Trump : " I´ll crash BRICS ", finally somebody speaks the normal language and with the balls, YES 100% tariffs on all BRICS beggars - gangsters.

DO you support 100% tariffs on all BRICS gangsters ?

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Trump said " I´ll crash BRICS (a bunch of war-criminals, thugs, dirty beggars ) with 100 % tariffs ",​

why (on earth) I´d be against it ?

Delusional video. BRICS is bigger than the G7, has more resources, a larger population (workforce and customer base), and no longer relies on the USD, as it did before. No matter of Western sanctions will derail it, if anything it will strengthen it. Didn't you already learn your lesson from sanctioning Russia the last three years? You just strengthened Russia economically and politically and the same will occur with BRICS, and actually has already happened by the world seeing how the West can't be trusted (freezing hundreds of billions of dollars of Russian money deposited in Western banks). You're asleep, wake-up.
Delusional video. BRICS is bigger than the G7, has more resources, a larger population (workforce and customer base), and no longer relies on the USD, as it did before. No matter of Western sanctions will derail it, if anything it will strengthen it. Didn't you already learn your lesson from sanctioning Russia the last three years? You just strengthened Russia economically and politically and the same will occur with BRICS, and actually has already happened by the world seeing how the West can't be trusted (freezing hundreds of billions of dollars of Russian money deposited in Western banks). You're asleep, wake-up.
when you move to BRICS?

more sanctions 👍


Tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, without any basis in facts. You’re telling me that China’s economy might be “60% smaller” just because some professor thinks night lights are the magic metric to capture all real economic activity? Give me a break! You want to use one proxy, artificial light, to dismiss China’s growth and then say the entire Global South is cooking the books? That’s such a typical Western bias, always searching for ways to undermine the success of a BRICS powerhouse.

Meanwhile, the same people citing that paper conveniently ignore plenty of on-the-ground indicators: China’s infrastructure boom, its status as the world’s largest manufacturing hub, and the fact that major global companies like Apple, Tesla, Volkswagen, among others, have bet their entire supply chains and market strategies on China’s enormous consumer base. Does that all get lit up by a broken night-light study?

It’s laughable to pretend that the US is so innocent with its “independent statistical offices,” as if that’s some guarantee that data isn’t massaged or spun to fit political narratives. The financial crisis of 2008, the underreported inflation data, the entire fiasco around growth estimates, none of that squeaky-clean façade holds up. But sure, let’s act like any single-party system is automatically faking everything. It’s a convenient scapegoat to maintain Western illusions of superiority.

And speaking of illusions, your “night-lights equals real GDP” claim is so simplistic, if not silly. China’s massive focus on green energy, solar, and lower carbon emissions can reduce growth in night lighting relative to old models. Plus, the density of China’s urban centers means lighting usage is different from scattered suburban sprawl in the West. Even Professor Martinez calls his own approach “rough,” but you’re here trumpeting it like the gospel truth. How convenient that it downplays China right as it challenges Western economic hegemony. It’s nothing more than a desperate, last-ditch narrative to save face.

Let’s also not forget that by Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), the measure many economists consider more accurate for comparing real living standards, China already is the world’s largest economy, according to the IMF: IMF Data. Search for "CHINA GDP", and compare its figures to the Bank Of China, or Chinese government figures.

The fact that you skipped over that detail tells me everything about your bias. Are we really going to pretend that the IMF and the World Bank don’t acknowledge China’s size and influence? Their own data shows that China’s been rapidly closing the nominal GDP gap, and that was even before it fully reopened after pandemic restrictions.

You’re also bringing up China’s debt and property markets as if the West hasn’t been on a debt-fueled binge for decades. Look at American consumer debt, corporate leverage, the entire subprime mess that kicked off the global financial crisis. At least China builds high-speed rails, new cities, and invests in real industries with its credit. Compare that to the speculative frenzy on Wall Street, which apparently doesn’t hurt “official data” because the US has the so-called “free press.” That’s rich. Where was that free press when the Federal Reserve was propping up the market with trillions in easy money for years on end?

It’s no coincidence that those pushing the “China is smaller than we think” line tend to be from institutions or think tanks rooted in Western financial circles, who are terrified of losing their monopoly on global markets. The BRICS nations, Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, have been collaborating precisely to move away from that archaic, US-dominated financial system, and the success and momentum behind that push is exactly what this simplistic and stupid anti-China propaganda aims to derail.

China’s exports, technology innovation, and domestic consumption growth are all too huge to be hand-waved away. You can see the actual trade numbers for yourself on the World Trade Organization’s website: World Trade Organization - Global trade. Search for Chinese GDP there as well. Those are real flows of goods and services, not some guess based on who turns off the lights at night.

