Trump Should Demand: Bush v Gore Again!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The Supreme Court will play a critical role in the future of America. If the law is followed, there may be quite another Bush v Palm Beach County to roil the nation!

1.A week ago, the John Roberts eight member Supreme Court made one of those egregious errors that the Supreme Court is infamous for.

“Supreme Court Allows Longer Deadlines for Absentee Ballots in Pennsylvania and North Carolina
Republicans in both states opposed the extensions. Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who joined the court on Tuesday, did not participate in either case, saying she had not had time to fully review the briefs.”

Based on his hatred of Trump, Chief Traitor Roberts ignored the law and precedent, and joined the partisan Liberal Justices to allow the State courts to set whatever dates the Democrats wished for counting votes.

2. Let’s put aside the errors of early voting, of mail in ballots, or the state media censorship of the Biden bribery by foreign governments, so that many early voters were remorseful about their Biden vote, and consider the latest atrocity by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. It decided to re-set the time limits for mailed in votes to be counted. That means beyond the 5 o’clock election day deadline.

3. Because the courts authorized this extension, and the counting of said late ballots, not the state legislature, this was an infraction of law, that only the state legislature can authorize such an extension.
And the US Supreme Court knows this!!!!

“In Pennsylvania, the question was whether the state’s Supreme Court could override voting rules set by the state legislature. In North Carolina, the question was whether state election officials had the power to alter such voting rules.”

4. Be clear: the United States Supreme Court did NOT say this was allowable…..The Roberts 4 to 4 deadlocked court simply declined to hear the case, not come to a decision.
Conservative Justice Alito made his displeasure known: “Justice Alito criticized his court’s treatment of the case, which he said had “needlessly created conditions that could lead to serious postelection problems.”

5. If the Trump legal team uses this as it should, the Supreme court will have to revisit whether Pennsylvania court could extend whether they could count the segregated ballots not postmarked by 5 o’clock election day.

None of the late ballots should be allowed.

It will be a slap in the face of Roberts….as it should be.

In the next post, I will explain the reason Trump should win this appeal.
The Supreme Court will play a critical role in the future of America. If the law is followed, there may be quite another Bush v Palm Beach County to roil the nation!

1.A week ago, the John Roberts eight member Supreme Court made one of those egregious errors that the Supreme Court is infamous for.

“Supreme Court Allows Longer Deadlines for Absentee Ballots in Pennsylvania and North Carolina
Republicans in both states opposed the extensions. Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who joined the court on Tuesday, did not participate in either case, saying she had not had time to fully review the briefs.”

Based on his hatred of Trump, Chief Traitor Roberts ignored the law and precedent, and joined the partisan Liberal Justices to allow the State courts to set whatever dates the Democrats wished for counting votes.

2. Let’s put aside the errors of early voting, of mail in ballots, or the state media censorship of the Biden bribery by foreign governments, so that many early voters were remorseful about their Biden vote, and consider the latest atrocity by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. It decided to re-set the time limits for mailed in votes to be counted. That means beyond the 5 o’clock election day deadline.

3. Because the courts authorized this extension, and the counting of said late ballots, not the state legislature, this was an infraction of law, that only the state legislature can authorize such an extension.
And the US Supreme Court knows this!!!!

“In Pennsylvania, the question was whether the state’s Supreme Court could override voting rules set by the state legislature. In North Carolina, the question was whether state election officials had the power to alter such voting rules.”

4. Be clear: the United States Supreme Court did NOT say this was allowable…..The Roberts 4 to 4 deadlocked court simply declined to hear the case, not come to a decision.
Conservative Justice Alito made his displeasure known: “Justice Alito criticized his court’s treatment of the case, which he said had “needlessly created conditions that could lead to serious postelection problems.”

5. If the Trump legal team uses this as it should, the Supreme court will have to revisit whether Pennsylvania court could extend whether they could count the segregated ballots not postmarked by 5 o’clock election day.

None of the late ballots should be allowed.

It will be a slap in the face of Roberts….as it should be.

In the next post, I will explain the reason Trump should win this appeal.
Bush v gore does not apply silly ijit.
1. It applies to a recount
2. The case specifically says it has no value as precedent. Something you would know if you ever actually read it.

you can return to pretending you know anything now.
The Supreme Court will play a critical role in the future of America. If the law is followed, there may be quite another Bush v Palm Beach County to roil the nation!

