Two Thirds of nonCitizen Residents Draw Welfare


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is just stupid. If these immigrants cannot support themselves once here they should not be allowed in, regardless of their execuses.

Trump Ending Welfare-Dependent Immigration, Saving Taxpayers Billions

A recent Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) study notes that about 63 percent of noncitizen households in the U.S. use at least one form of taxpayer-funded welfare, while only about 35 percent of native-born American households are on welfare. This means that noncitizen households use nearly twice as much welfare as native-born American households.

In California — with the largest noncitizen population in the country at almost 11 million or nearly 30 percent of the state’s total population — more than seven-in-ten, or 72 percent, of households headed by noncitizens are on at least one form of welfare. Compare that to the findings that only about seven-in-twenty, or 35 percent, of native-born households in California are on welfare.

This is just stupid. If these immigrants cannot support themselves once here they should not be allowed in, regardless of their execuses.

Right! It is not up to the "illegal immigrants" who decide to come here - for the sole purpose to collect off the American taxpayers. It is also not up to the US Government to supply them with government assistance. Especially those "enablers" who rather sit around and collect welfare/food stamps; so they don't have to ever work.

If they come here, and they want to work; that is one thing. But when they are able-bodied, they should be working. Work a few months to start - while on the welfare, that is fine. But let them know they will be shut off if they don't find work, or they are just wanting to live off the system.

Yet liberals tell us illegal immigrants aren't eligible for welfare. Could these liberals be lying to us?
This is just stupid. If these immigrants cannot support themselves once here they should not be allowed in, regardless of their execuses.

Right! It is not up to the "illegal immigrants" who decide to come here - for the sole purpose to collect off the American taxpayers. It is also not up to the US Government to supply them with government assistance. Especially those "enablers" who rather sit around and collect welfare/food stamps; so they don't have to ever work.

If they come here, and they want to work; that is one thing. But when they are able-bodied, they should be working. Work a few months to start - while on the welfare, that is fine. But let them know they will be shut off if they don't find work, or they are just wanting to live off the system.


In regard to your tag...

Illegal Immigrants are not allowed to hold a job in America. You have to have documentation
if your are an alien, to get a job in America.
Democrats hate Americans so much that they step over giant tent cities full of needy homeless Americans to help needy homeless foreign nationals at the expense of the needy homeless Americans.

Democrats force Americans to buy healthcare they give to foreign nationals for free.

Democrats campaign south of the border and promise foreign nationals free healthcare and welfare paid for by Americans if they sneak into America.

Democrats justify foreign nationals coming and going unchecked and unregulated by saying exploiting them for slave wages helps the economy.

If you're an American in this day and age who likes America and Americans, and doesn't want to see America fundamentally transformed into a global socialist police state run by oligarchs out of Europe, the last thing you will be is a Democrat.

Democrats can't refute any point I make.
This is just stupid. If these immigrants cannot support themselves once here they should not be allowed in, regardless of their execuses.

Right! It is not up to the "illegal immigrants" who decide to come here - for the sole purpose to collect off the American taxpayers. It is also not up to the US Government to supply them with government assistance. Especially those "enablers" who rather sit around and collect welfare/food stamps; so they don't have to ever work.

If they come here, and they want to work; that is one thing. But when they are able-bodied, they should be working. Work a few months to start - while on the welfare, that is fine. But let them know they will be shut off if they don't find work, or they are just wanting to live off the system.


So what youre saying is your completely ignorant of all the loopholes that allow illegals to collect
This is just stupid. If these immigrants cannot support themselves once here they should not be allowed in, regardless of their execuses.

Right! It is not up to the "illegal immigrants" who decide to come here - for the sole purpose to collect off the American taxpayers. It is also not up to the US Government to supply them with government assistance. Especially those "enablers" who rather sit around and collect welfare/food stamps; so they don't have to ever work.

If they come here, and they want to work; that is one thing. But when they are able-bodied, they should be working. Work a few months to start - while on the welfare, that is fine. But let them know they will be shut off if they don't find work, or they are just wanting to live off the system.


