Trump still thinks Central Park 5 are guilty

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You didn't answer, troll... were you lying when you said you had no more argument or are you lying now saying there is?

Yet Reyes was able to do what none of the CP5 could do -- identify where Meili was first attacked.

The CP Wilding Gang committed a multiple number of assaults, rapes and robberies against many victims, not just Ms. Meili, during the evening in question.

In the chaotic situation right after, who did what where, was confusion.

By the time the CP5 met up with Señor Reyes, long after the crime, all of this was well known and public knowledge.
The CP5 did not meet up with Reyes, one did. And Wise couldn't identify the location of the initial attack, so how could he convey that to Reyes? And why didn't Wise say Reyes was there when Wise "confessed" he was? And why did no two of the CP5 identify the same rapists?
What did wise say about the blood? Yes let the insanity rain lol
He said at the location she was raped, she was covered in blood. Yet none of them who were apprehended that night who were supposedly on top of her, holding her down and raping her, had her blood on them.

If you libs want to believe that the Central Park Wilding Riot of April 19,1989 was the work of one man, Señor Reyes, that's fine with me. You all should build a monument to the CP 5 to really glorify them.
You're an idiot. No one denied there were about 30 youths, including the CP5, out wilding that night. That had nothing to do with the rape.
For those who believe any of them were innocent, how do you account for the confessions of those who had parents and legal counsel present?
Easy, you're either stupid or lying. None of them had legal counsel and three of them didn't even have a parent or guardian present during the interrogations.
For those who believe any of them were innocent, how do you account for the confessions of those who had parents and legal counsel present?
Easy, you're either stupid or lying. None of them had legal counsel and three of them didn't even have a parent or guardian present during the interrogations.
Lol during the confessions they were dude you are insane lol
You didn't answer, troll... were you lying when you said you had no more argument or are you lying now saying there is?

Yet Reyes was able to do what none of the CP5 could do -- identify where Meili was first attacked.
Lol after all the evidence was released in 2001? Lol after being locked up with wise? Seriously.. INSANE
Reyes had access to the released evidence in prison?? Let's see your proof of that...
It was public knowledge the case was talked about for years .. lol dude how can you defend their actions I’m intrigued
You said Reyes had access to evidence released in 2001. How did he access it in prison?

They have libraries in Prison, and he was also close acquaintances of the CP5 who he ran with while in the joint.
We're talking about files, notes, photographs, etc. that were released, not books that are checked out of a library. And he wasn't close with any of the CO5; nor did he "run with" them. He was in the same prison with one of them where they once got into a fight and where Reyes ultimately requested a transfer because he feared Wise.
For those who believe any of them were innocent, how do you account for the confessions of those who had parents and legal counsel present?
Easy, you're either stupid or lying. None of them had legal counsel and three of them didn't even have a parent or guardian present during the interrogations.
Lol during the confessions they were dude you are insane lol
You're lying. At least two of them had no parent even during the confessions.
Thanks to Jitss617 for bumping this thread.

Yep, Dotard J Drumpf is a racist butthole - Runs in the fam!

Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

Rotten apples never fall very far from the tree! Klan Riot anyone? :cool:


Thanks to Jitss617 for bumping this thread.

Yep, Dotard J Drumpf is a racist butthole - Runs in the fam!

Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

Rotten apples never fall very far from the tree! Klan Riot anyone? :cool:



President Trump's father died a long time ago, and can't speak for himself. There is no way to determine Fred Trump's activities that day, except to speculate. But, this much for sure, there is no proof that Fred Trump even was a dues paying member of the Triple K, the American Nazi Party or any other racial group, or that he owned slaves
He can’t help it he hates blacks,, their community needs to be menace to other blacks
Menaced by whom? Innocent people wrongly incarcerated for a crime they didn't commit?
According to them they did it, they told many people.. is being a democrat now considered insane?
And according to them, they didn't do it. Then the real rapist was identified and it was not them or someone with them.

We always knew that we didn't get them all. That we found the rapist that got to leave behind dna, does not clear the rest.

