Trump supporters are getting down right dangerous.....again!!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
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Frenzied Donald Trump Supporters Are Turning On The Media — And It’s Getting Scary
The GOP candidate claims news organizations are at “war” to elect Hillary Clinton.
Earlier in the day in Florida, he said the media was at “war,” with an agenda to elect Clinton “at any cost, at any price, no matter how many lives they destroy.”

These and similar comments have whipped the crowds into a frenzy of anger. Here are some tweets and images showing what it’s like to cover a Trump rally at this stage of the campaign:

Seema Mehta


Donald Duck, seeing the falling numbers is now rallying his Nazi henchmen to once again resort to violence.....which is typical of Hitler.
Yeah.......Donald Trump just tracks in the biggest shit show ever behind him.

There isn't any way to avoid it.

You've got to be a malcontent in at least some way to support him.
boy , you guys are silly . I haven't read about any Trump supporters doing violence . OOPS , almost fergot about some old guy that punched some kid in the face about 9 - 10 months ago . But hey , most of the violence is down by protestors protesting at Trump rallies . -------------------- And hey , tweets ain't violent action in this country of Free Speech Gents . ----------- i'll look at TReds posted link now , haven't seen them yet !!
malcontent , so what , whats wrong with malcontents . Americas Founders were malcontents weren't they ??
Frenzied Donald Trump Supporters Are Turning On The Media — And It’s Getting Scary
The GOP candidate claims news organizations are at “war” to elect Hillary Clinton.
Earlier in the day in Florida, he said the media was at “war,” with an agenda to elect Clinton “at any cost, at any price, no matter how many lives they destroy.”

These and similar comments have whipped the crowds into a frenzy of anger. Here are some tweets and images showing what it’s like to cover a Trump rally at this stage of the campaign:
Seema Mehta

Donald Duck, seeing the falling numbers is now rallying his Nazi henchmen to once again resort to violence.....which is typical of Hitler.

I haven't seen any Trump supporters attacking Hitlery supporters.....but the same cannot be said for Hitlery backers funded by Soros to assault those that support you get the grade of "F" for "fail".

Yeah.......Donald Trump just tracks in the biggest shit show ever behind him.

There isn't any way to avoid it.

You've got to be a malcontent in at least some way to support him.

While I do not vote in elections of this banana republic? I would cast my lot with Trump, an unknown than I would a known globalist that is in the back pockets of the very robber barons that have stolen the wealth of this country. Am I a "malcontent"? Damn fucking straight I a problem with that? I'm not one of those "go along to get along" types when billions are getting fucked over. I'm a man, not a mouse like you that subsists on steady diet of "gubermint" cheese.
Yeah.......Donald Trump just tracks in the biggest shit show ever behind him.

There isn't any way to avoid it.

You've got to be a malcontent in at least some way to support him.

While I do not vote in elections of this banana republic? I would cast my lot with Trump, an unknown than I would a known globalist that is in the back pockets of the very robber barons that have stolen the wealth of this country. Am I a "malcontent"? Damn fucking straight I a problem with that? I'm not one of those "go along to get along" types when billions are getting fucked over. I'm a man, not a mouse like you that subsists on steady diet of "gubermint" cheese.
I just don't have all the misery you seem to be subject to.

I'm happy, got a nice girlfriend, a good job, a house in a nice part of town, lots of friends.

They could elect Donald Trump all they want , and that won't ruin my life in any way. They can elect Hillary too, and that won't slow me down either.

By the way, we don't even have one billion people in this country. You said "billions are getting fucked over"
Yeah.......Donald Trump just tracks in the biggest shit show ever behind him.

There isn't any way to avoid it.

You've got to be a malcontent in at least some way to support him.

While I do not vote in elections of this banana republic? I would cast my lot with Trump, an unknown than I would a known globalist that is in the back pockets of the very robber barons that have stolen the wealth of this country. Am I a "malcontent"? Damn fucking straight I a problem with that? I'm not one of those "go along to get along" types when billions are getting fucked over. I'm a man, not a mouse like you that subsists on steady diet of "gubermint" cheese.
I just don't have all the misery you seem to be subject to.

I'm happy, got a nice girlfriend, a good job, a house in a nice part of town, lots of friends.

They could elect Donald Trump all they want , and that won't ruin my life in any way. They can elect Hillary too, and that won't slow me down either.