1.A week ago, the John Roberts eight member Supreme Court made one of those egregious errors that the Supreme Court is infamous for.

“Supreme Court Allows Longer Deadlines for Absentee Ballots in Pennsylvania and North Carolina
Republicans in both states opposed the extensions. Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who joined the court on Tuesday, did not participate in either case, saying she had not had time to fully review the briefs.”

Based on his hatred of Trump, Chief Traitor Roberts ignored the law and precedent, and joined the partisan Liberal Justices to allow the State courts to set whatever dates the Democrats wished for counting votes.

2. Let’s put aside the errors of early voting, of mail in ballots, or the state media censorship of the Biden bribery by foreign governments, so that many early voters were remorseful about their Biden vote, and consider the latest atrocity by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. It decided to re-set the time limits for mailed in votes to be counted. That means beyond the 5 o’clock election day deadline.

3. Because the courts authorized this extension, and the counting of said late ballots, not the state legislature, this was an infraction of law, that only the state legislature can authorize such an extension.
And the US Supreme Court knows this!!!!

“In Pennsylvania, the question was whether the state’s Supreme Court could override voting rules set by the state legislature. In North Carolina, the question was whether state election officials had the power to alter such voting rules.”

4. Be clear: the United States Supreme Court did NOT say this was allowable…..The Roberts 4 to 4 deadlocked court simply declined to hear the case, not come to a decision.
Conservative Justice Alito made his displeasure known: “Justice Alito criticized his court’s treatment of the case, which he said had “needlessly created conditions that could lead to serious postelection problems.”

5. If the Trump legal team uses this as it should, the Supreme court will have to revisit whether Pennsylvania court could extend whether they could count the segregated ballots not postmarked by 5 o’clock election day.

None of the late ballots should be allowed.

It will be a slap in the face of Roberts….as it should be.

In the next post, I will explain the reason Trump should win this appeal.
Bush v gore does not apply silly ijit.
1. It applies to a recount
2. The case specifically says it has no value as precedent. Something you would know if you ever actually read it.

you can return to pretending you know anything now.

As happens so often, I know more law than you do.

Stay tuned for your lesson in jurisprudence.

I expect your apology when I prove precedent.
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6. The Democrat plot was to use the Wuhan pretense, that citizens needed to mail in votes due to the ‘danger’ of personal voting. They knew they could use the same scheme as they tried in Palm Beach 2000 to keep counting until they won.
That was the same plan used successfully to steal the Norm Coleman election by Al Franken.

To be effective, they needed Democrat state courts and election commissions to make deadlines and schedules malleable.

And, they did.

Not only did the state court extend the deadline, but it made up an entirely new rule for how one knows whether or not the ballot was past the deadline…it said either if there is no post mark at all or any legible postmark, then it should be presumed that that is a ballot that can be counted.

Here's why any ballot not received by close of business on election day should be tossed.
There is no basis for that extension in state law. The state supreme court made that up, and it is not allowed by the Constitution of the United States.

A state court authorized it, and it does not have the authority under the US Constitution.

Now…..if Trump takes this to a full nine member Supreme Court……what should this court decide?
The Supreme Court will play a critical role in the future of America. If the law is followed, there may be quite another Bush v Palm Beach County to roil the nation!

1.A week ago, the John Roberts eight member Supreme Court made one of those egregious errors that the Supreme Court is infamous for.

“Supreme Court Allows Longer Deadlines for Absentee Ballots in Pennsylvania and North Carolina
Republicans in both states opposed the extensions. Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who joined the court on Tuesday, did not participate in either case, saying she had not had time to fully review the briefs.”

Based on his hatred of Trump, Chief Traitor Roberts ignored the law and precedent, and joined the partisan Liberal Justices to allow the State courts to set whatever dates the Democrats wished for counting votes.

2. Let’s put aside the errors of early voting, of mail in ballots, or the state media censorship of the Biden bribery by foreign governments, so that many early voters were remorseful about their Biden vote, and consider the latest atrocity by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. It decided to re-set the time limits for mailed in votes to be counted. That means beyond the 5 o’clock election day deadline.

3. Because the courts authorized this extension, and the counting of said late ballots, not the state legislature, this was an infraction of law, that only the state legislature can authorize such an extension.
And the US Supreme Court knows this!!!!

