Trump Immigration Executive Orders are Already Working


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
And the left will go nuts 3...2...1...
Illegal border crossings drop an astounding 40% in one month.
March 10, 2017

Joseph Klein

A statement issued by Homeland Security Secretary Jack Kelly, concerning data compiled by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, noted that there has been a marked decrease in illegal border crossings at the U.S.-Mexican border this year between January and February, “as measured by apprehensions and the prevention of inadmissible persons at our southern border.” In January there were 31,578 apprehensions, while in February there were 18,762. This 40 percent drop is in contrast to previous year comparisons of January and February, during which there had been a 10-20 percent increase in apprehensions of illegal immigrants.

The trend is in the right direction, even without the border wall already in place that President Trump promised during the campaign. According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data cited by Homeland Security Secretary Kelly, “in the period from Oct 1, 2016 to the Presidential inauguration, U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported 157,000 apprehensions of illegal immigrants – a 35 percent increase over the previous fiscal year, with family units increasing by more than 100 percent. However, since President Trump took office on January 20, we have seen a dramatic drop in numbers.”

Some of the decline may be due to seasonal factors. However, more robust enforcement in the wake of President Trump’s issuance of two executive orders intended to boost such enforcement of the nation’s existing immigration laws are clearly having a deterrent effect. Since the Trump administration’s implementation of these executive orders, according to Secretary Kelly, we are seeing apprehensions and the turning away of inadmissible persons at our southern border “trending toward the lowest monthly total in at least the last five years.”

What makes the robust enforcement regime introduced by President Trump’s executive orders even more effective is the termination of the practice commonly known as "catch and release," whereby illegal immigrants have been routinely released in the United States shortly after their apprehension for violations of immigration law. Thus, illegal immigrant traffic is slowing due to the deterrent effect of more rigorous enforcement, while those caught having entered the country illegally are not allowed to simply roam free pending their immigration hearings.

“As directed in my memoranda implementing the President’s executive orders, we remain committed to carrying out fair, impartial and humane enforcement of the nation’s immigration laws,” said Secretary Kelly in his statement. “We will remain vigilant to respond to any changes in these trends, as numbers of illegal crossings typically increase between March and May. However, the early results show that enforcement matters, deterrence matters, and that comprehensive immigration enforcement can make an impact.”


Lofty principles such as non-discrimination are fine, but their restatement in this context is completely out of place. Apparently, the opponents of President Trump’s executive order believe that foreigners from any country seeking to enter the United States for any reason, no matter what the circumstances in their home country affecting U.S. national security, should have a constitutional right favoring their entry that overrides national security considerations. Not to admit them is somehow discriminatory.

Meanwhile. proponents of an open border between Mexico and the United States think nothing of the safety and economic impact of uncontrolled immigration on American citizens.

As Tucker Carlson asked Jorge Ramos, “Whose country is it?”

Trump Immigration Executive Orders are Already Working

Can we open the borders to people from SE Asia now so we can have an Asian restaurant in every town?

I hear they'll do the jobs the Hispanics won't do and I want to hear the argument of how we should all learn to be trilingual or even quad lingual by having to learn Chinese and Hindu.


Oh my, in california, federal land rolmao...
Travis Air Force Base enforces the immigration laws Democrats deride.
June 2, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley

Travis Air Force Base, near Fairfield, California, is home to the 60th Air Mobility Wing, the largest in the Air Mobility Command with a fleet of C-5, KC-10 and C-17 aircraft. Travis handles more cargo than any Air Force base and more than 25,000 people live and work on the base. As a matter of security and common sense, anyone entering Travis must pass through security screening.

On May 3, Hugo Mejia and Rodrigo Nuñez, Mexican nationals living in the Bay Area, came to the base to work on a hospital. As Air Force Captain Lyndsey Horn told reporters, when base security personnel scanned the Mexicans’ ID numbers, “the information came back false.”

Hugo Mejia and Rodrigo Nuñez were both deported in 2001 but re-entered the U.S. illegally. Nuñez was also deported in 2003 and again illegally entered the United States. As Steve Magagnini of the Sacramento Bee helpfully explained, with previous deportations, “their original removal order can be reinstated as grounds for immediate deportation.”


The state capital of Sacramento refuses to cooperate with ICE and is setting aside $300,000 to help “city residents with immediate immigration problems.” Sacramento mayor Darrell Steinberg, a Democrat and former state senate boss, said violent criminals would not be eligible for public aid but those with “minor offenses” such as DUIs would qualify.

In California, drunk driving is a felony if someone is injured or killed in the infraction. Last year drunk drivers caused 914 deaths in California, but those guilty of DUI still qualify as poster children for the Democrats’ sanctuary surge.

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