Trump made Barry lose his cool

ODS is strong with this one.

Obama surprised me. He's an impressive good guy.. I mean he aspires to be the man in the white hat.
Is that why you can't understand that Obama is an American hating, Muslim Brotherhood loving piece of trash ?
Trump is an assclown in a suit with not enough brains to come in out of the goddam rain. The only thing he's good at is running scams past guys like you.
Obviously he was good at low gas prices, peace in the middle east, sealing our southern border . Now tell me again who was scammed ? Your no doubt one of the 40 million Biden voters.
Low gas prices reflect no demand from being quarantined to your fucking house. Good job Trump. If you think our border was sealed... hilarious.
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Obama is happy Biden is taking the worst president title from him.
We just had the worst president ever which is why Biden won.
Biden didn't win and Trump is and will be again our greatest president.

Biden didn't win???
In case it's slipped your notice, he was sworn in as POTUS.
Trump will never hold any public office where he relies on people to vote him in.
It was his original followers who put
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o

You've got a so tender turn of phrase when youre unable to win a point.
That is exactly the reason I wrote a post called why the hatred. You've responded accordingly.

It's you who is the racist. Your hate is breathtaking purely because your a repig.
There is absolutely no reason for such hatred on political basis alone.
That is why the country is divided after trump fooled you all into believing democrats ruin the country. There is no proof of it. There is no communist conspiracy.

Your problem is you hate the thought of someone getting something for free. Welfare irritates you except when you get it.
It's not as if trumps presidency put money in your pocket. In fact, t hge only people who got money was his mates in wall street.

So Settle down you foul mouthed ignoramus.
its quite obvious you know NOTHING about me...because you are WRONG again...and if you don't like the adjectives or nouns i use---to fucking bad

I know nothing about you because there is nothing to know. You're an intellectual desert. Your vivid descriptions don't intimidate me but prove what a foul mouthed sap you are.
Get it all off your chest now tough guy. Keep replying and I get another whack at you. You have laid a glove on me.
now that you got that off your chest, my attitude doesn't change...So settle down you ignoramus.

You're as dumb as a row of cats watching tv. Why do you create lies marinated in hate?
No one hates like ignorant republicans.
The Democrat Party is a coalition of hate groups

Candace Owens? I didn't know a young upstart who changed to the repigs was now your inspiration.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin colour now you hypocritical joins their ranks.
What makes her a mountain of intelligence? Another one with no experience with governments. Just a good looking black girl squeezing those attributes to her best advantage. Saying all things you want to hear. Just the same as how trump sucked you in.
You've got a bit to learn yet son.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin color now you scumbag demonRAT hypocrites join their ranks.....and being the little sheep, w/out a mind, just embrace the xiden racism train....You've got a lot to learn yet son.

You could be right but one thing is certain. Not one repig has anything to teach me, especially you.
You can get medication for your paranoia. The disease is TDS (trump defeat syndrome) . Not so smart now SIN.
thats because you are already brain dead....oh well
and with a response like that, sounds more like you need your meds

Really? You're just another delusional redneck Republican.
I can see your frustration is building.
Keep going. Did you think people would buy ignorance and hatred?
really, shit stain...I can see your frustration is building.....
oh, retard, i'm not republican...i just know the difference between corrupt xiden and AMERICA, and i put AMERICA first.....MAGA
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Of course you're not a Republican. I certainly believe you but you sort if destroy that little lie by suggesting Biden was a communist. Don't be silly with irresponsible childish hatred like that. It does your cause no good.
Only the other day some loopy said Biden stopped the investigation into Wuhan. In fact, the opposite has happened. Its just another well rehearsed Republican lie.
Just like you're not a Republican.
see, another shit stain demonRAT that can NOT handle TRUTH....It does your cause no good to LIE...and we all know the corrupt xiden family has been bought out by china, except the truly pathetic retards, like yourself

Doesn't it bother you to lie like that?
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Obama is happy Biden is taking the worst president title from him.
We just had the worst president ever which is why Biden won.
Biden didn't win and Trump is and will be again our greatest president.

Biden didn't win???
In case it's slipped your notice, he was sworn in as POTUS.
Trump will never hold any public office where he relies on people to vote him in.
It was his original followers who put
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o

You've got a so tender turn of phrase when youre unable to win a point.
That is exactly the reason I wrote a post called why the hatred. You've responded accordingly.

It's you who is the racist. Your hate is breathtaking purely because your a repig.
There is absolutely no reason for such hatred on political basis alone.
That is why the country is divided after trump fooled you all into believing democrats ruin the country. There is no proof of it. There is no communist conspiracy.

Your problem is you hate the thought of someone getting something for free. Welfare irritates you except when you get it.
It's not as if trumps presidency put money in your pocket. In fact, t hge only people who got money was his mates in wall street.

So Settle down you foul mouthed ignoramus.
its quite obvious you know NOTHING about me...because you are WRONG again...and if you don't like the adjectives or nouns i use---to fucking bad

I know nothing about you because there is nothing to know. You're an intellectual desert. Your vivid descriptions don't intimidate me but prove what a foul mouthed sap you are.
Get it all off your chest now tough guy. Keep replying and I get another whack at you. You have laid a glove on me.
now that you got that off your chest, my attitude doesn't change...So settle down you ignoramus.

You're as dumb as a row of cats watching tv. Why do you create lies marinated in hate?
No one hates like ignorant republicans.
The Democrat Party is a coalition of hate groups

Candace Owens? I didn't know a young upstart who changed to the repigs was now your inspiration.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin colour now you hypocritical joins their ranks.
What makes her a mountain of intelligence? Another one with no experience with governments. Just a good looking black girl squeezing those attributes to her best advantage. Saying all things you want to hear. Just the same as how trump sucked you in.
You've got a bit to learn yet son.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin color now you scumbag demonRAT hypocrites join their ranks.....and being the little sheep, w/out a mind, just embrace the xiden racism train....You've got a lot to learn yet son.

You could be right but one thing is certain. Not one repig has anything to teach me, especially you.
You can get medication for your paranoia. The disease is TDS (trump defeat syndrome) . Not so smart now SIN.
thats because you are already brain dead....oh well
and with a response like that, sounds more like you need your meds

Really? You're just another delusional redneck Republican.
I can see your frustration is building.
Keep going. Did you think people would buy ignorance and hatred?
really, shit stain...I can see your frustration is building.....
oh, retard, i'm not republican...i just know the difference between corrupt xiden and AMERICA, and i put AMERICA first.....MAGA
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Of course you're not a Republican. I certainly believe you but you sort if destroy that little lie by suggesting Biden was a communist. Don't be silly with irresponsible childish hatred like that. It does your cause no good.
Only the other day some loopy said Biden stopped the investigation into Wuhan. In fact, the opposite has happened. Its just another well rehearsed Republican lie.
Just like you're not a Republican.
see, another shit stain demonRAT that can NOT handle TRUTH....It does your cause no good to LIE...and we all know the corrupt xiden family has been bought out by china, except the truly pathetic retards, like yourself

Again, just show evidence which you don't have.
Your strong unsubstantiated rebuttals are not evidence. Grow up son.
look candy word is good enough...but if you insist
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Cut the silly name calling etc.
Just the evidence will do. No gobbing off about the validity of your word.
If you don't have it and I know you Don't, shut your mouth because you are a liar.
You have nothing but hatred and Trump defeat syndrome.
so your deranged, fucked up head wants me to prove i'm not a republican....can you get any more pathetic?....yes you can.....Grow up son.

You're frustrated son because your cover has been blown. Swearing won't intimidate me. If that's the best you've got, you have nothing but hate. Like all republicans.
LOL, Biden is a demented dumbass that is bought and paid for by China , Russia , and Ukraine. He has 50 years of proof, you're a dumbass.

Yes of course he is and you have a plethora of irrefutable evidence to support thise ratbag theories.
You also have trump defeat syndrome plus copious amounts of hate and bile dripping from you ignorant mouth because of the bitterness left by Republicans changing their minds and kicking him out.
So Settle down. You are a nasty bitter thing. Full of lies and garbage.
Now tell me how the elevtion was stolen also.

ODS is strong with this one.

Obama surprised me. He's an impressive good guy.. I mean he aspires to be the man in the white hat.
Is that why you can't understand that Obama is an American hating, Muslim Brotherhood loving piece of trash ?
Trump is an assclown in a suit with not enough brains to come in out of the goddam rain. The only thing he's good at is running scams past guys like you.
Obviously he was good at low gas prices, peace in the middle east, sealing our southern border . Now tell me again who was scammed ? Your no doubt one of the 40 million Biden voters.
Low gas prices reflect no demand from being quarantined to your fucking house. Good job Trump. If you think our border was sealed... hilarious.
Who is quarantined? Middle East on fire.... taxes and inflation through the roof. Ice cream sales are up.
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Obama is happy Biden is taking the worst president title from him.
We just had the worst president ever which is why Biden won.
Biden didn't win and Trump is and will be again our greatest president.

Biden didn't win???
In case it's slipped your notice, he was sworn in as POTUS.
Trump will never hold any public office where he relies on people to vote him in.
It was his original followers who put
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o

You've got a so tender turn of phrase when youre unable to win a point.
That is exactly the reason I wrote a post called why the hatred. You've responded accordingly.

It's you who is the racist. Your hate is breathtaking purely because your a repig.
There is absolutely no reason for such hatred on political basis alone.
That is why the country is divided after trump fooled you all into believing democrats ruin the country. There is no proof of it. There is no communist conspiracy.

Your problem is you hate the thought of someone getting something for free. Welfare irritates you except when you get it.
It's not as if trumps presidency put money in your pocket. In fact, t hge only people who got money was his mates in wall street.

So Settle down you foul mouthed ignoramus.
its quite obvious you know NOTHING about me...because you are WRONG again...and if you don't like the adjectives or nouns i use---to fucking bad

I know nothing about you because there is nothing to know. You're an intellectual desert. Your vivid descriptions don't intimidate me but prove what a foul mouthed sap you are.
Get it all off your chest now tough guy. Keep replying and I get another whack at you. You have laid a glove on me.
now that you got that off your chest, my attitude doesn't change...So settle down you ignoramus.