“In Pennsylvania, the question was whether the state’s Supreme Court could override voting rules set by the state legislature. In North Carolina, the question was whether state election officials had the power to alter such voting rules.”

4. Be clear: the United States Supreme Court did NOT say this was allowable…..The Roberts 4 to 4 deadlocked court simply declined to hear the case, not come to a decision.
Conservative Justice Alito made his displeasure known: “Justice Alito criticized his court’s treatment of the case, which he said had “needlessly created conditions that could lead to serious postelection problems.”

5. If the Trump legal team uses this as it should, the Supreme court will have to revisit whether Pennsylvania court could extend whether they could count the segregated ballots not postmarked by 5 o’clock election day.

None of the late ballots should be allowed.

It will be a slap in the face of Roberts….as it should be.

In the next post, I will explain the reason Trump should win this appeal.
Bush v gore does not apply silly ijit.
1. It applies to a recount
2. The case specifically says it has no value as precedent. Something you would know if you ever actually read it.

you can return to pretending you know anything now.

Here's a custard pie right in your ignorant kisser:

7. Republicans were on to the Democrat scheme, and appealed to the Roberts Court to make a decision before the election day. Spiteful and small-mined Roberts did what he could to injure Trump’s election chances, and voted with the three Liberals to ignore precedent and the Constitution.

This was before the Supreme Court, Justice Alito said that the Court should be deciding this case at the time….mandating that Pennsylvania had to obey the law.….but Roberts kicked it down the road due to his dislike of Trump.

8. Not only has it been decided in the US Supreme Court that only the state legislature, and not any court, may alter or set the dates, but this played an important role in the 2000 Gore v Bush case.

“U.S. Supreme Court
McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U.S. 1 (1892)

McPherson v. Blacker

Argued Oct. 11, 1892
Decided Oct. 17, 1892

“The validity of a state law
providing for the appointment of electors of President and Vice President having been drawn in question before the highest tribunal of a state as repugnant to the laws and Constitution of the United States, and that court having decided in favor of its validity, this Court has jurisdiction to review the judgment under Rev.Stat. § 709. Under the second clause of Article II of the Constitution, the legislatures of the several states have exclusive power to direct the manner in which the electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed.

Such appointment may be made by the legislatures directly, or by popular vote in districts, or by general ticket, as may be provided by the legislature.”

The Supreme Court should require that no ballots received beyond the 5 o’clock deadline of election day be counted.
9. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court had no authority to allow counting of votes received beyond the close of business on election day.

“McPherson v Blacker

Under the second clause of Article II of the Constitution, the legislatures of the several States have exclusive power to direct the manner in which the electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed. Such appointment may be made by the legislatures directly, or by popular vote in districts, or by general ticket, as may be provided by the legislature. If the terms of the clause left the question of power in doubt, contemporaneous and continuous subsequent practical construction has determined the question as above stated. The second clause of Article II of the Constitution was not amended by the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, and they do not limit the power of appointment to the particular manner pursued at the time of the adoption of these amendments, or secure to every male inhabitant of a State, being a citizen of the United States, the right from the time of his majority to vote for presidential electors. A state law fixing a date for the meeting of electors, differing from that prescribed by the act of Congress, is not thereby wholly invalidated; but the date may be rejected and the law stand. “
McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U.S. 1 | Casetext Search + Citator

No state court can set a time limit for votes that should beyond the end of election day, no matter the delay in mail delivery.

Only an elected legislature may do that.
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Only an elected legislature may do that.

In this case, the Free and Equal Elections Clause of the Pennsylvania State Constitution took precedence. The legislature's law was ruled to be unconstitutional at the state level. Ruling on constitutionality is an entirely valid action by a court.
Only an elected legislature may do that.

In this case, the Free and Equal Elections Clause of the Pennsylvania State Constitution took precedence. The legislature's law was ruled to be unconstitutional at the state level. Ruling on constitutionality is an entirely valid action by a court.

No, you state court making these changes takes precedence over the US Constitution.

You must be a government school grad, huh?
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Trump wants the vote counting to stop????

Biden wants 'all votes to count'???

Let's be clear......Americans want all legal.....legitimate.....votes to count. And that is the meaning of what Trump is demanding, and not what the Democrat want.

