Timeline of Evil: Destructive China-5G-Wuhan-NWO-Cellphone- Deep State US Election Cheating Connections Revealed


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Timeline of Evil:​

Destructive China-5G-Wuhan-NWO-Cellphone-​

Deep State US Election Cheating Connections Revealed​

Do you remember…
  • 5G technology first began in Wuhan, China?
  • COVID-19 began in Wuhan, China?
  • Over 230 foreign Fortune 500 companies have offices in Wuhan and do business there? At least 80 foreign countries fund companies in the city?
  • Joe Biden, who gets his orders from Barack Obama, Susan Rice and Deep State leadership, in 2021, gave up the U.S. air base and $85 billion in military assets in Afghanistan–and much of this went to China?
  • Russia confirmed what others globally have been exposing: that the war in money-laundering Ukraine is backlash for the Deep State’s creation and usage of COVID-19?
  • A collapsed 12-story condominium in Surfside, Florida and the bombing of AT&T’s building in downtown Nashville?
  • The murder of the boyfriend of Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s daughter?
Attorney Sidney Powell came out to reveal that Harrison Deal’s death was a murder in an attempt to put Kemp into submission.
“What we are dealing with here is pervasive and very very dark,” Powell said. “Pure evil. They are willing to kill people. Kelly Loeffler’s aid was suddenly blown up in his car on the way to a rally.. He happened to be dating Governor Kemp’s daughter. Governor Kemp was considering an audit…”
  • That not long after the stolen 2020 Election, Powell revealed that two men, Lord Malloch-Brown (chairman of the board) and Sir Nigel Knowles were the primary leaders of SGO Smartmatic?
  • Malloch-Brown is a close associate of George Soros and his Open Society Foundation, Quantum Fund, Soros Financial Management, and was a Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations?
  • Recall SGO Smartmatic controls all election systems, including Dominion, worldwide – the various company names (Smartmatic, Hart InterCivic, Sequoia, Premier, Diebold, ES&S) are basically an intended shell game? The bottom line: they all have common Optech software?
See also: Destructive China-5G-Wuhan-NWO-Cellphone- Deep State US Election Cheating Connections Revealed

All the evil people in the big corrupt system are being allowed to get away with all this for now, but thankfully not forever. They’re don’t realize they’re being called out.
The Chinese tried getting their foot in the door AFTER Verizon and AT&T already launched their networks that were developed with the help of Qualcomm.
It`s Shocking.... We no longer have an idea what and who we are really dealing with anymore.
The authors of the Black Book of Communism, a 900 page compendium of the evils committed by Marxists and Socialists against their own people, described those regimes as criminal regimes. That description fits our own now criminal regime.

Timeline of Evil:​

Destructive China-5G-Wuhan-NWO-Cellphone-​

Deep State US Election Cheating Connections Revealed​

Do you remember…
  • 5G technology first began in Wuhan, China?
  • COVID-19 began in Wuhan, China?
  • Over 230 foreign Fortune 500 companies have offices in Wuhan and do business there? At least 80 foreign countries fund companies in the city?
  • Joe Biden, who gets his orders from Barack Obama, Susan Rice and Deep State leadership, in 2021, gave up the U.S. air base and $85 billion in military assets in Afghanistan–and much of this went to China?
  • Russia confirmed what others globally have been exposing: that the war in money-laundering Ukraine is backlash for the Deep State’s creation and usage of COVID-19?
  • A collapsed 12-story condominium in Surfside, Florida and the bombing of AT&T’s building in downtown Nashville?
  • The murder of the boyfriend of Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s daughter?
Attorney Sidney Powell came out to reveal that Harrison Deal’s death was a murder in an attempt to put Kemp into submission.
“What we are dealing with here is pervasive and very very dark,” Powell said. “Pure evil. They are willing to kill people. Kelly Loeffler’s aid was suddenly blown up in his car on the way to a rally.. He happened to be dating Governor Kemp’s daughter. Governor Kemp was considering an audit…”
  • That not long after the stolen 2020 Election, Powell revealed that two men, Lord Malloch-Brown (chairman of the board) and Sir Nigel Knowles were the primary leaders of SGO Smartmatic?
  • Malloch-Brown is a close associate of George Soros and his Open Society Foundation, Quantum Fund, Soros Financial Management, and was a Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations?
  • Recall SGO Smartmatic controls all election systems, including Dominion, worldwide – the various company names (Smartmatic, Hart InterCivic, Sequoia, Premier, Diebold, ES&S) are basically an intended shell game? The bottom line: they all have common Optech software?
See also: Destructive China-5G-Wuhan-NWO-Cellphone- Deep State US Election Cheating Connections Revealed

All the evil people in the big corrupt system are being allowed to get away with all this for now, but thankfully not forever. They’re don’t realize they’re being called out.
The Chinese tried getting their foot in the door AFTER Verizon and AT&T already launched their networks that were developed with the help of Qualcomm.
It`s Shocking.... We no longer have an idea what and who we are really dealing with anymore.
The authors of the Black Book of Communism, a 900 page compendium of the evils committed by Marxists and Socialists against their own people, described those regimes as criminal regimes. That description fits our own now criminal regime.
I thought it was Miss Scarlett in the foyer with the candlestick.

