Trump & Obama: a tale of contrasts


Staff member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
So, on the plus side - I was impressed and pleased with the graciousness and class of Obama and Trump when they've met to discuss transitions, when Melania and Michelle met. Lots of good in that.

But, below, is where I find disturbing, deeply disturbing contrasts. No. Trump is not Hitler. Forget all that crap. No. Not that.

It's in how the job is viewed and in particular the need to CALM and unite our country and assure our allies that the US will continue to be a reliable partner.

Over the past week President Obama has made a point of visiting various heads of state. In Obama's words: "My No. 1 priority in the coming two months is to try to facilitate a transition that ensures our president-elect is successful.” The message from Obama to our country has also been in line with that. Like previous former presidents he has declined to weigh in on Trump's choices for key positions or policy plans despite baiting from the media. He's stayed professional, classy and most important - positive in his message to our country about this transition. President Bush exhibited the same during the transition to the Obama Administration.

Now contrast that to the chaos that is passing for the Trump Team Transition. Rumors are flying that there is chaos and infighting. That is from multiple sources. And that is not good. It is the opposite of stability and smooth transition. People have a right to know what is expected and more important, that the transition is being handled smoothly and professionally.

What I think is most mind-blowing is that Trump himself seems to be treating the Presidency of the United States as just another season of The Apprentice. What the hell? This is NOT a game.

Amid strains, Trump says only he knows finalists for Cabinet
The key word in this horseshit post of yours is "Rumors".

Fuck you and your rumors.

You are another butt-hurt sore loser.
So, on the plus side - I was impressed and pleased with the graciousness and class of Obama and Trump when they've met to discuss transitions, when Melania and Michelle met. Lots of good in that.

But, below, is where I find disturbing, deeply disturbing contrasts. No. Trump is not Hitler. Forget all that crap. No. Not that.

It's in how the job is viewed and in particular the need to CALM and unite our country and assure our allies that the US will continue to be a reliable partner.

Over the past week President Obama has made a point of visiting various heads of state. In Obama's words: "My No. 1 priority in the coming two months is to try to facilitate a transition that ensures our president-elect is successful.” The message from Obama to our country has also been in line with that. Like previous former presidents he has declined to weigh in on Trump's choices for key positions or policy plans despite baiting from the media. He's stayed professional, classy and most important - positive in his message to our country about this transition. President Bush exhibited the same during the transition to the Obama Administration.

He is "calling" for "calm and unity" while smearing his enemies by speaking out against "tribalism".

The left substituting name calling and personal attacks for policy, is one of the prime trends tearing this nation apart.

THis is on you. YOu and yours are the bad guys in this story.
So, on the plus side - I was impressed and pleased with the graciousness and class of Obama and Trump when they've met to discuss transitions, when Melania and Michelle met. Lots of good in that.

But, below, is where I find disturbing, deeply disturbing contrasts. No. Trump is not Hitler. Forget all that crap. No. Not that.

It's in how the job is viewed and in particular the need to CALM and unite our country and assure our allies that the US will continue to be a reliable partner.

Over the past week President Obama has made a point of visiting various heads of state. In Obama's words: "My No. 1 priority in the coming two months is to try to facilitate a transition that ensures our president-elect is successful.” The message from Obama to our country has also been in line with that. Like previous former presidents he has declined to weigh in on Trump's choices for key positions or policy plans despite baiting from the media. He's stayed professional, classy and most important - positive in his message to our country about this transition. President Bush exhibited the same during the transition to the Obama Administration.

Now contrast that to the chaos that is passing for the Trump Team Transition. Rumors are flying that there is chaos and infighting. That is from multiple sources. And that is not good. It is the opposite of stability and smooth transition. People have a right to know what is expected and more important, that the transition is being handled smoothly and professionally.

What I think is most mind-blowing is that Trump himself seems to be treating the Presidency of the United States as just another season of The Apprentice. What the hell? This is NOT a game.

