U.S. Supreme court deals major blow to the ten commandments

On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court took sides in a heated dispute over a Ten Commandments display on the lawn of a city hall building in Bloomfield, New Mexico, siding with lower courts that found its presence unconstitutional. It’s a conclusion to the City of Bloomfield v. Felix case that has the American Civil Liberties Union, among other groups, elated, heralding the move as a First Amendment victory. Meanwhile, conservative critics are less than content over the SCOTUS decision. David

U.S. Supreme Court Deals Major Blow to the Ten Commandments

You leftist assholes have no clue what you are doing as you strip this nation of everything we were built upon and as you retards of the ANTI American hate groups go around turning America into N. Korea you rejects won't realize what you've done until years later. That's how works assholes..............then we all pay for your stupidity even people from other Countries see and understand what is going on yet the very fkning assholes who live here can't see a thing. gawd you fkrs are so beyond idiots.

This country wasn't built on the ten suggestions.
I'm hoping you can discern the difference between suggestions and commandments.

PS: The 10 commandments are the bedrock of American law.

What school of bedrock did you go to? The one with Pebbles and Bam Bam?

The one where they taught people to be self-sufficient.

What was that degree you had again?

Humans were self-sufficient for 100s of thousands years before your mythology was invented.

Proof? Or you were there and witnessed it? Something tells me NOT.
On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court took sides in a heated dispute over a Ten Commandments display on the lawn of a city hall building in Bloomfield, New Mexico, siding with lower courts that found its presence unconstitutional. It’s a conclusion to the City of Bloomfield v. Felix case that has the American Civil Liberties Union, among other groups, elated, heralding the move as a First Amendment victory. Meanwhile, conservative critics are less than content over the SCOTUS decision. David

U.S. Supreme Court Deals Major Blow to the Ten Commandments

You leftist assholes have no clue what you are doing as you strip this nation of everything we were built upon and as you retards of the ANTI American hate groups go around turning America into N. Korea you rejects won't realize what you've done until years later. That's how works assholes..............then we all pay for your stupidity even people from other Countries see and understand what is going on yet the very fkning assholes who live here can't see a thing. gawd you fkrs are so beyond idiots.

This country wasn't built on the ten suggestions.
I'm hoping you can discern the difference between suggestions and commandments.

PS: The 10 commandments are the bedrock of American law.

What school of bedrock did you go to? The one with Pebbles and Bam Bam?

The one where they taught people to be self-sufficient.

What was that degree you had again?

Humans were self-sufficient for 100s of thousands years before your mythology was invented.

They also died by the hundreds of millions until that "mythology" dropped kicked the planet toward Western civilization.
I didn't know we were built on the ten commandments?
We weren't, ignore this delusional fool. He never met an idiotic conspiracy or a magical pile of nonsense he didn't immediately believe, completely amd forever.
Historical ignorance from the left once again.
Oh no, freaky bigot-boy insulted millions of people! My, won't they be embarrassed!
You're just as bigoted as I am, sunshine.
Nobody is as bigoted as you are, Fraulein.
On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court took sides in a heated dispute over a Ten Commandments display on the lawn of a city hall building in Bloomfield, New Mexico, siding with lower courts that found its presence unconstitutional. It’s a conclusion to the City of Bloomfield v. Felix case that has the American Civil Liberties Union, among other groups, elated, heralding the move as a First Amendment victory. Meanwhile, conservative critics are less than content over the SCOTUS decision. David

U.S. Supreme Court Deals Major Blow to the Ten Commandments

You leftist assholes have no clue what you are doing as you strip this nation of everything we were built upon and as you retards of the ANTI American hate groups go around turning America into N. Korea you rejects won't realize what you've done until years later. That's how works assholes..............then we all pay for your stupidity even people from other Countries see and understand what is going on yet the very fkning assholes who live here can't see a thing. gawd you fkrs are so beyond idiots.

This country wasn't built on the ten suggestions.
I'm hoping you can discern the difference between suggestions and commandments.

PS: The 10 commandments are the bedrock of American law.
Ok, tell us what American law is based exclusively on the 10 Commandments? I've asked several posters and seem to be not getting an answer yet.
Take a look at the walls in Congress and SCOTUS...
That would require the libs to be able to read? Not to many of those coming out of public education of late.
Another fucked up lie by another lying ignorant 'Conservative'. It is the red states that have the lowest education levels.

Red America vs. Blue America: State Maps Illustrate the Difference

The Human Development Index
The first map is color-coded based on a meta-measure of a society called the “human development index.” This index was created by the Social Science Research Council as a composite measure of the health, education and income levels within each state—the higher the number (or darker-colored the state on the map), the more developed the state.

