Trump Closed Borders to Stop Covid19 Spread, Biden Wants to Open Borders up WIDE


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
So who do you want for President? A pragmatic President doing anything that can work, or a brain damage Joey Biden, the Wokletard tool for destroying the USA?

Hundreds of Chinese migrants detained at US border amid coronavirus-tied travel ban

Border Patrol agents have detained 333 Chinese nationals attempting to enter the United States illegally, according to Department of Homeland Security data obtained by Fox News.

While none have tested positive for the virus, the southern border remains a primary focus of the Trump administration, which sees the area as high risk and a gateway for COVID-19 to spread in the U.S.

"We have a unique public health threat posed by individuals arriving unlawfully at the border, where migrants, law enforcement officials, frontline personnel, and the American public are put at risk," said a DHS official who asked to remain anonymous​

Meanwhile, Europe continues its slide into chaos due to open border policies. Their Universal Health Care System is going to send their governments into bankruptcy if they dont take major action to save it as COVID19 cases overwhelm their system.

Angela Merkel warns 70 percent of Germany could get coronavirus

German Chancellor Angela Merkel issued a stark warning Wednesday, citing expert estimates that up to 60 to 70 percent of the population could be infected by the coronavirus.

Speaking at a news conference in Berlin alongside Jens Spahn, German's health minister, Merkel said there was no known cure and the focus would be on slowing the spread of the virus.

“When the virus is out there, the population has no immunity and no therapy exists, then 60 to 70 percent of the population will be infected,” she said. The population of Germany is about 58 million people.​

Italy exceeds 10,000 coronavirus cases as infections spike across European nations: ‘The new China is Europe’

As Italy surpassed more than 10,000 coronavirus cases on Wednesday, health officials described Europe as the new ground zero for the disease, with infections spiking in several nations on the European continent.

“Right now, the epicenter – the new China – is Europe,” said Robert Redfield, the head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


The hardest-hit of any country outside of China, where the outbreak began late last year, has been Italy. Authorities confirmed 631 deaths from the COVID-19 virus, and of those deaths, 168 were reported within a 24-hour period on Tuesday, the first day of a country-wide lockdown for its population of 62 million.​

But ORANGE MAN BAD is bungling our situation?

roflmao, these idiots are completely unaware of how stupid they look. Good.
Nothin' here saying Joe Biden would welcome in illegals. Quotes from him on inviting in illegals, please.
Nothin' here saying Joe Biden would welcome in illegals. Quotes from him on inviting in illegals, please.
Isnt giving illegals free health care if they come here not a welcome?
The OP is about letting them into the country. Let's focus on that, please. How we treat residents of this country is another matter.
No its not, lol.

If someone breaks into your home and you give them dinner and medical attention, then they are guests you forgot to let in, not robbers.
Nothin' here saying Joe Biden would welcome in illegals. Quotes from him on inviting in illegals, please.
Isnt giving illegals free health care if they come here not a welcome?
The OP is about letting them into the country. Let's focus on that, please. How we treat residents of this country is another matter.
No its not, lol.

If someone breaks into your home and you give them dinner and medical attention, then they are guests you forgot to let in, not robbers.
Your title is misleading and you know it.
Since you have no intention of discussing the topic YOU put up, I'll see you later.
Nothin' here saying Joe Biden would welcome in illegals. Quotes from him on inviting in illegals, please.
Isnt giving illegals free health care if they come here not a welcome?
The OP is about letting them into the country. Let's focus on that, please. How we treat residents of this country is another matter.
No its not, lol.

If someone breaks into your home and you give them dinner and medical attention, then they are guests you forgot to let in, not robbers.
Your title is misleading and you know it.
Since you have no intention of discussing the topic YOU put up, I'll see you later.

Jimmie just lies- a lot.
Your title is misleading and you know it.
Since you have no intention of discussing the topic YOU put up, I'll see you later.
I dont see the title as misleading in any way at all.

If I put a sign in front of my house that says 'Free food for all who enter' I migtht close my door, but the invitation remains.

Sorry you feel like I am being dishonest when we merely disagree.
The whole corona virus thing is an overblown hyperbolic exaggeration
So who do you want for President? A pragmatic President doing anything that can work, or a brain damage Joey Biden, the Wokletard tool for destroying the USA?

Hundreds of Chinese migrants detained at US border amid coronavirus-tied travel ban

Border Patrol agents have detained 333 Chinese nationals attempting to enter the United States illegally, according to Department of Homeland Security data obtained by Fox News.

While none have tested positive for the virus, the southern border remains a primary focus of the Trump administration, which sees the area as high risk and a gateway for COVID-19 to spread in the U.S.