Your argument is basically: “Authoritarian equals lying, so let’s slash China’s GDP by more than half.” That’s not research, that’s an ideological stance hidden behind a veneer of questionable data. And it’s painfully obvious it’s timed to keep the West’s inflated sense of invincibility. Well, the global South is done swallowing that line. The growth in the BRICS alliance and the interest from countries across Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America to join it, shows how fed up the rest of the world is with these Western narratives. The 21st century belongs to the multipolar world, whether it fits your silly bullshit night-lights dogma or not.

As far as your retarded question about me moving out of the USA, why don't you go fuck yourself? This is my country and I'm staying here, you can move somewhere else.
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Tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, without any basis in facts. You’re telling me that China’s economy might be “60% smaller” just because some professor thinks night lights are the magic metric to capture all real economic activity? Give me a break! You want to use one proxy, artificial light, to dismiss China’s growth and then say the entire Global South is cooking the books? That’s such a typical Western bias, always searching for ways to undermine the success of a BRICS powerhouse.

Meanwhile, the same people citing that paper conveniently ignore plenty of on-the-ground indicators: China’s infrastructure boom, its status as the world’s largest manufacturing hub, and the fact that major global companies like Apple, Tesla, Volkswagen, among others, have bet their entire supply chains and market strategies on China’s enormous consumer base. Does that all get lit up by a broken night-light study?

It’s laughable to pretend that the US is so innocent with its “independent statistical offices,” as if that’s some guarantee that data isn’t massaged or spun to fit political narratives. The financial crisis of 2008, the underreported inflation data, the entire fiasco around growth estimates, none of that squeaky-clean façade holds up. But sure, let’s act like any single-party system is automatically faking everything. It’s a convenient scapegoat to maintain Western illusions of superiority.

And speaking of illusions, your “night-lights equals real GDP” claim is so simplistic, if not silly. China’s massive focus on green energy, solar, and lower carbon emissions can reduce growth in night lighting relative to old models. Plus, the density of China’s urban centers means lighting usage is different from scattered suburban sprawl in the West. Even Professor Martinez calls his own approach “rough,” but you’re here trumpeting it like the gospel truth. How convenient that it downplays China right as it challenges Western economic hegemony. It’s nothing more than a desperate, last-ditch narrative to save face.

Let’s also not forget that by Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), the measure many economists consider more accurate for comparing real living standards, China already is the world’s largest economy, according to the IMF: IMF Data. Search for "CHINA GDP", and compare its figures to the Bank Of China, or Chinese government figures.

The fact that you skipped over that detail tells me everything about your bias. Are we really going to pretend that the IMF and the World Bank don’t acknowledge China’s size and influence? Their own data shows that China’s been rapidly closing the nominal GDP gap, and that was even before it fully reopened after pandemic restrictions.

You’re also bringing up China’s debt and property markets as if the West hasn’t been on a debt-fueled binge for decades. Look at American consumer debt, corporate leverage, the entire subprime mess that kicked off the global financial crisis. At least China builds high-speed rails, new cities, and invests in real industries with its credit. Compare that to the speculative frenzy on Wall Street, which apparently doesn’t hurt “official data” because the US has the so-called “free press.” That’s rich. Where was that free press when the Federal Reserve was propping up the market with trillions in easy money for years on end?

It’s no coincidence that those pushing the “China is smaller than we think” line tend to be from institutions or think tanks rooted in Western financial circles, who are terrified of losing their monopoly on global markets. The BRICS nations, Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, have been collaborating precisely to move away from that archaic, US-dominated financial system, and the success and momentum behind that push is exactly what this simplistic and stupid anti-China propaganda aims to derail.

China’s exports, technology innovation, and domestic consumption growth are all too huge to be hand-waved away. You can see the actual trade numbers for yourself on the World Trade Organization’s website: World Trade Organization - Global trade. Search for Chinese GDP there as well. Those are real flows of goods and services, not some guess based on who turns off the lights at night.

Your argument is basically: “Authoritarian equals lying, so let’s slash China’s GDP by more than half.” That’s not research, that’s an ideological stance hidden behind a veneer of questionable data. And it’s painfully obvious it’s timed to keep the West’s inflated sense of invincibility. Well, the global South is done swallowing that line. The growth in the BRICS alliance and the interest from countries across Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America to join it, shows how fed up the rest of the world is with these Western narratives. The 21st century belongs to the multipolar world, whether it fits your silly bullshit night-lights dogma or not.

As far as your retarded question about me moving out of the USA, why don't you go fuck yourself? This is my country and I'm staying here, you can move somewhere else.

take the 🇷🇺 fucking pills, old man, YOU ARE A JOKE, MUCH LIKE YOUR fav. BRICS! watch this BRICS video :

It's almost like someone said, "Hey, why are we letting the Americans boss us around?"

And someone else said, "well, they get their power from the Federal Reserve, and the world reserve currency."

And then someone else said, "let's start our own, and then the Americans will go bankrupt and won't be able to afford the military they use to bully us."

It's an interesting idea this BRICS.

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