Traditional boiled dinner: Corned beef and cabbage


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
I cooked it all day in the crockpot...

...and it was the most fucking disgusting thing that I have ever eaten.

Why was it so bad? Did you put sugar in it or something?? :) I love that meal that I never
Why was it so bad? Did you put sugar in it or something?? :) I love that meal that I never

I think the biggest problem is that my wife bought a pre-packaged hunk of brisket (rather than going to the butcher) and it was riddled with gristle.

It was basically one big glob of fat.
Why was it so bad? Did you put sugar in it or something?? :) I love that meal that I never

I think the biggest problem is that my wife bought a pre-packaged hunk of brisket (rather than going to the butcher) and it was riddled with gristle.

It was basically one big glob of fat.

Yep, that would do it. No amount of horseradish could even disquise that texture and taste. :eek:
Phlet!! Gag! Yuke! Pllhert!

I don't know how anyone can eat this. I have never had someone cook this so it's edible.
You don't want to cook that cabbage all day. You just put it in at the end.
I cooked it all day in the crockpot...

...and it was the most fucking disgusting thing that I have ever eaten.


I like corned beef and swiss on rye with mustard. Other than that I do not care for corned beef

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