Tyrannical Democrats continue to build Alliances with Draconian Islam

God forgives past sins if a man turns from his evil ways. But Blaspheming God and constantly taking his name in vain, while doing Evil like Nancy Pelosi does saying she is praying for The President while she plots to oust him and Pence and declare herself Emperor, God will not forgive.
Taking God’s name in vein means to declare yourself a Christian like Nancy Pelosi does and live Contrary to God’s law, advocate for killing babies, lying, and having your heart full of Rebellion, Sedition, Hatred and Treason.

It is against God to murder 60 Million babies like you have done, advocate and promote homosexuality, teach children that homosexuality and pedophilia are normal sexual lifestyles, corrupt their minds with lies contrary to God’s law and nature, and take God’s name in vane and be a pathological liar.

None of these people can ever enter in to The Kingdom of Heaven.
We were taught in church to oppose the devil. This is why we hate the GOP and all it stands for! Rebuke them. Cast the serpents in the lake. You don't like us Democrats and we can't stand you RePUBlitard's. Roll the dice!

Trump Should Stop Taking God's Name in Vain, Say His Supporters

Contrary to God's law? Like the ones concerning adultery?

I see. You can take the Lord's name in vain as long as you agree with what the person is doing out of the other side of their mouth.

No offense but I'll not take your religious advice all that seriously.
1st post
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
Dims love anyone who hates America.

BINGO! :clap:
Psalm 9:16

“The LORD is known by the judgment which He executeth: The wicked are ensnared by the work of their own hands.
Higgaion. Selah.”

Good luck with your Evil Plot to overthrow our Democracy and The 2016 Election.

God forgives past sins if a man turns from his evil ways. But Blaspheming God and constantly taking his name in vain, while doing Evil like Nancy Pelosi does saying she is praying for The President while she plots to oust him and Pence and declare herself Emperor, God will not forgive.
Taking God’s name in vein means to declare yourself a Christian like Nancy Pelosi does and live Contrary to God’s law, advocate for killing babies, lying, and having your heart full of Rebellion, Sedition, Hatred and Treason.

It is against God to murder 60 Million babies like you have done, advocate and promote homosexuality, teach children that homosexuality and pedophilia are normal sexual lifestyles, corrupt their minds with lies contrary to God’s law and nature, and take God’s name in vane and be a pathological liar.

None of these people can ever enter in to The Kingdom of Heaven.

Trump Should Stop Taking God's Name in Vain, Say His Supporters

Contrary to God's law? Like the ones concerning adultery?

I see. You can take the Lord's name in vain as long as you agree with what the person is doing out of the other side of their mouth.

No offense but I'll not take your religious advice all that seriously.
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
Dims love anyone who hates America.

That's correct!

For the DemonRats, everybody who hates America is welcome in their midst, murderers Islamists of course, and also MS13, whom the Rats would like to make a protected class.

If you had any doubt in your mind that Democrats are evil, you should know by now.
The FISA Court needs abolished after we have a major hearing on how The Obama FBI and DOJ abused it. This should be part of The Senate Impeachment Trial or should be a hearing In The Senate all on its own!
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
Dims love anyone who hates America.

That's correct!

For the DemonRats, everybody who hates America is welcome in their midst, murderers Islamists of course, and also MS13, whom the Rats would like to make a protected class.

If you had any doubt in your mind that Democrats are evil, you should know by now.
5th post
The FISA Court needs abolished after we have a major hearing on how The Obama FBI and DOJ abused it. This should be part of The Senate Impeachment Trial or should be a hearing In The Senate all on its own!
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
Dims love anyone who hates America.

That's correct!

For the DemonRats, everybody who hates America is welcome in their midst, murderers Islamists of course, and also MS13, whom the Rats would like to make a protected class.

If you had any doubt in your mind that Democrats are evil, you should know by now.

The Uncovering – Mike Rogers’ Investigation, Section 702 FISA...
Mike Rogers should be The Very First Witness called in The Senate if it gets there, followed by Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Eric Ciaramella, Steele, Skirpal, Mifsud, Podesta, Biden, Strozk, Page, and many many more!
The FISA Court needs abolished after we have a major hearing on how The Obama FBI and DOJ abused it. This should be part of The Senate Impeachment Trial or should be a hearing In The Senate all on its own!
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
Dims love anyone who hates America.

That's correct!

For the DemonRats, everybody who hates America is welcome in their midst, murderers Islamists of course, and also MS13, whom the Rats would like to make a protected class.

If you had any doubt in your mind that Democrats are evil, you should know by now.

The Uncovering – Mike Rogers’ Investigation, Section 702 FISA...
Mike Rogers should be The Very First Witness called in The Senate if it gets there, followed by Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Eric Ciaramella, Steele, Skirpal, Mifsud, Podesta, Biden, Strozk, Page, and many many more!
The FISA Court needs abolished after we have a major hearing on how The Obama FBI and DOJ abused it. This should be part of The Senate Impeachment Trial or should be a hearing In The Senate all on its own!
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
Dims love anyone who hates America.

That's correct!

For the DemonRats, everybody who hates America is welcome in their midst, murderers Islamists of course, and also MS13, whom the Rats would like to make a protected class.

If you had any doubt in your mind that Democrats are evil, you should know by now.

The Uncovering – Mike Rogers’ Investigation, Section 702 FISA...

Rogers exposed them all and shut them down..........abusing the FISA system under the Patriot Act.
10th post
Democrats are relying on muslims to come here and kill white Christians. It's part of their army along with black and latino gangs.
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
Dims love anyone who hates America.