By the way, we don't even have one billion people in this country. You said "billions are getting fucked over"
---------------------------------------------------------------- everyone makes the same claims as you and they can say it as they type out messages on a Free komputer down at the library TMedia . My only point is that the provided link is no big deal and malcontents are also no problem in the USA . Its Americans RIGHT to be malcontents TMedia !!------------------------------------------------ billion , he probably just hit the wrong key as I roll my eyes !! Look , I misspelled the word computer / komputer TMedia !!
Yeah.......Donald Trump just tracks in the biggest shit show ever behind him.

There isn't any way to avoid it.

You've got to be a malcontent in at least some way to support him.

While I do not vote in elections of this banana republic? I would cast my lot with Trump, an unknown than I would a known globalist that is in the back pockets of the very robber barons that have stolen the wealth of this country. Am I a "malcontent"? Damn fucking straight I a problem with that? I'm not one of those "go along to get along" types when billions are getting fucked over. I'm a man, not a mouse like you that subsists on steady diet of "gubermint" cheese.
I just don't have all the misery you seem to be subject to.

I'm happy, got a nice girlfriend, a good job, a house in a nice part of town, lots of friends.

They could elect Donald Trump all they want , and that won't ruin my life in any way. They can elect Hillary too, and that won't slow me down either.

By the way, we don't even have one billion people in this country. You said "billions are getting fucked over"

Every country that has a central bank owned by the same banking oligarchs is getting fucked over thus BILLIONS of people are getting screwed. I have all the things you have but it's not about's about all of us and you will lose that house and job if these fucks have their way. You can etch that in stone.
and Darren was a weird guy , probably still is if he isn't dead !!
Yeah.......Donald Trump just tracks in the biggest shit show ever behind him.

There isn't any way to avoid it.

You've got to be a malcontent in at least some way to support him.

While I do not vote in elections of this banana republic? I would cast my lot with Trump, an unknown than I would a known globalist that is in the back pockets of the very robber barons that have stolen the wealth of this country. Am I a "malcontent"? Damn fucking straight I a problem with that? I'm not one of those "go along to get along" types when billions are getting fucked over. I'm a man, not a mouse like you that subsists on steady diet of "gubermint" cheese.
Vote for who the fuck you want a crazy mf like all you GOP pig, than damit go for who really gives a fuck about you or your damned vote?
Yeah.......Donald Trump just tracks in the biggest shit show ever behind him.

There isn't any way to avoid it.

You've got to be a malcontent in at least some way to support him.
You have to be an idiot to support hildabeast.
Yeah.......Donald Trump just tracks in the biggest shit show ever behind him.

There isn't any way to avoid it.

You've got to be a malcontent in at least some way to support him.

While I do not vote in elections of this banana republic? I would cast my lot with Trump, an unknown than I would a known globalist that is in the back pockets of the very robber barons that have stolen the wealth of this country. Am I a "malcontent"? Damn fucking straight I a problem with that? I'm not one of those "go along to get along" types when billions are getting fucked over. I'm a man, not a mouse like you that subsists on steady diet of "gubermint" cheese.
Vote for who the fuck you want a crazy mf like all you GOP pig, than damit go for who really gives a fuck about you or your damned vote?

Your reading comprehension skills are just as poor as your writing and spelling abilities. You suffer from a terminal case of ignorance and it seems to me that you not only wallow in it, you embrace it. Vote the the Hildebeast...the "fix" was in for her when she agreed to drop out in 2008 at the Bilderburg meeting at Chantilly, Virginia in early June of 2008. They even promised her a sweet gig at the state department so she could raise money using a private server so she could sell diplomacy for donations to her private slush fund that is the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons stole a few billion from the Haitian people when Hitlery made Bill "drop trou" the overseer of the donations for earthquake relief and the people there saw less than 10 percent of it reach them....this is the type of thieving filth you are touting.

There is so much more that you don't know like their ties to the Bush crime syndicate, the lifting of trillions from the funds that Leo Wanta procured by bringing down the ruble in 1991 that was to be repatriated to the people of this country per his promise to Ronald Reagan that these globalists pieces of shit have been systematically stealing by finding the money and gold in 6,000 different banks stored on PROMIS software that has been hacked AND using CIA credentials? These accounts have been milked by the very ones whose ass you kiss. Ignorance is bliss which is why you are one happy (but stupid) bitch....revel in it.

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