Trump "or 2nd amendment people, who knows"


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2015
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Here you go 'revolution is coming' people. The plan is in place, you like to beat your chest online, here's the reality.

This is how the US military would put down an armed rebellion

"Combat units will begin show of force operations against militiamen to remind the rebels they’re now dealing with the actual United States military." At this point a change of underwear is warranted for all those exercising their '2nd uhmendmunt' rights.
The points that the professors have not included will be the following. All militia will be ordered to surrender their weapons at designated check points by a certain time and date. Any non-military or LEO individual carrying a weapon after that time and date will be shot dead on sight. Any weapons found in houses, garages, etc., will be confiscated, and any individual from the age of 13 and older will be subject to tribunals to be held within 24 hours and punishment to be enacted within 24 hours of findings. All such buildings that harbor forbidden weapons will be razed to the ground, at the discretion of the area commander.
Here you go 'revolution is coming' people. The plan is in place, you like to beat your chest online, here's the reality.

This is how the US military would put down an armed rebellion

"Combat units will begin show of force operations against militiamen to remind the rebels they’re now dealing with the actual United States military." At this point a change of underwear is warranted for all those exercising their '2nd uhmendmunt' rights.

"Combat units will begin show of force operations against militiamen to remind the rebels they’re now dealing with the actual United States military."

Obama should do that before the election!
The points that the professors have not included will be the following. All militia will be ordered to surrender their weapons at designated check points by a certain time and date. Any non-military or LEO individual carrying a weapon after that time and date will be shot dead on sight. Any weapons found in houses, garages, etc., will be confiscated, and any individual from the age of 13 and older will be subject to tribunals to be held within 24 hours and punishment to be enacted within 24 hours of findings. All such buildings that harbor forbidden weapons will be razed to the ground, at the discretion of the area commander.

Any non-military or LEO individual carrying a weapon after that time and date will be shot dead on sight.

Da comrade!!!
The points that the professors have not included will be the following. All militia will be ordered to surrender their weapons at designated check points by a certain time and date. Any non-military or LEO individual carrying a weapon after that time and date will be shot dead on sight. Any weapons found in houses, garages, etc., will be confiscated, and any individual from the age of 13 and older will be subject to tribunals to be held within 24 hours and punishment to be enacted within 24 hours of findings. All such buildings that harbor forbidden weapons will be razed to the ground, at the discretion of the area commander.

Any non-military or LEO individual carrying a weapon after that time and date will be shot dead on sight.

Da comrade!!!
The comrades will be those who are in revolt against the legitimately elected American government. Da!
The points that the professors have not included will be the following. All militia will be ordered to surrender their weapons at designated check points by a certain time and date. Any non-military or LEO individual carrying a weapon after that time and date will be shot dead on sight. Any weapons found in houses, garages, etc., will be confiscated, and any individual from the age of 13 and older will be subject to tribunals to be held within 24 hours and punishment to be enacted within 24 hours of findings. All such buildings that harbor forbidden weapons will be razed to the ground, at the discretion of the area commander.

It's easy for people to say 'revolution', the reality of it is as ugly as it gets for them.
The points that the professors have not included will be the following. All militia will be ordered to surrender their weapons at designated check points by a certain time and date. Any non-military or LEO individual carrying a weapon after that time and date will be shot dead on sight. Any weapons found in houses, garages, etc., will be confiscated, and any individual from the age of 13 and older will be subject to tribunals to be held within 24 hours and punishment to be enacted within 24 hours of findings. All such buildings that harbor forbidden weapons will be razed to the ground, at the discretion of the area commander.

It's easy for people to say 'revolution', the reality of it is as ugly as it gets for them.

The writer of the article assumes all state and federal authorities would stand with the present government....never assume
Here you go 'revolution is coming' people. The plan is in place, you like to beat your chest online, here's the reality.

This is how the US military would put down an armed rebellion

"Combat units will begin show of force operations against militiamen to remind the rebels they’re now dealing with the actual United States military." At this point a change of underwear is warranted for all those exercising their '2nd uhmendmunt' rights.
The problem with the absurdity of the thinking military folk will side with corrupt incest laden federal government full of progressive career politicians... Lol
90%+ of the troops actually believe in the Second Amendment and it's being an absolute right. Where as progressives want to abolish the Second amendment.

