Tiger Woods: I Really, Really Tried not to Give a Shit...

Tiger should have quit while he was ahead! I can't believe he had a press conference to tell the world about his wandering "D. He musta teleconferenced with Manitool and PaulieSmaulie!

Im surprised he didn't follow after the shit stain and use a teleprompter after all he was supposedly speaking from the heart.
Post of the year Dude. My thoughts exactly. 1/2 of the friggin sports page here is Tiger Woods. The cat made 60 mil last year on endorsements alone and he is crying? Golf is a game, not a sport. I hope Augusta National bans his ass for life. Sir Charles correctly calls him a whiny bitch.
The REAL prostitute in this circus IS Gloria Allred.
He's a young, fit, good looking guy with more money than the state of Texas who marries a blond bombshell because of her personality :eusa_eh: and he cheats??? and we're shocked???
Who Cares! Wen you're poor, you're a dog...when you're rich, you have a sexual addiction.

Whatever, just go back to playing golf Tiger....and fuck everything you can get your hands on, just like before..

Your wife knew it of course and so did everyone around you. Who cares....just play.
He's a young, fit, good looking guy with more money than the state of Texas who marries a blond bombshell because of her personality :eusa_eh: and he cheats??? and we're shocked???

It wasn't her personality, it was her job skills as a baby sitter. (She totally knew what he was doing.)
The cheating marginalizes not only Tiger but anyone who does it, in my opinion. However, please do not accord the mistresses victim status. They don't dererve any more pity than TW. And a fact about how our world works ~ Tiger will talk no more about this, period; he will finish 1st 2nd or 3rd in the next tournament in which he plays, which will be a grand slam; and his endorsers will come back. It is the American way.
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Post of the year Dude. My thoughts exactly. 1/2 of the friggin sports page here is Tiger Woods. The cat made 60 mil last year on endorsements alone and he is crying? Golf is a game, not a sport. I hope Augusta National bans his ass for life. Sir Charles correctly calls him a whiny bitch.
The REAL prostitute in this circus IS Gloria Allred.

Is baseball a sport? What makes a game a sport? Does it have to do with needing muscle more than a brain to play it? I find it pretty funny when couch lumps, guzzling beer, watching football, make fun of golf for just being a game. They couldn't walk 18 holes if they had to much less play with the precision needed on tournament courses.

Funny how the best of other sports can't get enough golf when they retire. I have heard people like Michael Jordan say that they felt more pressure over a 3 foot putt for 100 bucks than any time in their career. Golf is like being at the free throw line on every shot, no team to help back you up, all eyes on you, no one to blame but yourself. Scott Hoch missed a 2 foot putt to win the 1989 Masters, he will live with that the rest of his life, no matter how much money he makes.

Oh, by the way........

Sport | Definition of Sport at Dictionary.com:
1. an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, ...
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The "E" channel had one of tiger's girls watch as tiger gave his apology. She was dabbing tears.

The media is so fucking evil.
...until career überbitch looyah, Gloria Allred, came onto the scene to cry crocodile tears for one of his strumpets, who is a FRIGGIN' PORN "ACTRESS"!

"Yeah, baby, I'm cheating on my wife......But you're the only sleazy, low-rent trollop for me!"

SHEEEEEEEESH! :rolleyes:

Yeah, I knew when I watched his press conference that the trollops were going to come out of the woodwork crying because he "didn't apologize to them".


The man is trying to save his marriage. He's going to publicly apologize to all the 'ho's he screwed around with and rub salt AND bourbon into Elin's painful wound?

I don't fucking think so. Its not like these bitches didn't know the man was married. Good gawd almighty. Give me a fuckin' break.
Any man who disrespects his own children in that fashion is a piece of shit, Woods included. Frankly I see no reason to see this in the news, let alone a top story. His remorse was heartwarming! lol

His children will forever be known as the brats of a whore hopper. They might live in luxury but they will be forever mocked and made the butt of jokes. Woods legacy to them!

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...until career überbitch looyah, Gloria Allred, came onto the scene to cry crocodile tears for one of his strumpets, who is a FRIGGIN' PORN "ACTRESS"!

"Yeah, baby, I'm cheating on my wife......But you're the only sleazy, low-rent trollop for me!"

SHEEEEEEEESH! :rolleyes:

Gloria Allred and her ilk are like ambulance chasers

hypocrisy and greed knows no bounds.
Who are we to judge? We are all sinners and he is just like us. I wonder how many other golfers have played around on their wives and just have not gotten caught? I wonder how many wives of golfers are playing around too? How do we know that his wife wasn't playing around on him?
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...until career überbitch looyah, Gloria Allred, came onto the scene to cry crocodile tears for one of his strumpets, who is a FRIGGIN' PORN "ACTRESS"!

"Yeah, baby, I'm cheating on my wife......But you're the only sleazy, low-rent trollop for me!"

SHEEEEEEEESH! :rolleyes:

Good laught and of course, you are right. Loved the "thought I was the only one, besides his wife".

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