Trump Does What Obama Never Did - Be A Champion Of BLACK PEOPLE!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
What triggers a snowflake / Democrats almost faster than anything?

Pointing out the fact that President Trump has been and continues to be a Champion of Black People, that he has done more for Blacks in 2 years than the 1st Black President did for them in 8 years!


OPINION: President Trump Has Been A Champion For Black Americans

“What the hell do you have to lose?” then-candidate Donald J. Trump asked the black community during his 2016 campaign. Despite what many pundits and pollsters predicted, Trump ended up receiving 8 percent of the black vote, which was notably higher than what John McCain and Mitt Romney received.

Trump boldly proclaimed at his inauguration, “The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.” He singled out “mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities” and “rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation.” Clearly, he meant every word.

Fast forward to 2018 and we can see President Trump turning campaign rhetoric into federal policy for the betterment of all Americans, especially those in fragile communities and black Americans. His “jobs and justice” agenda has focused on criminal justice reform, Opportunity Zones, and tremendous rule changes at the Department of Labor that will make positive impacts in the lives of minority small business owners and those with 401ks.

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott said it best at the Opportunity and Revitalization Council Executive Order signing when he told President Trump “without out any question without out your leadership our Senate would not have made the decision to take it up in 2018 so when it passes the credit starts at the White House & starts with President Donald J. Trump.” Because that is true. When the senator raised the plan to include this in his historic tax cut package, the president was fully on board and championed its inclusion and implementation. Opportunity Zones are designed to be a catalyst for investment in fragile communities by incentivizing about $100B in investments in the 8,700 designated zones across the country.

The black community actually has a lot to gain from the president’s jobs and justice agenda. In just over two years, President Trump has shown himself to be committed to making bold changes that are overwhelmingly good for people of color. Democrats sitting on the sidelines, tearing down every Trump supporter and administration staffer, threatening impeachment and baseless investigations do not do anything to bring the country together or solve our problems.

We saw the president’s labor secretary put forth two rule changes that are major victories for minorities. Associates Health Plans that open up more opportunities for millions of small business owners to access affordable health care options, previously not afforded to them under Obamacare. Additionally, with the support of people like BET Founder Robert L. Johnson, the Labor Department’s Auto portability rule change for 401ks allowing Americans, especially minorities the ability to preserve their retirement savings when they change jobs, preventing people from having to cash out and face harsh financial penalties.

We also saw the president move the White House initiative on HBCUs to the White House, and refuse to cut Historically Black College and University (HBCU) support in his budget. The Minority Business Development Agency recently announced $2M in awards to HBCUs this year. The Trump administration is on track to become the greatest champion for HBCUs with its continued support and budgetary increases with the help of the 115th GOP controlled Congress. President Trump is leading to make HBCUs a national priority."

"Donald J. Trump’s actions as president prove we should no longer ask what we have to lose, but instead ask, what more do we want to gain?"

...under Obama it was almost twice that of whites.
Queasy should write for the Comedy Channel..........This nitwit cites the Daily Caller for his "education"

So, who are those folks writing their "opinions" at the Daily Caller?

The Atlantic identified former Daily Caller editor Scott Greer as the author of numerous posts on Richard Spencer’s white supremacist website. Then, the Columbia Journalism Review revealed that the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer website praised Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson, who, according to the neo-Nazis, “is basically ‘Daily Stormer: The Show.'” To top it off, Right Wing Watch reported .... that former Daily Caller contributor Ian Miles Cheong had appeared on a so-called “alt-right” podcast just two months ago.

Why do all these Daily Caller reporters keep appearing on Russian propaganda channels?
Writers with histories of white supremacy aren't the only issues plaguing the outlet.