That you and other liberals pretend it does, makes you rape supporters and insanely vile people.
There was zero physical evidence any of those boys were there. It's not plausible the were beating and raping a woman covered in blood and didn't get any of her blood on them. Most of them thought the attack occurred somewhere else in the park. The ground indicated one person dragged her. Their confessions differed from each other on virtually every aspect of the rape -- which one initiated the attack and knocked her down; which one ripped her clothes off; what clothes were taken off; which ones held her down; which ones raped her; what she was hit with. And much of their confessions didn't match the crime scene. Some said her legs were cut with a knife, they weren't; none said she was cut in the face, she was; none said Reyes was there, he was; none said she was gagged, she was; none said she was hit in the back of the head, she was and Reyes said that's where he struck her; none knew the spot where she was initially attacked, Reyes did. The condition Meili was found was consistent with other attacks by Reyes. I caught one of them changing his account in the middle of his confession upon being led by the detective. Wise gave a second video confession to change portions of his initial video confession. There were other boys purportedly involved who were not charged with raping her because they refused to confess. The ones who did confess were sleep deprived.

NEW YORK CITY, a stronghold of machine dems and hard core liberals in the city government and one of the most diverse and democrat populations to draw juries from in the country.

YOur assumption that they did not do their job of considering the facts of the case, is just another example of how you libs are not afraid to smear anyone and everyone, is it serves your anti-American agenda.
It was always known that other rapists got away. That one was found, in no way clears the ones that were caught, confessed and were already convicted.

That people like you, managed to spin that into an excuse to release them, and smear America, is you people being anti-American scum of the Earth.
Idiot, that was a line from the prosecution to convict innocent teens because they knew the only physical evidence they had didn't come from any of the Central Park Five.
You didn’t need it they told everyone they did it
Because they were coerced into doing so during their interrogations.

Said the man pretending to not know that some of them just told their friends, without prompting before they were even arrested.

YOu are on the side of the rapists, against Justice and society's safety.
You're on the side of incarcerating innocent people.

Your justification for believing the rapist, is that he is a rapist.

That is what you base his credibility on.

Menaced by whom? Innocent people wrongly incarcerated for a crime they didn't commit?
According to them they did it, they told many people.. is being a democrat now considered insane?
And according to them, they didn't do it. Then the real rapist was identified and it was not them or someone with them.

We always knew that we didn't get them all. That we found the rapist that got to leave behind dna, does not clear the rest.

That you and other liberals pretend it does, makes you rape supporters and insanely vile people.
There was zero physical evidence any of those boys were there. It's not plausible the were beating and raping a woman covered in blood and didn't get any of her blood on them. Most of them thought the attack occurred somewhere else in the park. The ground indicated one person dragged her. Their confessions differed from each other on virtually every aspect of the rape -- which one initiated the attack and knocked her down; which one ripped her clothes off; what clothes were taken off; which ones held her down; which ones raped her; what she was hit with. And much of their confessions didn't match the crime scene. Some said her legs were cut with a knife, they weren't; none said she was cut in the face, she was; none said Reyes was there, he was; none said she was gagged, she was; none said she was hit in the back of the head, she was and Reyes said that's where he struck her; none knew the spot where she was initially attacked, Reyes did. The condition Meili was found was consistent with other attacks by Reyes. I caught one of them changing his account in the middle of his confession upon being led by the detective. Wise gave a second video confession to change portions of his initial video confession. There were other boys purportedly involved who were not charged with raping her because they refused to confess. The ones who did confess were sleep deprived.

NEW YORK CITY, a stronghold of machine dems and hard core liberals in the city government and one of the most diverse and democrat populations to draw juries from in the country.

YOur assumption that they did not do their job of considering the facts of the case, is just another example of how you libs are not afraid to smear anyone and everyone, is it serves your anti-American agenda.
It had nothing to do with diversity. The prosecution lied to the jury and convinced them the CP5 were guilty.
According to them they did it, they told many people.. is being a democrat now considered insane?
And according to them, they didn't do it. Then the real rapist was identified and it was not them or someone with them.

We always knew that we didn't get them all. That we found the rapist that got to leave behind dna, does not clear the rest.

That you and other liberals pretend it does, makes you rape supporters and insanely vile people.
There was zero physical evidence any of those boys were there. It's not plausible the were beating and raping a woman covered in blood and didn't get any of her blood on them. Most of them thought the attack occurred somewhere else in the park. The ground indicated one person dragged her. Their confessions differed from each other on virtually every aspect of the rape -- which one initiated the attack and knocked her down; which one ripped her clothes off; what clothes were taken off; which ones held her down; which ones raped her; what she was hit with. And much of their confessions didn't match the crime scene. Some said her legs were cut with a knife, they weren't; none said she was cut in the face, she was; none said Reyes was there, he was; none said she was gagged, she was; none said she was hit in the back of the head, she was and Reyes said that's where he struck her; none knew the spot where she was initially attacked, Reyes did. The condition Meili was found was consistent with other attacks by Reyes. I caught one of them changing his account in the middle of his confession upon being led by the detective. Wise gave a second video confession to change portions of his initial video confession. There were other boys purportedly involved who were not charged with raping her because they refused to confess. The ones who did confess were sleep deprived.