"We have a unique public health threat posed by individuals arriving unlawfully at the border, where migrants, law enforcement officials, frontline personnel, and the American public are put at risk," said a DHS official who asked to remain anonymous​

Meanwhile, Europe continues its slide into chaos due to open border policies. Their Universal Health Care System is going to send their governments into bankruptcy if they dont take major action to save it as COVID19 cases overwhelm their system.

Angela Merkel warns 70 percent of Germany could get coronavirus

German Chancellor Angela Merkel issued a stark warning Wednesday, citing expert estimates that up to 60 to 70 percent of the population could be infected by the coronavirus.

Speaking at a news conference in Berlin alongside Jens Spahn, German's health minister, Merkel said there was no known cure and the focus would be on slowing the spread of the virus.

“When the virus is out there, the population has no immunity and no therapy exists, then 60 to 70 percent of the population will be infected,” she said. The population of Germany is about 58 million people.​

Italy exceeds 10,000 coronavirus cases as infections spike across European nations: ‘The new China is Europe’

As Italy surpassed more than 10,000 coronavirus cases on Wednesday, health officials described Europe as the new ground zero for the disease, with infections spiking in several nations on the European continent.

“Right now, the epicenter – the new China – is Europe,” said Robert Redfield, the head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


The hardest-hit of any country outside of China, where the outbreak began late last year, has been Italy. Authorities confirmed 631 deaths from the COVID-19 virus, and of those deaths, 168 were reported within a 24-hour period on Tuesday, the first day of a country-wide lockdown for its population of 62 million.​

But ORANGE MAN BAD is bungling our situation?

roflmao, these idiots are completely unaware of how stupid they look. Good.
Weren't you talking about voting for the guy not too long ago?
Your title is misleading and you know it.
Since you have no intention of discussing the topic YOU put up, I'll see you later.
I dont see the title as misleading in any way at all.

If I put a sign in front of my house that says 'Free food for all who enter' I migtht close my door, but the invitation remains.

Sorry you feel like I am being dishonest when we merely disagree.
Then you've made an apples-oranges comparison. You said Trump stopped people from coming over our BORDERS--not too hard since these were people legally coming through Customs. In order to make that a valid comparison with Biden, you need to show how Biden wants to allow illegals to come over the border without being stopped. No, Biden is not opening the borders. You say our social service policies attract illegals, which I don't think is as true as you think, but anyway, that does not equate with letting them walk over the border--which is what you are implying.
How can Trump seal the border without a wall??

How, huh?? Explain that smarty pants

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Then you've made an apples-oranges comparison. You said Trump stopped people from coming over our BORDERS--not too hard since these were people legally coming through Customs. In order to make that a valid comparison with Biden, you need to show how Biden wants to allow illegals to come over the border without being stopped. No, Biden is not opening the borders. You say our social service policies attract illegals, which I don't think is as true as you think, but anyway, that does not equate with letting them walk over the border--which is what you are implying.

Longish read, but, yes, Biden DOES want to throw open borders...

Joe Biden acknowledges 'pain' caused by Obama deportations as he unveils immigration plan
Then you've made an apples-oranges comparison. You said Trump stopped people from coming over our BORDERS--not too hard since these were people legally coming through Customs. In order to make that a valid comparison with Biden, you need to show how Biden wants to allow illegals to come over the border without being stopped. No, Biden is not opening the borders. You say our social service policies attract illegals, which I don't think is as true as you think, but anyway, that does not equate with letting them walk over the border--which is what you are implying.

Longish read, but, yes, Biden DOES want to throw open borders...

Joe Biden acknowledges 'pain' caused by Obama deportations as he unveils immigration plan
Predicting the outcome of his proposed policies for illegals already in this country is not the same as "throwing open the borders." Maybe you're right. I thought a pathway to citizenship for all non-criminal illegals in the country would be appropriate AFTER the Wall. Kind of like a trade. But at the same time, if a lot of economists are saying we NEED those people here, working, and as illegals they're not paying taxes, it would make sense to give them a SS # at least. A real one. Actually, people who bought a stolen SS# ought to get sent home.
Your title is misleading and you know it.
Since you have no intention of discussing the topic YOU put up, I'll see you later.
I dont see the title as misleading in any way at all.

If I put a sign in front of my house that says 'Free food for all who enter' I migtht close my door, but the invitation remains.

Sorry you feel like I am being dishonest when we merely disagree.
Then you've made an apples-oranges comparison. You said Trump stopped people from coming over our BORDERS--not too hard since these were people legally coming through Customs. In order to make that a valid comparison with Biden, you need to show how Biden wants to allow illegals to come over the border without being stopped. No, Biden is not opening the borders. You say our social service policies attract illegals, which I don't think is as true as you think, but anyway, that does not equate with letting them walk over the border--which is what you are implying.


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