You leftists are not educated. You are indoctrinated.
Ya, by God, indoctrinated with those leftist ideas called Calculus, Geology, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. LOL

Ri-iiiight. So why is the US ranked 24th in global education rankings?
" So why is the US ranked 24th in global education rankings?"

That's a softball question: Because far too many adults place little to no value on education.
I didn't know we were built on the ten commandments?
I would think an issue like this should be left up to the state...and maybe even the local governments to decide. If the people of that area want the Ten Commandments displayed, then they should be allowed to.

Separation of Church & State only goes so far in terms of the United States not having an "official religion" imo

If not, then what will they rule to be unconstitutional next? The pledge of allegiance? "One Nation Under God
.."? Our currency " In God We Trust".?

The First Amendment ~ Freedom FROM religion, is not up for popular vote.

The first amendment doesn't state freedom FROM religion.

It states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

Basically means Congress won't make a law forcing people to follow a certain religion nor will they make a law that prohibits people from following a certain religion.

How is displaying the Ten Commandments forcing people to follow a religion?

Putting specific religious law in public places like the courthouse is effectively endorsing a specific religion and implying religious law has a place in our courts.

Would you support a monument with elements of Islamic law inscribed?

Our courts are secular not sacred spaces. You are free in all other areas to promote your faith but keep it out of the courts.
Putting specific religious law in public places like the courthouse is effectively endorsing a specific religion and implying religious law has a place in our courts.

then why hasn't the figure of Moses on the Supreme court building been modified.

How is it different than putting the 10 Commandments in a local courthouse?
The ten commandments represent religious laws. Of a specfic religion.

The figure of Moses in the frieze above the Supreme Court presented in a context in which he is grouped within a set of historic lawgivers: Menes, Hammurabi, Confucious, Mohammad, Lycurgis and others.
That's right, folks.....pagans and muslims.
It's trivial to do so, and it's already been done.

"no law respecting an establishment of religion"

"Respecting" in that context means "in regards to". No part of any government in the USA can make any sort of laws that are pro- or anti- any religion. They have to stay neutral on the subject. Posting the 10 commandments is definitely not being neutral.

Basic English. If conservatives would only learn it, along with basic logic and basic morality, they wouldn't constantly fail so hard with their whiny Constitutional, historical and moral revisionism. The funniest part is how they get so upset when you point out their revisionism.

It's obvious the founding fathers based the foundation of this country with a belief in God. The first amendment states that they can't force you or prevent you from following a religion. That's it. Doesn't say anything about the country not being founded on a belief in God though.

The pledge of allegiance and our currency all reference God. Should those be regarded as unconstitutional as well?
No....not true at all. Our Founding Fathers turned away from the European concept of Divine Right and the State dictating what religion you had to follow. Remember, the English Monarch was ALSO head of the church. Our Founding Fathers based the foundation of this country on Greek (Pagan) Democracy, Roman (Pagan) Republican government, and the Enlightenment ideas of people like John Locke and Montesqueue.

You don't seem to understand the difference between simply believing in God and forcing people to hold a certain religion or preventing people from practising a certain religion. The Founding Fathers didn't want to incorporate a specific religion into government...that does not mean they didn't believe in God nor does it mean that they didn't use God or their beliefs in God when founding this country.

God is mentioned in the Declaration of Independence, In just about every state's Constitution, on every piece of United States currency, in the pledge of allegiance, in just about every major speech throughout the history of the US, including speeches and memoirs from the Founding Fathers themselves. To deny that the Founding Fathers didn't base this country on a belief in God is nonsense. There's a HUGE difference between them basing this country on a belief in God vs. them not forcing it or preventing it through various religions, through the first amendment.
Where is your god mentioned in the Declaration of Independence?

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions,"

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."

All references to God.
That's our pagan god....not your jewish god. Thus, our Founders' basing our government on Pagan Greek democracy and Pagan Roman Republicanism.....even Washington D.C.'s government buildings are based on Roman and Greek architecture and the Washington monument a Freemason obelisk.
That would require the libs to be able to read? Not to many of those coming out of public education of late.
Another fucked up lie by another lying ignorant 'Conservative'. It is the red states that have the lowest education levels.

Red America vs. Blue America: State Maps Illustrate the Difference

The Human Development Index
The first map is color-coded based on a meta-measure of a society called the “human development index.” This index was created by the Social Science Research Council as a composite measure of the health, education and income levels within each state—the higher the number (or darker-colored the state on the map), the more developed the state.