The Democrats want illegitimate votes counted......that means, those not authorized by the Constitution.
The Constitution states clearly, and it was verified in McPherson vs Blacker, that only the state legislature can extend voting beyond the close of election day.

In those states where the state court changed the time for votes to be accepted, those votes are illegitimate.
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Trump wants the vote counting to stop????

Biden wants 'all votes to count'???

Let's be clear......Americans want all legal.....legitimate.....votes to count. And that is the meaning of what Trump is demanding, and not what the Democrat want.

The Democrats want illegitimate votes counted......that means, those not authorized by the Constitution.
The Constitution states clearly, and it was verified in McPherson vs Blacker, that only the state legislature can extend voting beyond the close of election day.

In those states where the state court changed the time for votes to be accepted, those votes are illegitimate.
Biden even wants votes from dead people to count, Sis! Winning at any cost!

William Bradley from Wayne County, Michigan, voted for Joe Biden. William Bradley died in 1984.

The Supreme Court will play a critical role in the future of America. If the law is followed, there may be quite another Bush v Palm Beach County to roil the nation!

1.A week ago, the John Roberts eight member Supreme Court made one of those egregious errors that the Supreme Court is infamous for.

“Supreme Court Allows Longer Deadlines for Absentee Ballots in Pennsylvania and North Carolina
Republicans in both states opposed the extensions. Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who joined the court on Tuesday, did not participate in either case, saying she had not had time to fully review the briefs.”

Based on his hatred of Trump, Chief Traitor Roberts ignored the law and precedent, and joined the partisan Liberal Justices to allow the State courts to set whatever dates the Democrats wished for counting votes.

2. Let’s put aside the errors of early voting, of mail in ballots, or the state media censorship of the Biden bribery by foreign governments, so that many early voters were remorseful about their Biden vote, and consider the latest atrocity by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. It decided to re-set the time limits for mailed in votes to be counted. That means beyond the 5 o’clock election day deadline.

3. Because the courts authorized this extension, and the counting of said late ballots, not the state legislature, this was an infraction of law, that only the state legislature can authorize such an extension.
And the US Supreme Court knows this!!!!

“In Pennsylvania, the question was whether the state’s Supreme Court could override voting rules set by the state legislature. In North Carolina, the question was whether state election officials had the power to alter such voting rules.”

4. Be clear: the United States Supreme Court did NOT say this was allowable…..The Roberts 4 to 4 deadlocked court simply declined to hear the case, not come to a decision.
Conservative Justice Alito made his displeasure known: “Justice Alito criticized his court’s treatment of the case, which he said had “needlessly created conditions that could lead to serious postelection problems.”

5. If the Trump legal team uses this as it should, the Supreme court will have to revisit whether Pennsylvania court could extend whether they could count the segregated ballots not postmarked by 5 o’clock election day.

None of the late ballots should be allowed.

It will be a slap in the face of Roberts….as it should be.

In the next post, I will explain the reason Trump should win this appeal.
Bush v gore does not apply silly ijit.
1. It applies to a recount
2. The case specifically says it has no value as precedent. Something you would know if you ever actually read it.

you can return to pretending you know anything now.

Now.....which of us is pretending to know anything??????

10. McPherson v Blacker was cited in Gove v Bush, 2000


A dispute arose concerning the deadline for local county canvassing boards to submit their returns to the Secretary of State (Secretary). The Secretary declined to waive the November 14 deadline imposed by statute. §§102.111, 102.112. The Florida Supreme Court, however, set the deadline at November 26. We granted certiorari and vacated the Florida Supreme Court’s decision, finding considerable uncertainty as to the grounds on which it was based. Bush I, ante, at ___–___ (slip. op., at 6–7). On December 11, the Florida Supreme Court issued a decision on remand reinstating that date. ___ So. 2d ___, ___ (slip op. at 30–31).

But neither the text of Article II itself nor the only case the concurrence cites that interprets Article II, McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U. S. 1 (1892), leads to the conclusion that Article II grants unlimited power to the legislature, devoid of any state constitutional limitations, to select the manner of appointing electors.