NEW YORK CITY, a stronghold of machine dems and hard core liberals in the city government and one of the most diverse and democrat populations to draw juries from in the country.

YOur assumption that they did not do their job of considering the facts of the case, is just another example of how you libs are not afraid to smear anyone and everyone, is it serves your anti-American agenda.
It had nothing to do with diversity. The prosecution lied to the jury and convinced them the CP5 were guilty.
They lied? It’s on video they did it,, they said I felt them tittys but I didn’t rape her, they took the cops to the sight and commented on the blood.. how can you be this insane? Lol is it tds?
According to them they did it, they told many people.. is being a democrat now considered insane?
And according to them, they didn't do it. Then the real rapist was identified and it was not them or someone with them.

We always knew that we didn't get them all. That we found the rapist that got to leave behind dna, does not clear the rest.

That you and other liberals pretend it does, makes you rape supporters and insanely vile people.
There was zero physical evidence any of those boys were there. It's not plausible the were beating and raping a woman covered in blood and didn't get any of her blood on them. Most of them thought the attack occurred somewhere else in the park. The ground indicated one person dragged her. Their confessions differed from each other on virtually every aspect of the rape -- which one initiated the attack and knocked her down; which one ripped her clothes off; what clothes were taken off; which ones held her down; which ones raped her; what she was hit with. And much of their confessions didn't match the crime scene. Some said her legs were cut with a knife, they weren't; none said she was cut in the face, she was; none said Reyes was there, he was; none said she was gagged, she was; none said she was hit in the back of the head, she was and Reyes said that's where he struck her; none knew the spot where she was initially attacked, Reyes did. The condition Meili was found was consistent with other attacks by Reyes. I caught one of them changing his account in the middle of his confession upon being led by the detective. Wise gave a second video confession to change portions of his initial video confession. There were other boys purportedly involved who were not charged with raping her because they refused to confess. The ones who did confess were sleep deprived.

NEW YORK CITY, a stronghold of machine dems and hard core liberals in the city government and one of the most diverse and democrat populations to draw juries from in the country.

YOur assumption that they did not do their job of considering the facts of the case, is just another example of how you libs are not afraid to smear anyone and everyone, is it serves your anti-American agenda.
It had nothing to do with diversity. The prosecution lied to the jury and convinced them the CP5 were guilty.

If the DA lied, what was his motive? And why was the liberal Mr. Morganthau allowed to continue to serve for so many years after the case?
According to them they did it, they told many people.. is being a democrat now considered insane?
And according to them, they didn't do it. Then the real rapist was identified and it was not them or someone with them.

We always knew that we didn't get them all. That we found the rapist that got to leave behind dna, does not clear the rest.

That you and other liberals pretend it does, makes you rape supporters and insanely vile people.
There was zero physical evidence any of those boys were there. It's not plausible the were beating and raping a woman covered in blood and didn't get any of her blood on them. Most of them thought the attack occurred somewhere else in the park. The ground indicated one person dragged her. Their confessions differed from each other on virtually every aspect of the rape -- which one initiated the attack and knocked her down; which one ripped her clothes off; what clothes were taken off; which ones held her down; which ones raped her; what she was hit with. And much of their confessions didn't match the crime scene. Some said her legs were cut with a knife, they weren't; none said she was cut in the face, she was; none said Reyes was there, he was; none said she was gagged, she was; none said she was hit in the back of the head, she was and Reyes said that's where he struck her; none knew the spot where she was initially attacked, Reyes did. The condition Meili was found was consistent with other attacks by Reyes. I caught one of them changing his account in the middle of his confession upon being led by the detective. Wise gave a second video confession to change portions of his initial video confession. There were other boys purportedly involved who were not charged with raping her because they refused to confess. The ones who did confess were sleep deprived.

NEW YORK CITY, a stronghold of machine dems and hard core liberals in the city government and one of the most diverse and democrat populations to draw juries from in the country.

YOur assumption that they did not do their job of considering the facts of the case, is just another example of how you libs are not afraid to smear anyone and everyone, is it serves your anti-American agenda.
It had nothing to do with diversity. The prosecution lied to the jury and convinced them the CP5 were guilty.

The prosecution? The prosecution in one of the most democratic cities in the country?

I live in a democrat city. The city prosecution is politically motivated to underplay black on white crime, not the reverse.