Take your Theory and shove it up your Tranny ass...
The points that the professors have not included will be the following. All militia will be ordered to surrender their weapons at designated check points by a certain time and date. Any non-military or LEO individual carrying a weapon after that time and date will be shot dead on sight. Any weapons found in houses, garages, etc., will be confiscated, and any individual from the age of 13 and older will be subject to tribunals to be held within 24 hours and punishment to be enacted within 24 hours of findings. All such buildings that harbor forbidden weapons will be razed to the ground, at the discretion of the area commander.
Military folk have zero respect for Barry, Hildabeast and their marry band of ass pirates...
The points that the professors have not included will be the following. All militia will be ordered to surrender their weapons at designated check points by a certain time and date. Any non-military or LEO individual carrying a weapon after that time and date will be shot dead on sight. Any weapons found in houses, garages, etc., will be confiscated, and any individual from the age of 13 and older will be subject to tribunals to be held within 24 hours and punishment to be enacted within 24 hours of findings. All such buildings that harbor forbidden weapons will be razed to the ground, at the discretion of the area commander.

It's easy for people to say 'revolution', the reality of it is as ugly as it gets for them.

The writer of the article assumes all state and federal authorities would stand with the present government....never assume
Be stupid and assume they will line up with you.
The points that the professors have not included will be the following. All militia will be ordered to surrender their weapons at designated check points by a certain time and date. Any non-military or LEO individual carrying a weapon after that time and date will be shot dead on sight. Any weapons found in houses, garages, etc., will be confiscated, and any individual from the age of 13 and older will be subject to tribunals to be held within 24 hours and punishment to be enacted within 24 hours of findings. All such buildings that harbor forbidden weapons will be razed to the ground, at the discretion of the area commander.
Military folk have zero respect for Barry, Hildabeast and their marry band of ass pirates...
The military overwhelming 7 out of 10 do not respect Trump.

The military overwhelmingly 9.99 out of 10 will support government.
More than one president woke up in the morning to find themselves surrounded by tanks . They also imagined they had control of the military.

Then it isn't an armed rebellion. It's a military coup supported by the citizens. We are in dire need of such a coup today but the election is so close.
More than one president woke up in the morning to find themselves surrounded by tanks . They also imagined they had control of the military.

Then it isn't an armed rebellion. It's a military coup supported by the citizens. We are in dire need of such a coup today but the election is so close.
No we are not in any need of the overthrow of American democracy. But the enemies of America foreign and domestic need to be identified and watched.
The points that the professors have not included will be the following. All militia will be ordered to surrender their weapons at designated check points by a certain time and date. Any non-military or LEO individual carrying a weapon after that time and date will be shot dead on sight. Any weapons found in houses, garages, etc., will be confiscated, and any individual from the age of 13 and older will be subject to tribunals to be held within 24 hours and punishment to be enacted within 24 hours of findings. All such buildings that harbor forbidden weapons will be razed to the ground, at the discretion of the area commander.
Military folk have zero respect for Barry, Hildabeast and their marry band of ass pirates...
The military overwhelming 7 out of 10 do not respect Trump.

The military overwhelmingly 9.99 out of 10 will support government.
You are way wrong, Barry and the hildabeast have record lows in approval with the military... Even much lower than trump. Jackass lol

I live near three large military bases. Military, police and fire make up the vast majority of my firearm and ammo sales year in year out. They will never choose the federal government over the second. Hildabeast and Barry are viewed as traders to them , I talk to military folk most every day from all over the country.
Stop talking out of your ass... Lol
Hilarious, fantasy land of the gun huggers knows no bounds. They live for this fantasy where they revolt and the military sides with them.

Clue for you the clueless, if the military doesn't start a coup, they aren't with you.
Hilarious, fantasy land of the gun huggers knows no bounds. They live for this fantasy where they revolt and the military sides with them.

Clue for you the clueless, if the military doesn't start a coup, they aren't with you.
Military folk are second admendment backers through and through... They don't give two shits about progressive ideals. Lol
When the government made a "show of force" in Boston against a couple terrorists liberals lost their shit screaming abuse of power. If the government kills "rightwingers" like they did in Waco it's "okay"
Here you go 'revolution is coming' people. The plan is in place, you like to beat your chest online, here's the reality.

This is how the US military would put down an armed rebellion

"Combat units will begin show of force operations against militiamen to remind the rebels they’re now dealing with the actual United States military." At this point a change of underwear is warranted for all those exercising their '2nd uhmendmunt' rights.
You fucktard liberals are doomed....:lol:
Here you go 'revolution is coming' people. The plan is in place, you like to beat your chest online, here's the reality.

This is how the US military would put down an armed rebellion

"Combat units will begin show of force operations against militiamen to remind the rebels they’re now dealing with the actual United States military." At this point a change of underwear is warranted for all those exercising their '2nd uhmendmunt' rights.

LOL Isaac was a Christian and an awesome crack me up. Uh part of the issue, is swaying the military. Also why do you gun grabbers want them so bad if we cant resist?


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