Trump 'absolutely' looking at breaking up 9th Circuit

This gives me the vibes of a tyrant, and if he doesn't have the power to do this, it's yet another thing about government he's clueless about.
A "tyrant?" Step back and listen to yourself snowflake.

How is breaking up courts who rule against him not a LAN aspiring tyrant?
Population of Ninth too much. Needs to be divided and Utah, Montana, Idaho and other poor bastards that have suffered under this liberal, Marxist , districts tyranny.

He cannot do this. He doesn't have the power to do this and I'm not sure what is worse between his aspiring tyranny or his ignorance about the job he's nearing 100 days on.

Now, if those who do have the power to break it up, whether they want to and if they should, that's a separate debate, but once again Trump has no clue how something works.
This gives me the vibes of a tyrant, and if he doesn't have the power to do this, it's yet another thing about government he's clueless about.
A "tyrant?" Step back and listen to yourself snowflake.

How is breaking up courts who rule against him not a LAN aspiring tyrant?
Population of Ninth too much. Needs to be divided and Utah, Montana, Idaho and other poor bastards that have suffered under this liberal, Marxist , districts tyranny.

He cannot do this. He doesn't have the power to do this and I'm not sure what is worse between his aspiring tyranny or his ignorance about the job he's nearing 100 days on.

Now, if those who do have the power to break it up, whether they want to and if they should, that's a separate debate, but once again Trump has no clue how something works.
Who controls Congress again? What party is he from? This bullshit perpetrated by Democrats is over. Trump has his personal in and shit is going to start to change.
This gives me the vibes of a tyrant, and if he doesn't have the power to do this, it's yet another thing about government he's clueless about.
A "tyrant?" Step back and listen to yourself snowflake.

How is breaking up courts who rule against him not a LAN aspiring tyrant?
Population of Ninth too much. Needs to be divided and Utah, Montana, Idaho and other poor bastards that have suffered under this liberal, Marxist , districts tyranny.

He cannot do this. He doesn't have the power to do this and I'm not sure what is worse between his aspiring tyranny or his ignorance about the job he's nearing 100 days on.

Now, if those who do have the power to break it up, whether they want to and if they should, that's a separate debate, but once again Trump has no clue how something works.
Who controls Congress again? What party is he from? This bullshit perpetrated by Democrats is over. Trump has his personal in and shit is going to start to change.

Does Congress automatically just rubber stamp anything he wants? Party has nothing to do with it as he doesn't get everything he wants. Only Congress has such power. Trump doesn't.
This gives me the vibes of a tyrant, and if he doesn't have the power to do this, it's yet another thing about government he's clueless about.
A "tyrant?" Step back and listen to yourself snowflake.

How is breaking up courts who rule against him not a LAN aspiring tyrant?
Population of Ninth too much. Needs to be divided and Utah, Montana, Idaho and other poor bastards that have suffered under this liberal, Marxist , districts tyranny.

He cannot do this. He doesn't have the power to do this and I'm not sure what is worse between his aspiring tyranny or his ignorance about the job he's nearing 100 days on.

Now, if those who do have the power to break it up, whether they want to and if they should, that's a separate debate, but once again Trump has no clue how something works.
Who controls Congress again? What party is he from? This bullshit perpetrated by Democrats is over. Trump has his personal in and shit is going to start to change.
It will if he makes it. Get the repubs in line and we can make great strides.
This needed to happen years ago, mainly because the 9th Circuit has case load roughly 30% higher than the other circuit courts due to the population boom here in the west the last several decades.

Exclusive interview: Trump 'absolutely' looking at breaking up 9th Circuit

Conservatives better take note, you think all this stuff happens in a vacuum. It doesn't. You cheer when your dear leader (I'm not sure if the author of the OP is a drumpf supporter) tears down some thing you think is 'librul'. There will come a moment of payback, when the Democrats once again control the government. Do you really think they will forget any of this? Drumpf is setting precedent for the amount of revenge a party takes when they get power back. Don't kid yourselves, you are getting some temporary instant gratification but as it always does the time for the reverse will arrive as well. So I say to drumpf and the Republicans get to it. Go full out with your scorched Earth policies. The bloodletting that will take place for all the things conservatives hold dear will unleash a cry of pain and misery from cons the likes of which hasn't been heard before. States, which currently are being told they have no power or rights under the US Constitution, will be seperated by red and blue, as drumpf is, and the red states defunded entirely just for the hell of it.

This is the world you are creating that your children will have to suffer in. Conservatives love to sucker punch people so get it all out cons. The journey just down the road is not going to be pleasant by any stretch of the imagination.
So kinda like what we told you would happen when your favorite snuggle bunny Reid used the nuclear option. Only now you are thinking this is a problem. Interesting.

My favorite snuggle bunny is Drew Barrymore but you like who you like so go with that Kaitlyn.

And all cons know once the Democrats gain power again the limits will be gone thanks to drumpf. He's ending for good any and all thought of bipartisanship and compromise. They will burn all things conservative to the ground. You know this and it's why I say have fun while you can. Do your worst. Because the worst is coming.
Bipartisanship has been gone for a long time. Democrats will burn all things republican to the ground. Republicans will burn all things Democrat to the ground. The election of Donald Trump was republicans telling democrats that they can take their bipartisanship and shove it up one another's assholes.

