Three Israeli soldiers injured south of Bethlehem

No. That's YOUR story of how it happened, I'm used to hearing Muslims distort the history of Israel.

No, it's historical fact.
Historians all agree, there was a small Jewish population in that area, but mass immigration increased the numbers.
I'm not denying the mass immigration Fred. I am aware of the mass Jewish immigration.

The cause of all the present day violence.
Had these illegals not entered the country, there would be no Israel, so no problem.
No. That's YOUR story of how it happened, I'm used to hearing Muslims distort the history of Israel.

No, it's historical fact.
Historians all agree, there was a small Jewish population in that area, but mass immigration increased the numbers.
I'm not denying the mass immigration Fred. I am aware of the mass Jewish immigration.

The cause of all the present day violence.
Had these illegals not entered the country, there would be no Israel, so no problem.

Too bad. Most of them were invited by the British. The initial immigration didn't come out of nowhere.

It's more like, had the Arabs not constantly attacked Jews, there would be no problem. But as I've documented many times, the Arabs were constantly attacking them until they just got fed up and so they created their own militia groups .
The root of the Palestinian problem starts there. It continues in 1948 when 5 Arab states (including Israel) attacked Israel.
Too bad. Most of them were invited by the British.

The British returned as many as they could, commonly by force.
If you intend to lie, try not to make it so obvious.

This week in history Jewish refugees deported back to Germany

the deportation of illegal Jewish refugees back to Europe from British Mandate Palestine in 1947,

Again, historical fact, not really any good for propaganda and other lies, as even Israli Jewish newspapers print the truth.
Too bad. Most of them were invited by the British.

The British returned as many as they could, commonly by force.
If you intend to lie, try not to make it so obvious.

This week in history Jewish refugees deported back to Germany

the deportation of illegal Jewish refugees back to Europe from British Mandate Palestine in 1947,

Again, historical fact, not really any good for propaganda and other lies, as even Israli Jewish newspapers print the truth.

Are you actually trying to tell me that no European Jews were invited by the British ?

The Jews of Israel consist of...

1. those who have been there for centuries - a few of whom can say for millennia.

2. those who arrived during the 19th and early 20th centuries - including many refugees from Czarist Russia

3. those who fled Nazi Germany prior to WWII, and those who fled Nazi-occupied Europe, when and while they still could

4.those who survived the Holocaust, after WWII - a large burst of immigration

5. those who made their 'return' after the establishment of the State of Israel

Many of them have little or no claim to the Holy Land, based upon genetic descendancy

All of them have strong claim to the Holy Land, spiritually, as the cradle of Judaism.

They are now in control of the Holy Land, and will be, for centuries or longer to come.

Let it go - give it to them - they already have it, and they're going to keep it anyway. Save us all years of pointless violence trying to overturn that.

Pay off the Palestinians, relocate their sorry asses, and be done with it.

Christianity and Islam both have multiple cities and nations and regions that they can call their own - their home bases - spiritually and otherwise.

Judaism had its home base stolen from it centuries ago - and now they're back - leave it at that.

Given that both Christianity and Islam are offshoots of Judaism - their Spiritual Mothership - both Christianity and Islam should be content, and rejoice, that Judaism has recovered its home base as well.

If it were not for the damned Islamic injunction that Muslims must come to the defense of other Muslims - sticking their nose into other peoples' business and giving permission to make war in the name of God and The Faith - even most of the Islamic domains would be largely uninterested in developments on the soil of Old Palestine - a.k.a. Israel.

The Israelis have long-since won... time to acknowledge that fact, pay off the under-performing Palestinians, move them the hell out of the way, give them a boost of help as a fresh start, then enforce that state of affairs as permanent.

The Palestinians have been pissing into the wind for far too long now, and moaning and groaning into the ear of the rest of the world for far too long, as well.

Time for the UN to bitch-slap them upside the head, wake them up, pay them off, move them out, help them to begin new lives, then tell them to shut the phukk up - to be content with the fine set of Loser's Consolation Prizes that the world has arranged for them to walk away with.

Old legal understandings or status, and 'fair', have nothing to do with it.

It's time to acknowledge Reality and cut the Gordian Knot.
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