Trump's Mission: Don't Repeat Dubya's Hurricane Blunders

Everyone remember what a total screw-up Dubya was, especially when it concerned natural disasters. His dismal response to Hurricane Katrina jumps to mind.

With the landfall of Hurricane Harvey, the Big Orange Idiot and his staff see the coming disaster as a perfect opportunity to raise Big Orange’s approval rating. His advisers understand proving the Big Orange Idiot can react rationally to a major event will do much to change his image of that of a spoiled toddler.

Another opportunity is at hand for the current administration AND the congressional Republicans. When funds are appropriated to make the inevitable infrastructure repairs, to offer low-interest loans to those families whose homes are damaged, and pay for other expenses, it will be a simple matter to funnel several billion dollars into the pockets of Big Orange’s cronies and large GOP political contributors in the region wrecked by Harvey.

The effects of this hurricane, and others expected this season, are a win-win for the Republican Party. The congressional Republicans can exploit the natural catastrophes to further their agenda to line the billionaires’ pockets, and the Big Orange Idiot’s approval rating can benefit from the death, injuries, and property destruction. Yes, a win-win situation for the GOP all around, so conservatives can also rejoice.


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All of this is far beyond conservatives' ability to understand. They are mired in their convoluted logic, where down is up, and corruption is good.

Its a godsend for him isnt it ?
Surely he wont screw up this opportunity ?

pino trump already has.


Me neither.
obojangles did nothing for diaster victims but laugh at them.

Texas has a republican governor who will work with out outstanding president. That will not stop democrats from making up lies.

Tipsycatlover posts another of her incessant lies but, as usual, no link in sight.

Are you already too drunk? Or did you forget you're a doctor AND a lawyer and should know better than to toss out endless lies?

Post a link to President Obama 'laughing at diaster [sic] victims'.

Everyone remember what a total screw-up Dubya was, especially when it concerned natural disasters. His dismal response to Hurricane Katrina jumps to mind.

With the landfall of Hurricane Harvey, the Big Orange Idiot and his staff see the coming disaster as a perfect opportunity to raise Big Orange’s approval rating. His advisers understand proving the Big Orange Idiot can react rationally to a major event will do much to change his image of that of a spoiled toddler.

Another opportunity is at hand for the current administration AND the congressional Republicans. When funds are appropriated to make the inevitable infrastructure repairs, to offer low-interest loans to those families whose homes are damaged, and pay for other expenses, it will be a simple matter to funnel several billion dollars into the pockets of Big Orange’s cronies and large GOP political contributors in the region wrecked by Harvey.

The effects of this hurricane, and others expected this season, are a win-win for the Republican Party. The congressional Republicans can exploit the natural catastrophes to further their agenda to line the billionaires’ pockets, and the Big Orange Idiot’s approval rating can benefit from the death, injuries, and property destruction. Yes, a win-win situation for the GOP all around, so conservatives can also rejoice.


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All of this is far beyond conservatives' ability to understand. They are mired in their convoluted logic, where down is up, and corruption is good.

Its a godsend for him isnt it ?
Surely he wont screw up this opportunity ?
Flooding people out of homes and lives is a god send to you people? You really are the most fucked up people on the planet. You don't give a fuck about the people you only care about the politics. You disgusting piece of shit.

Leftards always cheer bad things that happen in states that don't vote for the commie leftist agenda.......they always have.
Kinda proves they are all race based instead of success. But that's communism and socialism all day long. Have to have a scapegoat. Otherwise the socialism failure has to be socialism itself. Can't have that, let's blame white people.
Everyone remember what a total screw-up Dubya was, especially when it concerned natural disasters. His dismal response to Hurricane Katrina jumps to mind.

With the landfall of Hurricane Harvey, the Big Orange Idiot and his staff see the coming disaster as a perfect opportunity to raise Big Orange’s approval rating. His advisers understand proving the Big Orange Idiot can react rationally to a major event will do much to change his image of that of a spoiled toddler.

Another opportunity is at hand for the current administration AND the congressional Republicans. When funds are appropriated to make the inevitable infrastructure repairs, to offer low-interest loans to those families whose homes are damaged, and pay for other expenses, it will be a simple matter to funnel several billion dollars into the pockets of Big Orange’s cronies and large GOP political contributors in the region wrecked by Harvey.

The effects of this hurricane, and others expected this season, are a win-win for the Republican Party. The congressional Republicans can exploit the natural catastrophes to further their agenda to line the billionaires’ pockets, and the Big Orange Idiot’s approval rating can benefit from the death, injuries, and property destruction. Yes, a win-win situation for the GOP all around, so conservatives can also rejoice.


View attachment 146051 View attachment 146052

All of this is far beyond conservatives' ability to understand. They are mired in their convoluted logic, where down is up, and corruption is good.

Its a godsend for him isnt it ?
Surely he wont screw up this opportunity ?
Flooding people out of homes and lives is a god send to you people? You really are the most fucked up people on the planet. You don't give a fuck about the people you only care about the politics. You disgusting piece of shit.

Leftards always cheer bad things that happen in states that don't vote for the commie leftist agenda.......they always have.
Kinda proves they are all race based instead of success. But that's communism and socialism all day long. Have to have a scapegoat. Otherwise the socialism failure has to be socialism itself. Can't have that, let's blame white people.