Timeline of Evil:​

Destructive China-5G-Wuhan-NWO-Cellphone-​

Deep State US Election Cheating Connections Revealed​

Do you remember…
  • 5G technology first began in Wuhan, China?
  • COVID-19 began in Wuhan, China?
  • Over 230 foreign Fortune 500 companies have offices in Wuhan and do business there? At least 80 foreign countries fund companies in the city?
  • Joe Biden, who gets his orders from Barack Obama, Susan Rice and Deep State leadership, in 2021, gave up the U.S. air base and $85 billion in military assets in Afghanistan–and much of this went to China?
  • Russia confirmed what others globally have been exposing: that the war in money-laundering Ukraine is backlash for the Deep State’s creation and usage of COVID-19?
  • A collapsed 12-story condominium in Surfside, Florida and the bombing of AT&T’s building in downtown Nashville?
  • The murder of the boyfriend of Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s daughter?
Attorney Sidney Powell came out to reveal that Harrison Deal’s death was a murder in an attempt to put Kemp into submission.
“What we are dealing with here is pervasive and very very dark,” Powell said. “Pure evil. They are willing to kill people. Kelly Loeffler’s aid was suddenly blown up in his car on the way to a rally.. He happened to be dating Governor Kemp’s daughter. Governor Kemp was considering an audit…”
  • That not long after the stolen 2020 Election, Powell revealed that two men, Lord Malloch-Brown (chairman of the board) and Sir Nigel Knowles were the primary leaders of SGO Smartmatic?
  • Malloch-Brown is a close associate of George Soros and his Open Society Foundation, Quantum Fund, Soros Financial Management, and was a Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations?
  • Recall SGO Smartmatic controls all election systems, including Dominion, worldwide – the various company names (Smartmatic, Hart InterCivic, Sequoia, Premier, Diebold, ES&S) are basically an intended shell game? The bottom line: they all have common Optech software?
See also: Destructive China-5G-Wuhan-NWO-Cellphone- Deep State US Election Cheating Connections Revealed

All the evil people in the big corrupt system are being allowed to get away with all this for now, but thankfully not forever. They’re don’t realize they’re being called out.
The Chinese tried getting their foot in the door AFTER Verizon and AT&T already launched their networks that were developed with the help of Qualcomm.
It`s Shocking.... We no longer have an idea what and who we are really dealing with anymore.
The authors of the Black Book of Communism, a 900 page compendium of the evils committed by Marxists and Socialists against their own people, described those regimes as criminal regimes. That description fits our own now criminal regime.
You should play this at the beginning of all your threads.
Beijing is going to be angry. Your ChinaMasters give you a script for a reason. They don't want you freelancing and adding in your own wacky conspiracies about 5G and stuff.

Ask your ChinaMasters for the official script, and don't deviate from it.
You should be telling the Congress that.

Timeline of Evil:​

Destructive China-5G-Wuhan-NWO-Cellphone-​

Deep State US Election Cheating Connections Revealed​

Do you remember…
  • 5G technology first began in Wuhan, China?
  • COVID-19 began in Wuhan, China?
  • Over 230 foreign Fortune 500 companies have offices in Wuhan and do business there? At least 80 foreign countries fund companies in the city?
  • Joe Biden, who gets his orders from Barack Obama, Susan Rice and Deep State leadership, in 2021, gave up the U.S. air base and $85 billion in military assets in Afghanistan–and much of this went to China?
  • Russia confirmed what others globally have been exposing: that the war in money-laundering Ukraine is backlash for the Deep State’s creation and usage of COVID-19?
  • A collapsed 12-story condominium in Surfside, Florida and the bombing of AT&T’s building in downtown Nashville?
  • The murder of the boyfriend of Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s daughter?
Attorney Sidney Powell came out to reveal that Harrison Deal’s death was a murder in an attempt to put Kemp into submission.
“What we are dealing with here is pervasive and very very dark,” Powell said. “Pure evil. They are willing to kill people. Kelly Loeffler’s aid was suddenly blown up in his car on the way to a rally.. He happened to be dating Governor Kemp’s daughter. Governor Kemp was considering an audit…”
  • That not long after the stolen 2020 Election, Powell revealed that two men, Lord Malloch-Brown (chairman of the board) and Sir Nigel Knowles were the primary leaders of SGO Smartmatic?
  • Malloch-Brown is a close associate of George Soros and his Open Society Foundation, Quantum Fund, Soros Financial Management, and was a Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations?
  • Recall SGO Smartmatic controls all election systems, including Dominion, worldwide – the various company names (Smartmatic, Hart InterCivic, Sequoia, Premier, Diebold, ES&S) are basically an intended shell game? The bottom line: they all have common Optech software?
See also: Destructive China-5G-Wuhan-NWO-Cellphone- Deep State US Election Cheating Connections Revealed

All the evil people in the big corrupt system are being allowed to get away with all this for now, but thankfully not forever. They’re don’t realize they’re being called out.
The Chinese tried getting their foot in the door AFTER Verizon and AT&T already launched their networks that were developed with the help of Qualcomm.
It`s Shocking.... We no longer have an idea what and who we are really dealing with anymore.
The authors of the Black Book of Communism, a 900 page compendium of the evils committed by Marxists and Socialists against their own people, described those regimes as criminal regimes. That description fits our own now criminal regime.
God complex, don't leave sanity without it!

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