Why do all these Daily Caller reporters keep appearing on Russian propaganda channels?
Your inability to counter anything that was said in the article and instead had to make an attempt to attack the source who REPORTED the FACT is duly noted....and I am laughing at you / your weak attempt. :p
Donald Trump was already popular among black people, before he ran for President. There are many hip hop songs in which they mention him, because he was someone to aspire to be. It's also true that Barack Obama did hardly anything for blacks. They're actually doing better under a Trump presidency.
To assume by your right wing retards that black people will be flooding the polling booths to "thank" the orange clown for his benevolence, is as stupid as your assumptions that all is well within the cult membership.....

Of course, the implication is that black people are too stupid to recognize how much Trump :loves" them.......well, besides Trump's white supremacist leanings....

But, carry on......its fun to watch
What triggers a snowflake / Democrats almost faster than anything?

Pointing out the fact that President Trump has been and continues to be a Champion of Black People, that he has done more for Blacks in 2 years than the 1st Black President did for them in 8 years!


OPINION: President Trump Has Been A Champion For Black Americans

“What the hell do you have to lose?” then-candidate Donald J. Trump asked the black community during his 2016 campaign. Despite what many pundits and pollsters predicted, Trump ended up receiving 8 percent of the black vote, which was notably higher than what John McCain and Mitt Romney received.

Trump boldly proclaimed at his inauguration, “The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.” He singled out “mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities” and “rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation.” Clearly, he meant every word.

Fast forward to 2018 and we can see President Trump turning campaign rhetoric into federal policy for the betterment of all Americans, especially those in fragile communities and black Americans. His “jobs and justice” agenda has focused on criminal justice reform, Opportunity Zones, and tremendous rule changes at the Department of Labor that will make positive impacts in the lives of minority small business owners and those with 401ks.

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott said it best at the Opportunity and Revitalization Council Executive Order signing when he told President Trump “without out any question without out your leadership our Senate would not have made the decision to take it up in 2018 so when it passes the credit starts at the White House & starts with President Donald J. Trump.” Because that is true. When the senator raised the plan to include this in his historic tax cut package, the president was fully on board and championed its inclusion and implementation. Opportunity Zones are designed to be a catalyst for investment in fragile communities by incentivizing about $100B in investments in the 8,700 designated zones across the country.

The black community actually has a lot to gain from the president’s jobs and justice agenda. In just over two years, President Trump has shown himself to be committed to making bold changes that are overwhelmingly good for people of color. Democrats sitting on the sidelines, tearing down every Trump supporter and administration staffer, threatening impeachment and baseless investigations do not do anything to bring the country together or solve our problems.

We saw the president’s labor secretary put forth two rule changes that are major victories for minorities. Associates Health Plans that open up more opportunities for millions of small business owners to access affordable health care options, previously not afforded to them under Obamacare. Additionally, with the support of people like BET Founder Robert L. Johnson, the Labor Department’s Auto portability rule change for 401ks allowing Americans, especially minorities the ability to preserve their retirement savings when they change jobs, preventing people from having to cash out and face harsh financial penalties.

We also saw the president move the White House initiative on HBCUs to the White House, and refuse to cut Historically Black College and University (HBCU) support in his budget. The Minority Business Development Agency recently announced $2M in awards to HBCUs this year. The Trump administration is on track to become the greatest champion for HBCUs with its continued support and budgetary increases with the help of the 115th GOP controlled Congress. President Trump is leading to make HBCUs a national priority."

"Donald J. Trump’s actions as president prove we should no longer ask what we have to lose, but instead ask, what more do we want to gain?"
I’m not surprised. After all Trump is a clean guy and doesn’t speak in Negro dialect unless he wants to.
I’m not surprised. After all Trump is a clean guy and doesn’t speak in Negro dialect unless he wants to.
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery - he is trying to follow in Hillary's footsteps with that 'comes-and-goes' Southern accent. :p The Difference is that Trump, unlike Obama and Hillary, 'delivered' for blacks!
What triggers a snowflake / Democrats almost faster than anything?

Pointing out the fact that President Trump has been and continues to be a Champion of Black People, that he has done more for Blacks in 2 years than the 1st Black President did for them in 8 years!


