trump Aides Believe the president Has No Hope of Reelection Without a COVID-19 Vaccine


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
trump Aides Believe the president Has No Hope of Reelection Without a COVID-19 Vaccine

The impeached president trump put unnecessary pressure on his reelection team with his stupidity in handling the novel coronavirus. He really needs to win the November election, or leave the country before the January 20th presidential inauguration. If he choose to run away, he must stay in countries that have no extradition agreement with the United States.

There will be many state and federal criminal charges awaiting the impeached president trump’s loss of his presidential immunity from prosecution. He is lucky however, Putin is more than tickled by the devastation the impeached president trump’s presidency brought to the Americans people, and the United States' loss of worldwide respect. These accomplishments are over and above anything expected by Putin and will make him eager to reward the impeached president trump’s service to Russia.

Putin’s computer experts learned much in 2016, and his alliance with Moscow Mitch guaranteed zero funding to prevent another electronic assault on the 2020 elections. Status Quo Joe might awaken November 3rd with a double digit lead, but with another electronic assist from Putin, the impeached president trump, Moscow Mitch, and his “reelected” GOP Senate majority could be celebrating big time on November 4th.

Trump aides believe the president has no hope of reelection without a COVID-19 vaccine, report says

trump Aides Believe the president Has No Hope of Reelection Without a COVID-19 Vaccine

The impeached president trump put unnecessary pressure on his reelection team with his stupidity in handling the novel coronavirus. He really needs to win the November election, or leave the country before the January 20th presidential inauguration. If he choose to run away, he must stay in countries that have no extradition agreement with the United States.

There will be many state and federal criminal charges awaiting the impeached president trump’s loss of his presidential immunity from prosecution. He is lucky however, Putin is more than tickled by the devastation the impeached president trump’s presidency brought to the Americans people, and the United States' loss of worldwide respect. These accomplishments are over and above anything expected by Putin and will make him eager to reward the impeached president trump’s service to Russia.

Putin’s computer experts learned much in 2016, and his alliance with Moscow Mitch guaranteed zero funding to prevent another electronic assault on the 2020 elections. Status Quo Joe might awaken November 3rd with a double digit lead, but with another electronic assist from Putin, the impeached president trump, Moscow Mitch, and his “reelected” GOP Senate majority could be celebrating big time on November 4th.

Trump aides believe the president has no hope of reelection without a COVID-19 vaccine, report says

See, the best way to trigger the extremists to revolt, is have them all absolutely convinced that Biden is a lock, and Trump has no chance.

Then, when he wins, oh boy.

It will trigger them even more than the night when HRC lost.

Then, finally, at last, the puppet masters will finally get these so called "anarchists" and extreme lefties to pick up some guns and learn how to shoot. . . .

. . . giving Trump all the excuse he has been itching for. . . . .

I can't believe how the propaganda has these folks playing right into their hands. . . .
trump Aides Believe the president Has No Hope of Reelection Without a COVID-19 Vaccine

The impeached president trump put unnecessary pressure on his reelection team with his stupidity in handling the novel coronavirus. He really needs to win the November election, or leave the country before the January 20th presidential inauguration. If he choose to run away, he must stay in countries that have no extradition agreement with the United States.

There will be many state and federal criminal charges awaiting the impeached president trump’s loss of his presidential immunity from prosecution. He is lucky however, Putin is more than tickled by the devastation the impeached president trump’s presidency brought to the Americans people, and the United States' loss of worldwide respect. These accomplishments are over and above anything expected by Putin and will make him eager to reward the impeached president trump’s service to Russia.

Putin’s computer experts learned much in 2016, and his alliance with Moscow Mitch guaranteed zero funding to prevent another electronic assault on the 2020 elections. Status Quo Joe might awaken November 3rd with a double digit lead, but with another electronic assist from Putin, the impeached president trump, Moscow Mitch, and his “reelected” GOP Senate majority could be celebrating big time on November 4th.

Trump aides believe the president has no hope of reelection without a COVID-19 vaccine, report says

From the POS article that never says WHO the aides are or how many? You're incredibly gullible and apparently DESPERATE to be searching out and posting crap like this...