It's over. The United States will never again be a united country. The future is a bloody civil war and brand new borders when it's over. Please don't think the military will help you. The military is divided worse than civilians are. Those grunts, you know they would love to get ahold of the ones who made them march in red high heels.

You are right. The worst is coming. Burn it down. Burn it all down.
OK then, let's also break up the 5th Circuit Court, probably the most conservative of the circuit courts.

Fair enough? However you RWnuts want to fuck over the 9th circuit, let the libs fuck over the 5th circuit in exactly the same manner,

and we'll call it fair and balanced.

...oh RW'er likes that plan!!!!
Conservatives, at times, have made the Court larger or small depending on their needs.
This gives me the vibes of a tyrant, and if he doesn't have the power to do this, it's yet another thing about government he's clueless about.
A "tyrant?" Step back and listen to yourself snowflake.

How is breaking up courts who rule against him not a LAN aspiring tyrant?
Population of Ninth too much. Needs to be divided and Utah, Montana, Idaho and other poor bastards that have suffered under this liberal, Marxist , districts tyranny.

He cannot do this. He doesn't have the power to do this and I'm not sure what is worse between his aspiring tyranny or his ignorance about the job he's nearing 100 days on.

Now, if those who do have the power to break it up, whether they want to and if they should, that's a separate debate, but once again Trump has no clue how something works.
Of course he does. Not that splitting the court was his idea. Jeff Sessions and John McCain started the ball rolling but other senators jumped on the idea of peeling six states off the 9th.

It's been propsed many times. Now, guess what, there's a president that agrees.

Is it a pattern? States wanting to exercise their rights is TYRANNY! At least according to democrats.

Under New Bill, Federal Appellate Court Based in California Could Be Split Up

Boo hoo.
OK then, let's also break up the 5th Circuit Court, probably the most conservative of the circuit courts.

Fair enough? However you RWnuts want to fuck over the 9th circuit, let the libs fuck over the 5th circuit in exactly the same manner,

and we'll call it fair and balanced.

...oh RW'er likes that plan!!!!
Exactly the same manner.

Which states want to peel off from the 5th?
This gives me the vibes of a tyrant, and if he doesn't have the power to do this, it's yet another thing about government he's clueless about.
A "tyrant?" Step back and listen to yourself snowflake.

How is breaking up courts who rule against him not a LAN aspiring tyrant?
Population of Ninth too much. Needs to be divided and Utah, Montana, Idaho and other poor bastards that have suffered under this liberal, Marxist , districts tyranny.

He cannot do this. He doesn't have the power to do this and I'm not sure what is worse between his aspiring tyranny or his ignorance about the job he's nearing 100 days on.

Now, if those who do have the power to break it up, whether they want to and if they should, that's a separate debate, but once again Trump has no clue how something works.
Of course he does. Not that splitting the court was his idea. Jeff Sessions and John McCain started the ball rolling but other senators jumped on the idea of peeling six states off the 9th.

It's been propsed many times. Now, guess what, there's a president that agrees.

Is it a pattern? States wanting to exercise their rights is TYRANNY! At least according to democrats.

Under New Bill, Federal Appellate Court Based in California Could Be Split Up

Boo hoo.
9th allows California coastal liberals to hold other western states hostage.
OK then, let's also break up the 5th Circuit Court, probably the most conservative of the circuit courts.

Fair enough? However you RWnuts want to fuck over the 9th circuit, let the libs fuck over the 5th circuit in exactly the same manner,

and we'll call it fair and balanced.

...oh RW'er likes that plan!!!!
Why would we? The fifth makes good rulings the ninth doesn't. Why would we trade anything?
He "looking at it". Which means nothing but it sure makes the rubes feel good that Trump is looking at so many things.
folks are upset that Trump criticizes judges? These judges are powerful, political & unaccountable. They should be criticized. Grow up
OK then, let's also break up the 5th Circuit Court, probably the most conservative of the circuit courts.

Fair enough? However you RWnuts want to fuck over the 9th circuit, let the libs fuck over the 5th circuit in exactly the same manner,

and we'll call it fair and balanced.

...oh RW'er likes that plan!!!!
Why would we? The fifth makes good rulings the ninth doesn't. Why would we trade anything?

I wouldn't expect partisan hacks to want to.
Fucking idiots

No, 9th Circuit isn't 'most overturned court in the country'

6th Circuit - 87 percent;

11th Circuit - 85 percent;

9th Circuit - 79 percent;

3rd Circuit - 78 percent;

2nd Circuit and Federal Circuit - 68 percent;

8th Circuit - 67 percent;

5th Circuit - 66 percent;

7th Circuit - 48 percent;

DC Circuit - 45 percent;

1st Circuit and 4th Circuit - 43 percent;

10th Circuit - 42 percent.
So remove them all. Agree.
OK then, let's also break up the 5th Circuit Court, probably the most conservative of the circuit courts.

Fair enough? However you RWnuts want to fuck over the 9th circuit, let the libs fuck over the 5th circuit in exactly the same manner,

and we'll call it fair and balanced.

...oh RW'er likes that plan!!!!
Why would we? The fifth makes good rulings the ninth doesn't. Why would we trade anything?
The 5th was split in 1981. No one cared. This is just something democrats can use to run around with their dicks in their hands screaming "a Republican wants to steal my dick!"
Trump, go big or go home. Grab the establishment Republicans by their toes and drag them as if they were overbooked on a United flight. MAGA

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