You leftists are not educated. You are indoctrinated.
Ya, by God, indoctrinated with those leftist ideas called Calculus, Geology, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. LOL

Ri-iiiight. So why is the US ranked 24th in global education rankings?
" So why is the US ranked 24th in global education rankings?"

That's a softball question: Because far too many adults place little to no value on education.

That's because they were ranked 20th in their time.
I didn't know we were built on the ten commandments?
We weren't, ignore this delusional fool. He never met an idiotic conspiracy or a magical pile of nonsense he didn't immediately believe, completely amd forever.
Historical ignorance from the left once again.
Oh no, freaky bigot-boy insulted millions of people! My, won't they be embarrassed!
You're just as bigoted as I am, sunshine.
Nobody is as bigoted as you are, Fraulein.
Lol..I'm a dude.
On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court took sides in a heated dispute over a Ten Commandments display on the lawn of a city hall building in Bloomfield, New Mexico, siding with lower courts that found its presence unconstitutional. It’s a conclusion to the City of Bloomfield v. Felix case that has the American Civil Liberties Union, among other groups, elated, heralding the move as a First Amendment victory. Meanwhile, conservative critics are less than content over the SCOTUS decision. David

U.S. Supreme Court Deals Major Blow to the Ten Commandments

You leftist assholes have no clue what you are doing as you strip this nation of everything we were built upon and as you retards of the ANTI American hate groups go around turning America into N. Korea you rejects won't realize what you've done until years later. That's how works assholes..............then we all pay for your stupidity even people from other Countries see and understand what is going on yet the very fkning assholes who live here can't see a thing. gawd you fkrs are so beyond idiots.

This country wasn't built on the ten suggestions.

Wasn't built on any ten commandments either.
We weren't, ignore this delusional fool. He never met an idiotic conspiracy or a magical pile of nonsense he didn't immediately believe, completely amd forever.
Historical ignorance from the left once again.
Oh no, freaky bigot-boy insulted millions of people! My, won't they be embarrassed!
You're just as bigoted as I am, sunshine.
Nobody is as bigoted as you are, Fraulein.
Lol..I'm a dude.

Some of them are ... like that.
Take a look at the walls in Congress and SCOTUS...
That would require the libs to be able to read? Not to many of those coming out of public education of late.
Another fucked up lie by another lying ignorant 'Conservative'. It is the red states that have the lowest education levels.

Red America vs. Blue America: State Maps Illustrate the Difference

The Human Development Index
The first map is color-coded based on a meta-measure of a society called the “human development index.” This index was created by the Social Science Research Council as a composite measure of the health, education and income levels within each state—the higher the number (or darker-colored the state on the map), the more developed the state.

You leftists are not educated. You are indoctrinated.
Ya, by God, indoctrinated with those leftist ideas called Calculus, Geology, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. LOL

Ri-iiiight. So why is the US ranked 24th in global education rankings?

Because more than half of American public education is underfunded by conservative pols.
This nonsense from #120 "Public expression, how? What do you mean? You mean no more prayer meetings in Public places? Good call because these were the kinds of prayer meetings that were happening:"


OK, so how is what I wrote "ignorance"? The photo of that prayer meeting is right there in black and white. Look, they're holding crosses and standing below a giant, flaming cross. What would you call a bunch of people in robes, holding crosses, and saying prayers? A fucking prayer meeting.

a Klan meeting.

shame you cant tell the difference

Tell us, is this also a prayer meeting?


(daily Senate Prayer)
That's their choice and they do various religions (tho some RW snowflakes melt when they do Buddhist prayers)
It's obvious the founding fathers based the foundation of this country with a belief in God. The first amendment states that they can't force you or prevent you from following a religion. That's it. Doesn't say anything about the country not being founded on a belief in God though.

The pledge of allegiance and our currency all reference God. Should those be regarded as unconstitutional as well?
No....not true at all. Our Founding Fathers turned away from the European concept of Divine Right and the State dictating what religion you had to follow. Remember, the English Monarch was ALSO head of the church. Our Founding Fathers based the foundation of this country on Greek (Pagan) Democracy, Roman (Pagan) Republican government, and the Enlightenment ideas of people like John Locke and Montesqueue.

You don't seem to understand the difference between simply believing in God and forcing people to hold a certain religion or preventing people from practising a certain religion. The Founding Fathers didn't want to incorporate a specific religion into government...that does not mean they didn't believe in God nor does it mean that they didn't use God or their beliefs in God when founding this country.

God is mentioned in the Declaration of Independence, In just about every state's Constitution, on every piece of United States currency, in the pledge of allegiance, in just about every major speech throughout the history of the US, including speeches and memoirs from the Founding Fathers themselves. To deny that the Founding Fathers didn't base this country on a belief in God is nonsense. There's a HUGE difference between them basing this country on a belief in God vs. them not forcing it or preventing it through various religions, through the first amendment.
Where is your god mentioned in the Declaration of Independence?