You're as dumb as a row of cats watching tv. Why do you create lies marinated in hate?
No one hates like ignorant republicans.
The Democrat Party is a coalition of hate groups

Candace Owens? I didn't know a young upstart who changed to the repigs was now your inspiration.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin colour now you hypocritical joins their ranks.
What makes her a mountain of intelligence? Another one with no experience with governments. Just a good looking black girl squeezing those attributes to her best advantage. Saying all things you want to hear. Just the same as how trump sucked you in.
You've got a bit to learn yet son.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin color now you scumbag demonRAT hypocrites join their ranks.....and being the little sheep, w/out a mind, just embrace the xiden racism train....You've got a lot to learn yet son.

You could be right but one thing is certain. Not one repig has anything to teach me, especially you.
You can get medication for your paranoia. The disease is TDS (trump defeat syndrome) . Not so smart now SIN.
thats because you are already brain dead....oh well
and with a response like that, sounds more like you need your meds

Really? You're just another delusional redneck Republican.
I can see your frustration is building.
Keep going. Did you think people would buy ignorance and hatred?
really, shit stain...I can see your frustration is building.....
oh, retard, i'm not republican...i just know the difference between corrupt xiden and AMERICA, and i put AMERICA first.....MAGA
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Of course you're not a Republican. I certainly believe you but you sort if destroy that little lie by suggesting Biden was a communist. Don't be silly with irresponsible childish hatred like that. It does your cause no good.
Only the other day some loopy said Biden stopped the investigation into Wuhan. In fact, the opposite has happened. Its just another well rehearsed Republican lie.
Just like you're not a Republican.
see, another shit stain demonRAT that can NOT handle TRUTH....It does your cause no good to LIE...and we all know the corrupt xiden family has been bought out by china, except the truly pathetic retards, like yourself

Again, just show evidence which you don't have.
Your strong unsubstantiated rebuttals are not evidence. Grow up son.
look candy word is good enough...but if you insist
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Cut the silly name calling etc.
Just the evidence will do. No gobbing off about the validity of your word.
If you don't have it and I know you Don't, shut your mouth because you are a liar.
You have nothing but hatred and Trump defeat syndrome.
so your deranged, fucked up head wants me to prove i'm not a republican....can you get any more pathetic?....yes you can.....Grow up son.

You're frustrated son because your cover has been blown. Swearing won't intimidate me. If that's the best you've got, you have nothing but hate. Like all republicans.
LOL, Biden is a demented dumbass that is bought and paid for by China , Russia , and Ukraine. He has 50 years of proof, you're a dumbass.

Yes of course he is and you have a plethora of irrefutable evidence to support thise ratbag theories.
You also have trump defeat syndrome plus copious amounts of hate and bile dripping from you ignorant mouth because of the bitterness left by Republicans changing their minds and kicking him out.
So Settle down. You are a nasty bitter thing. Full of lies and garbage.
Now tell me how the elevtion was stolen also.
View attachment 494792
Dumbass she is a natural redhead, not a fake sprayed orange degenerate.
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Obama is happy Biden is taking the worst president title from him.
We just had the worst president ever which is why Biden won.
Biden didn't win and Trump is and will be again our greatest president.

Biden didn't win???
In case it's slipped your notice, he was sworn in as POTUS.
Trump will never hold any public office where he relies on people to vote him in.
It was his original followers who put
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o

You've got a so tender turn of phrase when youre unable to win a point.
That is exactly the reason I wrote a post called why the hatred. You've responded accordingly.

It's you who is the racist. Your hate is breathtaking purely because your a repig.
There is absolutely no reason for such hatred on political basis alone.
That is why the country is divided after trump fooled you all into believing democrats ruin the country. There is no proof of it. There is no communist conspiracy.

Your problem is you hate the thought of someone getting something for free. Welfare irritates you except when you get it.
It's not as if trumps presidency put money in your pocket. In fact, t hge only people who got money was his mates in wall street.

So Settle down you foul mouthed ignoramus.
its quite obvious you know NOTHING about me...because you are WRONG again...and if you don't like the adjectives or nouns i use---to fucking bad

I know nothing about you because there is nothing to know. You're an intellectual desert. Your vivid descriptions don't intimidate me but prove what a foul mouthed sap you are.
Get it all off your chest now tough guy. Keep replying and I get another whack at you. You have laid a glove on me.
now that you got that off your chest, my attitude doesn't change...So settle down you ignoramus.

You're as dumb as a row of cats watching tv. Why do you create lies marinated in hate?
No one hates like ignorant republicans.
The Democrat Party is a coalition of hate groups

Candace Owens? I didn't know a young upstart who changed to the repigs was now your inspiration.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin colour now you hypocritical joins their ranks.
What makes her a mountain of intelligence? Another one with no experience with governments. Just a good looking black girl squeezing those attributes to her best advantage. Saying all things you want to hear. Just the same as how trump sucked you in.
You've got a bit to learn yet son.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin color now you scumbag demonRAT hypocrites join their ranks.....and being the little sheep, w/out a mind, just embrace the xiden racism train....You've got a lot to learn yet son.

You could be right but one thing is certain. Not one repig has anything to teach me, especially you.
You can get medication for your paranoia. The disease is TDS (trump defeat syndrome) . Not so smart now SIN.
thats because you are already brain dead....oh well
and with a response like that, sounds more like you need your meds

Really? You're just another delusional redneck Republican.
I can see your frustration is building.
Keep going. Did you think people would buy ignorance and hatred?
really, shit stain...I can see your frustration is building.....
oh, retard, i'm not republican...i just know the difference between corrupt xiden and AMERICA, and i put AMERICA first.....MAGA
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Of course you're not a Republican. I certainly believe you but you sort if destroy that little lie by suggesting Biden was a communist. Don't be silly with irresponsible childish hatred like that. It does your cause no good.
Only the other day some loopy said Biden stopped the investigation into Wuhan. In fact, the opposite has happened. Its just another well rehearsed Republican lie.
Just like you're not a Republican.
see, another shit stain demonRAT that can NOT handle TRUTH....It does your cause no good to LIE...and we all know the corrupt xiden family has been bought out by china, except the truly pathetic retards, like yourself

Again, just show evidence which you don't have.
Your strong unsubstantiated rebuttals are not evidence. Grow up son.
look candy word is good enough...but if you insist
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Cut the silly name calling etc.
Just the evidence will do. No gobbing off about the validity of your word.
If you don't have it and I know you Don't, shut your mouth because you are a liar.
You have nothing but hatred and Trump defeat syndrome.
so your deranged, fucked up head wants me to prove i'm not a republican....can you get any more pathetic?....yes you can.....Grow up son.

You're frustrated son because your cover has been blown. Swearing won't intimidate me. If that's the best you've got, you have nothing but hate. Like all republicans.
LOL, Biden is a demented dumbass that is bought and paid for by China , Russia , and Ukraine. He has 50 years of proof, you're a dumbass.

Yes of course he is and you have a plethora of irrefutable evidence to support thise ratbag theories.
You also have trump defeat syndrome plus copious amounts of hate and bile dripping from you ignorant mouth because of the bitterness left by Republicans changing their minds and kicking him out.
So Settle down. You are a nasty bitter thing. Full of lies and garbage.
Now tell me how the elevtion was stolen also.
View attachment 494792
Dumbass she is a natural redhead, not a fake sprayed orange degenerate.
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Obama is happy Biden is taking the worst president title from him.
We just had the worst president ever which is why Biden won.
Biden didn't win and Trump is and will be again our greatest president.

Biden didn't win???
In case it's slipped your notice, he was sworn in as POTUS.
Trump will never hold any public office where he relies on people to vote him in.
It was his original followers who put
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o

You've got a so tender turn of phrase when youre unable to win a point.
That is exactly the reason I wrote a post called why the hatred. You've responded accordingly.

It's you who is the racist. Your hate is breathtaking purely because your a repig.
There is absolutely no reason for such hatred on political basis alone.
That is why the country is divided after trump fooled you all into believing democrats ruin the country. There is no proof of it. There is no communist conspiracy.

Your problem is you hate the thought of someone getting something for free. Welfare irritates you except when you get it.
It's not as if trumps presidency put money in your pocket. In fact, t hge only people who got money was his mates in wall street.

So Settle down you foul mouthed ignoramus.
its quite obvious you know NOTHING about me...because you are WRONG again...and if you don't like the adjectives or nouns i use---to fucking bad

I know nothing about you because there is nothing to know. You're an intellectual desert. Your vivid descriptions don't intimidate me but prove what a foul mouthed sap you are.
Get it all off your chest now tough guy. Keep replying and I get another whack at you. You have laid a glove on me.
now that you got that off your chest, my attitude doesn't change...So settle down you ignoramus.

You're as dumb as a row of cats watching tv. Why do you create lies marinated in hate?
No one hates like ignorant republicans.
The Democrat Party is a coalition of hate groups

Candace Owens? I didn't know a young upstart who changed to the repigs was now your inspiration.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin colour now you hypocritical joins their ranks.
What makes her a mountain of intelligence? Another one with no experience with governments. Just a good looking black girl squeezing those attributes to her best advantage. Saying all things you want to hear. Just the same as how trump sucked you in.
You've got a bit to learn yet son.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin color now you scumbag demonRAT hypocrites join their ranks.....and being the little sheep, w/out a mind, just embrace the xiden racism train....You've got a lot to learn yet son.