Your assumption of ill intent, is insane.
Idiot, that was a line from the prosecution to convict innocent teens because they knew the only physical evidence they had didn't come from any of the Central Park Five.
You didn’t need it they told everyone they did it
Because they were coerced into doing so during their interrogations.

Said the man pretending to not know that some of them just told their friends, without prompting before they were even arrested.

YOu are on the side of the rapists, against Justice and society's safety.
You're on the side of incarcerating innocent people.

Your justification for believing the rapist, is that he is a rapist.

That is what you base his credibility on.

Imbecile, I believe him because I know he was there. The CP5 were not as evidenced in post #419
According to them they did it, they told many people.. is being a democrat now considered insane?
And according to them, they didn't do it. Then the real rapist was identified and it was not them or someone with them.

We always knew that we didn't get them all. That we found the rapist that got to leave behind dna, does not clear the rest.

That you and other liberals pretend it does, makes you rape supporters and insanely vile people.
There was zero physical evidence any of those boys were there. It's not plausible the were beating and raping a woman covered in blood and didn't get any of her blood on them. Most of them thought the attack occurred somewhere else in the park. The ground indicated one person dragged her. Their confessions differed from each other on virtually every aspect of the rape -- which one initiated the attack and knocked her down; which one ripped her clothes off; what clothes were taken off; which ones held her down; which ones raped her; what she was hit with. And much of their confessions didn't match the crime scene. Some said her legs were cut with a knife, they weren't; none said she was cut in the face, she was; none said Reyes was there, he was; none said she was gagged, she was; none said she was hit in the back of the head, she was and Reyes said that's where he struck her; none knew the spot where she was initially attacked, Reyes did. The condition Meili was found was consistent with other attacks by Reyes. I caught one of them changing his account in the middle of his confession upon being led by the detective. Wise gave a second video confession to change portions of his initial video confession. There were other boys purportedly involved who were not charged with raping her because they refused to confess. The ones who did confess were sleep deprived.

NEW YORK CITY, a stronghold of machine dems and hard core liberals in the city government and one of the most diverse and democrat populations to draw juries from in the country.

YOur assumption that they did not do their job of considering the facts of the case, is just another example of how you libs are not afraid to smear anyone and everyone, is it serves your anti-American agenda.
It had nothing to do with diversity. The prosecution lied to the jury and convinced them the CP5 were guilty.
So you think the cops lied, the DetectiveS lied, the DA lies, the kids Friends lied, the parents lied lol .. everyone lied except for 5 boys lol OK OK haha INSANE
You didn’t need it they told everyone they did it
Because they were coerced into doing so during their interrogations.

Said the man pretending to not know that some of them just told their friends, without prompting before they were even arrested.

YOu are on the side of the rapists, against Justice and society's safety.
You're on the side of incarcerating innocent people.

Your justification for believing the rapist, is that he is a rapist.

That is what you base his credibility on.

Imbecile, I believe him because I know he was there. The CP5 were not as evidenced in post #419

"Being there" is not a sane reason to find someone credible.

There is no evidence that the 5 rapists were NOT there. YOu are delusional if you think there is.
Because they were coerced into doing so during their interrogations.

Said the man pretending to not know that some of them just told their friends, without prompting before they were even arrested.

YOu are on the side of the rapists, against Justice and society's safety.
You're on the side of incarcerating innocent people.

Your justification for believing the rapist, is that he is a rapist.

That is what you base his credibility on.

Imbecile, I believe him because I know he was there. The CP5 were not as evidenced in post #419

"Being there" is not a sane reason to find someone credible.

There is no evidence that the 5 rapists were NOT there. YOu are delusional if you think there is.

There is plenty of evidence that there were a lot of Bad Actors in CP that evening. The liberal myth that just one person, Señor Reyes, was responsible for the crime wave on 4/19/89 just isn't realistic.
And according to them, they didn't do it. Then the real rapist was identified and it was not them or someone with them.

We always knew that we didn't get them all. That we found the rapist that got to leave behind dna, does not clear the rest.

That you and other liberals pretend it does, makes you rape supporters and insanely vile people.
There was zero physical evidence any of those boys were there. It's not plausible the were beating and raping a woman covered in blood and didn't get any of her blood on them. Most of them thought the attack occurred somewhere else in the park. The ground indicated one person dragged her. Their confessions differed from each other on virtually every aspect of the rape -- which one initiated the attack and knocked her down; which one ripped her clothes off; what clothes were taken off; which ones held her down; which ones raped her; what she was hit with. And much of their confessions didn't match the crime scene. Some said her legs were cut with a knife, they weren't; none said she was cut in the face, she was; none said Reyes was there, he was; none said she was gagged, she was; none said she was hit in the back of the head, she was and Reyes said that's where he struck her; none knew the spot where she was initially attacked, Reyes did. The condition Meili was found was consistent with other attacks by Reyes. I caught one of them changing his account in the middle of his confession upon being led by the detective. Wise gave a second video confession to change portions of his initial video confession. There were other boys purportedly involved who were not charged with raping her because they refused to confess. The ones who did confess were sleep deprived.