OPINION: President Trump Has Been A Champion For Black Americans

“What the hell do you have to lose?” then-candidate Donald J. Trump asked the black community during his 2016 campaign. Despite what many pundits and pollsters predicted, Trump ended up receiving 8 percent of the black vote, which was notably higher than what John McCain and Mitt Romney received.

Trump boldly proclaimed at his inauguration, “The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.” He singled out “mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities” and “rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation.” Clearly, he meant every word.

Fast forward to 2018 and we can see President Trump turning campaign rhetoric into federal policy for the betterment of all Americans, especially those in fragile communities and black Americans. His “jobs and justice” agenda has focused on criminal justice reform, Opportunity Zones, and tremendous rule changes at the Department of Labor that will make positive impacts in the lives of minority small business owners and those with 401ks.

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott said it best at the Opportunity and Revitalization Council Executive Order signing when he told President Trump “without out any question without out your leadership our Senate would not have made the decision to take it up in 2018 so when it passes the credit starts at the White House & starts with President Donald J. Trump.” Because that is true. When the senator raised the plan to include this in his historic tax cut package, the president was fully on board and championed its inclusion and implementation. Opportunity Zones are designed to be a catalyst for investment in fragile communities by incentivizing about $100B in investments in the 8,700 designated zones across the country.

The black community actually has a lot to gain from the president’s jobs and justice agenda. In just over two years, President Trump has shown himself to be committed to making bold changes that are overwhelmingly good for people of color. Democrats sitting on the sidelines, tearing down every Trump supporter and administration staffer, threatening impeachment and baseless investigations do not do anything to bring the country together or solve our problems.

We saw the president’s labor secretary put forth two rule changes that are major victories for minorities. Associates Health Plans that open up more opportunities for millions of small business owners to access affordable health care options, previously not afforded to them under Obamacare. Additionally, with the support of people like BET Founder Robert L. Johnson, the Labor Department’s Auto portability rule change for 401ks allowing Americans, especially minorities the ability to preserve their retirement savings when they change jobs, preventing people from having to cash out and face harsh financial penalties.

We also saw the president move the White House initiative on HBCUs to the White House, and refuse to cut Historically Black College and University (HBCU) support in his budget. The Minority Business Development Agency recently announced $2M in awards to HBCUs this year. The Trump administration is on track to become the greatest champion for HBCUs with its continued support and budgetary increases with the help of the 115th GOP controlled Congress. President Trump is leading to make HBCUs a national priority."

"Donald J. Trump’s actions as president prove we should no longer ask what we have to lose, but instead ask, what more do we want to gain?"

He is an equal opportunity assaulter

Former Donald Trump Campaign Staffer Alleges He Kissed Her Without Consent In 2016 | HuffPost

If you are a black woman working for him he will assault you too.

...under Obama it was almost twice that of whites.

It is still almost twice that of whites you dumb fuck...

3.5% for whites and 6.8% for blacks.

Could you be any more ignorant if you tried?
Voters across all racial and ethnic groups believe Trump is setting race relations back. Three quarters of African Americans, Latinos and Asian Americans believe Trump is setting race relations back while a small majority of white voters believe so. Black women (89%), in particular, feel disrespected by President Trump. This is a likely contributor to why African American women voters have had high turnout in recent off year and special elections – witness Alabama and Virginia.

Trump’s strategy of trotting out black people to support him is not working, if it is intended to inspire African American support for him or his policies. Black celebrities like Kanye West or Dennis Rodman who support Trump do not help Trump’s support among African American voters. To the contrary, more than three times as many black voters say that black celebrities speaking on Trump’s behalf makes them less interested in listening to or supporting Trump’s ideas than black voters who say it would make them more open to listening to or supporting Trump’s ideas. A majority of black voters say these celebrities have no impact.

What triggers a snowflake / Democrats almost faster than anything?

Pointing out the fact that President Trump has been and continues to be a Champion of Black People, that he has done more for Blacks in 2 years than the 1st Black President did for them in 8 years!