It's Republicans who are embracing Russian propaganda, and authoritarian dictatorship, both of which are the antithesis of American values.
Republicans never bought a Dirty Dossier from Putin to cheat in an election and stage a COUP, sell Russia our Uranium and give Iran $170 Billion to buy Russian weapons and Russian help to develop Nuclear ICBMs, and give Putin a wink and a nod to take The Crimea and when Ukraine asked for our help gave them blankets instead of bullets in contrast to what President Trump did when he gave them Lethal Javelin Missiles.

Republicans never accepted $145 Million from Putin like Hillary Clinton did nor solicited massive speaking fees from Russia like Bill Clinton did.

BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
Dims love anyone who hates America.

It's Republicans who are embracing Russian propaganda, and authoritarian dictatorship, both of which are the antithesis of American values.
Last edited:
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
Dims love anyone who hates America.
We were taught in church to oppose the devil. This is why we hate the GOP and all it stands for! Rebuke them. Cast the serpents in the lake. You don't like us Democrats and we can't stand you RePUBlitard's. Roll the dice!
So that's why you suck up to terrorist mass murderers?

Careful on that high horse. You once wished a sitting Republican Senator and other Americans were killed in a terrorist massacre. If I recall correctly, you were paid a visit by FBI. :lol:
From Eagle1462010

Iran issues threats, but apparently trusts in the ’12th Imam’

It needs to be understood that Iran is led by people who want to trigger their version of World War III. Notice the following:

Quds Force deputy commander Esmail Quaani said in May 2017: “Without a doubt, our martyrs and those of the dear ones like you Fatimiyyoun will not settle for less than the global rule of the Imam Mahdi.” Our martyrs inaugurated a great path. Syria and Aleppo are the temporary aims, and the main aim is global rule, which I hope is not far off.”

We ignore Iran’s open threats at our own peril. But what else is new? Nobody took Mein Kampf seriously, either. 06/17/19

MITSOTAKIS: Iran's Regime Broadcasts Its Intentions (Yet Many Refuse To Listen)

While I was planning this post, I received an email with a link to the following:

Among the nearly 68 million people in Iran, the vast majority are Muslim who place their hope not in modern-day politics or rulers but in a person who walked the earth centuries ago and is promised to return.

“Both Islam and Christianity have a very well-defined eschatology, or period of the last days; both of them cannot be correct …,” said William Wagner, senior professor at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary and author of the book, “How Islam Plans to Change the World.”

A majority of Shiite Muslims traditionally believe that the “12th Imam” (Islamic religious leader), born in 868 A.D., was placed by God into hiding (known as occultation) until the day of judgment.

Southern Baptist author and evangelist Anis Shorrosh explained that many Shiites also refer to the 12th Imam as the Mahdi, an Arabic word that generally references a messiah, or a guide. …

Shiites traditionally believe he is Mohammed ibn Hasan, the 12th in the line of imams who were descendents of the prophet Mohammed. Though they do not know when the Mahdi will return, they believe he will come to end the misery of his people. '12th Imam,' Key Facet Of Islamic Prophecy, Fuels Middle East Turmoil accessed 06/22/19
Why do Dems want to turn the US into a third world shithole?

Good question. Let me take a stab at it....

1). They don't really think of it like that. They believe they know best. And that their policies are progressive and the best ones.
2). Many are LGBTQABC etc......and they feel disenfranchised...so they pretty much support ANYTHING that punishes those they blame
3). Many Leftists feel that the Pinnacle of the Human condition can only be achieved when absolute control over their lives is in the hands of a few
4). Many feed off of racism and hatred for whites due to slavery almost 200 years ago. But it's just their justification for being just as racist
5) The 3 P's......Power....Power....and Power. The Elite Dems who work with the 1% are always looking to consolidate and finalize their power..
......They do not care about the country or the human condition....only their power over it all. But, to get the power they want they have to fake it.
6). The number of really ignorant people is increasing dramatically. It's an epidemic.
.Now, all that said....it's not really just the Dems. There is a clear and coordinated attack on Christianity going on at the same time as all this other BS. And as if that's not enough to topple Lady Liberty.....there is a clear and present threat to America from Communist forces that have infiltrated pretty much every segment of American society...but especially Government, the Entertainment industry and the education system. They're no dummies and have been at it for a LONG time.

Americans have been so utterly immersed in the chase of the American dream and "getting ahead" that they willfully ignored the growing threat(s).

And here we are..........
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Anti-Semitism is a major component of their assault on The US. They want to separate The US from Israel so they can divide and conquer.

Trump is a threat to their plans to destroy The US and then destroy Israel.

Why do Dems want to turn the US into a third world shithole?

Good question. Let me take a stab at it....

1). They don't really think of it like that. They believe they know best. And that their policies are progressive and the best ones.
2). Many are LGBTQABC etc......and they feel disenfranchised...so they pretty much support ANYTHING that punishes those they blame
3). Many Leftists feel that the Pinnacle of the Human condition can only be achieved when absolute control over their lives is in the hands of a few
4). Many feed off of racism and hatred for whites due to slavery almost 200 years ago. But it's just their justification for being just as racist
5) The 3 P's......Power....Power....and Power. The Elite Dems who work with the 1% are always looking to consolidate and finalize their power..
......They do not care about the country or the human condition....only their power over it all. But, to get the power they want they have to fake it.
.Now, all that said....it's not really just the Dems. There is a clear and coordinated attack on Christianity going on at the same time as all this other BS. And as if that's not enough to topple Lady Liberty.....there is a clear and present threat to America from Communist forces that have infiltrated pretty much every segment of American society...but especially the Entertainment industry and the education system. They're no dummies and have been at it for a LONG time.

Americans have been so utterly immersed in the chase of the American dream and "getting ahead" that they willfully ignored the growing threat(s).

And here we are..........

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