U.S. Mexico relations.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

If Mexico is o.k. with it’s people leaving and becoming U.S. citizens then Mexico must not want these people and why not? Duh? Mexican Ambassador to the U.S.; “Mexico is fast becoming a middle class country.” because it’s poor people are moving to the U.S. and Mexico don’t have to take care of them and they send billions back to Mexico each year which is Mexico’s second most contribution to it’s economy. Comp. Immig. Reform Amnesty will taken even more of Mexico’s poor by family re-unification. Chain Migration. And we are fast becoming a third world country.
If illegal aliens are so good for the U.S. economy wouldn't they be just as good for Mexico’s economy? Only if they are here do they benefit Mexico’s economy.
Granny says, "Dat's all?? - dat ain't gonna put even a dent in our immigration problem...
Mexico detains 108 after sweeps by federal police
Mon, Apr 29, 2013 - Mexican authorities said on Saturday they detained 108 undocumented immigrants along highways, at bus stations and on a cargo train route that thousands of Central Americans use every year to cross Mexico and enter the US illegally.
Ninety five Central Americans, mostly from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, were detained in the southern states of Oaxaca and Tabasco during sweeps by federal police, Mexico’s migration institute said in a statement. Seven of the Central Americans were children, the institute said. An increasing number of Central Americans are sneaking across Mexico’s largely unpoliced southern border en route to the US. Migrants have been spurred on by rampant poverty and rising drug gang violence in their home countries.

Citizens of other countries are also risking the dangerous route across southern Mexico. Eight people from India and five from Bangladesh were also detained in the southern Mexican police sweeps. US President Barack Obama is to travel to Mexico and Central America this week, and his talks with leaders will likely include prospects for a sweeping reform of US immigration laws and efforts to reduce the tide of undocumented immigrants.

The US Senate, which is controlled by Obama’s Democrats, is pushing ahead on a bipartisan bill that would bolster border security and put 11 million people living illegally in the US on a 13-year path to citizenship. However, the legislation faces a challenge in the Republican-controlled US House of Representatives.

The number of undocumented Central Americans deported from the US has risen in recent years. Nearly 95,000 people from the region were deported from the US last year compared to about 78,500 in 2011, according to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement data. Most of the migrants were from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, where gang violence has increased in recent years. Mass detentions of Central Americans in Mexico are common, but authorities have been criticized for lax enforcement at the border. Police are accused of exploiting migrants for bribes, while local gangs regularly kidnap migrants and seek ransoms from their relatives.

Mexico detains 108 after sweeps by federal police - Taipei Times
Believe it or not, life in Mexico is becoming better day by day.

Spreading from the northern Industrial Zone, foreign investments are creating more job opportunities for thousands of Mexicans. President Nieto is seeking ways to improve the economy and throttling unions that have kept the economy stagnant.

The best way to reduce illegal immigration here is to provide more job opportunities in Mexico.

Now the biggest source of illegal immigration is NOT Mexico - both other Latin American countries facing severe economic situations due to socialization.

Believe it or not, life in Mexico is becoming better day by day.

Spreading from the northern Industrial Zone, foreign investments are creating more job opportunities for thousands of Mexicans. President Nieto is seeking ways to improve the economy and throttling unions that have kept the economy stagnant.

The best way to reduce illegal immigration here is to provide more job opportunities in Mexico.Now the biggest source of illegal immigration is NOT Mexico - both other Latin American countries facing severe economic situations due to socialization.


Yep. The truth is that most people want to stay in their own country, in their own culture. If the economy in Mexico was better, with more and better job opportunites fro Mexicans, they would stay in Mexico. The best way to reduce any kind of immigratin from Mexico is to develop Mexico's economy.
Mexico is a beautiful place and, in the past, their economy has been robust enough to support most of their people. The US is directly to blame for much of what has happened there. I've posted at length about this in the past.

The knee jerk haters and racists refuse to understand and accept that we have four open borders, not all illegals are Mexican, most illegals came here legally, we invited Mexicans to come here and still do by offering them jobs every single year. The US buys Mexican drugs and sells drug runners guns and gun nutters are against any laws that would make it illegal to sell guns to drug cartels.

It wasn't very long ago that the US routinely sent airplanes to fly migrant workers to and from the US. We need a guest worker program so that we can keep track of the people who come here to work.

Either that or small US family-owned farms will be forced out of business, as we are already seeing because they are forced to pay a livable wage to American workers. Even if we did that, Americans won't do that work.

Those who just blindly hate brown skin need to take a look at who is buying formerly family-owned farms. Hint: Start with the Kochs.
Mexico is a beautiful place and, in the past, their economy has been robust enough to support most of their people. The US is directly to blame for much of what has happened there. I've posted at length about this in the past.

The knee jerk haters and racists refuse to understand and accept that we have four open borders, not all illegals are Mexican, most illegals came here legally, we invited Mexicans to come here and still do by offering them jobs every single year. The US buys Mexican drugs and sells drug runners guns and gun nutters are against any laws that would make it illegal to sell guns to drug cartels.

It wasn't very long ago that the US routinely sent airplanes to fly migrant workers to and from the US. We need a guest worker program so that we can keep track of the people who come here to work.

Either that or small US family-owned farms will be forced out of business, as we are already seeing because they are forced to pay a livable wage to American workers. Even if we did that, Americans won't do that work.

Those who just blindly hate brown skin need to take a look at who is buying formerly family-owned farms. Hint: Start with the Kochs.

I was ALMOST thank you for the post until reading the above in bold.
Believe it or not, life in Mexico is becoming better day by day.

Spreading from the northern Industrial Zone, foreign investments are creating more job opportunities for thousands of Mexicans. President Nieto is seeking ways to improve the economy and throttling unions that have kept the economy stagnant.

The best way to reduce illegal immigration here is to provide more job opportunities in Mexico. Now the biggest source of illegal immigration is NOT Mexico - both other Latin American countries facing severe economic situations due to socialization.

Yep. The truth is that most people want to stay in their own country, in their own culture. If the economy in Mexico was better, with more and better job opportunites fro Mexicans, they would stay in Mexico. The best way to reduce any kind of immigratin from Mexico is to develop Mexico's economy.[/QUOTE]

I will believe it when I see it and when they stop coming by the thousands on a daily basis. Mexico has a long, long way to go and I doubt very much that they will ever get there!! They have not been able in all these years aka centuries, they can not do it in this one.

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