Trump supporters morning protests turn into violent clashes

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008

Trumptards attempting to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza makes about as much sense as me attempting to enter a Trump rally with a few hundred black people who dislike Trump. They were looking for trouble and go it. They're not doing that in Philly but they tried it in DC and got that ass whipped.

Trumptards attempting to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza makes about as much sense as me attempting to enter a Trump rally with a few hundred black people who dislike Trump. They were looking for trouble and go it. They're not doing that in Philly but they tried it in DC and got that ass whipped.
Right... it's the DT supporters who are attacking & intimidating people, Burn Loot Murder and amifa are peaceful flower children & there was no massive cheating in the election.
In other news, Stalin was a misunderstood philanthropist.

Trumptards attempting to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza makes about as much sense as me attempting to enter a Trump rally with a few hundred black people who dislike Trump. They were looking for trouble and go it. They're not doing that in Philly but they tried it in DC and got that ass whipped.
Right... it's the DT supporters who are attacking & intimidating people, Burn Loot Murder and amifa are peaceful flower children & there was no massive cheating in the election.
In other news, Stalin was a misunderstood philanthropist.

They were looking to start trouble by going any where near that area. When you go looking for trouble you'll get it

Trumptards attempting to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza makes about as much sense as me attempting to enter a Trump rally with a few hundred black people who dislike Trump. They were looking for trouble and go it. They're not doing that in Philly but they tried it in DC and got that ass whipped.
Lotsa looting was there?

Trumptards attempting to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza makes about as much sense as me attempting to enter a Trump rally with a few hundred black people who dislike Trump. They were looking for trouble and go it. They're not doing that in Philly but they tried it in DC and got that ass whipped.

All the marches were peaceful, unless any were attacked by the pigs on your side.
Shut your fucking cock gobbler

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Trumptards attempting to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza makes about as much sense as me attempting to enter a Trump rally with a few hundred black people who dislike Trump. They were looking for trouble and go it. They're not doing that in Philly but they tried it in DC and got that ass whipped.

You are one of the most filthy lying sacks of shit in this forum
All the marches were peaceful, unless any were attacked by the pigs on your side.
Shut your fucking cock gobbler you lying fucktard.

They were peaceful until they approached the Black Lives Matter Plaza, they were looking for confrontation, nobody came to their area.

Trumptards attempting to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza makes about as much sense as me attempting to enter a Trump rally with a few hundred black people who dislike Trump. They were looking for trouble and go it. They're not doing that in Philly but they tried it in DC and got that ass whipped.
So you're all for Antifa and BLM attacking people they don't agree with????

I suggest they try that in my neck of the woods....

We can always use more target practice!!!!
So you're all for Antifa and BLM attacking people they don't agree with????
I suggest they try that in my neck of the woods....
We can always use more target practice!!!!

Obiwan, you are talking to a pathological liar. The pigs on the Left know that EVERYTHIMNG we say is true and they don't care. They are evil. You can't have a conversation with Evil.

Trumptards attempting to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza makes about as much sense as me attempting to enter a Trump rally with a few hundred black people who dislike Trump. They were looking for trouble and go it. They're not doing that in Philly but they tried it in DC and got that ass whipped.
So you're all for Antifa and BLM attacking people they don't agree with????

I suggest they try that in my neck of the woods....

We can always use more target practice!!!!

I believe if you look for trouble you will get it, no one attacked them when they protested in front of the WH, the confrontations started only when they attempted to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza where they knew they wouldn't be welcomed.

Trumptards attempting to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza makes about as much sense as me attempting to enter a Trump rally with a few hundred black people who dislike Trump. They were looking for trouble and go it. They're not doing that in Philly but they tried it in DC and got that ass whipped.
So you're all for Antifa and BLM attacking people they don't agree with????

I suggest they try that in my neck of the woods....

We can always use more target practice!!!!

I believe if you look for trouble you will get it, no one attacked them when they protested in front of the WH, the confrontations started only when they attempted to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza where they knew they wouldn't be welcomed.
Gee, I wonder why you are backing Antifa and BLM....

Do you hate Biden (that idiot that thinks he's President now) too???

Trumptards attempting to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza makes about as much sense as me attempting to enter a Trump rally with a few hundred black people who dislike Trump. They were looking for trouble and go it.
Black Lies Matter Plaza?

I didnt know there was such a place but now I do

and named in honor of a drug dealers mule

the silliness from the left never ends

Trumptards attempting to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza makes about as much sense as me attempting to enter a Trump rally with a few hundred black people who dislike Trump. They were looking for trouble and go it. They're not doing that in Philly but they tried it in DC and got that ass whipped.
So you're all for Antifa and BLM attacking people they don't agree with????

