To be an AGW denier is to be paranoid

jc, nobody likes a sea lion. "Sealioning" refers to a person with zero understanding of the basics who keeps demanding that every single detail be explained to them, and then has a hissy fit when people don't bother. You've got the internet at your finger tips. Start finding things yourself.

AGWCult: Global cooling to global warming to "Climate change"; no theories, no lab work; first they tell you they need a hot spot, then when there's no hot spot, it's a cold spot; hide the decline; there's a Pause, then there's no Pause; and all they while they scream at the top of their lungs -- "The science is settled"
jc, nobody likes a sea lion. "Sealioning" refers to a person with zero understanding of the basics who keeps demanding that every single detail be explained to them, and then has a hissy fit when people don't bother. You've got the internet at your finger tips. Start finding things yourself.

Now I see, you don't have information, you're just a spectator . I haven't waivered one bit. I have been consistent on my position and you can't seem to do the same. You sir/ma'am are the one that said there's a hotspot just show it.
AGWCult: Global cooling to global warming to "Climate change"; no theories, no lab work; first they tell you they need a hot spot, then when there's no hot spot, it's a cold spot; hide the decline; there's a Pause, then there's no Pause; and all they while they scream at the top of their lungs -- "The science is settled"

No kidding it always feels like talking to 3rd graders who think science knows everything their is a need to know.

God Damn only 150 years ago we were still riding around on horse back reading books by the candle light for entertainment .

AGWCult: Global cooling to global warming to "Climate change"; no theories, no lab work; first they tell you they need a hot spot, then when there's no hot spot, it's a cold spot; hide the decline; there's a Pause, then there's no Pause; and all they while they scream at the top of their lungs -- "The science is settled"

No kidding it always feels like talking to 3rd graders who think science knows everything their is a need to know.

God Damn only 150 years ago we were still riding around on horse back reading books by the candle light for entertainment .

Have you ever noticed they are afraid to show temperatures.
AGWCult: Global cooling to global warming to "Climate change"; no theories, no lab work; first they tell you they need a hot spot, then when there's no hot spot, it's a cold spot; hide the decline; there's a Pause, then there's no Pause; and all they while they scream at the top of their lungs -- "The science is settled"

No kidding it always feels like talking to 3rd graders who think science knows everything their is a need to know.

God Damn only 150 years ago we were still riding around on horse back reading books by the candle light for entertainment .

Have you ever noticed they are afraid to show temperatures.

I know because they would be laughed at.

And, once more, a few cult losers have become dead set on proving the thread premise, which is that most deniers are bitter paranoid cranks.

Oh well. At least the thread is on topic again.
And, once more, a few cult losers have become dead set on proving the thread premise, which is that most deniers are bitter paranoid cranks.

Oh well. At least the thread is on topic again.
Paranoid? Where? It seems sir/ma'am it is you paranoid as stated before. Your inability to scramble is your problem not mine. When your only retort is to call me something is my evidence it is indeed you who is!

Also, you fear warm air and panic daily. You should look up the definition of the paranoid you live with.

Five feet of ice melts and you scream flood and deaths, extreme weather and death. Me I sun bath and swim, you should look up the definition.
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And, once more, a few cult losers have become dead set on proving the thread premise, which is that most deniers are bitter paranoid cranks.

Oh well. At least the thread is on topic again.

Paranoid ????

We are not the ones driving around in death traps like this.

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Dodge much? Oh wait a minute...I am talking to crick...all dodge all the time.

You didn't really think your cherrypicking of old studies fooled anyone, or was worth addressing, did you? After all, satellites and balloons both agree that the tropospheric hotspot is there, which leaves you flailing and raging and desperately searching for more old cherrypicks.

Idiot is only in the older studies that the hot spot is predicted...when it became clear that the hypothesis was wrong and the hot spot was never going to appear, in the interest of preserving the pseudoscience, the prediction was dropped....such is the nature of climate pseudoscience. Prediction after prediction....failure after failure...and then to preserve the pseudoscience, claim the predictions were never made...and aside from that...are you claiming that referencing the IPCC's own Synthesis and Assessment Report now constitutes cherrypicking? I am laughing in your stupid face old woman....
Do not validate his bullshit. The hotspot is NOT a requirement of GHG warming. Stratospheric cooling is.

Of course that it is clear that it is never going to appear....that is the nature of pseudoscience....make grand them not come to pass then claim that they were never made....problem is that the internet doesn't forget....take this little gem for example...


Note the blatant changes that have been made in the interest of "improving the accuracy" of the predictions made based on the now failed hypothesis...


