Trump in his public address condemns the "display" violence in Charlottesville.....


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
... and he has, uncharacteristically for him when seen in contrast with his handling of similar matters during his campaign, condemned the deplorable mindset of fear of and hatred today unabashedly set before us in Charlottesville, VA. Doing so is not a matter of politics; it's a matter of national patriotism, leadership, humanity and prudence.

Equally importantly, however, Trump has refrained from labelling the perpetrators of the violence as the terrorists they are. That, even as other Republican leaders unequivocally demonstrate a keen awareness that their duty is first to America, not to the Republican party and its membership. In doing so, they demonstrate that they know and comprehend history's lesson that the "display of violence" is but a manifestation of a far more insidious malignancy more dangerous than ISIS or KJU, for it is a mindset born from within that has before rent the U.S.
As one can see from the tweets and news interview remarks above, not every Republican has called the white nationalists "terrorists." They all should, but the one Republican, more than any other by dint of his office, from whom it's most important for the country to hear him call those people terrorists is Trump. And he did not.

Did Trump refrain from appending the epithet because, as he did in his campaign, welcomes white nationalists' support? I have to say it's hard, given Trump's obsession with his own popularity, imagine he stopped short of calling the white nationalists in C-ville terrorists.

While it is easy to lump all Trumpkins into the same basket as the poorly educated whites who often enough are losers and easily fooled, Trump has a material quantity of supporters -- who amounted to some plurality of the Republican primary electorate -- who do not fit that mold. Be that as it may, it's hard to deny that underpinning much of his rhetoric and policy proposals sits Trump’s essential bigotry-based appeal. He launched his campaign arbitrarily declaring Mexicans rapists, and subsequently stirred up xenophobia against many other groups, especially Muslims. His racist pitch succeeded because the Republican Party is overwhelmingly white and has relied heavily on dog-whistle appeals to racism since the early 1960s.

Racism is evil, but it is not idiotic from the point of view of racists. White racists see themselves as benefitting from Trump’s proposal to shore up the old racial status quo. Their value system deserves to be challenged, but they aren’t being fooled by Trump. They know what he’s selling and they like it. And he likes their votes.
Trump is owned.

The Russians own his as he stiff refuses to acknowledge meddling in the election.

And now we see how the Breitbarters and Alt-right snowfakes own the Donald. As makes the vile false comparison, the white supremacists are the same (perTrump's implication) as the rest of us.

No, they are not. They are un-American pigs using the protections American gives them to spew their sick ignorance.
I am gonna repeat wherever I see this nonsense-

And the leftist media and others are trying their damnedest to turn Trumps response into a racist proclamation when they know it was not. Antifa, et al as well as any true supremists groups must be included to be an honest assessment. Not just who the left want called out, always excusing the damn lefties that have been making trouble for years now.

They might want to watch out. It will backfire once again. Most people are not blind. The left will further alienate moderates, independents

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