So what youre saying is your completely ignorant of all the loopholes that allow illegals to collect
Democrats are ignorant about most stuff. Look how they scream about trump buying an NDA to keep stormy Daniels quite but give Democrats a total pass for using tax dollars to buy NDAs to cover for the sex crimes of Democrats.
If trump wanted to throw a little more chaos into the mix
he should head to the projects around the country vote for me Ill kick all illegals off and give ya a welfare raise ...and new refrigerators

IN 2008 after obama was elected I saw the funniest thing on bushwick ave

In December A line of brand new refrigerators 2 blocks long for the the projects

3 marine ones also buzzed them low when oreo came to NYC

swear to GOD
Two Thirds of nonCitizen Residents Draw Welfare

By law you cannot immigrate here legally if you can't support yourself. Now we know why Dem's give aid and sanctuary to illegals, they would never be allowed in.
Democrats step over tent cities full of needy homeless Americans to help needy homeless foreign nationals at their expense.

Democrats force needy homeless Americans to compete with needy homeless foreign nationals for resources meant for needy homeless Americans.
This is just stupid. If these immigrants cannot support themselves once here they should not be allowed in, regardless of their execuses.

Right! It is not up to the "illegal immigrants" who decide to come here - for the sole purpose to collect off the American taxpayers. It is also not up to the US Government to supply them with government assistance. Especially those "enablers" who rather sit around and collect welfare/food stamps; so they don't have to ever work.

If they come here, and they want to work; that is one thing. But when they are able-bodied, they should be working. Work a few months to start - while on the welfare, that is fine. But let them know they will be shut off if they don't find work, or they are just wanting to live off the system.

They are doing both...

The man goes out and works, pays no taxes and collects money under the table..

The Woman stays at home, claims she is indigent with small children (even though her man is working) collects welfare, housing, medical care, and food stamps.... And they report none of their income...

Your an ignorant dupe..
Two Thirds of nonCitizen Residents Draw Welfare

By law you cannot immigrate here legally if you can't support yourself. Now we know why Dem's give aid and sanctuary to illegals, they would never be allowed in.

Democrats need DEPENDENT voters... if they can keep them on the plantation they will never lose power. Blacks were once trapped by democrats and in the last three years they have learned that it was democrats that were keeping them in poverty. Trump exposed the scam and democrats are running scared.
The Woman stays at home, claims she is indigent with small children (even though her man is working) collects welfare, housing, medical care, and food stamps.... And they report none of their income...

There are some women that actually go back to work after a few months. So, not all women are who you say they do.
This is just stupid. If these immigrants cannot support themselves once here they should not be allowed in, regardless of their execuses.

Right! It is not up to the "illegal immigrants" who decide to come here - for the sole purpose to collect off the American taxpayers. It is also not up to the US Government to supply them with government assistance. Especially those "enablers" who rather sit around and collect welfare/food stamps; so they don't have to ever work.

If they come here, and they want to work; that is one thing. But when they are able-bodied, they should be working. Work a few months to start - while on the welfare, that is fine. But let them know they will be shut off if they don't find work, or they are just wanting to live off the system.

They are doing both...

The man goes out and works, pays no taxes and collects money under the table..

The Woman stays at home, claims she is indigent with small children (even though her man is working) collects welfare, housing, medical care, and food stamps.... And they report none of their income...

Your an ignorant dupe..
Democrats are so brainwashed they literally believe that every foreign national that comes and goes unchecked and unregulated comes to be exploited for slave wages.
Two Thirds of nonCitizen Residents Draw Welfare

By law you cannot immigrate here legally if you can't support yourself. Now we know why Dem's give aid and sanctuary to illegals, they would never be allowed in.

Democrats need DEPENDENT voters... if they can keep them on the plantation they will never lose power. Blacks were once trapped by democrats and in the last three years they have learned that it was democrats that were keeping them in poverty. Trump exposed the scam and democrats are running scared.
Democrats are rushing to fill the plantation the black Americans are leaving with foreign nationals who they can exploit for slave wages.

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