Tell me crick...where do you see any rapid warming that is not the result of adjustments?

Climate meme debunked as the ‘tropospheric hot spot’ is found
Posted on 11 June 2015 by Guest Author

This is a re-post from The Conversation by Steve Sherwood, UNSW Australia

Before climate sceptics got excited about the “hiatus” or slowdown in global surface warming during the past 15 years or so, they were fond of discussing the “missing tropospheric hotspot” – the alleged lack of anticipated temperature increase in the tropical upper troposphere (roughly 5-15 km altitude).

Both the “hiatus” and the “missing hot spot” have been interesting research problems, because models seemed like they might be missing something important.

There have been significant advances on both problems in the past year. And the new results do not offer much hope that scientists are fundamentally mistaken about global warming.

The “hiatus” has been addressed by a veritable avalanche of recent studies, as reported in articles on The Conversation (such as here and here). These studies collectively show that the warming slowdown has been the temporary result of a regularly recurring change in ocean circulation – essentially, a bump in the road towards a warmer planet. The phenomenon has no evident link to global warming or the physical principles that connect it to greenhouse gases.

Hitting the spot
But what about the “missing hot spot”? In this case, part of the atmosphere has reportedly warmed little, in spite of predictions that it should warm significantly faster than the surface. This would seem highly relevant to the question of whether humans are causingclimate change, although in fact, the warming maximum should happen equally whether warming is natural or human-induced [(tropospheric hotspot is evidence of warming, not GHG warming specifically. Cooling in stratosphere is unique to an increase in GHG warming)]. Still, the seeming lack of such warming is an important puzzle for atmospheric scientists.

I wrote here in 2011 that recent (at the time) satellite studies were coming closer to showing the expected warming, but were still not all the way there. Some analyses of the data seemed to show it but were not completely convincing. Now, three newer papers make it look very much like the tropical atmosphere has indeed been warming as expected all along.

First, a 2013 paper [Revisiting the controversial issue of tropical tropospheric temperature trends - Mitchell - 2013 - Geophysical Research Letters - Wiley Online Library], featuring a new analysis of radiosonde (weather balloon) data showed increased warming in the upper troposphere. This analysis, which used weather forecasts to help identify artificial changes in the balloon data (such as those due to undocumented changes to instruments), also came up with a reassuringly realistic pattern of warming compared with earlier efforts.

My colleague Nidhi Nishant and I have now analysed the radiosonde data yet again [], and we found a tropical warming profile even closer to that expected. The fastest warming was at an altitude of about 12 km, and averaged 0.25C per decade – much faster than at the surface (0.14C per decade).

This means that the troposphere is warming around 70-80% faster than the surface. So, far from being absent, this tropospheric warming is at least as strong as predicted by the average climate model, which predicted that the troposphere would heat 64% faster than the surface.

Moreover, our data show that the tropical troposphere has warmed at a more or less constant rate since widespread balloon launches began in 1958, which is a bit puzzling given the ocean-surface hiatus since 2000 or so.

More evidence
This result comes hot on the heels of a new University of Washington study [] which overcomes one of the key obstacles to obtaining an accurate satellite-based record of atmospheric warming. The problem is that temperatures vary during the day, and when a new satellite is launched (which happens every few years), it observes the Earth at an earlier time of day than the old one (since after launch, each satellite orbit begins to decay toward later times of day).

This means that over time, if you don’t know the daily cycle of temperature very accurately over the whole planet, you are going to get an errors in the long-term warming trend when you piece the different satellite records together. The University of Washington group has come up with a way of estimating this temperature cycle from the satellite data themselves while at the same time accounting for other effects such as calibration changes.

The result is that they now find mid-to-upper tropospheric warming that is just as strong as predicted by models, in line with both of the new radiosonde studies. The tropospherewas warming all along – it’s just that the warming is very hard to see when other things are happening to the instruments over time.

One remaining puzzle is that the radiosonde data do not show a “hiatus” in atmospheric warming, but the satellite data do. Another is that the surface warming rate over oceans has been somewhat weaker than predicted by most climate models, even going back well before the “hiatus.”

This could be due to the models being too sensitive, but would be more easily explained by the existence of some influence on climate that has up until now been partly offsetting the greenhouse effect, and has not been properly accounted for. Thus climate scientists still have important puzzles to solve — but it looks like the “missing hot spot” has finally been found.

Steve Sherwood is Director, Climate Change Research Centre at UNSW Australia.

This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article[Climate meme debunked as the 'tropospheric hot spot' is found].

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