Amid strains, Trump says only he knows finalists for Cabinet

The rumors are lies....spread by the democrat press because Trump beat hilary......Trump knows how to organize teams and he is doing that right now......

Trump knows what he is doing....obama should sit and listen to Trump, he would learn a lot about running an organization....

obama saved his trashing of the country, again, till he was over Greece in particular.....attacking the republicans.....keep in mind...over 70% think the country was heading in the wrong direction at the time of the election..that means the guy on top...obama...was the one leading the country in the wrong direction...thanks to a sychophantic press, and a lack of doing anything lately, he is popular...everything he has done is not popular..that is why when he said, vote for hilary to save his legacy.....they voted hilary out....
So, on the plus side - I was impressed and pleased with the graciousness and class of Obama and Trump when they've met to discuss transitions, when Melania and Michelle met. Lots of good in that.

But, below, is where I find disturbing, deeply disturbing contrasts. No. Trump is not Hitler. Forget all that crap. No. Not that.

It's in how the job is viewed and in particular the need to CALM and unite our country and assure our allies that the US will continue to be a reliable partner.

Over the past week President Obama has made a point of visiting various heads of state. In Obama's words: "My No. 1 priority in the coming two months is to try to facilitate a transition that ensures our president-elect is successful.” The message from Obama to our country has also been in line with that. Like previous former presidents he has declined to weigh in on Trump's choices for key positions or policy plans despite baiting from the media. He's stayed professional, classy and most important - positive in his message to our country about this transition. President Bush exhibited the same during the transition to the Obama Administration.

He is "calling" for "calm and unity" while smearing his enemies by speaking out against "tribalism".

The left substituting name calling and personal attacks for policy, is one of the prime trends tearing this nation apart.

THis is on you. YOu and yours are the bad guys in this story.

You call his funny? I was dead serious and calm and respectful.

And you call it funny?

Screw you.
So, on the plus side - I was impressed and pleased with the graciousness and class of Obama and Trump when they've met to discuss transitions, when Melania and Michelle met. Lots of good in that.

But, below, is where I find disturbing, deeply disturbing contrasts. No. Trump is not Hitler. Forget all that crap. No. Not that.

It's in how the job is viewed and in particular the need to CALM and unite our country and assure our allies that the US will continue to be a reliable partner.

Over the past week President Obama has made a point of visiting various heads of state. In Obama's words: "My No. 1 priority in the coming two months is to try to facilitate a transition that ensures our president-elect is successful.” The message from Obama to our country has also been in line with that. Like previous former presidents he has declined to weigh in on Trump's choices for key positions or policy plans despite baiting from the media. He's stayed professional, classy and most important - positive in his message to our country about this transition. President Bush exhibited the same during the transition to the Obama Administration.

Now contrast that to the chaos that is passing for the Trump Team Transition. Rumors are flying that there is chaos and infighting. That is from multiple sources. And that is not good. It is the opposite of stability and smooth transition. People have a right to know what is expected and more important, that the transition is being handled smoothly and professionally.

What I think is most mind-blowing is that Trump himself seems to be treating the Presidency of the United States as just another season of The Apprentice. What the hell? This is NOT a game.

Amid strains, Trump says only he knows finalists for Cabinet

The language is a bit off but interesting thoughts.

So, on the plus side - I was impressed and pleased with the graciousness and class of Obama and Trump when they've met to discuss transitions, when Melania and Michelle met. Lots of good in that.

But, below, is where I find disturbing, deeply disturbing contrasts. No. Trump is not Hitler. Forget all that crap. No. Not that.

It's in how the job is viewed and in particular the need to CALM and unite our country and assure our allies that the US will continue to be a reliable partner.

Over the past week President Obama has made a point of visiting various heads of state. In Obama's words: "My No. 1 priority in the coming two months is to try to facilitate a transition that ensures our president-elect is successful.” The message from Obama to our country has also been in line with that. Like previous former presidents he has declined to weigh in on Trump's choices for key positions or policy plans despite baiting from the media. He's stayed professional, classy and most important - positive in his message to our country about this transition. President Bush exhibited the same during the transition to the Obama Administration.