You could be right but one thing is certain. Not one repig has anything to teach me, especially you.
You can get medication for your paranoia. The disease is TDS (trump defeat syndrome) . Not so smart now SIN.
thats because you are already brain dead....oh well
and with a response like that, sounds more like you need your meds

Really? You're just another delusional redneck Republican.
I can see your frustration is building.
Keep going. Did you think people would buy ignorance and hatred?
really, shit stain...I can see your frustration is building.....
oh, retard, i'm not republican...i just know the difference between corrupt xiden and AMERICA, and i put AMERICA first.....MAGA
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Of course you're not a Republican. I certainly believe you but you sort if destroy that little lie by suggesting Biden was a communist. Don't be silly with irresponsible childish hatred like that. It does your cause no good.
Only the other day some loopy said Biden stopped the investigation into Wuhan. In fact, the opposite has happened. Its just another well rehearsed Republican lie.
Just like you're not a Republican.
see, another shit stain demonRAT that can NOT handle TRUTH....It does your cause no good to LIE...and we all know the corrupt xiden family has been bought out by china, except the truly pathetic retards, like yourself

Doesn't it bother you to lie like that?
doesn't it bother you to support LYING, anti-AMERICAN assholes?(shit stain demonRATS)....and doesn't it bother you to spew the same lies as the scum demonRATS?
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Obama is happy Biden is taking the worst president title from him.
We just had the worst president ever which is why Biden won.
Biden didn't win and Trump is and will be again our greatest president.

Biden didn't win???
In case it's slipped your notice, he was sworn in as POTUS.
Trump will never hold any public office where he relies on people to vote him in.
It was his original followers who put
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o

You've got a so tender turn of phrase when youre unable to win a point.
That is exactly the reason I wrote a post called why the hatred. You've responded accordingly.

It's you who is the racist. Your hate is breathtaking purely because your a repig.
There is absolutely no reason for such hatred on political basis alone.
That is why the country is divided after trump fooled you all into believing democrats ruin the country. There is no proof of it. There is no communist conspiracy.

Your problem is you hate the thought of someone getting something for free. Welfare irritates you except when you get it.
It's not as if trumps presidency put money in your pocket. In fact, t hge only people who got money was his mates in wall street.

So Settle down you foul mouthed ignoramus.
its quite obvious you know NOTHING about me...because you are WRONG again...and if you don't like the adjectives or nouns i use---to fucking bad

I know nothing about you because there is nothing to know. You're an intellectual desert. Your vivid descriptions don't intimidate me but prove what a foul mouthed sap you are.
Get it all off your chest now tough guy. Keep replying and I get another whack at you. You have laid a glove on me.
now that you got that off your chest, my attitude doesn't change...So settle down you ignoramus.

You're as dumb as a row of cats watching tv. Why do you create lies marinated in hate?
No one hates like ignorant republicans.
The Democrat Party is a coalition of hate groups

Candace Owens? I didn't know a young upstart who changed to the repigs was now your inspiration.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin colour now you hypocritical joins their ranks.
What makes her a mountain of intelligence? Another one with no experience with governments. Just a good looking black girl squeezing those attributes to her best advantage. Saying all things you want to hear. Just the same as how trump sucked you in.
You've got a bit to learn yet son.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin color now you scumbag demonRAT hypocrites join their ranks.....and being the little sheep, w/out a mind, just embrace the xiden racism train....You've got a lot to learn yet son.

You could be right but one thing is certain. Not one repig has anything to teach me, especially you.
You can get medication for your paranoia. The disease is TDS (trump defeat syndrome) . Not so smart now SIN.
thats because you are already brain dead....oh well
and with a response like that, sounds more like you need your meds

Really? You're just another delusional redneck Republican.
I can see your frustration is building.
Keep going. Did you think people would buy ignorance and hatred?
really, shit stain...I can see your frustration is building.....
oh, retard, i'm not republican...i just know the difference between corrupt xiden and AMERICA, and i put AMERICA first.....MAGA
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Of course you're not a Republican. I certainly believe you but you sort if destroy that little lie by suggesting Biden was a communist. Don't be silly with irresponsible childish hatred like that. It does your cause no good.
Only the other day some loopy said Biden stopped the investigation into Wuhan. In fact, the opposite has happened. Its just another well rehearsed Republican lie.
Just like you're not a Republican.
see, another shit stain demonRAT that can NOT handle TRUTH....It does your cause no good to LIE...and we all know the corrupt xiden family has been bought out by china, except the truly pathetic retards, like yourself

Doesn't it bother you to lie like that?
doesn't it bother you to support LYING, anti-AMERICAN assholes?(shit stain demonRATS)....and doesn't it bother you to spew the same lies as the scum demonRATS?

I like men who are strong and principled and disciplined. Character counts.
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Obama is happy Biden is taking the worst president title from him.
We just had the worst president ever which is why Biden won.
Biden didn't win and Trump is and will be again our greatest president.

Biden didn't win???
In case it's slipped your notice, he was sworn in as POTUS.
Trump will never hold any public office where he relies on people to vote him in.
It was his original followers who put
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o

You've got a so tender turn of phrase when youre unable to win a point.
That is exactly the reason I wrote a post called why the hatred. You've responded accordingly.

It's you who is the racist. Your hate is breathtaking purely because your a repig.
There is absolutely no reason for such hatred on political basis alone.
That is why the country is divided after trump fooled you all into believing democrats ruin the country. There is no proof of it. There is no communist conspiracy.

Your problem is you hate the thought of someone getting something for free. Welfare irritates you except when you get it.
It's not as if trumps presidency put money in your pocket. In fact, t hge only people who got money was his mates in wall street.

So Settle down you foul mouthed ignoramus.
its quite obvious you know NOTHING about me...because you are WRONG again...and if you don't like the adjectives or nouns i use---to fucking bad

I know nothing about you because there is nothing to know. You're an intellectual desert. Your vivid descriptions don't intimidate me but prove what a foul mouthed sap you are.
Get it all off your chest now tough guy. Keep replying and I get another whack at you. You have laid a glove on me.
now that you got that off your chest, my attitude doesn't change...So settle down you ignoramus.

You're as dumb as a row of cats watching tv. Why do you create lies marinated in hate?
No one hates like ignorant republicans.
The Democrat Party is a coalition of hate groups

Candace Owens? I didn't know a young upstart who changed to the repigs was now your inspiration.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin colour now you hypocritical joins their ranks.
What makes her a mountain of intelligence? Another one with no experience with governments. Just a good looking black girl squeezing those attributes to her best advantage. Saying all things you want to hear. Just the same as how trump sucked you in.
You've got a bit to learn yet son.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin color now you scumbag demonRAT hypocrites join their ranks.....and being the little sheep, w/out a mind, just embrace the xiden racism train....You've got a lot to learn yet son.

You could be right but one thing is certain. Not one repig has anything to teach me, especially you.
You can get medication for your paranoia. The disease is TDS (trump defeat syndrome) . Not so smart now SIN.
thats because you are already brain dead....oh well
and with a response like that, sounds more like you need your meds

Really? You're just another delusional redneck Republican.
I can see your frustration is building.
Keep going. Did you think people would buy ignorance and hatred?
really, shit stain...I can see your frustration is building.....
oh, retard, i'm not republican...i just know the difference between corrupt xiden and AMERICA, and i put AMERICA first.....MAGA
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Of course you're not a Republican. I certainly believe you but you sort if destroy that little lie by suggesting Biden was a communist. Don't be silly with irresponsible childish hatred like that. It does your cause no good.
Only the other day some loopy said Biden stopped the investigation into Wuhan. In fact, the opposite has happened. Its just another well rehearsed Republican lie.
Just like you're not a Republican.
see, another shit stain demonRAT that can NOT handle TRUTH....It does your cause no good to LIE...and we all know the corrupt xiden family has been bought out by china, except the truly pathetic retards, like yourself

Doesn't it bother you to lie like that?
doesn't it bother you to support LYING, anti-AMERICAN assholes?(shit stain demonRATS)....and doesn't it bother you to spew the same lies as the scum demonRATS?

I like men who are strong and principled and disciplined. Character counts.
that leaves you out
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Obama is happy Biden is taking the worst president title from him.
We just had the worst president ever which is why Biden won.
Biden didn't win and Trump is and will be again our greatest president.

Biden didn't win???
In case it's slipped your notice, he was sworn in as POTUS.
Trump will never hold any public office where he relies on people to vote him in.
It was his original followers who put
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o

You've got a so tender turn of phrase when youre unable to win a point.
That is exactly the reason I wrote a post called why the hatred. You've responded accordingly.

It's you who is the racist. Your hate is breathtaking purely because your a repig.
There is absolutely no reason for such hatred on political basis alone.
That is why the country is divided after trump fooled you all into believing democrats ruin the country. There is no proof of it. There is no communist conspiracy.

Your problem is you hate the thought of someone getting something for free. Welfare irritates you except when you get it.
It's not as if trumps presidency put money in your pocket. In fact, t hge only people who got money was his mates in wall street.

So Settle down you foul mouthed ignoramus.
its quite obvious you know NOTHING about me...because you are WRONG again...and if you don't like the adjectives or nouns i use---to fucking bad

I know nothing about you because there is nothing to know. You're an intellectual desert. Your vivid descriptions don't intimidate me but prove what a foul mouthed sap you are.
Get it all off your chest now tough guy. Keep replying and I get another whack at you. You have laid a glove on me.
now that you got that off your chest, my attitude doesn't change...So settle down you ignoramus.

You're as dumb as a row of cats watching tv. Why do you create lies marinated in hate?
No one hates like ignorant republicans.
The Democrat Party is a coalition of hate groups

Candace Owens? I didn't know a young upstart who changed to the repigs was now your inspiration.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin colour now you hypocritical joins their ranks.
What makes her a mountain of intelligence? Another one with no experience with governments. Just a good looking black girl squeezing those attributes to her best advantage. Saying all things you want to hear. Just the same as how trump sucked you in.
You've got a bit to learn yet son.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin color now you scumbag demonRAT hypocrites join their ranks.....and being the little sheep, w/out a mind, just embrace the xiden racism train....You've got a lot to learn yet son.