I suggest they try that in my neck of the woods....

We can always use more target practice!!!!

I believe if you look for trouble you will get it, no one attacked them when they protested in front of the WH, the confrontations started only when they attempted to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza where they knew they wouldn't be welcomed.
We have a thing in America called freedom of movement dumbass. This faggot BLM plaza is not a safe space or a segregated area with signs stating No Whites.

Trumptards attempting to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza makes about as much sense as me attempting to enter a Trump rally with a few hundred black people who dislike Trump. They were looking for trouble and go it. They're not doing that in Philly but they tried it in DC and got that ass whipped.
So you're all for Antifa and BLM attacking people they don't agree with????

I suggest they try that in my neck of the woods....

We can always use more target practice!!!!

I believe if you look for trouble you will get it, no one attacked them when they protested in front of the WH, the confrontations started only when they attempted to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza where they knew they wouldn't be welcomed.
We have a thing in America called freedom of movement dumbass. This faggot BLM plaza is not a safe space or a segregated area with signs stating No Whites.

If you go into a minefield expect to get blown up, they knew counter protestors were there.

Trumptards attempting to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza makes about as much sense as me attempting to enter a Trump rally with a few hundred black people who dislike Trump. They were looking for trouble and go it. They're not doing that in Philly but they tried it in DC and got that ass whipped.
So you're all for Antifa and BLM attacking people they don't agree with????

I suggest they try that in my neck of the woods....

We can always use more target practice!!!!

I believe if you look for trouble you will get it, no one attacked them when they protested in front of the WH, the confrontations started only when they attempted to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza where they knew they wouldn't be welcomed.
We have a thing in America called freedom of movement dumbass. This faggot BLM plaza is not a safe space or a segregated area with signs stating No Whites.

If you go into a minefield expect to get blown up, they knew counter protestors were there.
Public space.

Trumptards attempting to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza makes about as much sense as me attempting to enter a Trump rally with a few hundred black people who dislike Trump. They were looking for trouble and go it. They're not doing that in Philly but they tried it in DC and got that ass whipped.
So you're all for Antifa and BLM attacking people they don't agree with????

I suggest they try that in my neck of the woods....

We can always use more target practice!!!!

I believe if you look for trouble you will get it, no one attacked them when they protested in front of the WH, the confrontations started only when they attempted to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza where they knew they wouldn't be welcomed.
We have a thing in America called freedom of movement dumbass. This faggot BLM plaza is not a safe space or a segregated area with signs stating No Whites.

If you go into a minefield expect to get blown up, they knew counter protestors were there.
You are for Segregation.
Got it.

Trumptards attempting to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza makes about as much sense as me attempting to enter a Trump rally with a few hundred black people who dislike Trump. They were looking for trouble and go it. They're not doing that in Philly but they tried it in DC and got that ass whipped.
Right... it's the DT supporters who are attacking & intimidating people, Burn Loot Murder and amifa are peaceful flower children & there was no massive cheating in the election.
In other news, Stalin was a misunderstood philanthropist.

They were looking to start trouble by going any where near that area. When you go looking for trouble you'll get it
That area is off limits? Im not understanding why youre saying they shouldnt go there.

Trumptards attempting to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza makes about as much sense as me attempting to enter a Trump rally with a few hundred black people who dislike Trump. They were looking for trouble and go it. They're not doing that in Philly but they tried it in DC and got that ass whipped.

Blob supporters crave violence

Trumptards attempting to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza makes about as much sense as me attempting to enter a Trump rally with a few hundred black people who dislike Trump. They were looking for trouble and go it. They're not doing that in Philly but they tried it in DC and got that ass whipped.
So you're all for Antifa and BLM attacking people they don't agree with????

I suggest they try that in my neck of the woods....

We can always use more target practice!!!!

I believe if you look for trouble you will get it, no one attacked them when they protested in front of the WH, the confrontations started only when they attempted to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza where they knew they wouldn't be welcomed.
Why arent people welcomed in "Black Lives Matter Plaza? Is it a "no go zone" or something?

Trumptards attempting to enter Black Lives Matter Plaza makes about as much sense as me attempting to enter a Trump rally with a few hundred black people who dislike Trump. They were looking for trouble and go it. They're not doing that in Philly but they tried it in DC and got that ass whipped.

Blob supporters crave violence
Then why arent they going to left wing rallies to commit it?

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