U.S. Companies Add 253,000 Jobs in May ADP Report

Obama also spied on American citizens not under any investigation.
Complain to Bush & Republicans for passing the Patriot Act.
Senate Vote Roll Call on U.S. Patriot Act 2001 & 2006

What do you say to all the Democrats who passed the Patriot act?
A bill sponsored by Republicans ... passed by a Republican-led House where only 3 Republicans voted against it ... passed by a Republican-led Senate where not a single Republican voted against it .... signed into law by a Republican president ... and then renewed in 2006 when most Democrats voted against it ....

Another conservative deflects with: but... but... but Democrats!!

Then why didn't the Democrats vote to crush the bill? More voted YES. McCain voted no...

This bill would have failed had Democrats not voted yes. The numbers are listed there for you.
They did in 2006 when it came up for renewal. They were voted down by the Republican-led Congress.

Where's your outrage?


Oh, that's right, you were only outraged when you thought it was only Obama's administration spying on Americans.

And where are your pleas to Trump to end it now?

Oh, that's right, he's a Republican. Like up until 2009, you no longer give a shit.
Odd that you keep refusing to answer the question. The bill was made in 2001. The Democrats had a choice, to vote FOR the bill, or vote against it.

They voted FOR the bill, which gave Congress enough votes to pass it. Had they done what YOU are suggesting, they wouldn't have passed the bill. But the Democrats PASSED the bill instead of ending it.
Burger flippers? No. Construction, manufacturing, and the trades, financial, transportation, agents, retail, etc.
The Democrats second worst nightmare, after Trump's astounding victory; Trump's success!

My oh my! :)

So Trump creates 253,000 burger flipping jobs and Republicans wet themselves while 95 million are still unemployed
And the official numbers are in...
Total nonfarm payroll jobs: +138,000
Private nonfarm payroll jobs: +147,000
Labor Force Participation rate: 62.7% (down from 62.9% in April)
Employment-Population ratio: 60% (down from 60.2% in April)
Unemployment rate: 4.3% (down from 4.4% in April)
Employment Situation Summary
138,000 jobs is not impressive but overall employment numbers remain strong
Burger flippers? No. Construction, manufacturing, and the trades, financial, transportation, agents, retail, etc.
The Democrats second worst nightmare, after Trump's astounding victory; Trump's success!

My oh my! :)

So Trump creates 253,000 burger flipping jobs and Republicans wet themselves while 95 million are still unemployed

All those jobs were part time burger flipping jobs

Don't trust the numbers the mainstream media gives you
138,000 jobs is not impressive but overall employment numbers remain strong

Thanks, Trump.

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