You could be right but one thing is certain. Not one repig has anything to teach me, especially you.
You can get medication for your paranoia. The disease is TDS (trump defeat syndrome) . Not so smart now SIN.
thats because you are already brain dead....oh well
and with a response like that, sounds more like you need your meds

Really? You're just another delusional redneck Republican.
I can see your frustration is building.
Keep going. Did you think people would buy ignorance and hatred?
really, shit stain...I can see your frustration is building.....
oh, retard, i'm not republican...i just know the difference between corrupt xiden and AMERICA, and i put AMERICA first.....MAGA
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Of course you're not a Republican. I certainly believe you but you sort if destroy that little lie by suggesting Biden was a communist. Don't be silly with irresponsible childish hatred like that. It does your cause no good.
Only the other day some loopy said Biden stopped the investigation into Wuhan. In fact, the opposite has happened. Its just another well rehearsed Republican lie.
Just like you're not a Republican.
see, another shit stain demonRAT that can NOT handle TRUTH....It does your cause no good to LIE...and we all know the corrupt xiden family has been bought out by china, except the truly pathetic retards, like yourself

Again, just show evidence which you don't have.
Your strong unsubstantiated rebuttals are not evidence. Grow up son.
look candy word is good enough...but if you insist
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Cut the silly name calling etc.
Just the evidence will do. No gobbing off about the validity of your word.
If you don't have it and I know you Don't, shut your mouth because you are a liar.
You have nothing but hatred and Trump defeat syndrome.
so your deranged, fucked up head wants me to prove i'm not a republican....can you get any more pathetic?....yes you can.....Grow up son.

You're frustrated son because your cover has been blown. Swearing won't intimidate me. If that's the best you've got, you have nothing but hate. Like all republicans.
LOL, Biden is a demented dumbass that is bought and paid for by China , Russia , and Ukraine. He has 50 years of proof, you're a dumbass.

Yes of course he is and you have a plethora of irrefutable evidence to support thise ratbag theories.
You also have trump defeat syndrome plus copious amounts of hate and bile dripping from you ignorant mouth because of the bitterness left by Republicans changing their minds and kicking him out.
So Settle down. You are a nasty bitter thing. Full of lies and garbage.
Now tell me how the elevtion was stolen also.
View attachment 494792
Dumbass she is a natural redhead, not a fake sprayed orange degenerate.
Yea yea whatever, but your comment about orange clearly showed that you had zero idea what "orange man bad" was even about.

It wasn't about the color, it was about Trump being a carricature grade narcissistic fako. If only you nutty rw dolts had any brain you'd see that.
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Obama is happy Biden is taking the worst president title from him.
We just had the worst president ever which is why Biden won.
Biden didn't win and Trump is and will be again our greatest president.

Biden didn't win???
In case it's slipped your notice, he was sworn in as POTUS.
Trump will never hold any public office where he relies on people to vote him in.
It was his original followers who put
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o

You've got a so tender turn of phrase when youre unable to win a point.
That is exactly the reason I wrote a post called why the hatred. You've responded accordingly.

It's you who is the racist. Your hate is breathtaking purely because your a repig.
There is absolutely no reason for such hatred on political basis alone.
That is why the country is divided after trump fooled you all into believing democrats ruin the country. There is no proof of it. There is no communist conspiracy.

Your problem is you hate the thought of someone getting something for free. Welfare irritates you except when you get it.
It's not as if trumps presidency put money in your pocket. In fact, t hge only people who got money was his mates in wall street.

So Settle down you foul mouthed ignoramus.
its quite obvious you know NOTHING about me...because you are WRONG again...and if you don't like the adjectives or nouns i use---to fucking bad

I know nothing about you because there is nothing to know. You're an intellectual desert. Your vivid descriptions don't intimidate me but prove what a foul mouthed sap you are.
Get it all off your chest now tough guy. Keep replying and I get another whack at you. You have laid a glove on me.
now that you got that off your chest, my attitude doesn't change...So settle down you ignoramus.

You're as dumb as a row of cats watching tv. Why do you create lies marinated in hate?
No one hates like ignorant republicans.
The Democrat Party is a coalition of hate groups

Candace Owens? I didn't know a young upstart who changed to the repigs was now your inspiration.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin colour now you hypocritical joins their ranks.
What makes her a mountain of intelligence? Another one with no experience with governments. Just a good looking black girl squeezing those attributes to her best advantage. Saying all things you want to hear. Just the same as how trump sucked you in.
You've got a bit to learn yet son.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin color now you scumbag demonRAT hypocrites join their ranks.....and being the little sheep, w/out a mind, just embrace the xiden racism train....You've got a lot to learn yet son.

You could be right but one thing is certain. Not one repig has anything to teach me, especially you.
You can get medication for your paranoia. The disease is TDS (trump defeat syndrome) . Not so smart now SIN.
thats because you are already brain dead....oh well
and with a response like that, sounds more like you need your meds

Really? You're just another delusional redneck Republican.
I can see your frustration is building.
Keep going. Did you think people would buy ignorance and hatred?
really, shit stain...I can see your frustration is building.....
oh, retard, i'm not republican...i just know the difference between corrupt xiden and AMERICA, and i put AMERICA first.....MAGA
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Of course you're not a Republican. I certainly believe you but you sort if destroy that little lie by suggesting Biden was a communist. Don't be silly with irresponsible childish hatred like that. It does your cause no good.
Only the other day some loopy said Biden stopped the investigation into Wuhan. In fact, the opposite has happened. Its just another well rehearsed Republican lie.
Just like you're not a Republican.
see, another shit stain demonRAT that can NOT handle TRUTH....It does your cause no good to LIE...and we all know the corrupt xiden family has been bought out by china, except the truly pathetic retards, like yourself

Again, just show evidence which you don't have.
Your strong unsubstantiated rebuttals are not evidence. Grow up son.
look candy word is good enough...but if you insist
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Cut the silly name calling etc.
Just the evidence will do. No gobbing off about the validity of your word.
If you don't have it and I know you Don't, shut your mouth because you are a liar.
You have nothing but hatred and Trump defeat syndrome.
so your deranged, fucked up head wants me to prove i'm not a republican....can you get any more pathetic?....yes you can.....Grow up son.

You're frustrated son because your cover has been blown. Swearing won't intimidate me. If that's the best you've got, you have nothing but hate. Like all republicans.
LOL, Biden is a demented dumbass that is bought and paid for by China , Russia , and Ukraine. He has 50 years of proof, you're a dumbass.

Yes of course he is and you have a plethora of irrefutable evidence to support thise ratbag theories.
You also have trump defeat syndrome plus copious amounts of hate and bile dripping from you ignorant mouth because of the bitterness left by Republicans changing their minds and kicking him out.
So Settle down. You are a nasty bitter thing. Full of lies and garbage.
Now tell me how the elevtion was stolen also.
View attachment 494792
Dumbass she is a natural redhead, not a fake sprayed orange degenerate.
She also know how speak and convey a coherent message.
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Obama is happy Biden is taking the worst president title from him.
We just had the worst president ever which is why Biden won.
Biden didn't win and Trump is and will be again our greatest president.

Biden didn't win???
In case it's slipped your notice, he was sworn in as POTUS.
Trump will never hold any public office where he relies on people to vote him in.
It was his original followers who put
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o

You've got a so tender turn of phrase when youre unable to win a point.
That is exactly the reason I wrote a post called why the hatred. You've responded accordingly.

It's you who is the racist. Your hate is breathtaking purely because your a repig.
There is absolutely no reason for such hatred on political basis alone.
That is why the country is divided after trump fooled you all into believing democrats ruin the country. There is no proof of it. There is no communist conspiracy.

Your problem is you hate the thought of someone getting something for free. Welfare irritates you except when you get it.
It's not as if trumps presidency put money in your pocket. In fact, t hge only people who got money was his mates in wall street.

So Settle down you foul mouthed ignoramus.
its quite obvious you know NOTHING about me...because you are WRONG again...and if you don't like the adjectives or nouns i use---to fucking bad

I know nothing about you because there is nothing to know. You're an intellectual desert. Your vivid descriptions don't intimidate me but prove what a foul mouthed sap you are.
Get it all off your chest now tough guy. Keep replying and I get another whack at you. You have laid a glove on me.
now that you got that off your chest, my attitude doesn't change...So settle down you ignoramus.

You're as dumb as a row of cats watching tv. Why do you create lies marinated in hate?
No one hates like ignorant republicans.
The Democrat Party is a coalition of hate groups

Candace Owens? I didn't know a young upstart who changed to the repigs was now your inspiration.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin colour now you hypocritical joins their ranks.
What makes her a mountain of intelligence? Another one with no experience with governments. Just a good looking black girl squeezing those attributes to her best advantage. Saying all things you want to hear. Just the same as how trump sucked you in.
You've got a bit to learn yet son.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin color now you scumbag demonRAT hypocrites join their ranks.....and being the little sheep, w/out a mind, just embrace the xiden racism train....You've got a lot to learn yet son.

You could be right but one thing is certain. Not one repig has anything to teach me, especially you.
You can get medication for your paranoia. The disease is TDS (trump defeat syndrome) . Not so smart now SIN.
thats because you are already brain dead....oh well
and with a response like that, sounds more like you need your meds

Really? You're just another delusional redneck Republican.
I can see your frustration is building.
Keep going. Did you think people would buy ignorance and hatred?
really, shit stain...I can see your frustration is building.....
oh, retard, i'm not republican...i just know the difference between corrupt xiden and AMERICA, and i put AMERICA first.....MAGA
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Of course you're not a Republican. I certainly believe you but you sort if destroy that little lie by suggesting Biden was a communist. Don't be silly with irresponsible childish hatred like that. It does your cause no good.
Only the other day some loopy said Biden stopped the investigation into Wuhan. In fact, the opposite has happened. Its just another well rehearsed Republican lie.
Just like you're not a Republican.
see, another shit stain demonRAT that can NOT handle TRUTH....It does your cause no good to LIE...and we all know the corrupt xiden family has been bought out by china, except the truly pathetic retards, like yourself

Again, just show evidence which you don't have.
Your strong unsubstantiated rebuttals are not evidence. Grow up son.
look candy word is good enough...but if you insist
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Cut the silly name calling etc.
Just the evidence will do. No gobbing off about the validity of your word.
If you don't have it and I know you Don't, shut your mouth because you are a liar.
You have nothing but hatred and Trump defeat syndrome.
so your deranged, fucked up head wants me to prove i'm not a republican....can you get any more pathetic?....yes you can.....Grow up son.

You're frustrated son because your cover has been blown. Swearing won't intimidate me. If that's the best you've got, you have nothing but hate. Like all republicans.
LOL, Biden is a demented dumbass that is bought and paid for by China , Russia , and Ukraine. He has 50 years of proof, you're a dumbass.