He is "calling" for "calm and unity" while smearing his enemies by speaking out against "tribalism".

The left substituting name calling and personal attacks for policy, is one of the prime trends tearing this nation apart.

THis is on you. YOu and yours are the bad guys in this story.

You call his funny? I was dead serious and calm and respectful.

And you call it funny?

Screw you.

Of course, because hysterically pointing fingers and calling us "the bad guys" is the epitome of "calm and respectful". What was that about "name calling" and "personal attacks"?

Don't be a fucking hypocrite, get the fuck off your high horse, and pull the stick out of your ass. No one likes a whiner.
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So, on the plus side - I was impressed and pleased with the graciousness and class of Obama and Trump when they've met to discuss transitions, when Melania and Michelle met. Lots of good in that.

But, below, is where I find disturbing, deeply disturbing contrasts. No. Trump is not Hitler. Forget all that crap. No. Not that.

It's in how the job is viewed and in particular the need to CALM and unite our country and assure our allies that the US will continue to be a reliable partner.

Over the past week President Obama has made a point of visiting various heads of state. In Obama's words: "My No. 1 priority in the coming two months is to try to facilitate a transition that ensures our president-elect is successful.” The message from Obama to our country has also been in line with that. Like previous former presidents he has declined to weigh in on Trump's choices for key positions or policy plans despite baiting from the media. He's stayed professional, classy and most important - positive in his message to our country about this transition. President Bush exhibited the same during the transition to the Obama Administration.

Now contrast that to the chaos that is passing for the Trump Team Transition. Rumors are flying that there is chaos and infighting. That is from multiple sources. And that is not good. It is the opposite of stability and smooth transition. People have a right to know what is expected and more important, that the transition is being handled smoothly and professionally.

What I think is most mind-blowing is that Trump himself seems to be treating the Presidency of the United States as just another season of The Apprentice. What the hell? This is NOT a game.

Amid strains, Trump says only he knows finalists for Cabinet

The language is a bit off but interesting thoughts.


One thing to think about. Deplorables? Labels?

Don't forget Romney's 47%.

Would be nice if the RIGHT's assholery and insults were also acknowledged.
So, on the plus side - I was impressed and pleased with the graciousness and class of Obama and Trump when they've met to discuss transitions, when Melania and Michelle met. Lots of good in that.

But, below, is where I find disturbing, deeply disturbing contrasts. No. Trump is not Hitler. Forget all that crap. No. Not that.

It's in how the job is viewed and in particular the need to CALM and unite our country and assure our allies that the US will continue to be a reliable partner.

Over the past week President Obama has made a point of visiting various heads of state. In Obama's words: "My No. 1 priority in the coming two months is to try to facilitate a transition that ensures our president-elect is successful.” The message from Obama to our country has also been in line with that. Like previous former presidents he has declined to weigh in on Trump's choices for key positions or policy plans despite baiting from the media. He's stayed professional, classy and most important - positive in his message to our country about this transition. President Bush exhibited the same during the transition to the Obama Administration.

Now contrast that to the chaos that is passing for the Trump Team Transition. Rumors are flying that there is chaos and infighting. That is from multiple sources. And that is not good. It is the opposite of stability and smooth transition. People have a right to know what is expected and more important, that the transition is being handled smoothly and professionally.

What I think is most mind-blowing is that Trump himself seems to be treating the Presidency of the United States as just another season of The Apprentice. What the hell? This is NOT a game.

Amid strains, Trump says only he knows finalists for Cabinet

Another far left drone posting their inability to accept that the American people are rejecting their religion.

Your so called "rumors" started with the New York Times which has shown they are a far left hack site. Then other far left hacks picked it up like CNN and MSNBC, so since the far left sites ran with this non-story, you drones believe it.