"""Many aides believe that the timely arrival of a vaccine could make the difference between success and failure, the AP reported.""""

Let's see.. The dishwasher in the WH kitchen.. The Aide that picks up his screened mail.. The Aide that writes nice letters back to children who write the President.. MAYBE even the aide that trims the roses in the Rose Garden.. ANY THREE of those could have been overheard at a Washington bar saying that "Trump needed a vaccine to get re-elected".... :aargh::omg::aargh:
trump Aides Believe the president Has No Hope of Reelection Without a COVID-19 Vaccine

The impeached president trump put unnecessary pressure on his reelection team with his stupidity in handling the novel coronavirus. He really needs to win the November election, or leave the country before the January 20th presidential inauguration. If he choose to run away, he must stay in countries that have no extradition agreement with the United States.

There will be many state and federal criminal charges awaiting the impeached president trump’s loss of his presidential immunity from prosecution. He is lucky however, Putin is more than tickled by the devastation the impeached president trump’s presidency brought to the Americans people, and the United States' loss of worldwide respect. These accomplishments are over and above anything expected by Putin and will make him eager to reward the impeached president trump’s service to Russia.

Putin’s computer experts learned much in 2016, and his alliance with Moscow Mitch guaranteed zero funding to prevent another electronic assault on the 2020 elections. Status Quo Joe might awaken November 3rd with a double digit lead, but with another electronic assist from Putin, the impeached president trump, Moscow Mitch, and his “reelected” GOP Senate majority could be celebrating big time on November 4th.

Trump aides believe the president has no hope of reelection without a COVID-19 vaccine, report says.

It's defeatists like you who are a detriment to America. You only mimic the fake news media.
trump Aides Believe the president Has No Hope of Reelection Without a COVID-19 Vaccine

The impeached president trump put unnecessary pressure on his reelection team with his stupidity in handling the novel coronavirus. He really needs to win the November election, or leave the country before the January 20th presidential inauguration. If he choose to run away, he must stay in countries that have no extradition agreement with the United States.

There will be many state and federal criminal charges awaiting the impeached president trump’s loss of his presidential immunity from prosecution. He is lucky however, Putin is more than tickled by the devastation the impeached president trump’s presidency brought to the Americans people, and the United States' loss of worldwide respect. These accomplishments are over and above anything expected by Putin and will make him eager to reward the impeached president trump’s service to Russia.

Putin’s computer experts learned much in 2016, and his alliance with Moscow Mitch guaranteed zero funding to prevent another electronic assault on the 2020 elections. Status Quo Joe might awaken November 3rd with a double digit lead, but with another electronic assist from Putin, the impeached president trump, Moscow Mitch, and his “reelected” GOP Senate majority could be celebrating big time on November 4th.

Trump aides believe the president has no hope of reelection without a COVID-19 vaccine, report says

From the POS article that never says WHO the aides are or how many? You're incredibly gullible and apparently DESPERATE to be searching out and posting crap like this...

"""Many aides believe that the timely arrival of a vaccine could make the difference between success and failure, the AP reported.""""

Let's see.. The dishwasher in the WH kitchen.. The Aide that picks up his screened mail.. The Aide that writes nice letters back to children who write the President.. MAYBE even the aide that trims the roses in the Rose Garden.. ANY THREE of those could have been overheard at a Washington bar saying that "Trump needed a vaccine to get re-elected".... :aargh::omg::aargh:

Must be the Kitchen aide that's leaked this bit of Bovine Scat. Democrats shot their wad with impeach and then with the use of their terrorist groups rioting, destruction and insurrection in Blue cities. Does anyone believe the citizen will tolerate the Democrats use of insurrection? I don't think so...
LOL Anyone who knows how vaccine research works knows that there won't be a vaccine until 2021 at the earliest, so the OP is just more fake news.

And you can have my dose(s).
LOL Anyone who knows how vaccine research works knows that there won't be a vaccine until 2021 at the earliest, so the OP is just more fake news.

And you can have my dose(s).