Yes of course he is and you have a plethora of irrefutable evidence to support thise ratbag theories.
You also have trump defeat syndrome plus copious amounts of hate and bile dripping from you ignorant mouth because of the bitterness left by Republicans changing their minds and kicking him out.
So Settle down. You are a nasty bitter thing. Full of lies and garbage.
Now tell me how the elevtion was stolen also.
View attachment 494792
Dumbass she is a natural redhead, not a fake sprayed orange degenerate.
Yea yea whatever, but your comment about orange clearly showed that you had zero idea what "orange man bad" was even about.

It wasn't about the color, it was about Trump being a carricature grade narcissistic fako. If only you nutty rw dolts had any brain you'd see that.
If only you nutty scum demonRAT idolers had any brains, you'd be able to think for yourselves, instead of being LIED to DAILY
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Obama is happy Biden is taking the worst president title from him.
We just had the worst president ever which is why Biden won.
Biden didn't win and Trump is and will be again our greatest president.

Biden didn't win???
In case it's slipped your notice, he was sworn in as POTUS.
Trump will never hold any public office where he relies on people to vote him in.
It was his original followers who put
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o

You've got a so tender turn of phrase when youre unable to win a point.
That is exactly the reason I wrote a post called why the hatred. You've responded accordingly.

It's you who is the racist. Your hate is breathtaking purely because your a repig.
There is absolutely no reason for such hatred on political basis alone.
That is why the country is divided after trump fooled you all into believing democrats ruin the country. There is no proof of it. There is no communist conspiracy.

Your problem is you hate the thought of someone getting something for free. Welfare irritates you except when you get it.
It's not as if trumps presidency put money in your pocket. In fact, t hge only people who got money was his mates in wall street.

So Settle down you foul mouthed ignoramus.
its quite obvious you know NOTHING about me...because you are WRONG again...and if you don't like the adjectives or nouns i use---to fucking bad

I know nothing about you because there is nothing to know. You're an intellectual desert. Your vivid descriptions don't intimidate me but prove what a foul mouthed sap you are.
Get it all off your chest now tough guy. Keep replying and I get another whack at you. You have laid a glove on me.
now that you got that off your chest, my attitude doesn't change...So settle down you ignoramus.

You're as dumb as a row of cats watching tv. Why do you create lies marinated in hate?
No one hates like ignorant republicans.
The Democrat Party is a coalition of hate groups

Candace Owens? I didn't know a young upstart who changed to the repigs was now your inspiration.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin colour now you hypocritical joins their ranks.
What makes her a mountain of intelligence? Another one with no experience with governments. Just a good looking black girl squeezing those attributes to her best advantage. Saying all things you want to hear. Just the same as how trump sucked you in.
You've got a bit to learn yet son.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin color now you scumbag demonRAT hypocrites join their ranks.....and being the little sheep, w/out a mind, just embrace the xiden racism train....You've got a lot to learn yet son.

You could be right but one thing is certain. Not one repig has anything to teach me, especially you.
You can get medication for your paranoia. The disease is TDS (trump defeat syndrome) . Not so smart now SIN.
thats because you are already brain dead....oh well
and with a response like that, sounds more like you need your meds

Really? You're just another delusional redneck Republican.
I can see your frustration is building.
Keep going. Did you think people would buy ignorance and hatred?
really, shit stain...I can see your frustration is building.....
oh, retard, i'm not republican...i just know the difference between corrupt xiden and AMERICA, and i put AMERICA first.....MAGA
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Of course you're not a Republican. I certainly believe you but you sort if destroy that little lie by suggesting Biden was a communist. Don't be silly with irresponsible childish hatred like that. It does your cause no good.
Only the other day some loopy said Biden stopped the investigation into Wuhan. In fact, the opposite has happened. Its just another well rehearsed Republican lie.
Just like you're not a Republican.
see, another shit stain demonRAT that can NOT handle TRUTH....It does your cause no good to LIE...and we all know the corrupt xiden family has been bought out by china, except the truly pathetic retards, like yourself

Again, just show evidence which you don't have.
Your strong unsubstantiated rebuttals are not evidence. Grow up son.
look candy word is good enough...but if you insist
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Cut the silly name calling etc.
Just the evidence will do. No gobbing off about the validity of your word.
If you don't have it and I know you Don't, shut your mouth because you are a liar.
You have nothing but hatred and Trump defeat syndrome.
so your deranged, fucked up head wants me to prove i'm not a republican....can you get any more pathetic?....yes you can.....Grow up son.

You're frustrated son because your cover has been blown. Swearing won't intimidate me. If that's the best you've got, you have nothing but hate. Like all republicans.
LOL, Biden is a demented dumbass that is bought and paid for by China , Russia , and Ukraine. He has 50 years of proof, you're a dumbass.

Yes of course he is and you have a plethora of irrefutable evidence to support thise ratbag theories.
You also have trump defeat syndrome plus copious amounts of hate and bile dripping from you ignorant mouth because of the bitterness left by Republicans changing their minds and kicking him out.
So Settle down. You are a nasty bitter thing. Full of lies and garbage.
Now tell me how the elevtion was stolen also.
View attachment 494792
Dumbass she is a natural redhead, not a fake sprayed orange degenerate.
Yea yea whatever, but your comment about orange clearly showed that you had zero idea what "orange man bad" was even about.

It wasn't about the color, it was about Trump being a carricature grade narcissistic fako. If only you nutty rw dolts had any brain you'd see that.
If only you nutty scum demonRAT idolers had any brains, you'd be able to think for yourselves, instead of being LIED to DAILY
Don’t project your maga fuckup on every in this thread.
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Obama is happy Biden is taking the worst president title from him.
We just had the worst president ever which is why Biden won.
Biden didn't win and Trump is and will be again our greatest president.

Biden didn't win???
In case it's slipped your notice, he was sworn in as POTUS.
Trump will never hold any public office where he relies on people to vote him in.
It was his original followers who put
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o

You've got a so tender turn of phrase when youre unable to win a point.
That is exactly the reason I wrote a post called why the hatred. You've responded accordingly.

It's you who is the racist. Your hate is breathtaking purely because your a repig.
There is absolutely no reason for such hatred on political basis alone.
That is why the country is divided after trump fooled you all into believing democrats ruin the country. There is no proof of it. There is no communist conspiracy.

Your problem is you hate the thought of someone getting something for free. Welfare irritates you except when you get it.
It's not as if trumps presidency put money in your pocket. In fact, t hge only people who got money was his mates in wall street.

So Settle down you foul mouthed ignoramus.
its quite obvious you know NOTHING about me...because you are WRONG again...and if you don't like the adjectives or nouns i use---to fucking bad

I know nothing about you because there is nothing to know. You're an intellectual desert. Your vivid descriptions don't intimidate me but prove what a foul mouthed sap you are.
Get it all off your chest now tough guy. Keep replying and I get another whack at you. You have laid a glove on me.
now that you got that off your chest, my attitude doesn't change...So settle down you ignoramus.

You're as dumb as a row of cats watching tv. Why do you create lies marinated in hate?
No one hates like ignorant republicans.
The Democrat Party is a coalition of hate groups

Candace Owens? I didn't know a young upstart who changed to the repigs was now your inspiration.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin colour now you hypocritical joins their ranks.
What makes her a mountain of intelligence? Another one with no experience with governments. Just a good looking black girl squeezing those attributes to her best advantage. Saying all things you want to hear. Just the same as how trump sucked you in.
You've got a bit to learn yet son.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin color now you scumbag demonRAT hypocrites join their ranks.....and being the little sheep, w/out a mind, just embrace the xiden racism train....You've got a lot to learn yet son.

You could be right but one thing is certain. Not one repig has anything to teach me, especially you.
You can get medication for your paranoia. The disease is TDS (trump defeat syndrome) . Not so smart now SIN.
thats because you are already brain dead....oh well
and with a response like that, sounds more like you need your meds

Really? You're just another delusional redneck Republican.
I can see your frustration is building.
Keep going. Did you think people would buy ignorance and hatred?
really, shit stain...I can see your frustration is building.....
oh, retard, i'm not republican...i just know the difference between corrupt xiden and AMERICA, and i put AMERICA first.....MAGA
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Of course you're not a Republican. I certainly believe you but you sort if destroy that little lie by suggesting Biden was a communist. Don't be silly with irresponsible childish hatred like that. It does your cause no good.
Only the other day some loopy said Biden stopped the investigation into Wuhan. In fact, the opposite has happened. Its just another well rehearsed Republican lie.
Just like you're not a Republican.
see, another shit stain demonRAT that can NOT handle TRUTH....It does your cause no good to LIE...and we all know the corrupt xiden family has been bought out by china, except the truly pathetic retards, like yourself

Again, just show evidence which you don't have.
Your strong unsubstantiated rebuttals are not evidence. Grow up son.
look candy word is good enough...but if you insist
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Cut the silly name calling etc.
Just the evidence will do. No gobbing off about the validity of your word.
If you don't have it and I know you Don't, shut your mouth because you are a liar.
You have nothing but hatred and Trump defeat syndrome.
so your deranged, fucked up head wants me to prove i'm not a republican....can you get any more pathetic?....yes you can.....Grow up son.

You're frustrated son because your cover has been blown. Swearing won't intimidate me. If that's the best you've got, you have nothing but hate. Like all republicans.
LOL, Biden is a demented dumbass that is bought and paid for by China , Russia , and Ukraine. He has 50 years of proof, you're a dumbass.

Yes of course he is and you have a plethora of irrefutable evidence to support thise ratbag theories.
You also have trump defeat syndrome plus copious amounts of hate and bile dripping from you ignorant mouth because of the bitterness left by Republicans changing their minds and kicking him out.
So Settle down. You are a nasty bitter thing. Full of lies and garbage.
Now tell me how the elevtion was stolen also.
View attachment 494792
Dumbass she is a natural redhead, not a fake sprayed orange degenerate.
Yea yea whatever, but your comment about orange clearly showed that you had zero idea what "orange man bad" was even about.

