamists on both parties- government and militias) in the South.

Maybe you have confused this, many often do, it is quite understandable.
NATO AIR said:
As far as I know from being emeshed with Darfur facts over the last two years of pained and pointless activism, there are very few Christians, if any, in Darfur.

Many Christians were slaughtered by the government forces and their militias (often Islamists on both parties- government and militias) in the South.

Maybe you have confused this, many often do, it is quite understandable.

Oh. The south. That must be what I was thinking of. Islam can attack it's own and still be the problem. Saying "but it's muslim on muslim" doesn't vindicate islam, though I don't know why you went there in first place, considering I was merely taking pot shots at bush. lol.
rtwngAvngr said:
Oh. The south. That must be what I was thinking of. Islam can attack it's own and still be the problem. Saying "but it's muslim on muslim" doesn't vindicate islam, though I don't know why you went there in first place, considering I was merely taking pot shots at bush. lol.

No, just showing that evil knows no bounds. They'll quickly slaughter Muslims just as quickly as anyone else.

I do respect Bush's faith, which leads him to do things like being generous to the refugees. But i question his intelligence (his mind), because this is a case of soft heart, soft head. One can have a hard head and soft heart, but not the other way around.
NATO AIR said:
No, just showing that evil knows no bounds. They'll quickly slaughter Muslims just as quickly as anyone else.

I do respect Bush's faith, which leads him to do things like being generous to the refugees. But i question his intelligence (his mind), because this is a case of soft heart, soft head. One can have a hard head and soft heart, but not the other way around.

I question his loyalty to the american people. It's obvious this deal was supposed to be under the radar, and the vociferousness of the spinning to defend it tells me that this is part of the dismantling of america.
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