OPINION: President Trump Has Been A Champion For Black Americans

“What the hell do you have to lose?” then-candidate Donald J. Trump asked the black community during his 2016 campaign. Despite what many pundits and pollsters predicted, Trump ended up receiving 8 percent of the black vote, which was notably higher than what John McCain and Mitt Romney received.

Trump boldly proclaimed at his inauguration, “The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.” He singled out “mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities” and “rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation.” Clearly, he meant every word.

Fast forward to 2018 and we can see President Trump turning campaign rhetoric into federal policy for the betterment of all Americans, especially those in fragile communities and black Americans. His “jobs and justice” agenda has focused on criminal justice reform, Opportunity Zones, and tremendous rule changes at the Department of Labor that will make positive impacts in the lives of minority small business owners and those with 401ks.

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott said it best at the Opportunity and Revitalization Council Executive Order signing when he told President Trump “without out any question without out your leadership our Senate would not have made the decision to take it up in 2018 so when it passes the credit starts at the White House & starts with President Donald J. Trump.” Because that is true. When the senator raised the plan to include this in his historic tax cut package, the president was fully on board and championed its inclusion and implementation. Opportunity Zones are designed to be a catalyst for investment in fragile communities by incentivizing about $100B in investments in the 8,700 designated zones across the country.

The black community actually has a lot to gain from the president’s jobs and justice agenda. In just over two years, President Trump has shown himself to be committed to making bold changes that are overwhelmingly good for people of color. Democrats sitting on the sidelines, tearing down every Trump supporter and administration staffer, threatening impeachment and baseless investigations do not do anything to bring the country together or solve our problems.

We saw the president’s labor secretary put forth two rule changes that are major victories for minorities. Associates Health Plans that open up more opportunities for millions of small business owners to access affordable health care options, previously not afforded to them under Obamacare. Additionally, with the support of people like BET Founder Robert L. Johnson, the Labor Department’s Auto portability rule change for 401ks allowing Americans, especially minorities the ability to preserve their retirement savings when they change jobs, preventing people from having to cash out and face harsh financial penalties.

We also saw the president move the White House initiative on HBCUs to the White House, and refuse to cut Historically Black College and University (HBCU) support in his budget. The Minority Business Development Agency recently announced $2M in awards to HBCUs this year. The Trump administration is on track to become the greatest champion for HBCUs with its continued support and budgetary increases with the help of the 115th GOP controlled Congress. President Trump is leading to make HBCUs a national priority."

"Donald J. Trump’s actions as president prove we should no longer ask what we have to lose, but instead ask, what more do we want to gain?"

He is an equal opportunity assaulter

Former Donald Trump Campaign Staffer Alleges He Kissed Her Without Consent In 2016 | HuffPost

If you are a black woman working for him he will assault you too.
Don't put too much stock in that nonsense. I smell another Jussie Smollett
obama's real legacy: he perpetuated the same black-people-need-special-treatment-i'm-a-victim mentality that his own life clearly disproved
i've seen black liberals go conservative, but i've never seen black conservatives go liberal, my friends!
To assume by your right wing retards that black people will be flooding the polling booths to "thank" the orange clown for his benevolence, is as stupid as your assumptions that all is well within the cult membership.....

Of course, the implication is that black people are too stupid to recognize how much Trump :loves" them.......well, besides Trump's white supremacist leanings....

But, carry on......its fun to watch

It takes courage for a black person to leave the plantation. Most won’t do it. Black leaders are bought and paid for by the Democratic Party.
To assume by your right wing retards that black people will be flooding the polling booths to "thank" the orange clown for his benevolence, is as stupid as your assumptions that all is well within the cult membership.....

Of course, the implication is that black people are too stupid to recognize how much Trump :loves" them.......well, besides Trump's white supremacist leanings....

But, carry on......its fun to watch

It takes courage for a black person to leave the plantation. Most won’t do it. Black leaders are bought and paid for by the Democratic Party.