It wasn't about the color, it was about Trump being a carricature grade narcissistic fako. If only you nutty rw dolts had any brain you'd see that.
If only you nutty scum demonRAT idolers had any brains, you'd be able to think for yourselves, instead of being LIED to DAILY
Don’t project your maga fuckup on every in this thread.
awww...TRUTH seems to hurt shit stain demonRATS
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Obama is happy Biden is taking the worst president title from him.
We just had the worst president ever which is why Biden won.
Biden didn't win and Trump is and will be again our greatest president.

Biden didn't win???
In case it's slipped your notice, he was sworn in as POTUS.
Trump will never hold any public office where he relies on people to vote him in.
It was his original followers who put
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o

You've got a so tender turn of phrase when youre unable to win a point.
That is exactly the reason I wrote a post called why the hatred. You've responded accordingly.

It's you who is the racist. Your hate is breathtaking purely because your a repig.
There is absolutely no reason for such hatred on political basis alone.
That is why the country is divided after trump fooled you all into believing democrats ruin the country. There is no proof of it. There is no communist conspiracy.

Your problem is you hate the thought of someone getting something for free. Welfare irritates you except when you get it.
It's not as if trumps presidency put money in your pocket. In fact, t hge only people who got money was his mates in wall street.

So Settle down you foul mouthed ignoramus.
its quite obvious you know NOTHING about me...because you are WRONG again...and if you don't like the adjectives or nouns i use---to fucking bad

I know nothing about you because there is nothing to know. You're an intellectual desert. Your vivid descriptions don't intimidate me but prove what a foul mouthed sap you are.
Get it all off your chest now tough guy. Keep replying and I get another whack at you. You have laid a glove on me.
now that you got that off your chest, my attitude doesn't change...So settle down you ignoramus.

You're as dumb as a row of cats watching tv. Why do you create lies marinated in hate?
No one hates like ignorant republicans.
The Democrat Party is a coalition of hate groups

Candace Owens? I didn't know a young upstart who changed to the repigs was now your inspiration.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin colour now you hypocritical joins their ranks.
What makes her a mountain of intelligence? Another one with no experience with governments. Just a good looking black girl squeezing those attributes to her best advantage. Saying all things you want to hear. Just the same as how trump sucked you in.
You've got a bit to learn yet son.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin color now you scumbag demonRAT hypocrites join their ranks.....and being the little sheep, w/out a mind, just embrace the xiden racism train....You've got a lot to learn yet son.

You could be right but one thing is certain. Not one repig has anything to teach me, especially you.
You can get medication for your paranoia. The disease is TDS (trump defeat syndrome) . Not so smart now SIN.
thats because you are already brain dead....oh well
and with a response like that, sounds more like you need your meds

Really? You're just another delusional redneck Republican.
I can see your frustration is building.
Keep going. Did you think people would buy ignorance and hatred?
really, shit stain...I can see your frustration is building.....
oh, retard, i'm not republican...i just know the difference between corrupt xiden and AMERICA, and i put AMERICA first.....MAGA
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Of course you're not a Republican. I certainly believe you but you sort if destroy that little lie by suggesting Biden was a communist. Don't be silly with irresponsible childish hatred like that. It does your cause no good.
Only the other day some loopy said Biden stopped the investigation into Wuhan. In fact, the opposite has happened. Its just another well rehearsed Republican lie.
Just like you're not a Republican.
see, another shit stain demonRAT that can NOT handle TRUTH....It does your cause no good to LIE...and we all know the corrupt xiden family has been bought out by china, except the truly pathetic retards, like yourself

Again, just show evidence which you don't have.
Your strong unsubstantiated rebuttals are not evidence. Grow up son.
look candy word is good enough...but if you insist
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Cut the silly name calling etc.
Just the evidence will do. No gobbing off about the validity of your word.
If you don't have it and I know you Don't, shut your mouth because you are a liar.
You have nothing but hatred and Trump defeat syndrome.
so your deranged, fucked up head wants me to prove i'm not a republican....can you get any more pathetic?....yes you can.....Grow up son.

You're frustrated son because your cover has been blown. Swearing won't intimidate me. If that's the best you've got, you have nothing but hate. Like all republicans.
LOL, Biden is a demented dumbass that is bought and paid for by China , Russia , and Ukraine. He has 50 years of proof, you're a dumbass.

Yes of course he is and you have a plethora of irrefutable evidence to support thise ratbag theories.
You also have trump defeat syndrome plus copious amounts of hate and bile dripping from you ignorant mouth because of the bitterness left by Republicans changing their minds and kicking him out.
So Settle down. You are a nasty bitter thing. Full of lies and garbage.
Now tell me how the elevtion was stolen also.
View attachment 494792
Dumbass she is a natural redhead, not a fake sprayed orange degenerate.
Yea yea whatever, but your comment about orange clearly showed that you had zero idea what "orange man bad" was even about.

It wasn't about the color, it was about Trump being a carricature grade narcissistic fako. If only you nutty rw dolts had any brain you'd see that.
If only you nutty scum demonRAT idolers had any brains, you'd be able to think for yourselves, instead of being LIED to DAILY
Don’t project your maga fuckup on every in this thread.
awww...TRUTH seems to hurt shit stain demonRATS
What truth?
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Obama is happy Biden is taking the worst president title from him.
We just had the worst president ever which is why Biden won.
Biden didn't win and Trump is and will be again our greatest president.

Biden didn't win???
In case it's slipped your notice, he was sworn in as POTUS.
Trump will never hold any public office where he relies on people to vote him in.
It was his original followers who put
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o

You've got a so tender turn of phrase when youre unable to win a point.
That is exactly the reason I wrote a post called why the hatred. You've responded accordingly.

It's you who is the racist. Your hate is breathtaking purely because your a repig.
There is absolutely no reason for such hatred on political basis alone.
That is why the country is divided after trump fooled you all into believing democrats ruin the country. There is no proof of it. There is no communist conspiracy.

Your problem is you hate the thought of someone getting something for free. Welfare irritates you except when you get it.
It's not as if trumps presidency put money in your pocket. In fact, t hge only people who got money was his mates in wall street.

So Settle down you foul mouthed ignoramus.
its quite obvious you know NOTHING about me...because you are WRONG again...and if you don't like the adjectives or nouns i use---to fucking bad

I know nothing about you because there is nothing to know. You're an intellectual desert. Your vivid descriptions don't intimidate me but prove what a foul mouthed sap you are.
Get it all off your chest now tough guy. Keep replying and I get another whack at you. You have laid a glove on me.
now that you got that off your chest, my attitude doesn't change...So settle down you ignoramus.

You're as dumb as a row of cats watching tv. Why do you create lies marinated in hate?
No one hates like ignorant republicans.
The Democrat Party is a coalition of hate groups

Candace Owens? I didn't know a young upstart who changed to the repigs was now your inspiration.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin colour now you hypocritical joins their ranks.
What makes her a mountain of intelligence? Another one with no experience with governments. Just a good looking black girl squeezing those attributes to her best advantage. Saying all things you want to hear. Just the same as how trump sucked you in.
You've got a bit to learn yet son.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin color now you scumbag demonRAT hypocrites join their ranks.....and being the little sheep, w/out a mind, just embrace the xiden racism train....You've got a lot to learn yet son.

You could be right but one thing is certain. Not one repig has anything to teach me, especially you.
You can get medication for your paranoia. The disease is TDS (trump defeat syndrome) . Not so smart now SIN.
thats because you are already brain dead....oh well
and with a response like that, sounds more like you need your meds

Really? You're just another delusional redneck Republican.
I can see your frustration is building.
Keep going. Did you think people would buy ignorance and hatred?
really, shit stain...I can see your frustration is building.....
oh, retard, i'm not republican...i just know the difference between corrupt xiden and AMERICA, and i put AMERICA first.....MAGA
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Of course you're not a Republican. I certainly believe you but you sort if destroy that little lie by suggesting Biden was a communist. Don't be silly with irresponsible childish hatred like that. It does your cause no good.
Only the other day some loopy said Biden stopped the investigation into Wuhan. In fact, the opposite has happened. Its just another well rehearsed Republican lie.
Just like you're not a Republican.
see, another shit stain demonRAT that can NOT handle TRUTH....It does your cause no good to LIE...and we all know the corrupt xiden family has been bought out by china, except the truly pathetic retards, like yourself

Again, just show evidence which you don't have.
Your strong unsubstantiated rebuttals are not evidence. Grow up son.
look candy word is good enough...but if you insist
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Cut the silly name calling etc.
Just the evidence will do. No gobbing off about the validity of your word.
If you don't have it and I know you Don't, shut your mouth because you are a liar.
You have nothing but hatred and Trump defeat syndrome.
so your deranged, fucked up head wants me to prove i'm not a republican....can you get any more pathetic?....yes you can.....Grow up son.

You're frustrated son because your cover has been blown. Swearing won't intimidate me. If that's the best you've got, you have nothing but hate. Like all republicans.
LOL, Biden is a demented dumbass that is bought and paid for by China , Russia , and Ukraine. He has 50 years of proof, you're a dumbass.

Yes of course he is and you have a plethora of irrefutable evidence to support thise ratbag theories.
You also have trump defeat syndrome plus copious amounts of hate and bile dripping from you ignorant mouth because of the bitterness left by Republicans changing their minds and kicking him out.
So Settle down. You are a nasty bitter thing. Full of lies and garbage.
Now tell me how the elevtion was stolen also.
View attachment 494792
Dumbass she is a natural redhead, not a fake sprayed orange degenerate.
Yea yea whatever, but your comment about orange clearly showed that you had zero idea what "orange man bad" was even about.

It wasn't about the color, it was about Trump being a carricature grade narcissistic fako. If only you nutty rw dolts had any brain you'd see that.
If only you nutty scum demonRAT idolers had any brains, you'd be able to think for yourselves, instead of being LIED to DAILY

And your so generous with your colourful descriptions of the people you hate.
If abuse is the best you've got, you've got nothing. You ignorant lump. Hows that?
I'm learning it from you.
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Obama is happy Biden is taking the worst president title from him.
We just had the worst president ever which is why Biden won.
Biden didn't win and Trump is and will be again our greatest president.

