Trump Trump afraid of Mueller?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Sounds now that President Con-Man is getting cold feet about being interviewed by the Special Prosecutor about Russia.

Why? Something to hide? Not smart enough to take on Mueller?

The Con Man sure was in favor of the sham Congressional investigation of Hillary over Benghazi. He even cheered her appearing before the "Select" Senate Committee for eleven plus hours. Could you imagine his reaction if she had refused to appear?

He seemed willing a few days ago to talk with Mueller. Guess his lawyers convinced him he just isn't smart enough to be questioned without compromising himself.
Sounds now that President Con-Man is getting cold feet about being interviewed by the Special Prosecutor about Russia.

Why? Something to hide? Not smart enough to take on Mueller?

The Con Man sure was in favor of the sham Congressional investigation of Hillary over Benghazi. He even cheered her appearing before the "Select" Senate Committee for eleven plus hours. Could you imagine his reaction if she had refused to appear?

He seemed willing a few days ago to talk with Mueller. Guess his lawyers convinced him he just isn't smart enough to be questioned without compromising himself.

Sounds now that President Con-Man is getting cold feet about being interviewed by the Special Prosecutor about Russia.

Why? Something to hide? Not smart enough to take on Mueller?

The Con Man sure was in favor of the sham Congressional investigation of Hillary over Benghazi. He even cheered her appearing before the "Select" Senate Committee for eleven plus hours. Could you imagine his reaction if she had refused to appear?

He seemed willing a few days ago to talk with Mueller. Guess his lawyers convinced him he just isn't smart enough to be questioned without compromising himself.

You're just another dolt hoping that Trump can get trapped into a corner and tricked into giving the Left ammunition to use against him to get him out of office and usurp a lawful election, picked as the next president by a vast preponderance of the states. Where were you when Hillary was running 101 cons over you or the ultimate con man (keep your doctor! Save $2500!) Obama?!

I thought so.
Sounds now that President Con-Man is getting cold feet about being interviewed by the Special Prosecutor about Russia.

Why? Something to hide? Not smart enough to take on Mueller?

The Con Man sure was in favor of the sham Congressional investigation of Hillary over Benghazi. He even cheered her appearing before the "Select" Senate Committee for eleven plus hours. Could you imagine his reaction if she had refused to appear?

He seemed willing a few days ago to talk with Mueller. Guess his lawyers convinced him he just isn't smart enough to be questioned without compromising himself.

You're just another dolt hoping that Trump can get trapped into a corner and tricked into giving the Left ammunition to use against him to get him out of office and usurp a lawful election, picked as the next president by a vast preponderance of the states. Where were you when Hillary was running 101 cons over you or the ultimate con man (keep your doctor! Save $2500!) Obama?!

I thought so.
Good points. Reminds me of all the B.S. Republicans tried to use against Hillary and President Obama. However, The Con Man is much more deserving.
Sounds now that President Con-Man is getting cold feet about being interviewed by the Special Prosecutor about Russia.

Why? Something to hide? Not smart enough to take on Mueller?

The Con Man sure was in favor of the sham Congressional investigation of Hillary over Benghazi. He even cheered her appearing before the "Select" Senate Committee for eleven plus hours. Could you imagine his reaction if she had refused to appear?

He seemed willing a few days ago to talk with Mueller. Guess his lawyers convinced him he just isn't smart enough to be questioned without compromising himself.

It is a question of being smart. Only a fool would willingly talk to federal agents. Would you advise someone in your family to do so? I think not.
Trump is afraid to testify. Trump is crying about FISA. Trump is refusing to allow oil & gas drilling or fracking near his properties.

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