Face facts Clinton, Obama, Reid, Pelosi have destroyed your beloved religion and you allowed them to do it.
So, on the plus side - I was impressed and pleased with the graciousness and class of Obama and Trump when they've met to discuss transitions, when Melania and Michelle met. Lots of good in that.

But, below, is where I find disturbing, deeply disturbing contrasts. No. Trump is not Hitler. Forget all that crap. No. Not that.

It's in how the job is viewed and in particular the need to CALM and unite our country and assure our allies that the US will continue to be a reliable partner.

Over the past week President Obama has made a point of visiting various heads of state. In Obama's words: "My No. 1 priority in the coming two months is to try to facilitate a transition that ensures our president-elect is successful.” The message from Obama to our country has also been in line with that. Like previous former presidents he has declined to weigh in on Trump's choices for key positions or policy plans despite baiting from the media. He's stayed professional, classy and most important - positive in his message to our country about this transition. President Bush exhibited the same during the transition to the Obama Administration.

Now contrast that to the chaos that is passing for the Trump Team Transition. Rumors are flying that there is chaos and infighting. That is from multiple sources. And that is not good. It is the opposite of stability and smooth transition. People have a right to know what is expected and more important, that the transition is being handled smoothly and professionally.

What I think is most mind-blowing is that Trump himself seems to be treating the Presidency of the United States as just another season of The Apprentice. What the hell? This is NOT a game.

Amid strains, Trump says only he knows finalists for Cabinet

Another far left drone posting their inability to accept that the American people are rejecting their religion.

Your so called "rumors" started with the New York Times which has shown they are a far left hack site. Then other far left hacks picked it up like CNN and MSNBC, so since the far left sites ran with this non-story, you drones believe it.

Face facts Clinton, Obama, Reid, Pelosi have destroyed your beloved religion and you allowed them to do it.

Well; the consensus seems to be that the Left replaced discussion with abuse. The left claims it's the other way round. A bit of Column A; a bit of Column B perhaps?? But the [point is; once you are condemned for having different ideas to someone else then the stronger party wins. This time it was the Republicans. And yes; I have been just as guilty. I am trying now to pick those who are prepared to DISCUSS; not just Pontificate!!!

So, on the plus side - I was impressed and pleased with the graciousness and class of Obama and Trump when they've met to discuss transitions, when Melania and Michelle met. Lots of good in that.

But, below, is where I find disturbing, deeply disturbing contrasts. No. Trump is not Hitler. Forget all that crap. No. Not that.

It's in how the job is viewed and in particular the need to CALM and unite our country and assure our allies that the US will continue to be a reliable partner.

Over the past week President Obama has made a point of visiting various heads of state. In Obama's words: "My No. 1 priority in the coming two months is to try to facilitate a transition that ensures our president-elect is successful.” The message from Obama to our country has also been in line with that. Like previous former presidents he has declined to weigh in on Trump's choices for key positions or policy plans despite baiting from the media. He's stayed professional, classy and most important - positive in his message to our country about this transition. President Bush exhibited the same during the transition to the Obama Administration.

Now contrast that to the chaos that is passing for the Trump Team Transition. Rumors are flying that there is chaos and infighting. That is from multiple sources. And that is not good. It is the opposite of stability and smooth transition. People have a right to know what is expected and more important, that the transition is being handled smoothly and professionally.

What I think is most mind-blowing is that Trump himself seems to be treating the Presidency of the United States as just another season of The Apprentice. What the hell? This is NOT a game.

Amid strains, Trump says only he knows finalists for Cabinet

The language is a bit off but interesting thoughts.


One thing to think about. Deplorables? Labels?

Don't forget Romney's 47%.

Would be nice if the RIGHT's assholery and insults were also acknowledged.

And look where that got Romney?? In Romney's defense, he was stupid enough to think that it would stay "secret". That was very dumb imo. Hence he lost. Personally, the 47% is probably about right for what I call "rusted on" voters. It's that 6% who decides the winner and the whiner. This time it was the "rusted off" voters who decided imo.


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