"To be approved, the FDA said the candidates will have to prove they are safe and that they prevent infection or decrease its severity in at least 50% of the people vaccinated.
The FDA also said it could issue an emergency use authorization (EUA) for a COVID-19 vaccine, but that would be decided on a case-by-case basis after considering all the evidence on the vaccine's safety and effectiveness."

IMHO Trump will get the (EUA) out in September for anyone who wants the vaccine. There are several that look promising already.
LOL Anyone who knows how vaccine research works knows that there won't be a vaccine until 2021 at the earliest, so the OP is just more fake news.

And you can have my dose(s).

Yup. Takes quite a while to perfect any vaccine. Fake news is right. Oh and there are many idiots on this board who love FAKE NEWS. LOL
LOL Anyone who knows how vaccine research works knows that there won't be a vaccine until 2021 at the earliest, so the OP is just more fake news.

And you can have my dose(s).

Obviously you have not kept up to the sciences and advances in Medicine, Bio Chemistry and testing procedures..
Then explain the quick testing and implementation of Remdesivir while the HCQ cocktail still remains a good theraputic treatment.
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trump Aides Believe the president Has No Hope of Reelection Without a COVID-19 Vaccine

The impeached president trump put unnecessary pressure on his reelection team with his stupidity in handling the novel coronavirus. He really needs to win the November election, or leave the country before the January 20th presidential inauguration. If he choose to run away, he must stay in countries that have no extradition agreement with the United States.

There will be many state and federal criminal charges awaiting the impeached president trump’s loss of his presidential immunity from prosecution. He is lucky however, Putin is more than tickled by the devastation the impeached president trump’s presidency brought to the Americans people, and the United States' loss of worldwide respect. These accomplishments are over and above anything expected by Putin and will make him eager to reward the impeached president trump’s service to Russia.

Putin’s computer experts learned much in 2016, and his alliance with Moscow Mitch guaranteed zero funding to prevent another electronic assault on the 2020 elections. Status Quo Joe might awaken November 3rd with a double digit lead, but with another electronic assist from Putin, the impeached president trump, Moscow Mitch, and his “reelected” GOP Senate majority could be celebrating big time on November 4th.

Trump aides believe the president has no hope of reelection without a COVID-19 vaccine, report says

From the POS article that never says WHO the aides are or how many? You're incredibly gullible and apparently DESPERATE to be searching out and posting crap like this...

"""Many aides believe that the timely arrival of a vaccine could make the difference between success and failure, the AP reported.""""

Let's see.. The dishwasher in the WH kitchen.. The Aide that picks up his screened mail.. The Aide that writes nice letters back to children who write the President.. MAYBE even the aide that trims the roses in the Rose Garden.. ANY THREE of those could have been overheard at a Washington bar saying that "Trump needed a vaccine to get re-elected".... :aargh::omg::aargh:


The first thing I went to was their sources.....and all it said was "privately".

Well, "privately" we know Joe Biden is a transgender shithead.

That should be a headline.
trump Aides Believe the president Has No Hope of Reelection Without a COVID-19 Vaccine

The impeached president trump put unnecessary pressure on his reelection team with his stupidity in handling the novel coronavirus. He really needs to win the November election, or leave the country before the January 20th presidential inauguration. If he choose to run away, he must stay in countries that have no extradition agreement with the United States.

There will be many state and federal criminal charges awaiting the impeached president trump’s loss of his presidential immunity from prosecution. He is lucky however, Putin is more than tickled by the devastation the impeached president trump’s presidency brought to the Americans people, and the United States' loss of worldwide respect. These accomplishments are over and above anything expected by Putin and will make him eager to reward the impeached president trump’s service to Russia.

Putin’s computer experts learned much in 2016, and his alliance with Moscow Mitch guaranteed zero funding to prevent another electronic assault on the 2020 elections. Status Quo Joe might awaken November 3rd with a double digit lead, but with another electronic assist from Putin, the impeached president trump, Moscow Mitch, and his “reelected” GOP Senate majority could be celebrating big time on November 4th.

Trump aides believe the president has no hope of reelection without a COVID-19 vaccine, report says


Yes, another one of those secret articles with no real sources.

You've become a real master at bullshit.

Carrying the water for the rancid tomato you have sequestered in a basement somewhere.

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