Biden didn't win???
In case it's slipped your notice, he was sworn in as POTUS.
Trump will never hold any public office where he relies on people to vote him in.
It was his original followers who put
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o

You've got a so tender turn of phrase when youre unable to win a point.
That is exactly the reason I wrote a post called why the hatred. You've responded accordingly.

It's you who is the racist. Your hate is breathtaking purely because your a repig.
There is absolutely no reason for such hatred on political basis alone.
That is why the country is divided after trump fooled you all into believing democrats ruin the country. There is no proof of it. There is no communist conspiracy.

Your problem is you hate the thought of someone getting something for free. Welfare irritates you except when you get it.
It's not as if trumps presidency put money in your pocket. In fact, t hge only people who got money was his mates in wall street.

So Settle down you foul mouthed ignoramus.
its quite obvious you know NOTHING about me...because you are WRONG again...and if you don't like the adjectives or nouns i use---to fucking bad

I know nothing about you because there is nothing to know. You're an intellectual desert. Your vivid descriptions don't intimidate me but prove what a foul mouthed sap you are.
Get it all off your chest now tough guy. Keep replying and I get another whack at you. You have laid a glove on me.
now that you got that off your chest, my attitude doesn't change...So settle down you ignoramus.

You're as dumb as a row of cats watching tv. Why do you create lies marinated in hate?
No one hates like ignorant republicans.
The Democrat Party is a coalition of hate groups

Candace Owens? I didn't know a young upstart who changed to the repigs was now your inspiration.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin colour now you hypocritical joins their ranks.
What makes her a mountain of intelligence? Another one with no experience with governments. Just a good looking black girl squeezing those attributes to her best advantage. Saying all things you want to hear. Just the same as how trump sucked you in.
You've got a bit to learn yet son.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin color now you scumbag demonRAT hypocrites join their ranks.....and being the little sheep, w/out a mind, just embrace the xiden racism train....You've got a lot to learn yet son.

You could be right but one thing is certain. Not one repig has anything to teach me, especially you.
You can get medication for your paranoia. The disease is TDS (trump defeat syndrome) . Not so smart now SIN.
thats because you are already brain dead....oh well
and with a response like that, sounds more like you need your meds

Really? You're just another delusional redneck Republican.
I can see your frustration is building.
Keep going. Did you think people would buy ignorance and hatred?
really, shit stain...I can see your frustration is building.....
oh, retard, i'm not republican...i just know the difference between corrupt xiden and AMERICA, and i put AMERICA first.....MAGA
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Of course you're not a Republican. I certainly believe you but you sort if destroy that little lie by suggesting Biden was a communist. Don't be silly with irresponsible childish hatred like that. It does your cause no good.
Only the other day some loopy said Biden stopped the investigation into Wuhan. In fact, the opposite has happened. Its just another well rehearsed Republican lie.
Just like you're not a Republican.
see, another shit stain demonRAT that can NOT handle TRUTH....It does your cause no good to LIE...and we all know the corrupt xiden family has been bought out by china, except the truly pathetic retards, like yourself

Again, just show evidence which you don't have.
Your strong unsubstantiated rebuttals are not evidence. Grow up son.
look candy word is good enough...but if you insist
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Cut the silly name calling etc.
Just the evidence will do. No gobbing off about the validity of your word.
If you don't have it and I know you Don't, shut your mouth because you are a liar.
You have nothing but hatred and Trump defeat syndrome.
so your deranged, fucked up head wants me to prove i'm not a republican....can you get any more pathetic?....yes you can.....Grow up son.

You're frustrated son because your cover has been blown. Swearing won't intimidate me. If that's the best you've got, you have nothing but hate. Like all republicans.
LOL, Biden is a demented dumbass that is bought and paid for by China , Russia , and Ukraine. He has 50 years of proof, you're a dumbass.

Yes of course he is and you have a plethora of irrefutable evidence to support thise ratbag theories.
You also have trump defeat syndrome plus copious amounts of hate and bile dripping from you ignorant mouth because of the bitterness left by Republicans changing their minds and kicking him out.
So Settle down. You are a nasty bitter thing. Full of lies and garbage.
Now tell me how the elevtion was stolen also.
View attachment 494792
Dumbass she is a natural redhead, not a fake sprayed orange degenerate.
Yea yea whatever, but your comment about orange clearly showed that you had zero idea what "orange man bad" was even about.

It wasn't about the color, it was about Trump being a carricature grade narcissistic fako. If only you nutty rw dolts had any brain you'd see that.
If only you nutty scum demonRAT idolers had any brains, you'd be able to think for yourselves, instead of being LIED to DAILY

And your so generous with your colourful descriptions of the people you hate.
If abuse is the best you've got, you've got nothing. You ignorant lump. Hows that?
I'm learning it from you.
sorry you can't embrace the TRUTH
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Obama is happy Biden is taking the worst president title from him.
We just had the worst president ever which is why Biden won.
Biden didn't win and Trump is and will be again our greatest president.

Biden didn't win???
In case it's slipped your notice, he was sworn in as POTUS.
Trump will never hold any public office where he relies on people to vote him in.
It was his original followers who put
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o

You've got a so tender turn of phrase when youre unable to win a point.
That is exactly the reason I wrote a post called why the hatred. You've responded accordingly.

It's you who is the racist. Your hate is breathtaking purely because your a repig.
There is absolutely no reason for such hatred on political basis alone.
That is why the country is divided after trump fooled you all into believing democrats ruin the country. There is no proof of it. There is no communist conspiracy.

Your problem is you hate the thought of someone getting something for free. Welfare irritates you except when you get it.
It's not as if trumps presidency put money in your pocket. In fact, t hge only people who got money was his mates in wall street.

So Settle down you foul mouthed ignoramus.
its quite obvious you know NOTHING about me...because you are WRONG again...and if you don't like the adjectives or nouns i use---to fucking bad

I know nothing about you because there is nothing to know. You're an intellectual desert. Your vivid descriptions don't intimidate me but prove what a foul mouthed sap you are.
Get it all off your chest now tough guy. Keep replying and I get another whack at you. You have laid a glove on me.
now that you got that off your chest, my attitude doesn't change...So settle down you ignoramus.

You're as dumb as a row of cats watching tv. Why do you create lies marinated in hate?
No one hates like ignorant republicans.
The Democrat Party is a coalition of hate groups

Candace Owens? I didn't know a young upstart who changed to the repigs was now your inspiration.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin colour now you hypocritical joins their ranks.
What makes her a mountain of intelligence? Another one with no experience with governments. Just a good looking black girl squeezing those attributes to her best advantage. Saying all things you want to hear. Just the same as how trump sucked you in.
You've got a bit to learn yet son.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin color now you scumbag demonRAT hypocrites join their ranks.....and being the little sheep, w/out a mind, just embrace the xiden racism train....You've got a lot to learn yet son.

You could be right but one thing is certain. Not one repig has anything to teach me, especially you.
You can get medication for your paranoia. The disease is TDS (trump defeat syndrome) . Not so smart now SIN.
thats because you are already brain dead....oh well
and with a response like that, sounds more like you need your meds

Really? You're just another delusional redneck Republican.
I can see your frustration is building.
Keep going. Did you think people would buy ignorance and hatred?
really, shit stain...I can see your frustration is building.....
oh, retard, i'm not republican...i just know the difference between corrupt xiden and AMERICA, and i put AMERICA first.....MAGA
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Of course you're not a Republican. I certainly believe you but you sort if destroy that little lie by suggesting Biden was a communist. Don't be silly with irresponsible childish hatred like that. It does your cause no good.
Only the other day some loopy said Biden stopped the investigation into Wuhan. In fact, the opposite has happened. Its just another well rehearsed Republican lie.
Just like you're not a Republican.
see, another shit stain demonRAT that can NOT handle TRUTH....It does your cause no good to LIE...and we all know the corrupt xiden family has been bought out by china, except the truly pathetic retards, like yourself

Again, just show evidence which you don't have.
Your strong unsubstantiated rebuttals are not evidence. Grow up son.
look candy word is good enough...but if you insist
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Cut the silly name calling etc.
Just the evidence will do. No gobbing off about the validity of your word.
If you don't have it and I know you Don't, shut your mouth because you are a liar.
You have nothing but hatred and Trump defeat syndrome.
so your deranged, fucked up head wants me to prove i'm not a republican....can you get any more pathetic?....yes you can.....Grow up son.

You're frustrated son because your cover has been blown. Swearing won't intimidate me. If that's the best you've got, you have nothing but hate. Like all republicans.
LOL, Biden is a demented dumbass that is bought and paid for by China , Russia , and Ukraine. He has 50 years of proof, you're a dumbass.

Yes of course he is and you have a plethora of irrefutable evidence to support thise ratbag theories.
You also have trump defeat syndrome plus copious amounts of hate and bile dripping from you ignorant mouth because of the bitterness left by Republicans changing their minds and kicking him out.
So Settle down. You are a nasty bitter thing. Full of lies and garbage.
Now tell me how the elevtion was stolen also.
View attachment 494792
Dumbass she is a natural redhead, not a fake sprayed orange degenerate.
Yea yea whatever, but your comment about orange clearly showed that you had zero idea what "orange man bad" was even about.

It wasn't about the color, it was about Trump being a carricature grade narcissistic fako. If only you nutty rw dolts had any brain you'd see that.
If only you nutty scum demonRAT idolers had any brains, you'd be able to think for yourselves, instead of being LIED to DAILY

And your so generous with your colourful descriptions of the people you hate.
If abuse is the best you've got, you've got nothing. You ignorant lump. Hows that?
I'm learning it from you.
Just onething you need to read, read it slowly.
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Obama is happy Biden is taking the worst president title from him.
We just had the worst president ever which is why Biden won.
Biden didn't win and Trump is and will be again our greatest president.

Biden didn't win???
In case it's slipped your notice, he was sworn in as POTUS.
Trump will never hold any public office where he relies on people to vote him in.
It was his original followers who put
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o

You've got a so tender turn of phrase when youre unable to win a point.
That is exactly the reason I wrote a post called why the hatred. You've responded accordingly.