…the rules of the recount procedures to include whatever partial counts are done by the time of final certification, and we interpret the Florida Supreme Court’s decision to permit this. See ____ So. 2d, at ____, n. 21 (slip op., at 37, n. 21) (noting “practical difficulties” may control outcome of election, but certifying partial Miami-Dade total nonetheless). This accommodation no doubt results from the truncated contest period established by the Florida Supreme Court in Bush I, at respondents’ own urging. The press of time does not diminish the constitutional concern. A desire for speed is not a general excuse for ignoring equal protection guarantees.”

this troll wont accept the facts sense she is biased on the gop but her hero Bush ILLEGALLY was made president STEALING an election from vote fraud. Trump on the other hand,I am glad he is not taking this lying down and taking it to the supreme court because this is the biggest case of voter fraud and the stealing of an election in the history of mankind.
Only need either Gorsuch or Alito to join with Roberts and the Libs to uphold the establishment. Likely both will.
"Ken Starr: Pennsylvania Ballot Extension 'Constitutional Travesty'
The disputed Pennsylvania ballot extension forced by state courts over the legislature is a "constitutional travesty," ....

...the state Supreme Court, which by a divided vote, accepted the substance of what Gov. Wolf was doing, and then added thereon nooks and crannies as well."

Starr also noted it is a "crime" to "count every vote," because counting "illegal" votes violates the Constitution and state law.

The case that might be brought before the Supreme Court may argue a number of votes in Pennsylvania be thrown out as "illegal" for a number of reasons, including being cast late, being cast illegally, not separated as guided by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, and not have been counted with "meaningful" monitoring as required by law."
Gore was on the outside looking in. Just like Troompa Loompa is now.
The Supreme Court will play a critical role in the future of America. If the law is followed, there may be quite another Bush v Palm Beach County to roil the nation!

1.A week ago, the John Roberts eight member Supreme Court made one of those egregious errors that the Supreme Court is infamous for.

“Supreme Court Allows Longer Deadlines for Absentee Ballots in Pennsylvania and North Carolina
Republicans in both states opposed the extensions. Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who joined the court on Tuesday, did not participate in either case, saying she had not had time to fully review the briefs.”

Based on his hatred of Trump, Chief Traitor Roberts ignored the law and precedent, and joined the partisan Liberal Justices to allow the State courts to set whatever dates the Democrats wished for counting votes.

2. Let’s put aside the errors of early voting, of mail in ballots, or the state media censorship of the Biden bribery by foreign governments, so that many early voters were remorseful about their Biden vote, and consider the latest atrocity by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. It decided to re-set the time limits for mailed in votes to be counted. That means beyond the 5 o’clock election day deadline.

3. Because the courts authorized this extension, and the counting of said late ballots, not the state legislature, this was an infraction of law, that only the state legislature can authorize such an extension.
And the US Supreme Court knows this!!!!

“In Pennsylvania, the question was whether the state’s Supreme Court could override voting rules set by the state legislature. In North Carolina, the question was whether state election officials had the power to alter such voting rules.”

4. Be clear: the United States Supreme Court did NOT say this was allowable…..The Roberts 4 to 4 deadlocked court simply declined to hear the case, not come to a decision.
Conservative Justice Alito made his displeasure known: “Justice Alito criticized his court’s treatment of the case, which he said had “needlessly created conditions that could lead to serious postelection problems.”

5. If the Trump legal team uses this as it should, the Supreme court will have to revisit whether Pennsylvania court could extend whether they could count the segregated ballots not postmarked by 5 o’clock election day.

None of the late ballots should be allowed.

It will be a slap in the face of Roberts….as it should be.

In the next post, I will explain the reason Trump should win this appeal.
PA, Mich & AZ state legislatures MUST appoint GOP electors for Trump as they can under Art II, Sec. 1, §2 of the Constitution! My cousin's two reps and senator pledged they will do this in Arizona.
In those states where the state court changed the time for votes to be accepted, those votes are illegitimate.

Even if that were true, it's kind of irrelevant.

Only 10,000 ballots were received after November 3rd in PA.

Biden beat Trump by 69,000 votes in PA.

So even if you assume all 10 K of those votes were invalid (they weren't) and they all went to Biden (unlikely) Biden still won PA by 59,000 votes.
PA, Mich & AZ state legislatures MUST appoint GOP electors for Trump as they can under Art II, Sec. 1, §2 of the Constitution! My cousin's two reps and senator pledged they will do this in Arizona.

That would trigger a constitutional crisis if they tried it.

This hasn't been done since 1876, and it was a major scandal when it happened then.

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