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions,"

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."

All references to God.
A God
Or goddess. Female gods are more the creators.
That would require the libs to be able to read? Not to many of those coming out of public education of late.
Another fucked up lie by another lying ignorant 'Conservative'. It is the red states that have the lowest education levels.

Red America vs. Blue America: State Maps Illustrate the Difference

The Human Development Index
The first map is color-coded based on a meta-measure of a society called the “human development index.” This index was created by the Social Science Research Council as a composite measure of the health, education and income levels within each state—the higher the number (or darker-colored the state on the map), the more developed the state.

You leftists are not educated. You are indoctrinated.
Ya, by God, indoctrinated with those leftist ideas called Calculus, Geology, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. LOL

Ri-iiiight. So why is the US ranked 24th in global education rankings?

Because more than half of American public education is underfunded by conservative pols.

DC public schools spend $10,000 per student per year, more than any other district, and churn out nothing but barely-functional morons.
Last edited:
Apparently, you deny God, who is the reason America is here.
You don't like it? YOU GTFO>
There's plenty of nations that deny God. The US is not one of them.

But that's the reason for their attack on America. Because it IS a Christina nation.
Nowhere else on Earth can they wreak so much havoc.

Theirs is all for the glory of Lucifer.
Does Christina know it's her nation?
Still not seeing the separation.

and, considering the area, I doubt seriously many in his jurisdiction would now Hammurabi, Confucious, etc.
You dont see the difference between law givers and laws?

On entering a courthouse...is a monument to a set of religious laws in space that is ostensibly governed by secular law appropriate or is it an implied recognition of the authority of a specific religion?

Is one historic lawmaker among a group of historic lawmakers an implied recognition of a specific religion?
...is a monument to a set of religious laws in space that is ostensibly governed by secular law appropriate

Unless the judge is using the Commandments as a basis for his ruling, I see no problem.

I do...because appearances matter, especially in a court of law. I don't have a problem with innocent stuff - like religious displays over holidays on public property, in fact I think some folks get downright stuffy and no fun about it and need to let up. But a courthouse is different.

What would a person think....who's family fled from a country where religious law mixed with government....and judicial and clerical corruption were common...what would they think seeing the ten commandments posted outside the courthouse where he/she was going?

Should we have a monument to Sharia? (nix that - the stroke rate in the US would skyrocket)....

I do have a problem...in my mind - don't ask me why....but of all the branches I hold the judiciary in the highest esteem. They should be free from corruption, secular, fair and to the law while maintaining humanity. Religion is controversial - the more specific the more controversial.

again, if he's NOT using it in his rulings, I don't see the problem.

He brings up "the Lord sayeth", or Thou shalt Honor thy mother and father"...

get rid of him.

Can we add a monument to Sharia law then?
If they allow christian sharia, why not?
Another fucked up lie by another lying ignorant 'Conservative'. It is the red states that have the lowest education levels.

Red America vs. Blue America: State Maps Illustrate the Difference

The Human Development Index
The first map is color-coded based on a meta-measure of a society called the “human development index.” This index was created by the Social Science Research Council as a composite measure of the health, education and income levels within each state—the higher the number (or darker-colored the state on the map), the more developed the state.

You leftists are not educated. You are indoctrinated.
Ya, by God, indoctrinated with those leftist ideas called Calculus, Geology, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. LOL

Ri-iiiight. So why is the US ranked 24th in global education rankings?
" So why is the US ranked 24th in global education rankings?"

That's a softball question: Because far too many adults place little to no value on education.

That's because they were ranked 20th in their time.
I think it's because people have more and more come to believe that "democracy" means "all opinions are equal".
Take a look at the walls in Congress and SCOTUS...
That would require the libs to be able to read? Not to many of those coming out of public education of late.
Another fucked up lie by another lying ignorant 'Conservative'. It is the red states that have the lowest education levels.

Red America vs. Blue America: State Maps Illustrate the Difference

The Human Development Index
The first map is color-coded based on a meta-measure of a society called the “human development index.” This index was created by the Social Science Research Council as a composite measure of the health, education and income levels within each state—the higher the number (or darker-colored the state on the map), the more developed the state.

You leftists are not educated. You are indoctrinated.
Ya, by God, indoctrinated with those leftist ideas called Calculus, Geology, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. LOL

Ri-iiiight. So why is the US ranked 24th in global education rankings?
How is that being measured? Tell us.

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