NEW YORK CITY, a stronghold of machine dems and hard core liberals in the city government and one of the most diverse and democrat populations to draw juries from in the country.

YOur assumption that they did not do their job of considering the facts of the case, is just another example of how you libs are not afraid to smear anyone and everyone, is it serves your anti-American agenda.
It had nothing to do with diversity. The prosecution lied to the jury and convinced them the CP5 were guilty.

The prosecution? The prosecution in one of the most democratic cities in the country?

I live in a democrat city. The city prosecution is politically motivated to underplay black on white crime, not the reverse.

Your assumption of ill intent, is insane.
Nay, you're insane. The prosecution actually presented a hair sample found on one of the boys to the jury as evidence, claiming it came from the victim. It was later proven it wasn't Meili's.
Said the man pretending to not know that some of them just told their friends, without prompting before they were even arrested.

YOu are on the side of the rapists, against Justice and society's safety.
You're on the side of incarcerating innocent people.

Your justification for believing the rapist, is that he is a rapist.

That is what you base his credibility on.

Imbecile, I believe him because I know he was there. The CP5 were not as evidenced in post #419

"Being there" is not a sane reason to find someone credible.

There is no evidence that the 5 rapists were NOT there. YOu are delusional if you think there is.

There is plenty of evidence that there were a lot of Bad Actors in CP that evening. The liberal myth that just one person, Señor Reyes, was responsible for the crime wave on 4/19/89 just isn't realistic.

Agreed. Their stated position is that Reyes is credible, because he was there.

It is literally insane of them. They are delusional, crazy people.
We always knew that we didn't get them all. That we found the rapist that got to leave behind dna, does not clear the rest.

That you and other liberals pretend it does, makes you rape supporters and insanely vile people.
There was zero physical evidence any of those boys were there. It's not plausible the were beating and raping a woman covered in blood and didn't get any of her blood on them. Most of them thought the attack occurred somewhere else in the park. The ground indicated one person dragged her. Their confessions differed from each other on virtually every aspect of the rape -- which one initiated the attack and knocked her down; which one ripped her clothes off; what clothes were taken off; which ones held her down; which ones raped her; what she was hit with. And much of their confessions didn't match the crime scene. Some said her legs were cut with a knife, they weren't; none said she was cut in the face, she was; none said Reyes was there, he was; none said she was gagged, she was; none said she was hit in the back of the head, she was and Reyes said that's where he struck her; none knew the spot where she was initially attacked, Reyes did. The condition Meili was found was consistent with other attacks by Reyes. I caught one of them changing his account in the middle of his confession upon being led by the detective. Wise gave a second video confession to change portions of his initial video confession. There were other boys purportedly involved who were not charged with raping her because they refused to confess. The ones who did confess were sleep deprived.

NEW YORK CITY, a stronghold of machine dems and hard core liberals in the city government and one of the most diverse and democrat populations to draw juries from in the country.

YOur assumption that they did not do their job of considering the facts of the case, is just another example of how you libs are not afraid to smear anyone and everyone, is it serves your anti-American agenda.
It had nothing to do with diversity. The prosecution lied to the jury and convinced them the CP5 were guilty.

The prosecution? The prosecution in one of the most democratic cities in the country?

I live in a democrat city. The city prosecution is politically motivated to underplay black on white crime, not the reverse.

Your assumption of ill intent, is insane.
Nay, you're insane. The prosecution actually presented a hair sample found on one of the boys to the jury as evidence, claiming it came from the victim. It was later proven it wasn't Meili's.

Sounds like an odd thing to do. What was the defense lawyer doing? Didn't he check up on such claims?

Was the man lying, or honestly mistaken?

You make a lot of very clear claims, and then when called on to back up your claims, you get real vague all of a sudden.

Query: All all dem machine cities run by people looking to jail innocent black people for no reason, or just New York City? And if dem machine cities are so bad, why haven't you libs called your party to account for their evilness?

It is almost like, on some level, you know the shit you claim, is just bullshit that even you don't take seriously.
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