Trump Plays Identity Politics, Joins The Side of Multiculturalists In Culture War


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Trump expected to sign order to foster probes of anti-Semitism on campus

President Trump plans to sign an executive order Wednesday that defines the Jewish people as a nationality for purposes of federal civil rights law, an effort to step up enforcement against episodes of anti-Semitism on college campuses, two administration officials said.

Defining Jewish people as an ethnic group and not just a religious one allows the government to consider discrimination against the group as a violation of a key civil rights law. That means schools could lose federal funding if they fail to combat discrimination against Jewish students.

Another rootin-tootin Executive Order! I think this brings Trump to 36 more EOs than Obama in the same period.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

I really need to get T-shirts and hats made with that on it.

In red, of course.
Jews are now a protected class.

This has got to break a lot of WN hearts around here. :lol:
So...uh..."Jew" is a nationality now.


I demand "Christian" be made a country!
Jews are now a protected class.

This has got to break a lot of WN hearts around here. :lol:

Now he has to make white males protected. Play them at their own game.

Once everyone is super, no one is super.
According to my OP link, the Department of Education will "rely on a definition of anti-Semitism from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. That definition includes 'claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor,' applying a double standard to Israel by requiring of it 'behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation' and comparing 'contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.'"

According to my OP link, the Department of Education will "rely on a definition of anti-Semitism from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. That definition includes 'claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor,' applying a double standard to Israel by requiring of it 'behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation' and comparing 'contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.'"


Every Dem candidate must now attack anti-anti-semitism. Loudly!!!
Wow! In every other country in the world Jews are considered more a nationality while at the same time Judaism is a religion.

Only in the U.S. are Jews considered to be a religion only.

A 'Jew' could mean a person descended from the ancient people of Judea OR it could be a person of the Jewish faith who may or may not be descended from Judea.
So...uh..."Jew" is a nationality now.


I demand "Christian" be made a country!
No, Jews are a religious minority like the Muzzies. Yet, because they are not normally "people of color", they are not afforded protected-class status.
Pretty soon, white people will be less than 50 percent of the population.

"I am sick and tired of being held down by The Man!"
Trump expected to sign order to foster probes of anti-Semitism on campus

President Trump plans to sign an executive order Wednesday that defines the Jewish people as a nationality for purposes of federal civil rights law, an effort to step up enforcement against episodes of anti-Semitism on college campuses, two administration officials said.

Defining Jewish people as an ethnic group and not just a religious one allows the government to consider discrimination against the group as a violation of a key civil rights law. That means schools could lose federal funding if they fail to combat discrimination against Jewish students.

Another rootin-tootin Executive Order! I think this brings Trump to 36 more EOs than Obama in the same period.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

I really need to get T-shirts and hats made with that on it.

In red, of course.
Does he lose his subgroup of "White Supremacist" or "Neo Nazi" fans now?
I love this. The guy really knows how to politic --- he's killed like three birds with that one stone.
So, isn't this basically a hate crime law....I thought that conservatives were against such things.

One more thing that Trump has gotten people to jump sides on.
One more reason to abolish the Department of Education.

Now we have foreign agents influencing our elected officials to use unconstitutional government agencies to silence free speech by way of withholding the taxpayer's money from them.

Another sad day for freedom in America.

The long march through the institutions indeed.
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