It's you who is the racist. Your hate is breathtaking purely because your a repig.
There is absolutely no reason for such hatred on political basis alone.
That is why the country is divided after trump fooled you all into believing democrats ruin the country. There is no proof of it. There is no communist conspiracy.

Your problem is you hate the thought of someone getting something for free. Welfare irritates you except when you get it.
It's not as if trumps presidency put money in your pocket. In fact, t hge only people who got money was his mates in wall street.

So Settle down you foul mouthed ignoramus.
its quite obvious you know NOTHING about me...because you are WRONG again...and if you don't like the adjectives or nouns i use---to fucking bad

I know nothing about you because there is nothing to know. You're an intellectual desert. Your vivid descriptions don't intimidate me but prove what a foul mouthed sap you are.
Get it all off your chest now tough guy. Keep replying and I get another whack at you. You have laid a glove on me.
now that you got that off your chest, my attitude doesn't change...So settle down you ignoramus.

You're as dumb as a row of cats watching tv. Why do you create lies marinated in hate?
No one hates like ignorant republicans.
The Democrat Party is a coalition of hate groups

Candace Owens? I didn't know a young upstart who changed to the repigs was now your inspiration.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin colour now you hypocritical joins their ranks.
What makes her a mountain of intelligence? Another one with no experience with governments. Just a good looking black girl squeezing those attributes to her best advantage. Saying all things you want to hear. Just the same as how trump sucked you in.
You've got a bit to learn yet son.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin color now you scumbag demonRAT hypocrites join their ranks.....and being the little sheep, w/out a mind, just embrace the xiden racism train....You've got a lot to learn yet son.

You could be right but one thing is certain. Not one repig has anything to teach me, especially you.
You can get medication for your paranoia. The disease is TDS (trump defeat syndrome) . Not so smart now SIN.
thats because you are already brain dead....oh well
and with a response like that, sounds more like you need your meds

Really? You're just another delusional redneck Republican.
I can see your frustration is building.
Keep going. Did you think people would buy ignorance and hatred?
really, shit stain...I can see your frustration is building.....
oh, retard, i'm not republican...i just know the difference between corrupt xiden and AMERICA, and i put AMERICA first.....MAGA
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Of course you're not a Republican. I certainly believe you but you sort if destroy that little lie by suggesting Biden was a communist. Don't be silly with irresponsible childish hatred like that. It does your cause no good.
Only the other day some loopy said Biden stopped the investigation into Wuhan. In fact, the opposite has happened. Its just another well rehearsed Republican lie.
Just like you're not a Republican.
see, another shit stain demonRAT that can NOT handle TRUTH....It does your cause no good to LIE...and we all know the corrupt xiden family has been bought out by china, except the truly pathetic retards, like yourself

Again, just show evidence which you don't have.
Your strong unsubstantiated rebuttals are not evidence. Grow up son.
look candy word is good enough...but if you insist
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Cut the silly name calling etc.
Just the evidence will do. No gobbing off about the validity of your word.
If you don't have it and I know you Don't, shut your mouth because you are a liar.
You have nothing but hatred and Trump defeat syndrome.
so your deranged, fucked up head wants me to prove i'm not a republican....can you get any more pathetic?....yes you can.....Grow up son.

You're frustrated son because your cover has been blown. Swearing won't intimidate me. If that's the best you've got, you have nothing but hate. Like all republicans.
LOL, Biden is a demented dumbass that is bought and paid for by China , Russia , and Ukraine. He has 50 years of proof, you're a dumbass.

Yes of course he is and you have a plethora of irrefutable evidence to support thise ratbag theories.
You also have trump defeat syndrome plus copious amounts of hate and bile dripping from you ignorant mouth because of the bitterness left by Republicans changing their minds and kicking him out.
So Settle down. You are a nasty bitter thing. Full of lies and garbage.
Now tell me how the elevtion was stolen also.
View attachment 494792
Dumbass she is a natural redhead, not a fake sprayed orange degenerate.
Yea yea whatever, but your comment about orange clearly showed that you had zero idea what "orange man bad" was even about.

It wasn't about the color, it was about Trump being a carricature grade narcissistic fako. If only you nutty rw dolts had any brain you'd see that.
If only you nutty scum demonRAT idolers had any brains, you'd be able to think for yourselves, instead of being LIED to DAILY

And your so generous with your colourful descriptions of the people you hate.
If abuse is the best you've got, you've got nothing. You ignorant lump. Hows that?
I'm learning it from you.
sorry you can't embrace the TRUTH
The reality is, reality only exists where it researched. Your interpretation of reality is encompassed by your ignorant politics.
It also engulfs you because of your pure hatred of democrats for no reason.
No one hates like republicans.
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Obama is happy Biden is taking the worst president title from him.
We just had the worst president ever which is why Biden won.
Biden didn't win and Trump is and will be again our greatest president.

Biden didn't win???
In case it's slipped your notice, he was sworn in as POTUS.
Trump will never hold any public office where he relies on people to vote him in.
It was his original followers who put
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o

You've got a so tender turn of phrase when youre unable to win a point.
That is exactly the reason I wrote a post called why the hatred. You've responded accordingly.

It's you who is the racist. Your hate is breathtaking purely because your a repig.
There is absolutely no reason for such hatred on political basis alone.
That is why the country is divided after trump fooled you all into believing democrats ruin the country. There is no proof of it. There is no communist conspiracy.

Your problem is you hate the thought of someone getting something for free. Welfare irritates you except when you get it.
It's not as if trumps presidency put money in your pocket. In fact, t hge only people who got money was his mates in wall street.

So Settle down you foul mouthed ignoramus.
its quite obvious you know NOTHING about me...because you are WRONG again...and if you don't like the adjectives or nouns i use---to fucking bad

I know nothing about you because there is nothing to know. You're an intellectual desert. Your vivid descriptions don't intimidate me but prove what a foul mouthed sap you are.
Get it all off your chest now tough guy. Keep replying and I get another whack at you. You have laid a glove on me.
now that you got that off your chest, my attitude doesn't change...So settle down you ignoramus.

You're as dumb as a row of cats watching tv. Why do you create lies marinated in hate?
No one hates like ignorant republicans.
The Democrat Party is a coalition of hate groups

Candace Owens? I didn't know a young upstart who changed to the repigs was now your inspiration.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin colour now you hypocritical joins their ranks.
What makes her a mountain of intelligence? Another one with no experience with governments. Just a good looking black girl squeezing those attributes to her best advantage. Saying all things you want to hear. Just the same as how trump sucked you in.
You've got a bit to learn yet son.
It wasn't long ago you were condemning and hating people purely on skin color now you scumbag demonRAT hypocrites join their ranks.....and being the little sheep, w/out a mind, just embrace the xiden racism train....You've got a lot to learn yet son.

You could be right but one thing is certain. Not one repig has anything to teach me, especially you.
You can get medication for your paranoia. The disease is TDS (trump defeat syndrome) . Not so smart now SIN.
thats because you are already brain dead....oh well
and with a response like that, sounds more like you need your meds

Really? You're just another delusional redneck Republican.
I can see your frustration is building.
Keep going. Did you think people would buy ignorance and hatred?
really, shit stain...I can see your frustration is building.....
oh, retard, i'm not republican...i just know the difference between corrupt xiden and AMERICA, and i put AMERICA first.....MAGA
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Of course you're not a Republican. I certainly believe you but you sort if destroy that little lie by suggesting Biden was a communist. Don't be silly with irresponsible childish hatred like that. It does your cause no good.
Only the other day some loopy said Biden stopped the investigation into Wuhan. In fact, the opposite has happened. Its just another well rehearsed Republican lie.
Just like you're not a Republican.
see, another shit stain demonRAT that can NOT handle TRUTH....It does your cause no good to LIE...and we all know the corrupt xiden family has been bought out by china, except the truly pathetic retards, like yourself

Again, just show evidence which you don't have.
Your strong unsubstantiated rebuttals are not evidence. Grow up son.
look candy word is good enough...but if you insist
you are 1 of the shit stains that bought into ignorance AND hatred....nobody to blame but yourself
now go give that thing you call a brain, a rest
Cut the silly name calling etc.
Just the evidence will do. No gobbing off about the validity of your word.
If you don't have it and I know you Don't, shut your mouth because you are a liar.
You have nothing but hatred and Trump defeat syndrome.
so your deranged, fucked up head wants me to prove i'm not a republican....can you get any more pathetic?....yes you can.....Grow up son.

You're frustrated son because your cover has been blown. Swearing won't intimidate me. If that's the best you've got, you have nothing but hate. Like all republicans.
LOL, Biden is a demented dumbass that is bought and paid for by China , Russia , and Ukraine. He has 50 years of proof, you're a dumbass.

Yes of course he is and you have a plethora of irrefutable evidence to support thise ratbag theories.
You also have trump defeat syndrome plus copious amounts of hate and bile dripping from you ignorant mouth because of the bitterness left by Republicans changing their minds and kicking him out.
So Settle down. You are a nasty bitter thing. Full of lies and garbage.
Now tell me how the elevtion was stolen also.
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Dumbass she is a natural redhead, not a fake sprayed orange degenerate.
Yea yea whatever, but your comment about orange clearly showed that you had zero idea what "orange man bad" was even about.

It wasn't about the color, it was about Trump being a carricature grade narcissistic fako. If only you nutty rw dolts had any brain you'd see that.
If only you nutty scum demonRAT idolers had any brains, you'd be able to think for yourselves, instead of being LIED to DAILY

And your so generous with your colourful descriptions of the people you hate.
If abuse is the best you've got, you've got nothing. You ignorant lump. Hows that?
I'm learning it from you.
sorry you can't embrace the TRUTH
The reality is, reality only exists where it researched. Your interpretation of reality is encompassed by your ignorant politics.
It also engulfs you because of your pure hatred of democrats for no reason.
No one hates like republicans.
Actually the Democrat Party is based on hate.
This is why the Democrats have all of the hate groups.
nation of islam
black panthers
muslim brotherhood

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