VIP Member
Change One Letter in a Foreign Expression et...violà!
Ex post fucto
Lost in the mail.
Veni, vipi, vici
I came, I'm a very important person, I conquered.
Cogito eggo sum
I think; therefore I waffle.
Rigor morris
The cat is dead.
Respondez s'il vous plaid
Honk if you're Scottish.
Que sera serf
Life is feudal.
Le roi est mort. Jive le roi
The king is dead. No kidding.
Pro bozo publico
Support your local clown.
Monage à trois
I am three years old.
Felix navidad
Our cat has a boat.
Haste cuisine
Fast French food.
Veni, vidi, vice
I came, I saw, I partied
Quip pro quo
Fast retort
Aloha oy
Love; greetings; farewell; from such a pain you would never know
Visa la france
Don't leave your chateau without it
Amicus puriae
Platonic friend
L'état, c'est moo
I'm bossy around here
Cogito, ergo spud
I think, therefore I yam (OK, more than one letter)
Veni, vidi, velcro
I came, I saw, I stuck around (OK, another exception)
Ich bit ein berliner
He deserved it.
The Clearasil doesn't quite cover it up.
E pluribus anum
Out of any group, there's always one Asshole.
Ex post fucto
Lost in the mail.
Veni, vipi, vici
I came, I'm a very important person, I conquered.
Cogito eggo sum
I think; therefore I waffle.
Rigor morris
The cat is dead.
Respondez s'il vous plaid
Honk if you're Scottish.
Que sera serf
Life is feudal.
Le roi est mort. Jive le roi
The king is dead. No kidding.
Pro bozo publico
Support your local clown.
Monage à trois
I am three years old.
Felix navidad
Our cat has a boat.
Haste cuisine
Fast French food.
Veni, vidi, vice
I came, I saw, I partied
Quip pro quo
Fast retort
Aloha oy
Love; greetings; farewell; from such a pain you would never know
Visa la france
Don't leave your chateau without it
Amicus puriae
Platonic friend
L'état, c'est moo
I'm bossy around here
Cogito, ergo spud
I think, therefore I yam (OK, more than one letter)
Veni, vidi, velcro
I came, I saw, I stuck around (OK, another exception)
Ich bit ein berliner
He deserved it.
The Clearasil doesn't quite cover it up.
E pluribus anum
Out of any group, there's always one Asshole.