Democrats are nothing more than ghetto slum lords, they love economic slavery.
Queasy should write for the Comedy Channel..........This nitwit cites the Daily Caller for his "education"

So, who are those folks writing their "opinions" at the Daily Caller?

The Atlantic identified former Daily Caller editor Scott Greer as the author of numerous posts on Richard Spencer’s white supremacist website. Then, the Columbia Journalism Review revealed that the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer website praised Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson, who, according to the neo-Nazis, “is basically ‘Daily Stormer: The Show.'” To top it off, Right Wing Watch reported .... that former Daily Caller contributor Ian Miles Cheong had appeared on a so-called “alt-right” podcast just two months ago.

Why do all these Daily Caller reporters keep appearing on Russian propaganda channels?
Writers with histories of white supremacy aren't the only issues plaguing the outlet.

Why do all these Daily Caller reporters keep appearing on Russian propaganda channels?
And Paris Dennard?

A guy fired from his previous job for sexual harassment?

Guess a guy has to make a living...even if it is kissing up to the Orange Moron
What triggers a snowflake / Democrats almost faster than anything?

Pointing out the fact that President Trump has been and continues to be a Champion of Black People, that he has done more for Blacks in 2 years than the 1st Black President did for them in 8 years!


OPINION: President Trump Has Been A Champion For Black Americans

“What the hell do you have to lose?” then-candidate Donald J. Trump asked the black community during his 2016 campaign. Despite what many pundits and pollsters predicted, Trump ended up receiving 8 percent of the black vote, which was notably higher than what John McCain and Mitt Romney received.

Trump boldly proclaimed at his inauguration, “The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.” He singled out “mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities” and “rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation.” Clearly, he meant every word.

Fast forward to 2018 and we can see President Trump turning campaign rhetoric into federal policy for the betterment of all Americans, especially those in fragile communities and black Americans. His “jobs and justice” agenda has focused on criminal justice reform, Opportunity Zones, and tremendous rule changes at the Department of Labor that will make positive impacts in the lives of minority small business owners and those with 401ks.

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott said it best at the Opportunity and Revitalization Council Executive Order signing when he told President Trump “without out any question without out your leadership our Senate would not have made the decision to take it up in 2018 so when it passes the credit starts at the White House & starts with President Donald J. Trump.” Because that is true. When the senator raised the plan to include this in his historic tax cut package, the president was fully on board and championed its inclusion and implementation. Opportunity Zones are designed to be a catalyst for investment in fragile communities by incentivizing about $100B in investments in the 8,700 designated zones across the country.

The black community actually has a lot to gain from the president’s jobs and justice agenda. In just over two years, President Trump has shown himself to be committed to making bold changes that are overwhelmingly good for people of color. Democrats sitting on the sidelines, tearing down every Trump supporter and administration staffer, threatening impeachment and baseless investigations do not do anything to bring the country together or solve our problems.

We saw the president’s labor secretary put forth two rule changes that are major victories for minorities. Associates Health Plans that open up more opportunities for millions of small business owners to access affordable health care options, previously not afforded to them under Obamacare. Additionally, with the support of people like BET Founder Robert L. Johnson, the Labor Department’s Auto portability rule change for 401ks allowing Americans, especially minorities the ability to preserve their retirement savings when they change jobs, preventing people from having to cash out and face harsh financial penalties.

We also saw the president move the White House initiative on HBCUs to the White House, and refuse to cut Historically Black College and University (HBCU) support in his budget. The Minority Business Development Agency recently announced $2M in awards to HBCUs this year. The Trump administration is on track to become the greatest champion for HBCUs with its continued support and budgetary increases with the help of the 115th GOP controlled Congress. President Trump is leading to make HBCUs a national priority."

"Donald J. Trump’s actions as president prove we should no longer ask what we have to lose, but instead ask, what more do we want to gain?"
Howbout some data from Bureau of Labor Statistics

Why does he keep comparing everything to Obama? Polls better than Obama, jobs better than Obama, Crowds bigger than Obama, etc...

Maybe he should compare the number of his scandals to Obama's

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