Trump pretty much says Kamala Harris is NOT BLACK.


Diamond Member
May 1, 2024
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Elizabeth warren and meghan markle and rachel dolezal and thousands of others have also done this. Claim "protected class" status to get affirmative action. Nothing about kamala looks black. She is a fraud.

july 31 2024 Former President Donald Trump kicked off a controversial and combative appearance at the National Association of Black Journalists Annual Convention in Chicago by taking a swipe at Vice President Kamala Harris's racial identity.

"I didn't know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black," Trump said of Harris, who is on track to be the Democratic presidential nominee.

Harris' dad was black, her mom was Indian. These are the facts.

The horsehit that flows out of trumps mouth is not. That's why he got blasted by the crowd for running his mouth saying that.

Trump can kiss the black vote goodbye.
Elizabeth warren and meghan markle and rachel dolezal and thousands of others have also done this. Claim "protected class" status to get affirmative action. Nothing about kamala looks black. She is a fraud.

That will come as a surprise to her parents who are Afican-American and East Indian.
She's not black.

She has been on record referring to herself as Asian-American, Indian-American, Jamaican-American, and a few others.

Typical Democrat.

While these headlines are true, the press, as well as Kamala Harris herself, have continually described her racial identity as Black, South Asian, Indian-American, African-American, and Jamaican-American.
Elizabeth warren and meghan markle and rachel dolezal and thousands of others have also done this. Claim "protected class" status to get affirmative action. Nothing about kamala looks black. She is a fraud.

No, they haven't.

When Trump said "you know why", it was because she was 1) black 2) a woman. If he had meant "liberal", he would have said it. And no one would be questioning it. Talk about you-can-hear this dog whistle. :auiqs.jpg:
"I love you, my beautiful Christians. Get out and vote for me. Vote for me and you'll never have to do it again. We'll fix that".
Elizabeth warren and meghan markle and rachel dolezal and thousands of others have also done this. Claim "protected class" status to get affirmative action. Nothing about kamala looks black. She is a fraud.

Trump pretty much says Kamala Harris is NOT BLACK.​

That is not what he said... he said she presented herself as Indian for years which is true... and then when its time to run against Biden she is black... it means she will be whatever she needs to be to win....
Harris' dad was black, her mom was Indian. These are the facts.

The horsehit that flows out of trumps mouth is not. That's why he got blasted by the crowd for running his mouth saying that.

Trump can kiss the black vote goodbye.
And she grew up as a white valley girl....
Elizabeth warren and meghan markle and rachel dolezal and thousands of others have also done this. Claim "protected class" status to get affirmative action. Nothing about kamala looks black. She is a fraud.

This is a winning strategy for Trump. he should push this to all his ads and every speech he gives.
Elizabeth warren and meghan markle and rachel dolezal and thousands of others have also done this. Claim "protected class" status to get affirmative action. Nothing about kamala looks black. She is a fraud.
:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :spinner::cuckoo:
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