Tom Brokaw: Socialist Worth $70M...


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2013
This morning's comedy routine on Meet the Depressed was good ol Uncle Tom Brokaw. Tom has been brought aboard to help this floundering joke of a news program and it didn't take him long to show why he's got a seat there. While droning on about something or other, Tom revealed he rarely if ever agrees with Bill O'Reilly. As if Billo is some kind of mouthpiece for the despised GOP, when in fact, he takes as many shots at them as he does at Barry Hussein.


And to think after 42 years of impersonating an objective newsman, it's now quite clear he's never been one, doesn't profess to be one, and wouldn't know how to be one. You don't get a net worth of $70M without having some capitalist pig friends giving you stock tips and paying you crazy fees to have little chats with their board members. So there it is once again.....a man who ridicules the very people who've made him rich to make himself a bundle.

One can only imagine how thankful ol elbow-twitching, pubic hair goateed Chucky must be to have a man of such shallow magnitude sitting to his right on Sunday mornings. :rolleyes-41:

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