Yeppers, it's the aging AWG (angry white guy) that is preventing the commie utopia the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies of meeting their goal.
Corpus Christie evacuees, yeah that’s gonna be tough, but hey, this is america, you’re on your own, sorry, we just ain’t into working together and looking after one another. The wealthiest nation in the history of the planet has plenty of funding for 7 endless wars of occupation and resource plunder, but none for education, healthcare, infrastructure or disaster preparation. Better skedaddle. Enjoy the traffic jams, gas lines, cheesy fee waivers on airline flights changes; the bottom line means more. As for me, I’ll do what the system tells me to do in emergencies like this; go shopping. And since this is a weather event, I think I’ll take the truck.

Everyone remember what a total screw-up Dubya was, especially when it concerned natural disasters. His dismal response to Hurricane Katrina jumps to mind.

With the landfall of Hurricane Harvey, the Big Orange Idiot and his staff see the coming disaster as a perfect opportunity to raise Big Orange’s approval rating. His advisers understand proving the Big Orange Idiot can react rationally to a major event will do much to change his image of that of a spoiled toddler.

Another opportunity is at hand for the current administration AND the congressional Republicans. When funds are appropriated to make the inevitable infrastructure repairs, to offer low-interest loans to those families whose homes are damaged, and pay for other expenses, it will be a simple matter to funnel several billion dollars into the pockets of Big Orange’s cronies and large GOP political contributors in the region wrecked by Harvey.

The effects of this hurricane, and others expected this season, are a win-win for the Republican Party. The congressional Republicans can exploit the natural catastrophes to further their agenda to line the billionaires’ pockets, and the Big Orange Idiot’s approval rating can benefit from the death, injuries, and property destruction. Yes, a win-win situation for the GOP all around, so conservatives can also rejoice.


View attachment 146051 View attachment 146052

All of this is far beyond conservatives' ability to understand. They are mired in their convoluted logic, where down is up, and corruption is good.

Its a godsend for him isnt it ?
Surely he wont screw up this opportunity ?
Flooding people out of homes and lives is a god send to you people? You really are the most fucked up people on the planet. You don't give a fuck about the people you only care about the politics. You disgusting piece of shit.

Leftards always cheer bad things that happen in states that don't vote for the commie leftist agenda.......they always have.
Kinda proves they are all race based instead of success. But that's communism and socialism all day long. Have to have a scapegoat. Otherwise the socialism failure has to be socialism itself. Can't have that, let's blame white people.

Yeppers, it's the aging AWG (angry white guy) that is preventing the commie utopia the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies of meeting their goal.
You poor schlepp, you used to be coherent on occasion. Ah well, the donor class will look after you.
The Yellow Press relentlessly attacked Bush for 8 years.
They expected Bush to walk though New Orleans with flooded streets and looters and Democrat axxholes shooting at the National Guard.
The Yellow Press relentlessly attacked Bush for 8 years.
They expected Bush to walk though New Orleans with flooded streets and looters and Democrat axxholes shooting at the National Guard.
No, I think they expected that in this nation, a thousand people would not die in a major American city due to flooding when they had been trapped on their roofs for days, were told to evacuate when they had no transportation and when the worst happened, had no disaster relief plan in place to find shelter.
Not all Bush's fault, but as President, he should have intervened sooner, laws be damned. American citizens were drowning and slogging through sewage and ducking bullets by jonesing drug addicts for days. Nice.
The Yellow Press relentlessly attacked Bush for 8 years.
They expected Bush to walk though New Orleans with flooded streets and looters and Democrat axxholes shooting at the National Guard.
No, I think they expected that in this nation, a thousand people would not die in a major American city due to flooding when they had been trapped on their roofs for days, were told to evacuate when they had no transportation and when the worst happened, had no disaster relief plan in place to find shelter.
Not all Bush's fault, but as President, he should have intervened sooner, laws be damned. American citizens were drowning and slogging through sewage and ducking bullets by jonesing drug addicts for days. Nice.
How is that different than Republicans working overtime to take away healthcare from millions of Americans. Many more of them will die than the number that died from GOP neglect after Katrina.
The Yellow Press relentlessly attacked Bush for 8 years.
They expected Bush to walk though New Orleans with flooded streets and looters and Democrat axxholes shooting at the National Guard.
No, I think they expected that in this nation, a thousand people would not die in a major American city due to flooding when they had been trapped on their roofs for days, were told to evacuate when they had no transportation and when the worst happened, had no disaster relief plan in place to find shelter.
Not all Bush's fault, but as President, he should have intervened sooner, laws be damned. American citizens were drowning and slogging through sewage and ducking bullets by jonesing drug addicts for days. Nice.
How is that different than Republicans working overtime to take away healthcare from millions of Americans. Many more of them will die than the number that died from GOP neglect after Katrina.
sure, dean. Just this thread isn't about healthcare, last I checked.
The Yellow Press relentlessly attacked Bush for 8 years.
They expected Bush to walk though New Orleans with flooded streets and looters and Democrat axxholes shooting at the National Guard.

"You're doing a heck of a job, Brownie"...................LOL

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